
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Exercise 1. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with GET Get away from Get down Get on / along with Get off Get into Get away with Get down to Get over Get off with Get back Get on Get out of Get through 1.He promised to act as chairman, so I’m afraid he can’t get ____ it now. There’s no one else to do it. 2.She is a friendly girl who gets ________ everyone she meets. 3.It took her a long time to get ______ the death of her husband. 4.I tried to ring him...
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Exercise 1. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with GET Get away from Get down Get on / along with Get off Get into Get away with Get down to Get over Get off with Get back Get on Get out of Get through 1.He promised to act as chairman, so I’m afraid he can’t get ____ it now. There’s no one else to do it. 2.She is a friendly girl who gets ________ everyone she meets. 3.It took her a long time to get ______ the death of her husband. 4.I tried to ring him up but I couldn’t get _____ : I think some of the lines are down after last night’s storm. 5.She talks so much that it is difficult to get _______ from her. 6.Get ______ the bus at Victoria Station. 7.How are you getting _________ your work ? 8.I’m not getting _______ very fast because I can only type with two fingers. 9.We got ______ late because we missed the last train. 10.Don’t worry about my snake. He can’t get _______ his box. 11.This rainy weather is really getting me ________. 12.It’s time you got _______ some serious work. It’s very important to you. 13.Thieves raided the bank and got ________ a lot of money. 14.My boy is getting _________ bad habits, such as smokin, staying up late.... 15.We got _______ immediately after the breakfast. Exercise 2. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with GIVE Give away Give off Give over to Give up Give back Give out Give in Give oneself up 1.He won 100$ and gave it all ________. 2.Riding is getting too expensive: I’ll have to give it ________. 3.He gave _______all the books he had borrowed. 4.After 4 days of freedom, the escaped prisoner gave himself _______ to local police. 5.Your secret is safe with me. I won’t give it ________. 6.The diver’s supply of oxygen gave __ and he had to be brought to the surface as quickly as possible 7.After his fourth attemp he gave _______ trying to pass the driving test. 8.If you want to save money, give _______ eating in expensive restaurants. 9.There was a man giving _______ leaflets outside the church. 10.She gave ______ state secret to the enemy. 11.Could you give me _______ my pen when you’ve finished using it? 12.Please give your exam papers ______ to the teacher when you’ve finished! 13.The cooker is giving _______ a funny smell. 14.This big hall is given ________ meeting. 15.She’s a gusty player : she never gives __________ Exercise 3. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with GO Go away Go down with Go on Go out Go through with Go back on Go in for Go off Go round Go up Go down Go into Go over Go through Go with 1.The guard dog went ______ the intruder and knocked him down. 2.He had a sandwich and a cup of coffee, then went _______ working. 3.I went ______ the proposal very carefully with my lawyer and finally decided to to accept his offer. 4.She went ______ a beauty contest and got a prize. 5.The price of tomatoes usually goes ________ in summer in England. 6.If there isn’t enough soup to go ________, just put some hot water in it. 7.You can’t go _______ your promise now: we are depending on you. 8.They have gone _______ all the calculations again but they still can’t find the mistake. 9.The gun went ______ by accident and wounded him in the leg. 10.Mary went ______ in such a hurry that she left her passport behind. 11.Why don’t you go _______ stamp collecting if you want a quiet hobby ? 12.Her weight went ______ to 70 kilos when she stopped playing tennis. 13.When did Britain go ________ EEC ? 14.Our youngest boy has gone __________ mumps! 15.Her blouse doesn’t go _______ her skirt. 16.Finally, I’ve gone ________ all my exams! 17.Which events is he going __________ at the Olympics? 18.The first episode of the film goes ________ next Friday evening at 8 o’clock. 19.There must be a party going _______ next door. They’re making so much noise! 20.The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went __________. Exercise 4. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with HAND, GROW, HANG, JUMP Grow on Grow up Hand down Hang about Hang on to Jump at Grow out of Hand over Hand out Hang back Jump on 1.Most of my clothes were handed _____ to me by my older brother. 2.President Bush should hand ______ power to Iraqui elected government. 3.Relief workers were handing _______ emergency rations to the survivors. 4.My daughter is growing _______ very fast. She has grown _______ all her clothes. 5.This book is very interesting. I’m sure it will grow ________ you. 6.You should keep an eye on this stranger. He has been hanging _____ our neighbourhood for hours. 7.At first, he volunteered to help me, but on second thought he was afraid and hung ______. 8.I should hang ______ those oldphotographs–they may be valuable. 9.My maths teacher really used to jump _____ us when we got our answer wrong. 10.If they offered me a job in the USA, I’d jump _______ the chance. Exercise 5. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with HOLD, KEEP Hold on Hold out Hold up Keep down Keep away Keep off Hold off Hold back Hold with Keep up with Keep back Keep up 1.“ What a terrible news!”, she just managed to hold _________ her anger. 2.I don’t hold _______ his view on education. 3.After the hold–_______, the gang made their getaway in a stolen car. 4.The survivors of the plane crash managed to hold _______ till help came. 5.Her illness is getting worse. Doctors hold ______ little hope of her recovery. 6.Could you hold ______ making decision until next week. I’m trying to find out the best solution. 7.She kept ______ working although she was very tired. 8.They lit a fire to keep wild animals __________. 9.The people in this country have been kept _______ for years by a brutal regime. 10.Keep your voices ________ : your mother is trying to get some sleep. 11.You’re all doing a spendid job. Keep _______ the good work. 12.Police warned by–standers to keep ________ from the blazing building. 13.I can’t keep ________ all the changes in computer technology. 14.She is a good secretary, but she is kept _______ by her ignorance of languages. 15.The country was in a state of rebellion and was only kept _______ by repressive measures. Exercise 6. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with LAY, LEAVE, LET, LIVE Lay down Lay up Leave out Let off (with) Live on Lay out Leave off Let down Let out Live up to 1.There is a lot of beautiful jewellery laid _______ in the shop window. 2.You should lay _______ some money in the rainy days. 3.You didn’t have any right to lay _______ such hard rules. 4.My name has been misspelt–you’ve left _______ a letter. 5.I wish you’d leave ________ complaining about my cooking. 6.The boy’s getting so fat that his trousers have to be let _____ round the waist. 7.She was let _______ with a fine instead of being sent to prison. 8.He felt he really let the team ________ when he missed the penalty. 9.Don’t let these criminals ________ lightly. 10.As he’s retired, he now lives mainly _________ his pension. 11.My exam results didn’t live _________ my expectations, 12.You can’t live ________ 22 calories a day. Exercise 7. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with LOOK 1.We are looking ____ you for your help. 2. We must look __ a bit before deciding where to buy a house 3. Police will be looking _ trouble–makers at today’s match. 4. Please look __ on me when you have free time 5.His disappearance is being looked _________ by the police. 6. Do look me __ the next time you’re in London. 6. Children always look _____ their parents. 8. She is looked __ as the leading authority on this subject 9.Who will look ______ the children while their mother is in hospital ? 10.We are so much looking __________ seeing you next week. 11.Look _______ the time of the next trainin the timetable. 12.He was looked _________ because of his humble background. 13.She looked _______ when she heard the noise behind her. 14.Tenants must look __________ the house before they decided to rent it. GIẢI NHANH MÌNH TICK CHO NHA
5 tháng 8 2019

chịu khó đăng lại bài xong tách ra đi dài quá

14 tháng 1 2021

Dài v

Question 61: _____ people are still uncertain, we cannot really predict the outcome of the election. A. Though B. How many C. As long as D. Whether Question 62: _____ your motorbike broke down in the desert, would you be able to mend it yourself? A. Unless B. Supposing C. In case D. Given Question 63: John’s father agreed to buy him a new bike ___ he took lessons. A. in case B. supposing that C. as long as D. unless Question 64: “___you were lost, how could you find your way...
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Question 61: _____ people are still uncertain, we cannot really predict the outcome of the election.

