
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

1. Fill in each blank with an appropriate word. 01. The pain in your legs should go away when we _______ your back problem. 02. The study of the diseases of the old people is called ________. 03. Physiotherapy department is opposite this department, so just _____ across the corridor. 04. Lisa went to Hue Central Hospital three months ago. She wanted to have her breasts________. 05. We can’t see our patients, so we ______ very good on the phone. FORM E 2 06. If you are able to wait here, I _______ a nurse to come and take care of you. 07. Many nurses ________ that the job is rewarding but the pay is low. 08. The nurse _______ admitted Lisa asked what had happened to her. 09. My sister is too fat. She wants to ________ weight. 10. When you are ill, you expect your doctor to tell you what you have, and then to _____ you. 11. A _______ is for performing surgery. 12. It wastes a lot of time when I don’t understand reports and forms _______ handwriting or abbreviations. 13. You should pay attention to your diet and do more exercise ______ taking pills. 14. There are four main concepts in nursing that a nursing student _______ familiar with before she can begin caring for patients. 15. Doctors generally write numbers more _______ than words. 16. ________ takes x-rays and other images. 17. Needles and syringes are used for________ injections. 18. My mother always ________ to work by bus when she is on an early shift. 19. As a nurse, she knows how to________ 20. Keep the person _______ until medical help arrives. 2. Rewrite the following sentences so that they best keep the meaning of the sentences above. 21. A scrub nurse gives support to surgeons in the operating theatre. A scrub nurse supports …………………………………………………………………. 22. All life activities are controlled by the nervous system. The nervous system controls …………………………………………………………… 23. Anyone who coughs for a long time should have the lung x-rayed. Anyone coughing …………………………………………………………………………… 24. The blouse is not short enough for her to wear The blouse is too long ………………………………………………………………….. 25. You need to have your eyes checked if you can’t see well. It is necessary for you ……………………………………………………………………. 3. Fill each gap with one appropriate word given. A. Big B. Balance C. Appears D. Active E. Overweight G. Nutritionists H. Obesity I. Diet J. Glucose K. Childhood Diabetes occurs when your body does not produce enough insulin, a hormone that controls the level of (26) ______ in the blood. One type of diabetes appears in (27) ______, and the other type (28) ______ after the age of eighteen. It is very common for very (29) ______ people to get diabetes, so the illness is linked to (30) ______. For this reason, it is important to get the right (31)______ between food and exercise. It is important to be (32) ______, and to eat a healthy (33)_______, containing plenty of fruit and vegetables. (34) ______ say snacks are better than (35)______meals.

READING COMPREHENSION- Read the following passage and choose True or False. Say the answers aloud. A chief nursing officer is a supervising administrator in a medical facility, usually a hospital or clinic. The role requires oversight of all nursing personnel and activities in the facility. It is a diverse leadership role that requires deep understanding of the nursing profession, administration, management, and the specific characteristics of the medical facility. One of the most important duties of a chief nursing officer is to ensure that the nursing element of a facility is running according to applicable medical laws and on-site regulations. A person working as a chief nursing officer will work to consolidate and communicate key information with nursing staff. This can include updates, training, and individual consultation with staff members. An individual in this position will also stay in constant contact with upper management and provide a line of communication between facility executives and the nursing staff. The position also often requires supervisory oversight of transcription and medical records. 36. ______. There aren’t many duties for a person who works as a chief nursing officer. 37. ______. A chief nursing officer is a supervising administrator in a medical facility, usually a hospital or clinic. 38. ______. One of the most important duties of chief nursing officer is to ensure that the nursing element of a facility is running according to applicable medical laws and on-site regulations. 39. ______. A person working as a chief nursing officer will never work to consolidate and communicate key information with nursing staff. 40. ______. The role of a chief nursing officer doesn’t require oversight of all nursing personnel and activities in the facility at all. 

Giúp mình gấp với mn ơi !!! Mình đang thi á! Sắp hết giờ òi. Huhu...

Fill up the spaces in each of the following sentences by inserting a verb + up, or a verb + up + preposition combination. 1. It is ...... factory owners to provide fire-fighting equip­ment in their factories. (No verb is required here.) 2. Unfortunately he was ...... by his parents to believe that money was the only thing that mattered. 3. The party didn't ...... till 3 a.m. and the guests left very noisily. 4. I ran after him and soon ......... him. Then we went on together. 5. Mother to...
Đọc tiếp

Fill up the spaces in each of the following sentences by inserting a verb + up, or a verb + up + preposition combination.

