
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

27 tháng 7 2016

Life in the city is full of activity. Early in the morning hundreds of people rush out of their homes in the manner ants do when their nest is broken. Soon the streets are full of traffic. Shops and offices open, students flock to their schools and the day's work begins. The city now throb with activity, and it is full of noise. Hundreds of sight-seers, tourists and others visit many places of interest in the city while businessmen from various parts of the world arrive to transact business.
Then towards evening, the offices and day schools begin to close. Many of the shops too close. There is now a rush for buses and other means of transport. Everyone seems to be in a hurry to reach home. As a result of this rush, many accidents occur. One who has not been to the city before finds it hard to move about at this time. Soon, however, there is almost no activity in several parts of the city. These parts are usually the business centres.
With the coming of night, another kind of actịvity begins. The streets are now full of colorful lights. The air is cooler and life becomes more leisurely. People now seek entertainment. Many visit the cinemas, parks and clubs, while others remain indoors to watch television or listen to the radio. Some visit friends and relatives and some spend their time reading books and magazines. Those who are interested in politics discuss the latest political developments. At the same time, hundreds of crimes are committed. Thieves and robbers who wait for the coming of night become active, and misfortune descends upon many. For the greed of a few, many are killed, and some live in constant fear. To bring criminals to justice, the officers of the law are always on the move.
Workers and others who seek advancement in their careers attend educational institutions which are open till late in the night. Hundreds of them sit for various examinations every year. The facilities and opportunities that the people in the city have to further their studies and increase their knowledge of human affairs are indeed many. As a result, the people of the city are usually better informed than those of the village, where even a newspaper is sometimes difficult to get.
The city could, therefore, be described as a place of ceaseless activity. Here, the drama of life is enacted every day

Chúc bn học tốt

27 tháng 7 2016

The village has always been known to be a place of peace and quiet. The scattered houses among hundreds of plants and trees at once indicate the lack of activity in the village. 

The workers in the village leave their homes early in the morning to work in the plantations or towns nearby. Some have their own plantations, and some make certain articles in their homes to sell them in the towns. A few of the villagers, including women, go out to catch fish in the streams and rivers found in the village. Though the people of the village do not usually earn much, yet they seem to be contented. 

In the afternoon, most of the villagers are at home. Some of them take a nap after lunch; some work in their small gardens, and some visit the small shops in the village. In various parts of the village children may be seen playing the popular games of the village. Occasionally, a cyclist passes by. 

Then, in the evening, the villagers meet one another. Some play cards and other types of games peculiar to the village. Some talk about the day's incidents in the village, and those whose minds go beyond the village discuss world events. 

In almost every village there is a headman whose duty is to settle quarrels among the villagers and maintain peace in the village. Whenever there is a dispute, the villagers go to the headman who is held in such esteem that his word has the force or law. In this way the villagers have developed their own simple laws, and the crimes of cities are almost unknown to the people of the village. 

During a festival, the whole village is alive with activities. Everyone is in a happy mood and plays his part to make the festival a success. This is the time for the men, women and children of the village to wear their best clothes and the village is full of colour. These simple ways of life in the village, however, must soon change. Progress in science and education has already begun to affect the outlook of the people in the village, and hundreds are leaving the village to seek their fortunes in the towns and cities. 

Chúc bạn học tốt

All of the special holidays in my country, I Tet the most. Tet is an occasion to everyone get together in warm atmosphere. Before Tet holiday, Everyone prepares many things and decorates their house. I plant a lot of flowers in front of my house and buy many things such as clothes, foods ...

Besides, most of the streets also are decorated beautifully with colorful lights and flowers. During Tet, I spends more time on visiting my relatives, friends and colleagues. Especially, I give to each other the best wishes for the new year. Tet is an opportunity for children receive lucky money. There is a funny thing that people try to avoid argument or saying any bad things at Tet. I love Tet holiday!

24 tháng 12 2020

First, everybody has to do their share of the household chores. For example, my mother cooks meals everyday, my father mends things around the house in his free time, my elder sister washes clothes and I usually clean the house. Second, I and my sister have to prepare meals. I think so. Because, my mother cooks meals and we should help her. It is a service which we express deep gratitute to mom. And my father will be happy if the meals are ready on the table by the time he gets home. During the school year, I'm not allowed to watch TV or talk on the phone. My parents don't allow me to access the internet for amusement. In fact, I miss them, but I know my parents want me to concentrate on studying. It's good for me. Next, whenever problems come up, we must discuss them frankly and find solutions quickly, or before making an important decision. I had to be allowed by my parents.The most important rule is frankness. All members have to speak honestly so that we can believe in each other. All in all, family rules are necessary.

