
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Exercise 7:

1/ In most countries a child (start) ........................school at six and (stay)................................ for about fives years in a primary school. Then he (move) ...............................to a secondary school. At 17 or 18 he (take)................................ an exam; if he (do) ........................well in this exam he can (go)........................... on to a university if he (wish)...........................

2/ One of the first novels in history of literature (be) ...........................written in England in 1719. It (be) ........................Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Dofoe. He (bear)............................... in London in a rich family. When Daniel (be)......................... a schoolboy, he (begin) ............................to write stories. After (leave) .............................school he (work) .............................in his father's shop and (write)........................ articles for newspapers. Dofoe (visit).............................. many countries and (meet)............................... many people. That helped him much in his writings.

3/ Rob Fellow (come) .................... from England. He (come) .................... to Paris six months ago to learn French. He (start) (learn) ....................French at school in England when he was eleven so he (learn) .................... it nearly for ten years. He just (take) .................... an exam. If he (pass) ...................., he (move) .................... into the next class. He (be) .................... excited today because his parents (come) .................... tomorrow to stay with him for a few days.

4/ Dear Jill,

Here I am in New York! I (be) ....................here for two weeks now and it (be) .................... very interesting. My friend, Nancy, whom I (meet) .................... in London in 1982, (live) .................... in New York for three years, so she (know) .................... all about it. Yesterday, we ( go) ....................to China town and (eat) .................... hot dogs there. We (visit) .................... the Statue of Liberty this Sunday.

5/ Jack London (bear) .................... in San Francisco on January 12, 1876. He (begin) .................... his education at the university of California, but (not/finish) .................... it there, he (write) .................... a lot of adventure books. He (travel) ....................much, and his experience in his strips (help) .................... him write many famous books.

6/ John hasn't got a job. He  (be) .................... unemployed for six months. He (work) .................... for a textile firm which (have) ....................to close because it (not/have) .................... enough orders.

7/ Today there (be) ....................more than 3000 different (speak) .................... languages in the world. English (be) .................... the most widely spoken language, over 350 million people (speak) .................... it but more people speak Chinese. You may wonder why English (more widely/ speak) ....................although more people who (speak) .................... Chinese are found in China but English (speak) .................... by people (find) .................... in almost every corner of the world.

8/ Short after the war, my brother  and I (invite....................) to spend a few days' holiday with an uncle who (just/return) .................... from abroad. He (rent) .................... a cottage in the country, although he rarely (spend) .................... much time there.

We (understand) .................... the reason for this after our arrival. The cottage  (have) .................... no comfortable furniture in it, many of the windows (break) .................... and the roof (leak) ...................., making the whole house damp.

9/ At first I (enjoy) (listen) .................... to him but after a while I got tired of (hear) .................... the same story again and again.

10/ She apologized for (borrow) .................... my bike without (ask) ....................permission and promised never (do) .................... it again.

11/ Because of the bomb scarce, no one (allow) .................... in the building. People (prevent) ....................from (open) .................... this front door by a guard who was stationed there.

12/ I woke up one Sunday morning and (discover) ....................that my sandals (miss) ..................... I (search) .................... high and low for them when my brother (rush) ....................into my room (exclaim) ....................:" Come quickly! the neighbour's dog (take) .................... all the shoes!". Upon (see) .................... the dog, we gave chase. Unfortunately, we could not  catch it and to this day nobody (know) .................... what happened to our shoes.

13/ When we (return) .................... our holidays, we (find) .................... our house in a mess. What (happen) .................... while we (be) .................... away? A burglar (get) .................... into the house and (steal) .................... a lot of our things. The burglar (get) .................... in through the kitchen window. He (have) ....................no difficulty in forcing it open. Then he (go) .................... into the living room.

14/ In the past travel (consider) .................... an essential part of education. Poets and writers (realize) .................... the value of travel and (go) .................... out to other countries in search of knowledge. A man's education (not/ complete) .................................... until we (visit) .................... foreign lands.

15/ Our university (send) .................... 21 students to study in the other countries last year. In total, we (send) .................... 186 students abroad over the last ten years.

16/   Wood (not/ sink) .................... in water.

17/ (See) .................... photographs of the place, he had no desire to go there.

18/ (Infuriate) .................... by the interruptions, the speaker refused to continue his speech.

19/ (Find) .................... the money, they began quarrelling about how to divide it.

20/ When the painter felt the ladder (begin) (slip) .................... he grabbed the gutter (save) .................... himself from (fall) .....................

21/ You shouldn't get Jack (type) .................... this letter. He's a careless man.

22/ The teller (make) (lie) .................... down on the floor.

23/ I (say) .................... that last night? I (be) .................... absent-minded.

24/ I resented (unjustly,accuse) .................... and asked him (apologize) ....................