1. It is ...... factory owners to provide fire-fighting equip­ment in their factories. (No verb is required here.) 2. Unfortunately he was ...... by his parents to believe that money was the only thing that mattered. 3. The party didn't ...... till 3 a.m. and the guests left very noisily.

4. I ran after him and soon ......... him. Then we went on together. 5. Mother to child: "Your clothes are covered with mud; what have you .........?" 6. If you buy the paint I'll ......this room for you. 7. He ......a list of conditions and we all agreed to them. 8. If you want a new passport you must ...... this form. 9. He......at 8 a.m. and went to bed at 11 p.m. 10. I tried three times to start the car and then ... it ... and went by bus. 11. If I ...... alcohol I'd be much healthier, but life wouldn't be so much fun. 12. I saw a policeman so I ......... him and asked him the way.

13. Most girls expect to get married when they....... 14. Cashiers carrying money to the bank are sometimes ...... by gunmen. 15. He couldn't ......... me as I ran much faster than he did

and soon left him behind. 16. I ...... a 20p piece that I saw lying on the ground. 17. He wasted two weeks and tried to ......... it by working madly the last day. 18. She said that she was going to educate her children her­self, for if they went to school they'd only......bad habits. 19. Before you go on holiday you should ...... the house and ask the police to keep an eye on it. 20. The car......suddenly with screaming brakes. 21. English people have to.........English weather. 22. The thieves ...... (bound) the housekeeper and ransacked the house. 23. I've stupidly ...... your books and mine and now I don't know which is which. 24. He is a dangerous criminal. He ought to be....... 25. I want to ... him ... . Would you please ...... his telephone number? 26. I ...... at the meeting-place but the others didn't come. 27. He wanted something to do in his spare time so he ...... carpentry. 28. The police......a notice saying, "No Parking". 29. "Tell me at the end of the week how many hours you have worked and I'll ......with you then", his employer said. 30. It's probably true. No one would......such a stupid story. 31. She sat down in front of the mirror and began to ...... her face. 32. If only we had a dish-washer, we wouldn't need to ...... after every meal. 33 My father said it was all my fault but my mother ......... (defended) me and said that it wasn't. 34 He ...... his speech by calling for a vote of thanks for last year's president.

A. choose a. a b.an c.the d.no word 1. oh i didn't tell you. we've got __ new english teacher 2. here's __dvd you asked to borrow 3 we're out of__ coffee so could you get some from the supermarket 4. the prize is __ unique opportunity to travel the world 5. it looks like __ glass in your bedroom window is cracked 6. it's__honour to be here this evening to speak to you 7. there's ___ good chance we'll be late for the meeting 8. reports are coming in of a major oil spill in __...
Đọc tiếp

A. choose

a. a b.an c.the d.no word

1. oh i didn't tell you. we've got __ new english teacher

2. here's __dvd you asked to borrow

3 we're out of__ coffee so could you get some from the supermarket

4. the prize is __ unique opportunity to travel the world

5. it looks like __ glass in your bedroom window is cracked

6. it's__honour to be here this evening to speak to you

7. there's ___ good chance we'll be late for the meeting

8. reports are coming in of a major oil spill in __ Mediterranean

9. i went to see the doctor because i'm finding it difficult to sleep at __ night

10. do you think that they'll ever send a manned mission to ___ Venus

B. circle the extra word in each line

1. The many people who appear in the news for the first time

2 find that a sudden fame has a negative effect on their lives.

3 The national press can be an unforgiving and the loss of

4 the provacy that comes with fame is an extra problem at a

5 difficult time. This is especially tha case when a someone is

6 in the news because of a tragedy or the serious crime .Just

7. at the moment when you are under a most stress, you find

8 microphones and the cameras in your face. The media have

9 a responsibility to inform the public, but an innocent people

10 are often hurt by the demand for th scandal.