Nhớ đúng !

31 tháng 7 2018
1. Các bước viết bài viết tiếng Anh về cuộc sống ở nông thôn 1.1. Bước 1: Brainstorm ý tưởng

Cách brainstorm ý tưởng là bạn ghi chép lại những gì bạn nghĩ được về chủ đề này. Bạn cứ viết tự nhiên không nhất thiết phải theo trình tự nào cả.

Ví dụ: Viết về chủ đề thì bạn có thể ghi ra các cụm từ hometown, people, river, location, food…

Sau đó bạn hãy đọc lại những từ bạn vừa viết để xem ý tưởng nào có thể dùng cho bài viết mà hay nhất.

Brainstorm sẽ giúp bạn tận dụng hết những ý tưởng mình có thể nghĩ ra được. Nếu bạn chỉ nghĩ trong đầu mà không viết ra giấy, bạn sẽ thiếu sót rất nhiều ý tưởng hay và bài viết sẽ kém phần phong phú!

1.2. Bước 2: Xác định luận đề (thesis statement)

Đây là phần vô cùng quan trọng, giúp bài viết đi đúng hướng, mạch lạc và thống nhất. Luận đề được trình bày ở đoạn đầu tiên của bài. Các đoạn tiếp theo được dùng để minh chứng cho luận đề ấy. Ngoài ra, luận đề phải là một câu khẳng định hoàn chỉnh! Nó không thể là một cụm từ hoặc một câu hỏi.

1.3. Bước 3: Lập dàn ý (outline)

Từ luận đề mà bạn đã xác định ở trên, hãy bắt đầu lập dàn ý cho bài viết.

– Mở bài: gồm câu dẫn nhập, luận đề…

– Thân bài: gồm 2-3 đoạn văn, mỗi đoạn có 1 topic sentence (câu chủ đề) nhằm củng cố cho luận đề + một vài ví dụ chứng minh.

– Kết luận: nhắc lại luận đề và 2-3 ý chính bạn đã nêu ở thân bài + lời kết

Nếu có thể, hãy ước tính luôn số chữ bạn dự định viết cho mỗi phần để bài viết nhìn cân đối hơn.

1.4. Bước 4: Viết

Sau khi đã xác định luận đề và lập dàn ý thì bạn có thể dễ dàng viết thành một bài tiếng Anh hoàn chỉnh rồi đúng không? Hãy chọn những từ và cụm từ cẩn thận làm sao tạo cho bài viết sinh động và hấp dẫn người đọc. Phong cách viết tiếng Anh yêu cầu người viết phải trình bày rõ ý kiến và quan điểm riêng của mình.

1.5. Bước 5: Đọc lại bài luận

Đọc lại để kiểm tra, sửa lỗi bài viết và cảm nhận bài viết xem có chỗ nào chưa hay để thay đổi. Đặc biệt là chú ý đến phần mở đầu và phần kết luận:

– Câu mở đầu: Mở đầu phải thật ấn tượng để thu hút người đọc.

– Câu kết: Đoạn kết của bài luận phải thể hiện được thông điệp chính mà bạn muốn truyền tải qua bài luận. Bạn muốn người đọc ghi nhớ điều gì nhất sau khi đọc xong?

2. Bài viết tiếng Anh về cuộc sống ở nông thôn mẫu

2.1. Bài số 1

I like living in the countryside because of some reasons. Environmentally speaking, it is a peaceful place. The air is fresh. The space is quiet. We can enjoy healthy natural conditions without worrying much about environmental pollution.

As for social security, the countryside is a safer place than a city. While urban security situation is always complicated with all kinds of crimes, rural areas are much more secure because most of countrymen are friendly and ready to help one another.

Moreover, rural life is also easier that in cities. People in cities are easy to get stressed because of pollution, job pressures, competitions, etc ... On the contrary, those bad things are very rare in the countryside. To sum up, except income matters, the countryside is a better residence than cities.