25/ While I (walk) .................... to the bus-stop, I realized I (leave) .................... the cooker on.

26/ Danny's train (arrive) ....................tomorrow morning at 6.00 so we (meet) .................... him at the station.

27/ It's high time the local government (do) .................... something about the sewage system which (not/ upgrade) .................... for years.

28/  It is advisable that we (be) .................... economical in the economic recession.

29/ The telephone, which is considered (be) .................... one of the most useful scientific achievements of the century, is said (invent) .................... by A. Bell.

30/ They didn't come. They (not/be) .................... absent. They were supposed (sit) .................... for an important test during the afternoon.

31/ The population (increase) .................... rapidly in Vietnam nowadays.

32/ I'll phone you at eight.-No, I (watch) .................... a football match then.

33/ His doctor advises that he (eat) .................... less meat.

34/ We have postponed (tell) .................... anyone the news until someone considers (do) .................... something about our matter.

35/ He happened (stand) ....................outside the bank, and he witnessed the robbery (take) .................... place.

36/ If you are (catch) .................... the first train, it will mean (get) .................... up at 5.00.

37/ The accident (report) (cause) .................... by a reckless motorist.

38/ Look! The rain (spoil) .................... our furniture. You (close) ....................all the window last night.

Oxford for 15 years, then (7.move) .................... to London in 1970. They now (8.live) .................... in Cadogan Square in central London

39/  Paul Carrack is a musician and a singer. He (1.be) .................... in the music business for over 20 years. He (2.start) .................... playing professionally while he (3.be) ....................at school. He (4. Travel) .................... all over the world. He (5.have) ....................his first hit record in 1974. So far he (6.make) .................... a lot of records. Young people in America and Britain (7.know) .................... his name and they never (8.forget) ....................  his number one song “ The Living Years”.


40/ If you’d like to meet the president, I (arrange) .................... it.

41/ someone offered you to buy one of those rings, which you (choose) ....................?

42/ If I (see) .................... a tiger walking across Hyde Park I (climb) .................... a tree.

43/  Let's go to the beach.      No, it's too cold. If it (be) .................... warmer, I wouldn't mind going to the beach.

44/ Why do you read newspapers? Well, if I (not/ read) .................... newspapers, I wouldn't know what was happening in the world.

45/  I'm not tired enough to go to bed yet. I (not/sleep) .....................

46/  I would be grateful if you (send) .................... me your brochure as soon as possible.

47/  Liz gave me this ring. She (be) .................... very upset if I (sell) it.

48/ If I (be) a bird, I (not/ live) .................... in a cage.

49/  Most people know that oil (float) .................... on water. If you (pour) oil on water, it (float) .....................

50/  If you scream, I (kill) .................... you.

51/ If you (finish) .................... using the typewriter, I'd like to borrow it for a while, so that I can get used to typing with that machine.

52/ If you (write) .................... the letter I will post it.

53/  If you (swim) .................... this afternoon, you shouldn't eat too much now.

54/  You (see) .................... I am right if you look into the matter from my point of view.

55/  "I'd be very grateful if you (keep) .................... me informed", he said.

56/  I think there are too many cars. If there (not/be) .................... so many cars, there (not/ be) .................... so much pollution.

57/  If you (not/ live) .................... so far away, we (visit) .................... you more often.

58/  This soup isn't very good. It (taste) .................... better if it wasn't so salty.

59/ It's very cold. Mr Taylor, who has been ill recently, is walking along the road without a coat. He (wear) .................... a warm coat.

When I (tell)41 .................... my teacher that I (have)42.................... a little difficulty with conditional sentences at the moment, he (ask)43.................... me (come)44 ....................and (see)45.................... him the following afternoon. After he (give)46.................... me a brief  explanation, he (ask)47.................... me several questions and then (give)48.................... me a short written test. I (be)49.................... delighted (find)50 ....................that I (not make)51.................... a single mistake.

While we (speak)52...................., his wife (enter)53.................... and (ask)54.................... whether I (like)55.................... something (drink)56.................... . It (be)57.................... possible that if I (not go)58 .................... (see)59.................... my teacher yesterday, I (may fail)60.................... in yesterday's test. Although our papers (not yet be returned)61.................... to us , I (have)62 ....................nothing (worry)63.................... about. My teacher (tell)64.................... me a few minutes ago that I (do)65.................... very well.

60/ It has been suggested that the government (assist) .................... the poor in improving their living condition.

61/ The programmes for hunger elimination and poverty alleviation (improve) .................... living condition in remote regions.

62/ After (climb) .................... for six hours, we managed (reach) .................... the summit.

63/ I don't mind you (use) my bike provided that you (take) .................... care of it.

64/ Were the paintings genuine? It (be) .................... worth thousands of pounds.