A. Though B. How many C. As long as D. Whether
Question 62: _____ your motorbike broke down in the desert, would you be able to mend it yourself? A. Unless B. Supposing C. In case D. Given
Question 63: John’s father agreed to buy him a new bike ___ he took lessons. A. in case B. supposing that C. as long as D. unless Question 64: “___you were lost, how could you find your way home?” A. Supposing that
B. On condition that
C. If only
D. Providing that Question 65: _____ a person is good at his job, it shouldn’t matter what he or she wears. A. In case B. On condition that C. Unless D. As long as Question 66: What would you buy provided _____ the money? A. had you B. have you C. you had D. you would have Question 67: But for your carelessness, you could have been a partner in the firm. A. If it hadn’t been your carelessness, you could have been a partner in the firm. B. Your carelessness was the only thing to prevent being a partner in the firm. C. It was your carelessness that made you impossible to be a partner in the firm. D. You could have been a partner in the firm, but you were so careless.
Question 68: Without skilful surgery he would not have survived the operation. A. With skilful surgery, he would have survived the operation B. Had it not been for skilful surgery, he would have survived the operation. C. But for skilful surgery, he would not have survived the operation. D. He wouldn’t have survived the opeartion if he hadn’t skilful surgery.
Question 69: We could not handle the situation without you. A. You didn’t help us handle the situation. B. If you had not helped us, we could not have handled this situation. C. If you did not help us, we could not handle the situation. D. We will handle the situation if you help
Question 70: Unless you have tickets, you can’t come in. A. You can’t come in provided that you have tickets. B. You can come in provided that you have tickets. C. If you didn’t have tickets, you couldn’t come in. D. Unless you don’t have tickets, you can come in.
Question 71: I didn’t speak to Anita because I didn’t see her. A. If i saw Anita, I would speak to her. B. If I had seen Anita, I would have spoken to her. C. Although I spoke to Anita, I didn’t see her. D. I saw Anita so that I could speak to her.
Question 72: Unless I had seen him doing this, I wouldn’t have accused him. A. I could accuse him because I saw him doing it. B. I didn’t see him doing it, so I couldn’t accuse him. C. I accused him, but I didn’t see him doing it. D. He was accused though I didn’t see him doing it.
Question 73: Had we left any later, we would have missed the train. A. We left too late to catch the train. B. The train left late. C. We almost missed the train. D. Because the train was late we had no trouble catching it.
Question 74: I can’t sign the paper until I read it all carefully. A. I won’t sign the paper unless I have read it carefully. B. I am not allowed to read the paper before I sign it. C. The paper is not read until I am allowed to sign it. D. It is impossible to sign the paper while you are reading it.
Question 75: Alice would be happier if she won the first prize. A. Alice doesn’t win the first prize. B. Alice is trying win the first prize. C. Alice is dreaming about winning the first prize. D. Alice won the first prize once.
Question 76: If you flight is delayed, call me from the airport. A. Call me only if your flight is delayed. B. Don’t call me until you arrive at the airport. C. Give me a ring if your flight was delayed. D. Give me a ring if your flight is delayed.
Question 77: If it hadn’t been for the goalkeepr, our team would have lost. A. Our team didn’t lose the game thanks to the goalkeeper. B. Our team lost the match because of the goalkeeper. C. Without the goalkeeper, our team could have won. D.If the goalkeepr didn’t play well, our team would have lost.
Question 78: Tigers are under threat of extinction and something must be done quickly. A. Nothing is done and tigers are in danger of extinction. B. Tigers would have become extinct if nothing had been done. C. Tigers will become extinct unless something is done quickly. D. Although something must be done quickly, tigers are in danger of extinction.
Question 79: Get in touch with me as soon as possible if you change your mind about the trip. A. Should you change your mind about the trip, contact me as soon as possible. B. If you changed your mind about the trip, get in touch with me as soon as possible. C. You should call me whether you change your mind about the trip. D. Having changed your mind about the trip, you should get in touch with me soon. Question 80: I didn’t know you were coming, so I didn’t wait for you. A. If I had know you were coming, I would wait for you. B. I would have waited for you if I knew you were coming. C. Had I known you were coming, I would have waited for you. D.If you had known you had been coming, I would have waited for you.
Question 81: The driver survived the car crash because he was wearing the seatbelt when the accident happened. A. The accident occured because the driver was trying to wear the seat belt while driving. B. When the car crashed, the driver was going to wear the seatbelt. C. The driver would not have survived if he hadn’t worn the seatbelt. D. The driver didn’t wear the seatbelt until the accident happened. Question 82: If I had known their wedding plan earlier, I would have able to make the time to attend the reception party. A. I knew their wedding would be planned earlier so I made some time to attend the reception party. B. I wish I had known their wedding plan earlier so that I could arrange time to attend the reception party. C. I don’t know their wedding plan earlier so I can’t make time to attend the reception party. D. When I knew their wedding party, it was too late to attend the reception party.
70. ____________ seemed a miracle to us. A. His recover after so soon B. That he recovered so soon C. His being recovered so soon D. When he had recovered so soon 71. Remember to ____________ the campfire before you leave. A. put off B. put down C. put out D. put up 72._________ you visit him, give him my best wishes. A. Could B. Would C. Should D. Might 73. ___________ more help, I can call my neighbor. A. Should I need B. I have needed C. I should need D. Needed 74. The house plants...
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70. ____________ seemed a miracle to us. A. His recover after so soon B. That he recovered so soon C. His being recovered so soon D. When he had recovered so soon 71. Remember to ____________ the campfire before you leave. A. put off B. put down C. put out D. put up 72._________ you visit him, give him my best wishes. A. Could B. Would C. Should D. Might 73. ___________ more help, I can call my neighbor. A. Should I need B. I have needed C. I should need D. Needed 74. The house plants need_________ before noon. A. watering B. to water C. be watered D. being watered 75. I have never been windsurfing, but I'd love to have________ at it. A. a trial B. a look C. a taste D. a go 76. ______________ you have watched, which film impresses you most ? A. All of films B. All of the films C. Of films all D. Of all the films 77. I am _________tired to think about that problem at the moment. A. nearly B. simply C. much more D. far too 78. The teacher as well as all the students ______ very excited about going camping next week. A. was B. were C. is D. has been 79 ______he does sometimes interests me a lot. A. When B. Why C. What D. How 80. ______________ of the students in my class could solve the problem yesterday. A. Not much B. No C. None D. Neither 81. People who work as hard as Bill Gates are few and far ________. A. away B. between C. from D. off 82. John was praised for his bravery, _______ his colleagues were criticized for their cowardice. A. though B. whereas C. however D. therefore 83. We insist that a meeting________ as soon as possible. A. be held B. is held C. were held D. will be held 84. _____________ I’m concerned , it’s quite all right for you to leave early. A. As long as B. As far as C. As well as D. As much as 85. They are good friends, but in terms of sports, they are worlds ___________. A. away B. separate C. apart D. different 86. Her husband treated her badly. I'm surprised she ___________________ it for so long. A. put up with B. put off C. put through D. put up 87. Our school doesn’t break ______ until the end of July. A. out B. in C. off D. up 88. AIDS is ______________ that scientists are doing research to find a cure. A. a so serious disease B. so a serious diseases C. so serious a disease D. a such serious disease 89. _______________ trying to make him change his mind. A. It’s no point B. It’s no hope C. It’s useless D. It's no use Doc24.vn 90. I think you should choose ________ color. This one is too dark. A. other B. another C. the other D. others 91. Were she ten years younger, she ______________ the beauty contest. A. will enter B. had entered C. would enter D. would have entered

26 tháng 6 2019

má nó làm đề có tâm tí được không cách dòng mỏi quá

70. ____________ seemed a miracle to us.

A. His recover after so soon B. That he recovered so soon C. His being recovered so soon D. When he had recovered so soon

71. Remember to ____________ the campfire before you leave.

A. put off B. put down C. put out D. put up

72._________ you visit him, give him my best wishes.

A. Could B. Would C. Should D. Might

73. ___________ more help, I can call my neighbor.

A. Should I need B. I have needed C. I should need D. Needed

74. The house plants need_________ before noon.

A. watering B. to water C. be watered D. being watered

75. I have never been windsurfing, but I'd love to have________ at it.

A. a trial B. a look C. a taste D. a go

76. ______________ you have watched, which film impresses you most ?

A. All of films B. All of the films C. Of films all D. Of all the films

77. I am _________tired to think about that problem at the moment.

A. nearly B. simply C. much more D. far too

78. The teacher as well as all the students ______ very excited about going camping next week.

A. was B. were C. is D. has been

79 ______he does sometimes interests me a lot.

A. When B. Why C. What D. How

80. ______________ of the students in my class could solve the problem yesterday.

A. Not much B. No C. None D. Neither

81. People who work as hard as Bill Gates are few and far ________.

A. away B. between C. from D. off

82. John was praised for his bravery, _______ his colleagues were criticized for their cowardice.

A. though B. whereas C. however D. therefore

83. We insist that a meeting________ as soon as possible.

A. be held B. is held C. were held D. will be held

84. _____________ I’m concerned , it’s quite all right for you to leave early.

A. As long as B. As far as C. As well as D. As much as

85. They are good friends, but in terms of sports, they are worlds ___________.

A. away B. separate C. apart D. different

86. Her husband treated her badly. I'm surprised she ___________________ it for so long.

A. put up with B. put off C. put through D. put up

87. Our school doesn’t break ______ until the end of July.

A. out B. in C. off D. up

88. AIDS is ______________ that scientists are doing research to find a cure.

A. a so serious disease B. so a serious diseases C. so serious a disease D. a such serious disease

89. _______________ trying to make him change his mind.