=> Bài dịch:

Tôi thích sống ở các vùng nông thôn vì một số lý do. Nói với môi trường, đó là một nơi yên bình. Không khí trong lành. Không gian yên tĩnh. Chúng tôi có thể thưởng thức các điều kiện tự nhiên lành mạnh mà không cần lo lắng nhiều về ô nhiễm môi trường.

Đối với an ninh xã hội, nông thôn là một nơi an toàn hơn so với một thành phố. Trong khi tình hình an ninh đô thị luôn luôn phức tạp với tất cả các loại tội phạm, các khu vực nông thôn là an toàn hơn nhiều vì hầu hết những người đồng hương thân thiện và sẵn sàng giúp đỡ lẫn nhau.

Hơn nữa, cuộc sống nông thôn cũng là dễ dàng hơn mà ở các thành phố. Người dân ở các thành phố rất dễ bị căng thẳng vì ô nhiễm, áp lực công việc, cuộc thi, vv ... Ngược lại, những điều xấu là rất hiếm gặp ở các vùng nông thôn. Tóm lại, trừ những vấn đề thu nhập, nông thôn là một nơi cư trú tốt hơn so với các thành phố.

2.2. Bài số 2

The village has always been known to be a place of peace and quiet. The scattered houses among hundreds of plants and trees at once indicate the lack of activity in the village.

The workers in the village leave their homes early in the morning to work in the plantations or towns nearby. Some have their own plantations, and some make certain articles in their homes to sell them in the towns. A few of the villagers, including women, go out to catch fish in the streams and rivers found in the village. Though the people of the village do not usually earn much, yet they seem to be contented.

In the afternoon, most of the villagers are at home. Some of them take a nap after lunch; some work in their small gardens, and some visit the small shops in the village. In various parts of the village children may be seen playing the popular games of the village. Occasionally, a cyclist passes by.

Then, in the evening, the villagers meet one another. Some play cards and other types of games peculiar to the village. Some talk about the day's incidents in the village, and those whose minds go beyond the village discuss world events.

In almost every village there is a headman whose duty is to settle quarrels among the villagers and maintain peace in the village. Whenever there is a dispute, the villagers go to the headman who is held in such esteem that his word has the force or law. In this way the villagers have developed their own simple laws, and the crimes of cities are almost unknown to the people of the village.

During a festival, the whole village is alive with activities. Everyone is in a happy mood and plays his part to make the festival a success. This is the time for the men, women and children of the village to wear their best clothes and the village is full of colour. These simple ways of life in the village, however, must soon change. Progress in science and education has already begun to affect the outlook of the people in the village, and hundreds are leaving the village to seek their fortunes in the towns and cities.

31 tháng 7 2018

ây cái này giống văn nhỉ :v đậm chất văn học


Hanoi is a dreamy city has been infatuated human heart. Besides the noise and busyness, that is the poetic and peaceful beauty. From long time ago, Hanoi was famous for thirty-six streets… Each street is a village, has unique characteristics unique. In general, people here are very elegant, open-minded and friendly. They are very willing to give directions to tourists and even invite them home. Besides, they are also very hardworking people, always try their best in life. Most of their time they spend on working and raising their children. Coming to Hanoi, we can not ignore the tourist attractions such as Bat Trang pottery village, the Temple of Literature, President Ho Chi Minh mausoleum, one pillar pagoda, ... They are associated with the existence and development of Hanoi, also Vietnam. Here, we will be attracted by the special dishes such as Vong Rice, Trang Tien ice cream, Ho Tay shrimp cake ... They are very delicious and are special characteristic of Hanoi, not similar to anywhere. For me, Hanoi is a beautiful and poetic city. Hope that one day, I will meet the dream of a travel to Bat Trang pottery.