65/ My uncle would rather that I (not/ leave) .................... yesterday.

66/ If I (not/stay) ....................up late last night, I (not/feel) .................... sleepy now.

67/ We (wait) ....................for 20 minutes when he came.

68/ I’d rather he ( not/ write) .................... that letter.

69. I used to.....................(think) that life ended at 30.

70.I’m not used to..........................(think) so hard this early in the morning.

71. Jane was never a very reliable friend. If I were you, I’d try.......................(forget) her.

72.If your clothes don’t seem very white after you’ve washed them, try.........................(soak) them in a little bleach.

73. Please stop.........................(make) such a terrible noise!

74.After half an hour, we stop........................(make) a cup of tea.

75. I remember.........................(see) him in the part of Hamlet at the Academy Theatre.

76.Did you remember...........................(see) Tim and tell him that we can’t come on Saturday?

77. I started..........................(read) classical literature at the age of six.

78.Oh, look! It’s starting......................(rain)

79. He went on.......................(write) his essay despite the noise.

80.The lecture began very badly, but the professor went on......................(make) some interesting points.

81. I couldn’t help them........................(find) what they were looking for as I was in too much of a hurry.

82.Harry looked so funny that I couldn’t help.....................(laugh).

83. I like........................(pay) bills quite promptly. It’s so easy to get behind.

84I like.......................(be) the centre of attention.

85.  Do you like......................(cook)?

86.When we have a dinner party, I like.......................(cook) something really exotic that nobody’s ever had before.

87.What a shame! I'd rather you ( not/dismiss) .................... like that.

88.When I noticed the blank stare he ( give) .................... me, I (realize)that he didn't understand me.

89.Would you be so kind as ( switch off) .................................the lightswhen leaving?

90.Just inside the outer later of the earth's atmosphere (be) the   elements   necessary   to   protect   it   from   ultraviolet   rays,   extreme temperatures, and threatening foreign substances.

91.The Swedish scientist, Alfred B. Nobel, left money (6. award) ..........................to people who have done something important to help humankind.

92.It's imperative that the wildlife program (broadcast) .......................................tomorrow.

93.The President ( deliver) ............................. a speech, but in the end he (change) ..........................his mind.

94.He has five outstanding students, each (deserve)………………………….(give) a scholarship.

95.I can't understand why he (be) ………………………………….. so selfish. He isn't usually like that.


12 tháng 8 2023

em chia bớt câu hỏi ra roi đăng nhe 💨

1/ In most countries a child (start) ........................school at six and (stay)................................ for about fives years in a primary school. Then he (move) ...............................to a secondary school. At 17 or 18 he (take)................................ an exam; if he (do) ........................well in this exam he can (go)........................... on to a university if he (wish)...........................2/ One of the first novels in history of literature (be)...
Đọc tiếp

1/ In most countries a child (start) ........................school at six and (stay)................................ for about fives years in a primary school. Then he (move) ...............................to a secondary school. At 17 or 18 he (take)................................ an exam; if he (do) ........................well in this exam he can (go)........................... on to a university if he (wish)...........................

2/ One of the first novels in history of literature (be) ...........................written in England in 1719. It (be) ........................Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Dofoe. He (bear)............................... in London in a rich family. When Daniel (be)......................... a schoolboy, he (begin) ............................to write stories. After (leave) .............................school he (work) .............................in his father's shop and (write)........................ articles for newspapers. Dofoe (visit).............................. many countries and (meet)............................... many people. That helped him much in his writings.

3/ Rob Fellow (come) .................... from England. He (come) .................... to Paris six months ago to learn French. He (start) (learn) ....................French at school in England when he was eleven so he (learn) .................... it nearly for ten years. He just (take) .................... an exam. If he (pass) ...................., he (move) .................... into the next class. He (be) .................... excited today because his parents (come) .................... tomorrow to stay with him for a few days.

4/ Dear Jill,

Here I am in New York! I (be) ....................here for two weeks now and it (be) .................... very interesting. My friend, Nancy, whom I (meet) .................... in London in 1982, (live) .................... in New York for three years, so she (know) .................... all about it. Yesterday, we ( go) ....................to China town and (eat) .................... hot dogs there. We (visit) .................... the Statue of Liberty this Sunday.

5/ Jack London (bear) .................... in San Francisco on January 12, 1876. He (begin) .................... his education at the university of California, but (not/finish) .................... it there, he (write) .................... a lot of adventure books. He (travel) ....................much, and his experience in his strips (help) .................... him write many famous books.

6/ John hasn't got a job. He  (be) .................... unemployed for six months. He (work) .................... for a textile firm which (have) ....................to close because it (not/have) .................... enough orders.