A. It’s no point B. It’s no hope C. It’s useless D. It's no use

90. I think you should choose ________ color. This one is too dark.

A. other B. another C. the other D. others

91. Were she ten years younger, she ______________ the beauty contest.

A. will enter B. had entered C. would enter D. would have entered

26 tháng 6 2019

87D nha

(schools and colleges) : to break up ~ to stop classes

Make the letter A,B,C,D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is the closet in meaning to each of the following questions 1. The only that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke the local dialect A. The way he spoke the local dialect was unique B. We were sent to prison beacause he spoke only one dialect C. We sent him to prison because he spoke the local dialect D. But for his command of the local dialect, we would have been put in prison 2. I did not understand what the...
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Make the letter A,B,C,D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is the closet in meaning to each of the following questions

1. The only that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke the local dialect

A. The way he spoke the local dialect was unique

B. We were sent to prison beacause he spoke only one dialect

C. We sent him to prison because he spoke the local dialect

D. But for his command of the local dialect, we would have been put in prison

2. I did not understand what the lecturer was saying because I had not read his book

A. What the lecturer wrote and said was too difficult for me to understand

B. The lecturer's book which I not had read was dificult for me to understand

C. I found it very difficult to understand what the lecturer was saying if I had read his book

D. I would have understood what the lecturer was saying if I had read this book

3. Without skillful surgery, he would not have survived the operation

A. Had it been for skillful surgery, he would not have survived the operation

B. He would not have survived the orpeation if he had had skillful surgery

C. But for skillful surgery, he would not have survived the opreration

D. He did not survive the operation beacause of unskillful surgery

4. He didn't take his father's advice. That's why he is out of work

A. If he takes his father's advice, he will not be out of work

B. If he had taken his father's advice, he would not be out of work

C. If he had taken his father's advice, he would not have been out of work

D. If he took his father's advice, he would not be out of work

5. It would be nice if you hadn't said that

A. I wish you not to say that

B. I hope you will not say that

C. If only you didn't say that

D. I wish you hadn't said that

6. It was his incompetence which led to their capture

A. If it hadn't been for his incompetence, they would not have been captured

B. They were captured just because he was incompetent

C. If he had been so incomepetent, they would have escaped from captured

D. All of the above

7. If it hadn't been for his carelessness, we would have finished the work

A. If he had been more carefull, we would have completed the work

B. He was careless because he hadn't finished the work

C. If he were careful, he would finish the work

D. Because he wasn't careless, we didn't finish the work

8. It was your assistance that enabled us to get achievement

A. If you need assisted us, we could not get achievement

B. But for your assistance, we could not have got achievement

C. Your assistance discouraged us from get achievement

D. Without your assistance, we could get achievement

4 tháng 8 2018

Make the letter A,B,C,D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is the closet in meaning to each of the following questions

1. The only that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke the local dialect

A. The way he spoke the local dialect was unique

B. We were sent to prison beacause he spoke only one dialect

C. We sent him to prison because he spoke the local dialect

D. But for his command of the local dialect, we would have been put in prison

2. I did not understand what the lecturer was saying because I had not read his book

A. What the lecturer wrote and said was too difficult for me to understand

B. The lecturer's book which I not had read was dificult for me to understand

C. I found it very difficult to understand what the lecturer was saying if I had read his book

D. I would have understood what the lecturer was saying if I had read this book

3. Without skillful surgery, he would not have survived the operation

A. Had it been for skillful surgery, he would not have survived the operation

B. He would not have survived the orpeation if he had had skillful surgery

C. But for skillful surgery, he would not have survived the opreration

D. He did not survive the operation beacause of unskillful surgery

4. He didn't take his father's advice. That's why he is out of work

A. If he takes his father's advice, he will not be out of work

B. If he had taken his father's advice, he would not be out of work

C. If he had taken his father's advice, he would not have been out of work

D. If he took his father's advice, he would not be out of work

5. It would be nice if you hadn't said that

A. I wish you not to say that

B. I hope you will not say that

C. If only you didn't say that

D. I wish you hadn't said that

6. It was his incompetence which led to their capture

A. If it hadn't been for his incompetence, they would not have been captured

B. They were captured just because he was incompetent

C. If he had been so incomepetent, they would have escaped from captured

D. All of the above

7. If it hadn't been for his carelessness, we would have finished the work

A. If he had been more carefull, we would have completed the work

B. He was careless because he hadn't finished the work

C. If he were careful, he would finish the work

D. Because he wasn't careless, we didn't finish the work

8. It was your assistance that enabled us to get achievement

A. If you need assisted us, we could not get achievement

B. But for your assistance, we could not have got achievement

C. Your assistance discouraged us from get achievement

D. Without your assistance, we could get achievement

1.Children get present ______ Christmas and ______ their birthday. (at ... at / on ... on / on ... at / at ... on) 2. If you are going to the post off ice, would you post a letter ______ me? (to / at / on / for) 3. The windows haven’t been cleaned ______ weeks. (ago / since / for / to) 4. We usually go to our home village at least once ______ the summer. (in / on / to / for) 5. He said that John ______ u p his job. (has given / have given / had given / had to give) 6. When I saw...
Đọc tiếp
1.Children get present ______ Christmas and ______ their birthday. (at ... at / on ... on / on ... at / at ... on) 2. If you are going to the post off ice, would you post a letter ______ me? (to / at / on / for) 3. The windows haven’t been cleaned ______ weeks. (ago / since / for / to) 4. We usually go to our home village at least once ______ the summer. (in / on / to / for) 5. He said that John ______ u p his job. (has given / have given / had given / had to give) 6. When I saw Susan, she said she was taking her driving test ______. (today / the next day / tomorrow / the tomorrow) 7. My TV is broken. I wish it ______ soon. (would be repaired / is repaired / was repaired / will be repaired) 8. I have lived with my parents. I wish I ______ an apartment. (will have / had / would / has) 9. Have you ever wished you ______ to ski when you were younger? (will learn / could learn / learn / can learn) 10. Sometimes he wishes he ______ a different career when he graduates. (can choose / choose / will choose / could choose) 11. Matthew said he was meeting a friend at the station later ______. (that day / yesterday / tomorrow / this today) 12. The astronauts have alrea dy been in orbit ______ two days. (since / for / till / to) 13. We have lunch from 12.00 ______ 1.00. Then we start again go on ______ 5.30. (to ... at / from ... to / to ... to / to ... till) 14. She said that she ______ to learn to drive. (is going / go / goes / was going) 15. She asked me ______ I liked pop music. (if / that / what / when) 16. She said that she was going away for a few days and ______ phone me when she got back. (will / must / would / shall) 17. I’ve lived in this street ______. (in 1998 / for 1 998 / since 1998 / tomorrow) 18. I want two seats for Romeo and Juliet ______ Friday night. (on / in / at / to) 19. Our train arrived in York ______ 6.00. (in / for / on / at) 20. There was an accident at the crossroads ______ midnight last night. (at / fo r / on / in) 21. She said she ______ come to the party on Friday. (won’t / doesn’t / can’t / couldn’t) 22. I’m going to swim ______ Monday with Tom. (at / on / for / of) 23. If my watch is broken, I ______ buy a new one because I always need one. (have to / might / have / may) 24. I have got an awful headache. If I see a chemist’s, I ______ buy some aspirins. (must / might / may / should to) 25. I plan to travel around the world. If I don’t visit my father in Japan this year, I ______ go to the USA. (must / have / may / ought to) 26. If you want to get good grades, you ______ study hard. (must / ought / have / have) 27. Let’s wait ______ it stops raining. (until / for / to / since) 28. I have lived in this house ______. (ago six years / in six years / since six years / for six years) 29. Columbus discovered America ______ the 15th century. (in / since / for / on) 30. The course begins ______ 8 am ______ 5 pm. (from ... during / from ... since / from ... to / in ... to) 31. I fell asleep ______ the movie. (during / si nce / from / for) 32. Bill asked where ______ from. (do I come / did I come / I come / I came) 33. He wonders what ______ with my heavy luggage. (I will do / I would do / will I do / I do) 34. He said that he was coming ______. (tomorrow after / yesterday / the next day / following day) 35. You ______ go to university if you want to study medicine. (has to / will / must / ought) 36. If you want to loose weight, you ______ eat too many sweets. (might not / mustn’t / shouldn’t / may not) 37. She wishes she __ ____ a new bicycle. (can have / will have / has / could have) 38. I ______ it ______ rain so much in this city. (wishes ... didn’t / wish ... didn’t / wished ... don’t / wish ... don’t) 39. If you want to get well, you ______ see a doctor. (must / might / may / ou ght) 40. ______ you ever wish you ______ fly? (Did ... could / Do ... could / Do ... can / Did ... can) 41. If he doesn’t come soon, he ______ be late. (has / ought to / ought / might) 42. I wish I ______ on a beautiful sunny beach now. (would be lying / can be lying / can be lied / could be lying) 43. ______ he will change his job if he go to the USA. (Perhaps / Since / Recently / Lately) 44. He ______ someone ______ answer that telephone. It’s been ringing for about five minutes. (wish ... can / wish ... would / wi shes ... can / wishes ... would) 45. If the kitchen is in a mess, you ______ clean it. (will / might / ought to / may) 46. I wish you ______ so fast. It makes me nervous. (weren’t driving / can’t drive / won’t drive / will not drive) 47. The music next door is very loud. I wish they ______. (would turn it down / can turn down it / will turn it down / turn down it
1 tháng 2 2018