1. the clothes you bought me for birthday __ (be) wonderful 2. it turned out that the information we had received__(be)wrong 3 my new jeans __(be) in the wash and i wanted to wear them tonight 4. the luggage on a plane__ (take)up a ;ot of room 5.your hair__(look)really nice and shiny 6. i could tell by the look on her face that the news __(not/be)good 7.oh no my money __(be)in my other jacket D. find ten mistake in this passage and correct them 1 'We interrupt you usual schedule to bring you an important news. We are receiving 2 information about q spaceship that has landed outside the White House. The large 3 ship seems to be made of glasses. Reports say that a short time ago aliens came out 4 of the craft .Eye-witness described them as short and said their clothes was made 5 of metal and their hairs was bright green. Strangely one of them appear to be 6 wearing a jean. Much people vsaid that they seemed to be frendly. The President of the 7 United States is currently holding a meeting with the visitors in the hope that we can 8 exchage knowledges.Police advice are to stay indoors and under no circumstances 9 approach the spacesship. We will be back with another news as soon as we can. And 10 now back to your usual programme Gardening for Beginners
Have you ever asked yourself why it is that we (1) work? If it is, as some people say, just a question of money, would you be prepared to do any job as long as you (2) ______________________ a lot, even if it involved working for long hours in appalling (3) ______________________? Or are you perhaps more interested in the (4) ______________________ you get when you feel that you are good at your job? It's true that there is a great sense of (5) ______________________ behind, for example, the...
Đọc tiếp

Have you ever asked yourself why it is that we (1) work? If it is, as some people say, just a question of money, would you be prepared to do any job as long as you (2) ______________________ a lot, even if it involved working for long hours in appalling (3) ______________________? Or are you perhaps more interested in the (4) ______________________ you get when you feel that you are good at your job? It's true that there is a great sense of (5) ______________________ behind, for example, the creation of a well-made product, or the clinching of an important deal, though this might not be the (6) ______________________ if you were serving in a shop or delivering letters. Still, as long as the customers are satisfied, then you can (7) ______________________ yourself on a job well done, and feel that you have (8) ______________________ to the success of the company that (9) ______________________ you. On the other hand, would you feel that your work was more worthwhile if you received more praise from your employers? Would you feel happier if they paid you a (10) ______________________ or sent you to a sales conference in Tahiti? Or is praise unnecessary, as long as the job (11) ______________________ you with the company of other people, and the feeling that you belong to the group? Most of us are probably too (12) ______________________ working to wonder too much about this. One day perhaps we'll find that ideal job which gives life meaning, but until then we'll just get up every morning and keep on working.
Bạn nào nhanh nhất mình tik nha! Cảm ơn!

Word formation1. The country produces enough food, but the (distribute) …………………………….of food is a problem.2. Together with smoking and drinking, (active)………………… is today one o the causes of ill health.3. What is the (possible)………………………of the weather getting better before the weekend?4. She should take the (advise) ……………………….of the doctor and gave up smoking.5. He made an (apply) …………………….for the position of...
Đọc tiếp

Word formation

1. The country produces enough food, but the (distribute) …………………………….of food is a problem.

2. Together with smoking and drinking, (active)………………… is today one o the causes of ill health.

3. What is the (possible)………………………of the weather getting better before the weekend?

4. She should take the (advise) ……………………….of the doctor and gave up smoking.

5. He made an (apply) …………………….for the position of manager.

6. He made an (arrange) …………………………to see me at two o’clock.

7. The thieves have tried to remove (value)………………………… possessions from the chamber.

8. She eats too much and is now suffering from (weight)………………………..

9. Our farm will be (large) ………………………..next year if we have a good crop.

10. The climate here (courage)……………………. the growth of many sorts of juicy fruits.

11. I would recommend that you should be interested in reading (education)………………….. books and magazines.

13. This course is for (begin)……………………. who have never learned English.

14. The (develop) ……………………of our economy used to depend (large)………………… on agriculture.

16. It seems that your room is (differ) ……………………..decorated. It looks so beautiful now.

17. As the lecture was (interest)…………………………., we left for a coffee.

18. She had an unhappy (child)…........... , so she really wants to help all the uncared-for (child) ................

19. Decide what you want to do. You must make a (decide)…………………

20. It is difficult to give a speech without (prepare)……………………………..

25 tháng 2 2020

A look

Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word : 1.After his parents died, he was sent to an ....................... 2.Nam and Ba seldom talk about ................... they are very ................... 3.Hoa makes friends very easily because she is very .......................... 4.The earth is one of the ....................... we live on. 5.She lives next to my house. She’s my next-door ............................... 6.The noise in the street ...................... people at night. 7.His...
Đọc tiếp

Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word :

1.After his parents died, he was sent to an .......................