7/ Today there (be) ....................more than 3000 different (speak) .................... languages in the world. English (be) .................... the most widely spoken language, over 350 million people (speak) .................... it but more people speak Chinese. You may wonder why English (more widely/ speak) ....................although more people who (speak) .................... Chinese are found in China but English (speak) .................... by people (find) .................... in almost every corner of the world.

8/ Short after the war, my brother  and I (invite....................) to spend a few days' holiday with an uncle who (just/return) .................... from abroad. He (rent) .................... a cottage in the country, although he rarely (spend) .................... much time there.

We (understand) .................... the reason for this after our arrival. The cottage  (have) .................... no comfortable furniture in it, many of the windows (break) .................... and the roof (leak) ...................., making the whole house damp.

9/ At first I (enjoy) (listen) .................... to him but after a while I got tired of (hear) .................... the same story again and again.

10/ She apologized for (borrow) .................... my bike without (ask) ....................permission and promised never (do) .................... it again.

11/ Because of the bomb scarce, no one (allow) .................... in the building. People (prevent) ....................from (open) .................... this front door by a guard who was stationed there.

12/ I woke up one Sunday morning and (discover) ....................that my sandals (miss) ..................... I (search) .................... high and low for them when my brother (rush) ....................into my room (exclaim) ....................:" Come quickly! the neighbour's dog (take) .................... all the shoes!". Upon (see) .................... the dog, we gave chase. Unfortunately, we could not  catch it and to this day nobody (know) .................... what happened to our shoes.

13/ When we (return) .................... our holidays, we (find) .................... our house in a mess. What (happen) .................... while we (be) .................... away? A burglar (get) .................... into the house and (steal) .................... a lot of our things. The burglar (get) .................... in through the kitchen window. He (have) ....................no difficulty in forcing it open. Then he (go) .................... into the living room.

14/ In the past travel (consider) .................... an essential part of education. Poets and writers (realize) .................... the value of travel and (go) .................... out to other countries in search of knowledge. A man's education (not/ complete) .................................... until we (visit) .................... foreign lands.

15/ Our university (send) .................... 21 students to study in the other countries last year. In total, we (send) .................... 186 students abroad over the last ten years.

16/   Wood (not/ sink) .................... in water.

17/ (See) .................... photographs of the place, he had no desire to go there.

18/ (Infuriate) .................... by the interruptions, the speaker refused to continue his speech.

19/ (Find) .................... the money, they began quarrelling about how to divide it.

20/ When the painter felt the ladder (begin) (slip) .................... he grabbed the gutter (save) .................... himself from (fall) .....................

21/ You shouldn't get Jack (type) .................... this letter. He's a careless man.

22/ The teller (make) (lie) .................... down on the floor.

23/ I (say) .................... that last night? I (be) .................... absent-minded.

24/ I resented (unjustly,accuse) .................... and asked him (apologize) ....................

25/ While I (walk) .................... to the bus-stop, I realized I (leave) .................... the cooker on.

26/ Danny's train (arrive) ....................tomorrow morning at 6.00 so we (meet) .................... him at the station.

27/ It's high time the local government (do) .................... something about the sewage system which (not/ upgrade) .................... for years.

28/  It is advisable that we (be) .................... economical in the economic recession.

29/ The telephone, which is considered (be) .................... one of the most useful scientific achievements of the century, is said (invent) .................... by A. Bell.

30/ They didn't come. They (not/be) .................... absent. They were supposed (sit) .................... for an important test during the afternoon.

31/ The population (increase) .................... rapidly in Vietnam nowadays.

32/ I'll phone you at eight.-No, I (watch) .................... a football match then.

33/ His doctor advises that he (eat) .................... less meat.

34/ We have postponed (tell) .................... anyone the news until someone considers (do) .................... something about our matter.

35/ He happened (stand) ....................outside the bank, and he witnessed the robbery (take) .................... place.

36/ If you are (catch) .................... the first train, it will mean (get) .................... up at 5.00.

37/ The accident (report) (cause) .................... by a reckless motorist.

38/ Look! The rain (spoil) .................... our furniture. You (close) ....................all the window last night.

Oxford for 15 years, then (7.move) .................... to London in 1970. They now (8.live) .................... in Cadogan Square in central London

39/  Paul Carrack is a musician and a singer. He (1.be) .................... in the music business for over 20 years. He (2.start) .................... playing professionally while he (3.be) ....................at school. He (4. Travel) .................... all over the world. He (5.have) ....................his first hit record in 1974. So far he (6.make) .................... a lot of records. Young people in America and Britain (7.know) .................... his name and they never (8.forget) ....................  his number one song “ The Living Years”.


40/ If you’d like to meet the president, I (arrange) .................... it.

41/ someone offered you to buy one of those rings, which you (choose) ....................?

42/ If I (see) .................... a tiger walking across Hyde Park I (climb) .................... a tree.