Ha Noi is the capital of the socialist republic of Viet Nam. The center of culture, politic, economy of the country. It’s the largest city in Việt Nam, it lies on the red River in the north center of Viet Nam. And it has a population about over 6 million people(as 2008) Ha Noi has become the capital of Việt Nam since 1010. Its name has changed several times. The capital was first called Thang Long, then Dong Do , Dong Kinh, and finally, it has been called Ha Noi since 1831. Ha Noi is situated in a tropical monsoon zone with two main seasons; dry season and wet season. The dry season last from October to April next year. It’s cold, cloudy and occasionally rainy. The wet season last from May to September. It’s hot and heavy rain, even storms. Ha Noi is exciting and peaceful capital. Hanoi still maintains many ancient architecture. Including : The old quarters and over 600 pagodas and Temples. One of the famous places is The one Pillar Pagoda; The Quoc Tu Giam temple Literature, Hanoi Opera House; Precedent Ho Chi Minh’s Mausoleum. And now, there’re a lot of big famous buildings as My Dinh stadium; Ho Tay water park; National conference center. Ha Noi has a lot of green trees, parks, lakes, Which are lungs of the city, keep the air clean and fresh. However, Ha Noi has problems with traffic and pollution. Only over 6 million people but there are 4.5 million motorbike and car. Traffic jams occur. There’s a lot of smoke and dust in the air. So the air isn’t really clean. Moreover the price and service is a bit expensive, so many people don’t like living here. Apart from these problems. Hanoi is still a beautiful place to live and to work and I like living here.

14 tháng 4 2021

       Vietnam has many beautiful and attractive places, but the one I want to go to the most is Ha Long Bay in Quang Ninh. It has been recognized as a World Natural Heritage by Unesco. And it is also recognized as the most famous and beautiful natural heritage in Vietnam. It has many beautiful islands, especially Tuan Chau. Ha Long Bay has a vast and immense coastline. The sea is very beautiful. And there are deep caves. If there is a sea, there will certainly be boats: sailing ships, yatch,..... Not only that, the evening in Ha Long is also very wonderful. We can go to the amusement park and play a lot of games. The roller coaster, the spin, the light from the flashing lights, it's all great, isn't it? There are a lot of things that I want to explore in the Bay Ha Long. I want to sail around all the islands. And I want to venture, explore dark and terrifying caves. I also want to try the delicious and wonderful seafood dishes. I want to go to Ha Long even once in my life, to see the place recognized as the most beautiful place in Vietnam.


Hanoi, the beloved capital, where I was born and raised. Hanoi has many beautiful landscapes but my favorite is West Lake. It is a place where I and many tourists come here are amazed. Dawn to the sun shines down on the sea like a beautiful, pink coat. Each passing breeze shook the willow trees. The surface of the lake is also agitated. The ripples rushed ashore as if playing the drowned game. Noon, the lake surface was sparkling, clear, green. The space around the lake is only the sound of the rustling wind of the ancient doctors, Phuong Phuong is looking down at the lake. At sunset, West Lake looked like wearing a yellow shirt. Young girls with long dresses are posing to save the beautiful picture! I love and be proud of my beloved homeland!

21 tháng 2 2018

Amidst the immense mountains and forests of Lam Dong province, Dalat, a beautiful town, captivates all those who have been there once. I am one of those.

Dalat is often called the City of Eternal Spring. Flowers of all colors, with many species, the most numerous of which are orchids. More than anywhere else in Vietnam, Dalat sees flowers vie with one another in blossoming in spring. I used to get up early in the morning on fine days to welcome dawn on the highlands. Opening the windows, I had a breath-taking view of nature, and enjoyed the fragrance of wild flowers carried by the clouds, I felt relieved in my heart.

In the late afternoons, I often reserved for visits to the Valley of Love and Sigh Lake covered with quiet pine forests. Twilight on Dalat also brought many pictures and sensations. As a certain poet said, “Dalat is the city of honeymoon, the city of love”.

After two week is rest in Dalat, my health improved a lot. I think in the very near future Dalat will be Switzerland in the South-East Asia. The wind rustling through the pine forests, the roar of waterfalls, the chirping of birds and the clatter of horse ‘s hooves…all of these unforgettable memories always remain with me.


Giữa rừng núi trùng điệp của tỉnh Lâm Đồng, Đà Lạt, thành phố xinh đẹp, quyến rũ tất cả những ai đã từng một lần đến nơi này. Tôi là một trong số đó.

Đà Lạt được mệnh danh là thành phố của mùa xuân vĩnh cửu. Hoa đủ màu sắc, hoa nhiều chủng loại và nhiều nhất là phong lan. Hơn bất cứ nơi đâu ở Việt Nam, Đà Lạt bốn mùa hoa thi nhau nở, nở rộ nhất là vào mùa xuân. Những ngày đẹp trời, tôi thường dạy sớm để đón bình minh trên cao nguyên. Mở cửa sổ phòng ra, nhắm nhìn bức tranh thiên nhiên ngoạn mục và hít thở mùi hương của những bông hoa rừng do mây chở đến, tôi cảm thấy nhẹ nhõm trong lòng.