1.Children get present ______ Christmas and ______ their birthday. (at ... at / on ... on / on ... at / at ... on)

2. If you are going to the post off ice, would you post a letter ______ me? (to / at / on / for)

3. The windows haven’t been cleaned ______ weeks. (ago / since / for / to)

4. We usually go to our home village at least once ______ the summer. (in / on / to / for)

5. He said that John ______ u p his job.

(has given / have given / had given / had to give)

6. When I saw Susan, she said she was taking her driving test ______. (today / the next day / tomorrow / the tomorrow)

7. My TV is broken. I wish it ______ soon. (would be repaired / is repaired / was repaired / will be repaired)

8. I have lived with my parents. I wish I ______ an apartment. (will have / had / would have / has)

9. Have you ever wished you ______ to ski when you were younger? (will learn / could learn / learn / can learn)

10. Sometimes he wishes he ______ a different career when he graduates. (can choose / choose / will choose / could choose)

11. Matthew said he was meeting a friend at the station later ______. (that day / yesterday / tomorrow / this today)

12. The astronauts have alrea dy been in orbit ______ two days. (since / for / till / to)

13. We have lunch from 12.00 ______ 1.00. Then we start again go on ______ 5.30. (to ... at / from ... to / to ... to / to ... till)

14. She said that she ______ to learn to drive.

(is going / go / goes / was going)

15. She asked me ______ I liked pop music. (if / that / what / when)

16. She said that she was going away for a few days and ______ phone me when she got back. (will / must / would / shall)

17. I’ve lived in this street ______. (in 1998 / for 1 998 / since 1998 / tomorrow)

18. I want two seats for Romeo and Juliet ______ Friday night. (on / in / at / to)

19. Our train arrived in York ______ 6.00. (in / for / on / at)

20. There was an accident at the crossroads ______ midnight last night. (at / fo r / on / in)

21. She said she ______ come to the party on Friday. (won’t / doesn’t / can’t / couldn’t)

22. I’m going to swim ______ Monday with Tom. (at / on / for / of)

23. If my watch is broken, I ______ buy a new one because I always need one. (have to / might / have / may)

24. I have got an awful headache. If I see a chemist’s, I ______ buy some aspirins. (must / might / may / should to)

25. I plan to travel around the world. If I don’t visit my father in Japan this year, I ______ go to the USA. (must / have / may / ought to)

26. If you want to get good grades, you ______ study hard. (must / ought / have to/ have)

27. Let’s wait ______ it stops raining. (until / for / to / since)

28. I have lived in this house ______. (ago six years / in six years / since six years / for six years)

29. Columbus discovered America ______ the 15th century. (in / since / for / on)

30. The course begins ______ 8 am ______ 5 pm. (from ... during / from ... since / from ... to / in ... to)

31. I fell asleep ______ the movie. (during / si nce / from / for)

32. Bill asked where ______ from. (do I come / did I come / I come / I came)

33. He wonders what ______ with my heavy luggage. (I will do / I would do / will I do / I do)

34. He said that he was coming ______. (tomorrow after / yesterday / the next day / following day)

35. You ______ go to university if you want to study medicine. (has to / will / must / ought)

36. If you want to loose weight, you ______ eat too many sweets. (might not / mustn’t / shouldn’t / may not)

37. She wishes she __ ____ a new bicycle. (can have / will have / has / could have)

38. I ______ it ______ rain so much in this city. (wishes ... didn’t / wish ... didn’t / wished ... don’t / wish ... don’t)

39. If you want to get well, you ______ see a doctor. (must / might / may / ou ght)

40. ______ you ever wish you ______ fly? (Did ... could / Do ... could / Do ... can / Did ... can)

41. If he doesn’t come soon, he ______ be late. (has / ought to / ought / might)

42. I wish I ______ on a beautiful sunny beach now. (would be lying / can be lying / can be lied / could be lying)

43. ______ he will change his job if he go to the USA. (Perhaps / Since / Recently / Lately)

44. He ______ someone ______ answer that telephone. It’s been ringing for about five minutes. (wish ... can / wish ... would / wi shes ... can / wishes ... would)

45. If the kitchen is in a mess, you ______ clean it. (will / might / ought to / may)

46. I wish you ______ so fast. It makes me nervous. (weren’t driving / can’t drive / won’t drive / will not drive)

47. The music next door is very loud. I wish they ______. (would turn it down / can turn down it / will turn it down / turn down it

Choose the correct answer. 1. This is the second time I _____________that song. A. am hearing B. have heard C. hear D. heard 2. Hello, I___________ about your advertisement in the newspaper. A. Have been calling B. am calling C. call D. have called 3. John___________ on a bit of weight lately, and he is trying to lose it. A. Puts B. is putting C. has put D. has been putting 4. The new neighbors_________ their house. It looks nice. A. Paint B. had painted C. were painting D. have...
Đọc tiếp

Choose the correct answer.

1. This is the second time I _____________that song.

A. am hearing B. have heard C. hear D. heard

2. Hello, I___________ about your advertisement in the newspaper.

A. Have been calling B. am calling C. call D. have called

3. John___________ on a bit of weight lately, and he is trying to lose it.

A. Puts B. is putting C. has put D. has been putting

4. The new neighbors_________ their house. It looks nice.

A. Paint B. had painted C. were painting D. have painted

5. Fred__________ me yesterday that they're professional athletes.

A. Told B. has told C. was telling D. had told

6. Apparently, he_________ them since he was a child.

A. Knows B. is knowing C. has known D. has been knowing

7. I__________ for my sunglasses since noon, but I can't find them.

A. Am looking B. looked C. have looked D. have been looking

8. When the children_________home, it was obvious that they had been playing in mud.

A. Arrived B. were arriving C. had arrived D. had been arriving

9. Michael___________in the queue to buy a ticket for the train when he heard a strange voice.

A. Waited B. was waiting C. had waited D. was going to wait

10. The thieves_______ houses for two years before they were finally caught.

A. Broke into B. were breaking into C. had been breaking into D. have been breaking into

11. As time goes by, he__________more and more eccentric.

A. Becomes B. is becoming C. has become D. has been becoming

12. Kathy can't go shopping with me next Saturday morning. She_________a French lesson.

A. Has B. is going to have C. will have D. will be having

13. I__________ the living room by the time Dad comes home. He__________ so surprised.

A. Will paint/will be B. will be painting/is C. will have painted/will be D. will have painted/is

14. It's the coldest winter we__________ in Greece.

A. Ever experience B. ever experienced C. were ever experiencing D. have ever experienced

15. When he___________ was younger, he the cinema every week.

A. Was used to going B. used to go C. was going D. had gone

16. They________for a mile when they___________that someone___________missing.

A. Had walked/ had realized/ was B. had been walking/ realized/ had been

C. had been walking/ realized/ was D. had walked/ had realized/ had been

17. As part of my job, I_________ abroad a lot, so I_______ to improve my English.

A. Travel/ need B. am travelling/ need C. am travelling/ am needing D. travel/ am needing

18. I_________ at my mother's house this week because I__________ my house painted.

A. Sleep/ have B. am sleeping/ have C. sleep/ am having D. am sleeping/ am having

19. I you should buy him a tie. He___________to dress formally.

A. Am thinking/ likes B. think/likes C. think/ is liking D. am thinking/ has liked

20. As a teenager, I_________ things my parents__________ of.

A. Would do/ didn't approve B. used to do/ weren't approving

C. used to do/ didn't approve D. would do/ weren't approving

21. "Hurry up! We're waiting for you. What's taking you so long?"

"I________ for an important phone call. Go ahead and leave without me."

A. Wait B. will wait C. am waiting D. have waited

22. Robert is going to be famous some day. He_________in three movies already. ~ I'm sure he'll be a star.

A. Has been appearing B. had appeared C. has appeared D. appeared

23. Where's Polly? ~She_________.

A. Is in her room studying B. in her room is studying

C. studies in her room D. has in her room studied

24. Hello? Alice? This is Jeff. How are you? ~ Jeff? What a coincidence! I_________ about you when the phone rang.

A. Was just thinking B. just thought C. have just been thinking D. was just thought

25. What___________ about the new simplified tax? ~It's more confusing than the old one.

A. Are you thinking B. do you think C. have you thought D. have you been thinking

26. When is Mr. Fields planning to retire? ~ Soon, I think. He________ here for a long time. He'll probably retire next year or the year after that.