43/  Let's go to the beach.      No, it's too cold. If it (be) .................... warmer, I wouldn't mind going to the beach.

44/ Why do you read newspapers? Well, if I (not/ read) .................... newspapers, I wouldn't know what was happening in the world.

45/  I'm not tired enough to go to bed yet. I (not/sleep) .....................

46/  I would be grateful if you (send) .................... me your brochure as soon as possible.

47/  Liz gave me this ring. She (be) .................... very upset if I (sell) it.

48/ If I (be) a bird, I (not/ live) .................... in a cage.

12 tháng 8 2023

câu hỏi

12 tháng 8 2023

câu hỏi đâu 

III. Đọc đoạn văn rồi chọn 1 đáp án đúng nhất One (0)__________ the first novels in the history of literature (1)__________ written in England in 1719. It was Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. Daniel Defoe was born (2)__________ London in the family of a rich man. When Daniel was a schoolboy, he began to write stories. After (3)___________ school he worked in his father’s shop and (4)__________ articles for newspapers. Defoe visited many countries and met many people. That...
Đọc tiếp

III. Đọc đoạn văn rồi chọn 1 đáp án đúng nhất

One (0)__________ the first novels in the history of literature (1)__________ written in England in 1719. It was Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. Daniel Defoe was born (2)__________ London in the family of a rich man. When Daniel was a schoolboy, he began to write stories. After (3)___________ school he worked in his father’s shop and (4)__________ articles for newspapers. Defoe visited many countries and met many people. That helped him (5)__________ in his writings.

In 1719, when Defoe was sixty years old, he wrote the novel Robinson Crusoe which (6)__________ him famous. Defoe used in his book a true story about a sailor who (7)__________ on an island for four years. Robinson Crusoe in Defoe’s novel lived on an island for twenty- eight years. People liked (8)__________ novel in England and in many other countries, Daniel Defoe wrote other books (9)__________ his novel Robinson Crusoe is the most famous. Defoe was not a rich man (10)__________ he died in 1731.

0. A. to B. of C. with D. on

1. A. have B. has C. were D. was

2. A. at B. in C. from D. on

3. A. going B. coming C. leaving D. staying

4. A. bought B. read C. sold D. wrote

5. A. many B. much C. plenty D. few

6. A. did B. let C. brought D. made

7. A. visited B. came C. went D. lived

8. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø

9. A. and B. but C. so D. however

10. A. when B. where C. because D. so

15 tháng 3 2017

III. Đọc đoạn văn rồi chọn 1 đáp án đúng nhất

One (0)__________ the first novels in the history of literature (1)__________ written in England in 1719. It was Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. Daniel Defoe was born (2)__________ London in the family of a rich man. When Daniel was a schoolboy, he began to write stories. After (3)___________ school he worked in his father’s shop and (4)__________ articles for newspapers. Defoe visited many countries and met many people. That helped him (5)__________ in his writings.

In 1719, when Defoe was sixty years old, he wrote the novel Robinson Crusoe which (6)__________ him famous. Defoe used in his book a true story about a sailor who (7)__________ on an island for four years. Robinson Crusoe in Defoe’s novel lived on an island for twenty- eight years. People liked (8)__________ novel in England and in many other countries, Daniel Defoe wrote other books (9)__________ his novel Robinson Crusoe is the most famous. Defoe was not a rich man (10)__________ he died in 1731.

0. A. to B. of C. with D. on

1. A. have B. has C. were D. was

2. A. at B. in C. from D. on

3. A. going B. coming C. leaving D. staying

4. A. bought B. read C. sold D. wrote

5. A. many B. much C. plenty D. few

6. A. did B. let C. brought D. made

7. A. visited B. came C. went D. lived

8. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø

9. A. and B. but C. so D. however

10. A. when B. where C. because D. so

15 tháng 3 2017

III. Đọc đoạn văn rồi chọn 1 đáp án đúng nhất

One (0)__________ the first novels in the history of literature (1)__________ written in England in 1719. It was Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. Daniel Defoe was born (2)__________ London in the family of a rich man. When Daniel was a schoolboy, he began to write stories. After (3)___________ school he worked in his father’s shop and (4)__________ articles for newspapers. Defoe visited many countries and met many people. That helped him (5)__________ in his writings.

In 1719, when Defoe was sixty years old, he wrote the novel Robinson Crusoe which (6)__________ him famous. Defoe used in his book a true story about a sailor who (7)__________ on an island for four years. Robinson Crusoe in Defoe’s novel lived on an island for twenty- eight years. People liked (8)__________ novel in England and in many other countries, Daniel Defoe wrote other books (9)__________ his novel Robinson Crusoe is the most famous. Defoe was not a rich man (10)__________ he died in 1731.