2.Nam and Ba seldom talk about ................... they are very ...................

3.Hoa makes friends very easily because she is very ..........................

4.The earth is one of the ....................... we live on.

5.She lives next to my house. She’s my next-door ...............................

6.The noise in the street ...................... people at night.

7.His sense of ............................ always makes people laugh.

8.As a leader, he must learn how to speak well in .....................

9.A ................................. is a person can neither speak nor hear.

10. A ................................. is a machine which makes copies of documents.

11.A ............................ is a machine which records and plays back sound and pictures

12. An .......................... machine is a machine which answer the telephone and records

13.Mr Watson worked as an ........................ to A.G Bell. messages from callers.

14.A ................................. is a phone which you can carry, and which you can use outside.

15.At the .......................... Bell presented his device to the public.

16.We are making ..................................... for the trip to Hanoi next summer vacation.

17.The opposite of generous is ................... 18.Telephone is Bell’s .....................

19.At school, we have an ................................. to do many ............................ in the laboratory.

20.A.G Bell ............................. first to Canada and then to the USA in the 1870s.

21As a good carpenter, he know much about ......................

22.Vinh Trung plaza is one of the biggest ................................ centers in Danang City.

23.It’s difficult for old men to walk upstairs or ...........................

24.The students enjoy ...................... at recess. 25.You use a ...................... to cook rice.

26.My sister amuses............................(tiêu khiển) with kitten (mèo con)

27.You shouldn’t blame (khiển trách)..................... for that mistake.

28.Don’t come in . Please wait ........................ for your turn.

29.Each year, fire ........................ homes and injures children.

30.You can find soap and shampoo in the ...................... 31.We put clothes in the .................

32.Don’t leave the light on. It wastes ..............................

33.You must ................. electrical ............... so that children don’t try to put ............ into them.

34.We put our food in the .......................................... to keep it longer.

35.My mother doesn’t wash clothes by hand. She uses a ..................... machine to wash them.

36.We have to put all ......................... objects out of children’s ........................

37.Playing with one ................... can ....................... a fire.

38.Don’t shelter (ẩn nấp)....................... the trees when it’s raining.

39.We put cups and glasses in the ................... 40.............................. is better than cure.

41.We cut things with ...................... and ....................

42.Vietnamese women often wear ................................. clothes on great holidays.

43.My grandma used to look ................. us when my parents were away from home.

44.Before the ................ started, a fairy ........................ and ......................... changed the poor girl’s............... into beautiful ...................

45.The step-mother was very .................. to the little poor girl.

46................upon a time, there was a young and beautiful pincess

47.He ................. in love ............... that girl at the first sight.

48.A lion .................. from its cage yesterday.

49.To fasten something with a rope or a string means to ..............

50.We received s warm ..........................from the villagers.

51.What do you do to ...................... your English ?

52.Our project wouldn’t be successful without your kind ......................

53. I................... across my old friend in the street this morning.

54.You can use the dictionary to ............... up / ............... out new words.

55. He is very ........................ He always makes people laugh.

56.We enjoy ............................ in ......................... funds for the poor.

57.Bell ............................... his invetions at a lot exhibitions

58.I haven’t seen him ............. ages. I last saw him .......... 2000.

59.Some of ....................... are not satisfied ............... the service of Thang Long Hotel.

60.If you want to join the club, please fill in this ........................... form.

61.I think .................................... games are good for our health.

62.Pedestrians should walk on the .......................

63.Sending letters by .................... faster than sending them by ...................

64.Televison is one of the cheapest forms of ................................

65.Floods, typhoons and droughts are ........................ disasters.

66.The increase in .................................. has led to overcrowding in many cities.

67............................... jobs in the city attract many people from .................... areas.

68.On the opening day, the mall will have special ........................... for customers.

69.Most of the teenagers enjoy ..................... part in collecting...................... paper, planting trees and ........................up beaches.

70.The aims of the Youth Union are to build .......................... love for the nation, and ............................good citizentship, soft skills and personal .....................