A. Worked B. had been working C. has been working D. is working

27. Why did you buy all this sugar and chocolate? ~ I_________a delicious dessert for dinner tonight.

A. Make B. will make C. am going to make D. will have made

28. Let's go! What's taking you so long? ~ I'll be there as soon as I__________my keys.

A. Found B. will find C. find D. am finding

29. Next week when there______ a full moon, the ocean tides sill be higher.

A. Is being B. is C. will be D. will have been

30. While I______TV last night, a mouse ran across the floor.

A. Watch B. watched C. was watching D. am watching

31. Fish were among the earliest forms of life. Fish__________ on earth for ages and ages.

A. Existed B. are existing C. exist D. have existed

32. The phone ________constantly since Jack announced his candidacy for president this morning.

A. Has been ringing B. rang C. had rung D. had been ringing

33. The earth_________on the sun for its heat and light.

A. Is depend B. depending C. has depended D. depends

34. I don't feel good. I________ home from work tomorrow.

A. Am staying B. stay C. will have stayed D. stayed

35. Today there are weather satellites that beam down information about the earth's atmosphere. In the last two decades, space exploration_________ great contributions to weather forecasting.

A. Is making B. has made C. made D. makes

36. On July 20th, 1969, Astronaut Neil Armstrong_________ down onto the moon, the first person ever to set foot on another celestial body.

A. Was stepping B. stepped C. has stepped D. was step

37. The plane's departure was delayed because of mechanical difficulties. When the weary passengers finally boarded the aircraft, many were annoyed and irritable because they___________ in the airport for three and a half hours.

A. Are waiting B. were waiting C. have been waiting D. had been waiting

38. If coastal erosion continues to take place at the present rate in another fifty years, this beach_______anymore.

A. Doesn't exist B. isn't going to exist C. isn't existing D. won't be existing

39. Homestead High School's football team_______a championship until last season, when the new coach led them to take first place in their league.

A. Has never won B. is never winning C. had never been winning D. had never won

40. To be able to qualify as an interpreter, many years of intensive language study are required for non-native speakers. By the end of this year, Chen________English for three years, but he will still need more training and experience before he masters the language.

A. Will be studying B. has studied C. will have been studying D. has been studying

41. In our hospital, patients________ every morning.

A. Are examined B. have examined C. can examine D. were examining

42. I_________ in Can Tho for 18 years, but now I'm living in Ho Chi Minh city.

A. Have lived B. live C. lived D. have been living

43. I wondered why he_________ his job.

A. Has changed B. changes C. used to change D. had changed

44. The department store__________ by the Johnson for many years.

A. Has been run B. is run C. runs D. has run

45. Kate________ 10 comedies this summer.

A. Has watched B. had watched C. will have watched D. watched

46. The number of footballers________ for the last ten years.

A. Has increased B. was increasing C. have increased D. were increasing

47. Don't worry! We_______for you at 6 o'clock tomorrow.

A. Will wait B. will be waiting C. wait D. are waiting

48. Mary__________the country by the time this letter reaches her.

A. Is going to leave B. will leave C. is leaving D. will have left

49. By this time next year, my father________here for 25 years.

A. Are going to work B. will be working C. will have been working D. will work

50. Tim_________in three movies already. I think he'll be a star some day.

A. Had appeared B. has appeared C. was appearing D. is appearing

51. They_________the door. No one can get in now.

A. Have locked B. had locked C. locked D. lock

52. The existence of many stars in the sky__________ us to suspect that there may be life on another planet.

A. Have led B. leads C. lead D. leading

53. They___________ the town hall for the past three years in fact, but they it yet.

A. Built/ hadn't finished B. had built/ didn't finish

C. have been building/ haven't finished D. have built/ weren't finishing

54. When I met Jim, he__________ from his university already.

A. Graduated B. has graduated C. had graduated D. was graduating

13 tháng 12 2018

1B 2C 3D 4D 5A 6C 7D 8A 9B 10 C

Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. 1. Children get present ______ Christmas and ______ their birthday. (at ... at / on ... on / on ... at / at ... on) 2. If you are going to the post office, would you post a letter ______ me? (to / at / on / for) 3. The windows haven’t been cleaned ______ weeks. (ago / since / for / to) 4. We usually go to our home village at least once ______ the summer. (in / on / to / for) 5. He said that John ______ up his job. (has given / have...
Đọc tiếp

Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. 1. Children get present ______ Christmas and ______ their birthday. (at ... at / on ... on / on ... at / at ... on)

2. If you are going to the post office, would you post a letter ______ me? (to / at / on / for) 3. The windows haven’t been cleaned ______ weeks. (ago / since / for / to) 4. We usually go to our home village at least once ______ the summer. (in / on / to / for) 5. He said that John ______ up his job. (has given / have given / had given / had to give) 6. When I saw Susan, she said she was taking her driving test ______. (today / the next day / tomorrow / the tomorrow) 7. My TV is broken. I wish it ______ soon. (would be repaired / is repaired/ was repaired / will be repaired) 8. I have lived with my parents. I wish I ______ an apartment. (will have / had / would / has) 9. Have you ever wished you ______ to ski when you were younger? (will learn / could learn / learn / can learn) 10. Sometimes he wishes he ______ a different career when he graduates. (can choose / choose / will choose / could choose) 11. Matthew said he was meeting a friend at the station later ______. (that day / yesterday / tomorrow / this today) 12. The astronauts have alrea dy been in orbit ______ two days. (since / for / till / to) 13. We have lunch from 12.00 ______ 1.00. Then we start again go on______ 5.30. (to ... at / from ... to / to ... to / to ... till) 14. She said that she ______ to learn to drive. (is going / go / goes /was going) 15. She asked me ______ I liked pop music. (if / that / what / when) 16. She said that she was going away for a few days and ______ phone me when she got back. (will / must / would / shall) 17. I’ve lived in this street ______. (in 1998 / for 1998 / since 1998 / tomorrow) 18. I want two seats for Romeo and Juliet ______ Friday night. (on / in / at / to) 19. Our train arrived in York ______ 6.00. (in / for / on / at) 20. There was an accident at the crossroads ______ midnight last night. (at / for / on / in) 21. She said she ______ come to the party on Friday. (won’t / doesn’t / can’t / couldn’t) 22. I’m going to swim ______ Monday with Tom. (at / on / for / of) 23. If my watch is broken, I ______ buy a new one because I always need one. (have to/ might / have / may) 24. I have got an awful headache. If I see a chemist’s, I ______ buy someaspirins. (must / might / may / should to) 25. I plan to travel around the world. If I don’t visit my father in Japan this year, I ______ go to the USA. (must / have / may / ought to) 26. If you want to get good grades, you ______ study hard. (must / ought / have / have) 27. Let’s wait ______ it stops raining. (until / for / to / since) 28. I have lived in this house ______. (ago six years / in six years / since six years / for six years) 29. Columbus discovered America ______ the 15th century. (in / since / for / on) 30. The course begins ______ 8 am ______ 5 pm. (from ... during / from ... since / from ... to / in ... to)

  1. 30. The course begins ______ 8 am ______ 5 pm. (from … during / from … since / from … to / in … to) 31. I fell asleep ______ the movie. (during / since / from / for) 32. Bill asked where ______ from. (do I come / did I come / I come / I came) 33. He wonders what ______ with my heavy luggage. (I will do / I would do / will I do / I do) 34. He said that he was coming ______. (tomorrow after / yesterday / the next day / following day) 35. You ______ go to university if you want to study medicine. (has to / will / must / ought) 36. If you want to loose weight, you ______ eat too many sweets. (might not / mustn’t / shouldn’t / may not)
  2. 37. She wishes she ______ a new bicycle. (can have / will have / has / could have) 38. I ______ it ______ rain so much in this city. (wishes … didn’t / wish … didn’t / wished … don’t / wish … don’t) 39. If you want to get well, you ______ see a doctor. (must / might / may / ought) 40. ______ you ever wish you ______ fly? (Did ... could / Do … could / Do … can / Did … can) 41. If he doesn’t come soon, he ______ be late. (has / ought to / ought / might) 42. I wish I ______ on a beautiful sunny beach now. (would be lying / can be lying / can be lied / could be lying) 43. ______ he will change his job if he go to the USA. (Perhaps / Since / Recently / Lately) 44. He ______ someone ______ answer that telephone. It’s been ringing for about five minutes. (wish … can / wish … would / wishes … can / wishes … would) 45. If the kitchen is in a mess, you ______ clean it. (will / might / ought to / may) 46. I wish you ______ so fast. It makes me nervous.
  3. (weren’t driving / can’t drive / won’t drive / will not drive) 47. The music next door is very loud. I wish they ______. (would turn it down / can turn down it / will turn it down / turn down it) 48. He will stay there ______ the beginning of the October. (for / to / until / on) 49. ______ afternoon, he feeds the chickens and collects their eggs. (The / In the / At / On) 50. What are you doing ______ weekend? (till this / the / in this / this)
9 tháng 8 2018

Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.