0. A. to B. of C. with D. on

1. A. have B. has C. were D. was

2. A. at B. in C. from D. on

3. A. going B. coming C. leaving D. staying

4. A. bought B. read C. sold D. wrote

5. A. many B. much C. plenty D. few

6. A. did B. let C. brought D. made

7. A. visited B. came C. went D. lived

8. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø

9. A. and B. but C. so D. however

10. A. when B. where C. because D. so

Supply the correct verb forms. 1. He (run) as fast as he could, but he realized he was not strong enough (be) a good marathon runner. In the distance he could just make out the shapes of the (lead) runners, (get) further ahead every minute. 2. Every day you can (hear) something interesting t school. When you come home after classes, you often (tell) your parents what you (hear) and (see) at school. Two friends went on a trip to London. 3. They (enter) restaurant for dinner. On the table...
Đọc tiếp

Supply the correct verb forms.

1. He (run) as fast as he could, but he realized he was not strong enough (be) a good marathon runner. In the distance he could just make out the shapes of the (lead) runners, (get) further ahead every minute.

2. Every day you can (hear) something interesting t school. When you come home after classes, you often (tell) your parents what you (hear) and (see) at school. Two friends went on a trip to London.

3. They (enter) restaurant for dinner. On the table (stand) a jar of mustard. Not having seen mustard before, one of them (take) a spoonful into his mouth. Years immediately filled his eyes and his friend asked him what he (cry) about.

4. In two minutes I (be) up the tree, but It was very difficult (get) to the nest. When at last I got there and (can cook) into the nest, I (see) the two young eagles and also some food for them-meat and finish. When I tried (take) the young eagles out of the nest, I suddenly (feel) a terrible pain in the back of my head. I (look) round and (see) the mother eagle. And she (be) ready to make a second attack. You (must know) how strong these eagles are.

5. Eric (bear) in 1903 in India where his father worked for the civil service. The family (move) to England in 1907 and his 1917 Eric (enter) Eton where he (contribute) regularly to the college magazine. His first article (appear) in Lemon in October 1928 while he (live) in Paris.

6. Jack Cooper (be) a production manager at Weston Aeronautics for ten years now. He (live) in a small house in the suburbs of Bristol with his wife, Peggy. At the moment, Weston (expand) into Europe and they (build) a new factory in Toulouse.

30 tháng 7 2019

1, runs / to be / leading / get
2, hear / tell / heart / saw
3, enter / standing / took / cried
4, was / to get / could cook / saw / to take / felt / looked / saw / was / must have known
5, was born / moved / entered / had contributed / appeared / was living
6, have been / lives / is expanding / building

Supply the correct verb forms. 1. He (run) as fast as he could, but he realized he was not strong enough (be) a good marathon runner. In the distance he could just make out the shapes of the (lead) runners, (get) further ahead every minute. 2. Every day you can (hear) something interesting t school. When you come home after classes, you often (tell) your parents what you (hear) and (see) at school. Two friends went on a trip to London. 3. They (enter) restaurant for dinner. On the table...
Đọc tiếp

Supply the correct verb forms.

1. He (run) as fast as he could, but he realized he was not strong enough (be) a good marathon runner. In the distance he could just make out the shapes of the (lead) runners, (get) further ahead every minute.

2. Every day you can (hear) something interesting t school. When you come home after classes, you often (tell) your parents what you (hear) and (see) at school. Two friends went on a trip to London.

3. They (enter) restaurant for dinner. On the table (stand) a jar of mustard. Not having seen mustard before, one of them (take) a spoonful into his mouth. Years immediately filled his eyes and his friend asked him what he (cry) about.

4. In two minutes I (be) up the tree, but It was very difficult (get) to the nest. When at last I got there and (can cook) into the nest, I (see) the two young eagles and also some food for them-meat and finish. When I tried (take) the young eagles out of the nest, I suddenly (feel) a terrible pain in the back of my head. I (look) round and (see) the mother eagle. And she (be) ready to make a second attack. You (must know) how strong these eagles are.

5. Eric (bear) in 1903 in India where his father worked for the civil service. The family (move) to England in 1907 and his 1917 Eric (enter) Eton where he (contribute) regularly to the college magazine. His first article (appear) in Lemon in October 1928 while he (live) in Paris.

6. Jack Cooper (be) a production manager at Weston Aeronautics for ten years now. He (live) in a small house in the suburbs of Bristol with his wife, Peggy. At the moment, Weston (expand) into Europe and they (build) a new factory in Toulouse.

30 tháng 7 2019

Supply the correct verb forms.

1. He (run) was running as fast as he could, but he realized he was not strong enough (be) to be a good marathon runner. In the distance he could just make out the shapes of the (lead) leading runners, (get) getting further ahead every minute.