Vào những buổi chiều tà, tôi thương dành thời gian cho thung lũng Tình Yêu và hồ Than Thở chìm sâu trong sướn đồi của rừng thông tĩnh mịch. Hoàng hôn Đà Lạt mang đến nhiều vẻ và cảm giác. Nói theo một nhà thơ nào đó, ” Đà Lạy là thành phố của tuần trăng mật, thành phố của tình yêu”.

Sau hai tuần nghỉ ở Đà Lạt, sức khỏe tôi tăng lên rõ rệt. Tôi nghĩ trong tương lai không xa, Đà Lạt sẽ là một Thụy Sĩ của vùng Đông Nam châu Á. Tiếng thông reo vi vút, tiếng thác nước, tiếng chim ca, tiếng vó ngựa gõ nhịp đều đều…Tất cả để lại trong tôi những kỉ niệm khó quên.

21 tháng 2 2018

kinh kinh

5 tháng 4 2021

I like living in the countryside because of some reasons. Environmentally speaking, it is a peaceful place. The air is fresh. The space is quiet. We can enjoy healthy natural conditions without
worrying much about environmental pollution.
As for social security, the countryside is a safer place than a city. While urban security situation is always complicated with all kinds of crimes, rural areas are much more secure because most of countrymen are friendly and ready to help one another.
Moreover, rural life is also easier that in cities. People in cities are easy to get stressed because of pollution, job pressures, competitions, etc ... On the contrary, those bad things
are very rare in the countryside. To sum up, except income matters, the countryside is a better residence than cities.

5 tháng 4 2021

woa batngo

27 tháng 12 2020

(Chào hỏi tự viết)

The Mid-Autumn Festival is an important traditional holiday in my country. Mid-Autumn festival is celebrated not only in Vietnam but also in some other parts of Asia as well, such as China, Japan or Korea. And it is often celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar with full moon at night. In the past, on this day the moon was brightest and roundest which represented the family reunion or gatherings. Therefore, families and friends often came together or harvested crops for the festival. Nowadays, Mid Autumn Festival is mainly for young children in Vietnam to enjoy the best time of the year. But not only can children celebrate this day but also adults can, adults who wish to have a chance to remind their their childhood and feel young again.

27 tháng 12 2020

Hello everyone, my name is Nii. Today, I would like to tell you about Tet, also known as the Lunar New Year festival, which is the biggest traditional festival in Viet Nam. It takes place from the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar until at least the third day. Although occurring in a short period of time, it is believed to be the most important and popular holiday in Vietnam. There are many special food is made so as to prepare for Tet meal such as sticky square cake, Vietnamese sausage, sticky rice, and jam. The food is thought to reflect Vietnam’s habits and customs as well as Vietnamese’s lifestyle. Besides, the meal has other dishes like fish, vegetables to show the hope for a successful and prosperous new year. In terms of customs, children’s receiving red envelop from the elder, visiting relative’s houses, and going to church are popular activities. Giving lucky money is thought to bring children hope and health. Church is the symbol of peace; therefore, individuals go there and pray for a successive year. Traditionally, the house is designed with peach flower in the North and Ochna integerrima in the south part of Vietnam. Besides, the house as well as the town are clear, decorative, and beautiful as all are ready to start a new year. People have a cozy atmosphere and enjoy a joyful time with their family members. It’s high time for people living in different parts of the country to gather and spending time together. Tet is a chance for one to come back home after many stress and pressure of studying and working environment. Tet is not simply a holiday, it is a culture and habit of Vietnamese since its deep meaning is sacred and important. All in all, Tet includes not only joy but also a long-standing event in people’s souls as it helps one grow up through experience. And that's all about the Lunar New Year festival in Vietnam. Thank you for listening. ( Bạn có thể hỏi: Does anyone have any questions? có nghĩa Có ai có câu hỏi không? nếu muốn, mình nghĩ chắc là cần bởi mình làm cũng nhiều rồi).

Chúc bạn học tốt. Nhớ tick cho tui nha☺