1. Children get present ______ Christmas and ______ their birthday. (at ... at / on ... on / on ... at / at ... on)

2. If you are going to the post office, would you post a letter ______ me? (to / at / on / for)

3. The windows haven’t been cleaned ______ weeks. (ago / since / for / to)

4. We usually go to our home village at least once ______ the summer. (in / on / to / for)

5. He said that John ______ up his job. (has given / have given / had given / had to give)

6. When I saw Susan, she said she was taking her driving test ______. (today / the next day / tomorrow / the tomorrow)

7. My TV is broken. I wish it ______ soon. (would be repaired / is repaired/ was repaired / will be repaired)

8. I have lived with my parents. I wish I ______ an apartment. (will have / had / would / has)

9. Have you ever wished you ______ to ski when you were younger? (will learn / could learn / learn / can learn)

10. Sometimes he wishes he ______ a different career when he graduates. (can choose / choose / will choose / could choose)

11. Matthew said he was meeting a friend at the station later ______. (that day / yesterday / tomorrow / this today)

12. The astronauts have already been in orbit ______ two days. (since / for / till / to)

13. We have lunch from 12.00 ______ 1.00. Then we start again go on______ 5.30. (to ... at / from ... to / to ... to / to ... till)

14. She said that she ______ to learn to drive. (is going / go / goes /was going)

15. She asked me ______ I liked pop music. (if / that / what / when)

16. She said that she was going away for a few days and ______ phone me when she got back. (will / must / would / shall)

17. I’ve lived in this street ______. (in 1998 / for 1998 / since 1998 / tomorrow)

18. I want two seats for Romeo and Juliet ______ Friday night. (on / in / at / to)

19. Our train arrived in York ______ 6.00. (in / for / on / at)

20. There was an accident at the crossroads ______ midnight last night. (at / for / on / in)

21. She said she ______ come to the party on Friday. (won’t / doesn’t / can’t / couldn’t)

22. I’m going to swim ______ Monday with Tom. (at / on / for / of)

23. If my watch is broken, I ______ buy a new one because I always need one. (have to/ might / have / may)

24. I have got an awful headache. If I see a chemist’s, I ______ buy someaspirins. (must / might / may / should to)

25. I plan to travel around the world. If I don’t visit my father in Japan this year, I ______ go to the USA. (must / have / may / ought to)

26. If you want to get good grades, you ______ study hard. (must / ought / have / have)

27. Let’s wait ______ it stops raining. (until / for / to / since)

28. I have lived in this house ______. (ago six years / in six years / since six years / for six years)

29. Columbus discovered America ______ the 15th century. (in / since / for / on)

30. The course begins ______ 8 am ______ 5 pm. (from ... during / from ... since / from ... to / in ... to)

  1. 30. The course begins ______ 8 am ______ 5 pm. (from … during / from … since / from … to / in … to)
  2. 31. I fell asleep ______ the movie. (during / since / from / for)
  3. 32. Bill asked where ______ from. (do I come / did I come / I come / I came)
  4. 33. He wonders what ______ with my heavy luggage. (I will do / I would do / will I do / I do)
  5. 34. He said that he was coming ______. (tomorrow after / yesterday / the next day / following day)
  6. 35. You ______ go to university if you want to study medicine. (has to / will / must / ought)
  7. 36. If you want to loose weight, you ______ eat too many sweets. (might not / mustn’t / shouldn’t / may not)
  8. 37. She wishes she ______ a new bicycle. (can have / will have / has / could have)
  9. 38. I ______ it ______ rain so much in this city. (wishes … didn’t / wish … didn’t / wished … don’t / wish … don’t)
  10. 39. If you want to get well, you ______ see a doctor. (must / might / may / ought)
  11. 40. ______ you ever wish you ______ fly? (Did ... could / Do … could / Do … can / Did … can)
  12. 41. If he doesn’t come soon, he ______ be late. (has / ought to / ought / might)
  13. 42. I wish I ______ on a beautiful sunny beach now. (would be lying / can be lying / can be lied / could be lying)
  14. 43. ______ he will change his job if he go to the USA. (Perhaps / Since / Recently / Lately)
  15. 44. He ______ someone ______ answer that telephone. It’s been ringing for about five minutes. (wish … can / wish … would / wishes … can / wishes … would)
  16. 45. If the kitchen is in a mess, you ______ clean it. (will / might / ought to / may)
  17. 46. I wish you ______ so fast. It makes me nervous. (weren’t driving / can’t drive / won’t drive / will not drive)
  18. 47. The music next door is very loud. I wish they ______. (would turn it down / can turn down it / will turn it down / turn down it)
  19. 48. He will stay there ______ the beginning of the October. (for / to / until / on)
  20. 49. ______ afternoon, he feeds the chickens and collects their eggs. (The / In the / At / On)
  21. 50. What are you doing ______ weekend? (till this / the / in this / this)
Question 1: If I ________ to the store later, I’ll get you some milk. A. will go B. went C. go D. was going Question 2: If I’m tired in evenings, ____________. A. I went to bed early B. I go to bed early. C. I’d go to bed early D. I’d have gone to bed early Question 3: Don’t forget to ring me if ______ any changes in the timetable. A. they are B. it will be C. there are D. there will be Question 4: If you _______ very tired, shall we go to the concert tonight. A. didn’t feel B....
Đọc tiếp
Question 1: If I ________ to the store later, I’ll get you some milk. A. will go
B. went
C. go
D. was going
Question 2: If I’m tired in evenings, ____________. A. I went to bed early
B. I go to bed early. C. I’d go to bed early
D. I’d have gone to bed early
Question 3: Don’t forget to ring me if ______ any changes in the timetable. A. they are
B. it will be
C. there are
D. there will be
Question 4: If you _______ very tired, shall we go to the concert tonight. A. didn’t feel
B. aren’t feeling
C. won’t feel
D. hadn’t feel
Question 5: As a rule you shouldn’t argue with your hosts unless they ______somthing openly offensive. A. had said
B. will say
C. have said
D. would say Question 6: If I ______ hear from Nigel, I’ll tell him you were asking after him. A. happened
B. should happen to C. should to
D. will happen to Question 7: Study harder _____. A. if you will pass the exam.
B. and you pass the exam. C. unless you pass the exam.
D. or you won’t pass the exam.
Question 8: If services are increased, taxes _____. A. probably go up
B. will probably go up. C. probably went up
D. going up probably. Question 9: What _____ if there _____ a serious nuclear accident ? A. will happen - was
B. happens - were C. would happen - were
D. would happen - had been Question 10: If all the ice in glaciers and ice sheets _____, the sea level _____ by about 80 meters. A. were melted - can rise
B. has melted - has risen C. melts - could have risen
D. melted - would rise Question 11: If some endangered species ___in zoos, it ___ to ensure there future survival. A. had been kept - helped
B. will be kept - has helped C. are kept - could have been
D.were kept - would help Question 12: If I were you, I ___ a car and have a look around the country. A. hired
B. will hire
C. would hire
D. could have hired
Question 13: “What is the matter with Tim and Sarah?” “They said that if the business continued to do so badly they ___ sell the house. A. had to
B. would have
C. would have to
D. would be Question 14: ”Are you going to buy it or not?” “If it ___ so expensive, I would.” A. were
B. wern’t
C. hadn’t been
D. isn’t Question 15: “Why do you have to get a train to work?” “If I didn’t live so far away, I _____ to.” A. wouldn’t have
B. didn’t have.
C. hadn’t had
D. wouldn’t have had Question 16: “Why don’t we ask Michael to chair the meeting?” “Suppose ___ to ask him, do you think he would accept?” A. were we
B. we were
C. we had been
D. had we been Question 17: If I could speak Spanish, I ____ next year studying in Mexico. A. will spend
B. had spent
C. would spend
D. would have spent Question 18: ____ so aggressive, we’d get on much better. A. She was not
B. Had she not
C. Were not she
D. If she weren’t Question 19: I ____ down your number if I _____ right now. Can you call me back in half an hour. A. could be writing - am not driving
B. would write - weren’t driving B. were writing - wouldn’t drive
D. had written - hadn’t been driving Question 20: I don’t know you were asleep. Otherwise, I ____ so much noise when I came in. A. didn’t make
B. wouldn’t have made
C. won’t make
D. don’t make Question 21: I took a taxi to the hotel but the traffic was very heavy. It _____ quicker if I_______. A. would be - walked
B. would be - had walked C. would have been - had walked
D. was - walked Question 22: “I thought you would get here much easier.” “I know. We _____ it without flight ____ almost two hours late.” A. could make - taking off
B. would have made - took it off C. must have made - taking off
D. could have made - taking off
Question 23: ____ to the last Christmas party, she ____, but nobody invited her. A. Had she been invited - would have come B. If she had been invited - would come C. If she had invited - would come D. Had she invited - would have come Question 24: If he had tried his best, he ______ accepted to that university. A. would have
B. would have been C. would be
D. would had been Question 25: I would have cooked something special if I ___ you were coming. A. knew
B. known
C. have known
D. had known Question 26: The French hikers wo were lost in the jungle _____ for seven weeks if they ____ turtle meat and river water. A. wouldn’t servive - hadn’t been consuming B. aren’t able to servive - didn’t consume C. couldn’t have survice - hadn’t consumed D. didn’t servive - wouldn’t be consuming Question 27: If I _____ you were going to the post office, I would have asked you to buy me some stamps. A. knew
B. have known
C. had known
D. know Question 28: Susan would never have talked to you again if you____. A. didn’t apologize
B. hadn’t apologized C. wouldn’t have apologized
D. haven’t apologized Question 29: If we _____ the flight, our holidays wouldn't have been spoilt. A. hadn’t missed
B. didn’t miss
C. haven’t missed
D. don’t miss Question 30: If I had finish a course on computer programming. I would have a better salary now. Question 38: If Lucy’s car ____ down, she would be here by now. A. didn’t break
B. hadn’t broken C. wouldn’t have broken
D. doesn’t break Question 39: If I had listened to my parents, I ____ at this job now. A. don’t have to work
B. am not working C. wouldn’t be working
D. wouldn’t have worked
Question 40: If he ____ as honest as you believe, he wouldn’t have done that. A. would be
B. were
C. have been
D. would have been
Question 41: If you _____ to my advice in the first place, you wouldn't be in this mess right now.
A. listen
B. had listened
C. will listen
D. listened