71.Today medical .................... are more easily accessible ............ the countryside.

72.Famers have to spend all their lives ............................ with nature.

73.Our governments are doing their ............... to improve the people’s quality of life.

74.You can ............................ her at 395387

75. She is afraid of staying at home ............ herself at night.

76.Children are .................................. in picture books.

77.TV is bringing not only i....................................... but also e..............................

78.Many language learners underline or .......................the new words they come ................

79.Ho Chi Minh Young ................................... was founded on 19 May 1941.

80.The company has arranged .................... the ................... of the furniture to Mr Minh’s house.

81.The ................... circles the .................... once every 365 days.

81.What’s she like ? = What is her ..................................... ?

83. Mai and Hoa are both 13 years old. Hoa is the same .................... as Mai.

84. My mother is ........................ cooking in the kitchen.

85.You’d better do some ............................. for the exams.

86.The supermarket is offering a wide s......................... of spring clothes for to choose easily.

87.The r.............................. in the area are against the building of the express way.

88.The city’s water............................... is no longer adequate for its need.

89. Come to stay at our hotel ; we’re sure to give the greatest welcome and good s....................

90. What’s the d............../........................ time of your flight ?

7 tháng 7 2018

Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word :

1.After his parents died, he was sent to an orphanage

2.Nam and Ba seldom talk about ................... they are very ...................

3.Hoa makes friends very easily because she is very friendly

4.The earth is one of the planets we live on.

5.She lives next to my house. She’s my next-door neighborhood

6.The noise in the street bothers people at night.

7.His sense of humor always makes people laugh.

8.As a leader, he must learn how to speak well in .....................

9.A deaf-mute is a person can neither speak nor hear.

10. A photocopier is a machine which makes copies of documents.

11.A phonograph is a machine which records and plays back sound and pictures

12. An answering machine is a machine which answer the telephone and records

13.Mr Watson worked as an assistant to A.G Bell. messages from callers.

14.A mobilephone is a phone which you can carry, and which you can use outside.

15.At the laboratory Bell presented his device to the public.

16.We are making plan for the trip to Hanoi next summer vacation.

17.The opposite of generous is selfish 18.Telephone is Bell’s invention

19.At school, we have an opportunity to do many experiments in the laboratory.

20.A.G Bell was first to Canada and then to the USA in the 1870s.

21As a good carpenter, he know much about wood

22.Vinh Trung plaza is one of the biggest entertainment centers in Danang City.

23.It’s difficult for old men to walk upstairs or downstairs

24.The students enjoy chatting at recess. 25.You use a cooker to cook rice.

26.My sister amuses............................(tiêu khiển) with kitten (mèo con)

27.You shouldn’t blame (khiển trách) yourself for that mistake.

28.Don’t come in . Please wait outside for your turn.

29.Each year, fire destroys homes and injures children.

30.You can find soap and shampoo in the bathroom


31.We put clothes in the wardrobe

32.Don’t leave the light on. It wastes electricity

33.You must ................. electrical appliances so that children don’t try to put ............ into them.

34.We put our food in the refrigerator to keep it longer.

35.My mother doesn’t wash clothes by hand. She uses a washing machine to wash them.

36.We have to put all sharp objects out of children’s reach

37.Playing with one match can start a fire.

38.Don’t shelter (ẩn nấp) under the trees when it’s raining.

39.We put cups and glasses in the cupboard

40. Prevention is better than cure.

41.We cut things with knife and scissor

42.Vietnamese women often wear traditional clothes on great holidays.

43.My grandma used to look after us when my parents were away from home.

44.Before the story started, a fairy ........................ and ......................... changed the poor girl’s............... into beautiful princess

45.The step-mother was very cruel to the little poor girl.

46. Once upon a time, there was a young and beautiful pincess

47.He fell in love with that girl at the first sight.

48.A lion escaped from its cage yesterday.

49.To fasten something with a rope or a string means to tie

50.We received a warm ..........................from the villagers.

51.What do you do to improve your English ?

52.Our project wouldn’t be successful without your kind cooperation

53. I came across my old friend in the street this morning.

54.You can use the dictionary to look up / find out new words.

55. He is very humorous He always makes people laugh.

56.We enjoy participating in raising funds for the poor.