2. Every day you can (hear) hear something interesting t school. When you come home after classes, you often (tell) tell your parents what you (hear) have heard and (see) seen at school. Two friends went on a trip to London.

3. They (enter) entered restaurant for dinner. On the table (stand) stood a jar of mustard. Not having seen mustard before, one of them (take) took a spoonful into his mouth. Years immediately filled his eyes and his friend asked him what he (cry) was crying about.

4. In two minutes I (be) was up the tree, but It was very difficult (get) to get to the nest. When at last I got there and (can look) could look into the nest, I (see) saw the two young eagles and also some food for them-meat and finish. When I tried (take) to take the young eagles out of the nest, I suddenly (feel) felt a terrible pain in the back of my head. I (look) looked round and (see) saw the mother eagle. And she (be) was ready to make a second attack. You ( must know) must know how strong these eagles are.

5. Eric (bear) was born in 1903 in India where his father worked for the civil service. The family (move) moved to England in 1907 and his 1917 Eric (enter) entered Eton where he (contribute) contributed regularly to the college magazine. His first article (appear) appeared in Lemon in October 1928 while he (live) was living in Paris.

6. Jack Cooper (be) have been a production manager at Weston Aeronautics for ten years now. He (live) is living in a small house in the suburbs of Bristol with his wife, Peggy. At the moment, Weston (expand) is expanding into Europe and they (build) have built a new factory in Toulouse.

24 tháng 4 2017

1. Who has always enjoyed using the computers? DANIEL.

2. Where did he start using them?


3. What has he been using it for?


4.What did his parents offer to buy him?


5. What has he been playing with kids in America?


24 tháng 4 2017

1, Who has always enjoyed using the computers?

-> Daniel has always enjoyed using the computers.

2, Where did he started using them?

-> He started using them at school.

3, What has he been using it for?

->He has been using it to write his compositions.

4, What did his parents offer to buy him?

-> His parents offer to buy him a modem.

5, What has he been playing with kids in America?

-> He been playing computer games with kids in America

16 tháng 9 2018

Fill in each blank with one suitable word to complete the following passage.

Jack London the famous American writer, was born(1) in San Francisco in 1876. When he was young, he (2)used to sell newspapers, work at a hotel and on a ship (3)for money. He was a student at a university for only a year. He had to leave it (4)because he was too poor to pay for the university. In (5)the years 1905 to 1909 Jack London (6)wrote his best stories and novels. These books were about working people (7)who came to find gold in Alaska, a cold country in the North.

16 tháng 6 2017

Supply the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets.
Issac Newton (1) ……is……….(be) one of the greatest men in the history of scientists. He (2) ………was born…….(bear) in a small village of Wootsphore in England. His father (3) ………was…….(be) a poor farmer. When the boy was fourteen, his father (4) ………died…….(die). Newton left school and (5) ………helped…….(help) his mother on the farm. But the boy (6) ………didn't like…….(not like) farming, he was fond of the poetry and mathematics. So Newton was sent to school. After he (7) ……left……….(leave) school, Newton studied at Cambridge University. He lectured on mathematics at Cambridge University after (8) ………graduating…….(graduate). His greatest discovery (9) ……is……….(be) the law of gravitation.

16 tháng 6 2017

Supply the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets.
Issac Newton (1) …………IS….(be) one of the greatest men in the history of scientists. He (2) ………WAS BORN…….(bear) in a small village of Wootsphore in England. His father (3) ……WAS……….(be) a poor farmer. When the boy was fourteen, his father (4) ………DIED…….(die). Newton left school and (5) ………HELPED…….(help) his mother on the farm. But the boy (6) ………DIDN'T LIKE…….(not like) farming, he was fond of the poetry and mathematics. So Newton was sent to school. After he (7) ……LEFT……….(leave) school, Newton studied at Cambridge University. He lectured on mathematics at Cambridge University after (8) ……HAD GRADUATED……….(graduate). His greatest discovery (9) ……IS……….(be) the law of gravitation.

I. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Don't make noise now. My parents (take)......................... their usual afternoon nap . 2. While I (have)...................... a bath, the telephone (ring)..................... . 3. He prefers (play)................................ computer games to (read).......................... books. 4. If we (not save) .............................energy, there will be a shortage in the next century. II. Read the passage and...
Đọc tiếp

I. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Don't make noise now. My parents (take)......................... their usual afternoon nap .