Question 42: If I had taken his advice, I _______ rich now.
A. would have been
B. would be
C. am
D. will be

Question 43: If you hadn't lost the pieces, we ______ a game of chess.
A. couldn't have had
B. can't have
C. may have
D. could have

Question 44: _______ of economic cycles been helpful in predicting turning points in cycles, they would have been used more consistently.
A. Psychological theories
B. Psychological theories have
C. Had psychological theories
D. Psychological have theories

Question 45: "I'm surprised no one tried to help Mary.' "____ us sooner, we might have been able to do something."
A. Having asked
B. Asking
C. Had she asked
D. She had asked

Question 46: ____, we would have to put off the visit to Marble Mountains.
A. Did it rain tomorrow
B. Should it rain tomorrow
C. Were it to rain tomorrow
D. Had it rained tomorrow

Question 47: _____, any employee be ill, they must call the office to inform their head of department.
A. Were
B. Should
C. Had
D. If

Question 48: _____ advised on what and how to prepare for the interview, he might have got the job.
A. If he had
B. Unless he had been
C. Had he been
D. Were he to be

Question 49: _____ you to be offered that job, would you have to move to another city ?
A. Should
B. Were
C. Had
D. Provided that Question 50: “What would you do in my place?” “Were ____ treated like that, I would complain to the manager.” A. I to had been
B. I to be
C. I have been
D. to I be Question 51: ___ the government fall, the stock market will crash. A. Had
B. Provided
C. In case
D. Should
Question 52: ____ we invested in telecommunication industry, we would be rich by now. A. Were
B. Should
C. Will
D. Had Question 53: The book would have been perfect ____ the ending. A. it hadn’t been for B. hadn’t it been for C. it had not been for D. had it not been for Question 54: George wouldn’t have met Mary ____ to his brother’s graduation party. A. had he not gone B. had not he gone C. if he has not gone D. if he shouldn’t have gone Question 55: ___ be needed, the water basin would need to be dammed. A. Hydroelectric power should B. When hydroelectric power C. Hydroelectric power D. Should hydroelectric power Question 56: You can stay here ____ you keep things in order. A. as long as B. until C. because D. so Question 57: She will be ill ____. A. unless she takes a few days’ rest B. provided she takes a few days‘ rest C. in case she takes a few days’ rest
D. if she takes a few days rest Question 58: John feels that he owes a lot to his father, without whose support he ____ up his own business. A.wasn‘t setting
B.couldn’t have set
C.hadn’t set
D.shouldn’t have set Question 59: Some scientists say that is it still not too late to minimize the effects of climate change ___ enough money and effort are invested in correct projects. A. so that B. in case C. even if D. provided that Question 60: Now I know we were just too tired. Even with your help, we ____ it. A. shouldn’t finish
B. wouldn’t have finished C. wouldn’t be able to finished
D. wouldn’t finish
Exercise 1: Use the correct form of verbs in brackets. 1. In all the world, there (be) __________ only 14 mountains that (reach) __________above 8,000 meters. 2. He sometimes (come) __________ to see his parents. 3. When I (come) __________, she (leave) __________for Dalat ten minutes ago. 4. My grandfather never (fly) __________ in an airplane, and he has no intention of ever doing so. 5. We just (decide) __________ that we (undertake) ____________ the job. 6. He told me that he (take)...
Đọc tiếp

Exercise 1: Use the correct form of verbs in brackets.
1. In all the world, there (be) __________ only 14 mountains that (reach) __________above 8,000 meters.
2. He sometimes (come) __________ to see his parents.
3. When I (come) __________, she (leave) __________for Dalat ten minutes ago.
4. My grandfather never (fly) __________ in an airplane, and he has no intention of ever doing so.
5. We just (decide) __________ that we (undertake) ____________ the job.
6. He told me that he (take) __________ a trip to California the following week.
7. I knew that this road (be) __________ too narrow.
8. Right now I (attend) __________ class. Yesterday at this time I (attend) __________class.
9. Tomorrow I’m going to leave for home. When I (arrive) __________at the airport, Mary (wait) __________ for me.
10. Margaret was born in 1950. By last year, she (live) __________on this earth for 55 years .
11. The traffic was very heavy. By the time I (get) __________to Mary’s party, everyone already (arrive) __________
12. I will graduate in June. I (see) __________ you in July. By the time I (see) __________ you , I (graduate) __________.
13. I (visit) __________ my uncle’s home regularly when I (be) __________ a child.
14. That book (be) __________ on the table for weeks. You (not read) __________ it yet ?
15. David (wash) __________ his hands. He just (repair) __________ the TV set.
16. You (be) __________here before? Yes, I (spend) __________ my holidays here last year.
17. We never (meet) __________ him. We don’t know what he (look) __________ like.
18. The car (be) __________ ready for him by the time he (come) __________tomorrow.
19. On arriving at home I (find) __________that she just (leave) __________a few minutes before.
20. When we (arrive) __________ in London tonight, it probably (rain) __________.
21. It (rain) __________ hard. We can’t do anything until it (stop) __________
22. Last night we (watch) __________TV when the power (fail) __________.
23. That evening we (stay) __________up to talk about the town where he (live) __________for some years.
24. I (sit) __________down for a rest while the shoes (repair) __________.
25. Half way to the office Paul (turn) __________round and (go) __________back home because he (forget) __________to turn the gas off.
26. London (change) __________a lot since we first (come) __________ to live here.
27. While we (talk) __________on the phone the children (start) __________fighting and (break) __________a window
28. He used to talk to us for hours about all the interesting things he (do) __________ in his life.
29. You know she (stand) __________looking at that picture for the last twenty minutes.
30. I (spend) __________ a lot of time travelling since I (get) __________this new job.
31. When we (be) __________ at school we all (study) __________Latin.
32. When I (meet) __________ him , he (work) __________as a waiter for a year.

33. After he (finish) __________ breakfast he (sit) __________down to write some letters.
34. She (have) __________a hard life, but she’s always smiling.
35. I think Jim (be) __________ out of town.

Exercise 2: Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D.
1. When I last saw him, he _____ in London.
A. has lived B. is living C. was living D. has been living
2. We _______ Dorothy since last Saturday.
A. don’t see B. haven’t seen C. didn’t see D. hadn’t seen
3. The train ______ half an hour ago.
A. has been leaving B. left C. has left D. had left
4. Jack ______ the door.
A. has just painted B. paint
C. will have painted D. painting
5. My sister ________ for you since yesterday.
A. is looking B. was looking C. has been looking D. looked
6. I ______ Texas State University now.
A. am attending B. attend C. was attending D. attended
7. He has been selling motorbikes ________.
A. ten years ago B. since ten years C. for ten years ago D. for ten years
8. Christopher Columbus _______ American more than 500 years ago.
A. discovered B. has discovered
C. had discovered D. had been discovering
9. He fell down when he ______ towards the church.
A. run B. runs C. was running D. had run
10. We _______ there when our father died.
A. still lived B. lived still C. was still lived D. was still living
11. They ______ table tennis when their father comes back home.
A. will play B. will be playing C. play D. would play
12. By Christmas, I _______ for Mr. Smith for six years.
A. will have been working B. will work
C. have been working D. will be working
13. I _______ in the room right now.
A. am being B. was being C. have been being D. am
14. I ______ to New York three times this year.
A. have been B. was C. were D. had been
15. I’ll come and see you before I _______ for the States.
A. leave B. will leave C. have left D. shall leave
16. The little girl asked what _______ to her friend.
A. has happened B. happened
C. had happened D. would have been happened
17. John ______ a book when I saw him.
A. is reading B. read C. was reading D. reading
18. He said he _______ return later.
A. will B. would C. can D. would be
19. Jack ________ the door.
A. has just opened B. open C. have opened D. opening
20. I have been waiting for you ______ .
A. since early morning B. since 9 a.m
C. for two hours D. All are correct
21. Almost everyone _______ for home by the time we arrived.