2. While I (have)...................... a bath, the telephone (ring)..................... .

3. He prefers (play)................................ computer games to (read).......................... books.

4. If we (not save) .............................energy, there will be a shortage in the next century.

II. Read the passage and answer the following questions.

Alexander Fleming was bom in 1881 in Scotland. He to a small school in a village, and when he left school he didn't go to university. He worked for five years in an office. But his brother, Tom, was a doctor and helped Fleming to go to university and study medicine. So he went to London University and in 1906 he became a doctor. In 1915, Fleming mamied Sarah McElroy, an Irish woman. They had one son. During the First World War, many soldiers died in hospital because they didn't have the right medicines. So after the war, Fleming tried to find a drug that could help them. He worked for many years and in 192s he discovered a new drug and he called it "penicillin". He later worked with an Australian and a German scientist to develop a drug that doctors could use. In 1945, they won the Nobel Prize in medicine for their work on penicillin.

1. Where was Alexander Fleming bom?


2. Did he work in an office before he went to university?


3. What did he study at university?


4. When did he win the Nobel Prize in medicine? Rewrite the sentences


III. Rewrite the sentences.

1. Mary always went swimming after school last year.

->Mary used to.............................................................

2. My daughter has studied English for two years.

-> My daughter started .....................................................

3. She wants to buy that villa but it's too far expensive for her.

->She wishes..............................................................................

4. It took Nam two days to have a trip to the countryside last week.

->Nam spent......................................................................................

5. They have changed the date of the meeting.

-> The date .....................................................................................

5 tháng 8 2017

I. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Don't make noise now. My parents (take)...............are taking.......... their usual afternoon nap .

2. While I (have)..............was having........ a bath, the telephone (ring).....rang................ .

3. He prefers (play)............playing.................... computer games to (read)................reading......... books.

4. If we (not save) ...............don't save..............energy, there will be a shortage in the next century.

II. Read the passage and answer the following questions.

Alexander Fleming was bom in 1881 in Scotland. He to a small school in a village, and when he left school he didn't go to university. He worked for five years in an office. But his brother, Tom, was a doctor and helped Fleming to go to university and study medicine. So he went to London University and in 1906 he became a doctor. In 1915, Fleming mamied Sarah McElroy, an Irish woman. They had one son. During the First World War, many soldiers died in hospital because they didn't have the right medicines. So after the war, Fleming tried to find a drug that could help them. He worked for many years and in 192s he discovered a new drug and he called it "penicillin". He later worked with an Australian and a German scientist to develop a drug that doctors could use. In 1945, they won the Nobel Prize in medicine for their work on penicillin.

1. Where was Alexander Fleming bom?

Alexander Fleming was born in Scotland.

2. Did he work in an office before he went to university?

yes, he did

3. What did he study at university?

he studied medicine at university

4. When did he win the Nobel Prize in medicine? Rewrite the sentences

he won the Nobel Prize in medicine In 1945

III. Rewrite the sentences.

1. Mary always went swimming after school last year.

->Mary used to go swimming after school last year.

2. My daughter has studied English for two years.

-> My daughter started studying English two years ago

3. She wants to buy that villa but it's too far expensive for her.

->She wishes that villa weren't too expensive for her.

4. It took Nam two days to have a trip to the countryside last week.

->Nam spent two days having a trip to the countryside last week.

5. They have changed the date of the meeting.

-> The date of the meeting has been changed

5 tháng 8 2017

I. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Don't make noise now. My parents (take).....is taking............ their usual afternoon nap .

2. While I (have)..........was having............ a bath, the telephone (ring).......rang.............. .

3. He prefers (play)..............playing.................. computer games to (read)..........reading................ books.

4. If we (not save) ............don't save.................energy, there will be a shortage in the next century.

II. Read the passage and answer the following questions.

Alexander Fleming was bom in 1881 in Scotland. He to a small school in a village, and when he left school he didn't go to university. He worked for five years in an office. But his brother, Tom, was a doctor and helped Fleming to go to university and study medicine. So he went to London University and in 1906 he became a doctor. In 1915, Fleming mamied Sarah McElroy, an Irish woman. They had one son. During the First World War, many soldiers died in hospital because they didn't have the right medicines. So after the war, Fleming tried to find a drug that could help them. He worked for many years and in 192s he discovered a new drug and he called it "penicillin". He later worked with an Australian and a German scientist to develop a drug that doctors could use. In 1945, they won the Nobel Prize in medicine for their work on penicillin.

1. Where was Alexander Fleming bom?

=>He was born in 1881 in Scotland

2. Did he work in an office before he went to university?

=> Yes, he did

3. What did he study at university?

=> He studied medicine at university

4. When did he win the Nobel Prize in medicine?

=> In 1945

III. Rewrite the sentences.

1. Mary always went swimming after school last year.

->Mary used to go swimming after school last year

2. My daughter has studied English for two years.

-> My daughter started to study English two years ago

3. She wants to buy that villa but it's too far expensive for her.

->She wishes the villa is cheaper

4. It took Nam two days to have a trip to the countryside last week.

->Nam spent two days having a trip to the country side last week

5. They have changed the date of the meeting.

-> The date of the meeting has been changed