A. leave B. left C. leaves D. had left
22. By the age of 25, he ______ two famous novels.
A. wrote B. writes C. has written D. had written
23. When her husband was in the army, Mary ______ to him twice a week.
A. was reading B. wrote C. was written D. had written
24. I couldn’t cut the grass because the lawn mower ______ a few days previously.
A. broke down B. has been broken C. had broken down D. breaks down
25. I have never played badminton before. This is the first time I _____ to play.
A. try B. tried C. have tried D. am trying
26. Since _______, I have heard nothing from him.
A. he had left B. he left C. he has left D. he was left
27. After I _______ lunch, I looked for my bag.
A. had B. had had C. have has D. have had
28. By the end of next year, George _______ English for two years.
A. will have learned B. will learn C. has learned D. would learn
29. The man got out of the car, ________ round to the back and opened the book.
A. walking B. walked C. walks D. walk
30. Henry _______ into the restaurant when the writer was having dinner.
A. was going B. went C. has gone D. did go
31. He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he ______ dinner.
A. finish B. finishes C. will finish D. finishing
32. I will be glad if he _______ with us.
A. had gone B. did go C. went D. goes
33 Ask her to come and see me when she _______ her work.
A. finish B. has finished C. finished D. finishing
34. Turn off the gas. Don’t you see that the kettle ________ ?
A. boil B. boils C. is boiling D. boiled
35. Tom and Mary ______ for Vietnam tomorrow.
A. leave B. are leaving C. leaving D. are left
36. He always ________ for a walk in the evening.
A. go B. is going C. goes D. going
37. Her brother ______ in Canada at present.
A. working B. works C. is working D. work
38. I ______ to the same barber since last year.
A. am going B. have been going C. go D. had gone
39. Her father ______ when she was a small girl.
A. dies B. died C. has died D. had died
40. Last week, my professor promised that he ________ today.
A. would come B. will come C. comes D. coming

Exercise 3: Choose the underlined part in each sentence (A, B, C, or D ) that needs correcting.
1. After Mrs. Wang had returned to her house from work, she was cooking dinner. A B C
2. Jimmy threw the ball high in the air, and Betty catching it when it came down.A B C D
3. Linda has worn her new yellow dress only once since she buys it.
4. Last week Mark told me that he got very bored with his present job
and is looking for a new one.
5. Having fed the dog, he was sat down to his own meal.
6. When I turned on my computer, I was shocked to find some junk mail,
and I delete it all.
7. They are going to have to leave soon and so do we.
8. The boss laughed when the secretary has told him that she really
needed a pay rise.
9. The telephone rang several times and then stop before I could answer it.
10. Debbie, whose father is an excellent tennis player, has been playing
tennis since ten years.
11. I have seen lots of interesting places when I went on holiday last summer.
12. When my cat heard a noise in the bushes, she stopped moving and listen intently.
13. I think it’s time you change your way of living.
14. Roger felt the outside of his pocket to make sure his wallet is still there.
15. When I’m shopping in the supermarket, I ran into an old friend who I
hadn’t met for five years.
16. The police arrested the man while he is having dinner in a restaurant.
17. Peter and Wendy first met in 2006, and they are married for three years now.
18. Some people are believing there is life on other planets.

19. Recently, the island of Hawaii had been the subject of
intensive research on the occurrence of earthquakes.
20. Every morning, the sun shines in my bedroom window and waking
me up.
21. The man died as a result of falling asleep while he drives.
22. I haven’t finished the report yet, but by the time you return I
will certainly complete it.
23. Caroline has worn her new yellow dress only once since she buys it.
24. We’ll be cycled to Hoa’s village at this time next Sunday.
25. What will you do when your friends won’t come ?
26. Someone was knocking at the door when I was doing the washing up.
27. My friend didn’t drink any beer since we came to live here.
28. We have written to each other when we were in primary school.
29. After breakfast, I‘m gone to walk to school with my friends.
30. Did he go to the pop concert next weekend for a change?

Exercise 4: Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
1. Eight years ago we started writing to each other.
A. We have rarely written to each other for eight years.
B. Eight years is a long time for us to write to each other.
C. We wrote to each other eight years ago.
D. We have been writing to each other for eight years.
2. The boy was so lazy that he couldn’t stay up late to learn his lessons.
A. The boy was lazy enough not to stay up late to learn his lessons.
B. The boy was too lazy to stay up late to learn his lessons.
C. The boy was lazy enough but he stayed up late to learn his lessons.
D. The boy was lazy enough to stay up late to learn his lessons.
3. My father is tired of seeing any violent films.
A. My father hasn’t seen a violent film.

B. My father has enjoyed all the violent films he has ever seen.
C. My father is worried about missing the next violent film.
D. My father never wants to see another violent film.
4. As soon as he waved his hand, she turned away.
A. He saw her turn away and he waved his hand.
B. No sooner had he waved his hand than she turned away.
C. She turned away because he waved his hand too early.
D. Although she turned away, he waved his hand.
5. John wishes he had remembered to send Mary a Christmas card.
A. John regrets not to send Mary a Christmas card.
B. John regrets forgetting not to send Mary a Christmas card.
C. John regrets not remembering sending Mary a Christmas card.
D. John regrets forgetting to send Mary a Christmas card.
6. My father hasn’t smoked cigarettes for a month.
A. It’s a month since my father last smoked cigarettes.
B. It’s a month ago that my father smoked cigarettes.
C. It’s a month that my father hasn’t smoked cigarettes.
D. It’s a cigarette that my father smoked a month ago.
7. Having finished their work, the workers expected to be paid.
A. The workers expected to be paid because they had finished their work.
B. Having their work finishing, the workers expected to be paid.
C. Having expected to be paid, the workers finished their work.
D. Having been finished their work, the workers expected to be paid.
8. Mr. Brown bought this car five years ago.
A. Mr. Brown started to buy this car for five years.
B. It has been five years when Mr. Brown has bought this car.
C. Mr. Brown has had this car for five years .
D. It is five years ago since Mr. Brown has bought this car.
9. John used to write home once a week when he was abroad.
A. John doesn’t write home once a week any longer.
B. John enjoyed being written home every week when he was abroad.
C. John never forgot to write a weekly letter home when he was abroad.
D. When he was abroad he remembered to write home every week.
10. I haven’t enjoyed myself so much for years.
A. It’s years since I enjoyed myself so much.
B. It’s years since I have enjoyed myself so much.
C. It was years since I had enjoyed myself so much.
D. It has been years since I have enjoyed myself so much.

Exercise 5: Rewrite these sentences:
1. This is the first time he has gone abroad.
=> He hasn’t………………………………………………………………
2. She started driving 1 month ago.
=> She has…………………………………………………………………
3. We began eating when it started to rain.
=> We have………………………………………………………………..
4. I last had my hair cut when I left her.
=> I haven’t……………………………………………………………….
5. The last time she met me was 5 months ago.
=> She hasn’t……………………………………………………………..
6. It is a long time since we last met.
=> We haven’t…………………………………………………………….

18 tháng 3 2020

Exercise 2:

1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. A 13. D

14. A 15. A 16. C 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. D 21. D 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. C 26. B

27. B 28. A 29. B 30. B 31. B 32. D 33. B 34. C 35. B 36. C 37. C 38. B 39. B

40. A

Exercise 3:

1. D. was cooking -> cooked

2. C. catching -> caught

3. D. buys -> bought

4. C. is looking -> was looking

5. B. was sat -> sat

6. D. delete -> deleted

7. C. so do -> so are

8. A. has told -> told

9. C. stop -> stopped

10. D. since -> for

11. A. have seen -> saw

12. C. listen -> listened

13. B. change -> changed

14. D. is still -> was still

15. A. I’m shopping -> was shopping

16. C. is having -> was having

17. C. are -> have been

18. B. are believing -> believe

19. B. had been -> has been

20. C. waking -> wakes

21. D. drives -> was driving

22. D. will certainly complete -> will have certainly completed

23. D. buys -> bought

24. A. We’ll be cycled -> We’ll be cycling

25. D. won’t come -> don’t come

26. A. was knocking -> knocked

27. A. didn’t drink -> hasn’t drunk

28. C. when -> since

29. B. gone -> going

30. A. Did -> Will

Exercise 4:

1. D 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. A

Nguồn: Bài tập tổng hợp về các thì trong tiếng Anh hay có đáp án (Exercises on tenses)

Chúc bạn học tốt@@

18 tháng 3 2020

Exercise 1:

  1. are - reach
  2. comes
  3. came - had left
  4. has never flown
  5. have just decided -would undertake
  6. would take
  7. was
  8. am attending - was attending
  9. arrive -will be waiting
  10. had lived
  11. got- had already arrived
  12. will see - see - will have graduated
  13. visited -was
  14. has been - haven’t you read
  15. is washing - has just repaired
  16. Have you been - spent
  17. have never met - looks
  18. will have been- comes
  19. found – had just left
  20. arrive – will probably be raining
  21. is raining - stops
  22. were watching - failed
  23. stayed – had lived
  24. sat – were being repaired
  25. turned – went – had forgotten
  26. has changed - came
  27. were talking – started - broke
  28. had done
  29. has been standing
  30. have spent - got
  31. were - studied
  32. met – had been working
  33. had finished - sat
  34. has
  35. has been