57.Bell demonstrated his invetions at a lot exhibitions

58.I haven’t seen him for ages. I last saw him in 2000.

59.Some of visitors are not satisfied with the service of Thang Long Hotel.

60.If you want to join the club, please fill in this application form.

61.I think outdoor games are good for our health.

62.Pedestrians should walk on the pavement

63.Sending letters by email faster than sending them by ...................

64.Televison is one of the cheapest forms of entertainment

65.Floods, typhoons and droughts are natural disasters.

66.The increase in population has led to overcrowding in many cities.

67. Many jobs in the city attract many people from rural areas.

68.On the opening day, the mall will have special sale for customers.

69.Most of the teenagers enjoy taking part in collecting used paper, planting trees and clean up beaches.

70.The aims of the Youth Union are to build good characters love for the nation, and encourages good citizentship, soft skills and personal fitness

71.Today medical care are more easily accessible in the countryside.

72.Famers have to spend all their lives living with nature.

73.Our governments are doing their ............... to improve the people’s quality of life.

74.You can meet her at 395387

75. She is afraid of staying at home by herself at night.

76.Children are interested in picture books.

77.TV is bringing not only information but also entertainment

78.Many language learners underline or highlight the new words they come across

79.Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer Organisation was founded on 19 May 1941.

80.The company has arranged .................... the ................... of the furniture to Mr Minh’s house.

81.The earth circles the sun once every 365 days.

81.What’s she like ? = What is her characteristic ?

83. Mai and Hoa are both 13 years old. Hoa is the same age as Mai.

84. My mother is ........................ cooking in the kitchen.

85.You’d better do some revisions for the exams.

- Sorry cậu, tớ chỉ giúp cậu đc 1 vài câu thoii, còn lại thì tớ ko biết làm :((

15 tháng 1 2019


8.As a leader, he must learn how to speak well in ....public...

25.You use a .........cooker... to cook rice.

86.The supermarket is offering a wide s....election...... of spring clothes for to choose easily.

87.The r.........esidents........ in the area are against the building of the express way.

89. Come to stay at our hotel ; we’re sure to give the greatest welcome and good s..ervice......

Give the correct form of the word in the bracket.(3points) 1. It is ........... to eat too much sugar and fat HEALTH 2. If you can give a reasonable .......... for you bad behavior last night, I will forgive you EXPLAIN 3. My brother often does experiments abour electricity for ........... PLEASE 4. There are many caltural ................ between his country and mine. 5. There are a lot of...
Đọc tiếp

Give the correct form of the word in the bracket.(3points)

1. It is ........... to eat too much sugar and fat


2. If you can give a reasonable .......... for you bad behavior last night, I will forgive you


3. My brother often does experiments abour electricity for ...........


4. There are many caltural ................ between his country and mine.

5. There are a lot of ............. festivals in vietnam

6. He cycled …………………. and had an accident.




II.Choose the words from the box to fill in the gaps.

example limits make countries where lot under

include them lights travel is obey miss license sure

When you are driving (0) _ abroad __ you should (1) _____________ sure that you have all documents with you. These (2)_______________ your passport, your driving (3) ______________ and insurance papers. It (4) _______________ very inconvenient if you (5) ______________ any of these or if you cannot find (6)_____________ quickly. You must also make (7) ________________ that your car has a national plate which shows the country (8) _______________ the car is registered; for (9) _________________, GB for Britain, F for France, N for Norway and so on.

In some (10) _________________ you have to pay if you don’t (11) ______________ motoring laws and this can sometimes cost you a (12) ______________of money. For instance, you may have to pay immediately if you are stopped by a police officer for taking no notice of traffic (13) ______________, speed (14) _______________ or if you allow children (15) _______________ the age of twelve to (16) ______________ in the front seat of a vehicle.

Rearrange these sentences to make a dialogue between a tourist and a guide : (1.5points)

______ Tourist: I have heard of Hoi An. Is it an interesting place?

______ Guide: Why don’t you go to Ha Noi? You can find many historical sites there.

___1__ Tourist: What can I see in Central Viet Nam?

______ Guide: Yes. It’s an old town with many Japanese and Chinese cultural features.

______ Tourist: What other places should I go to?

______ Guide: You can enjoy many coastal towns with beautiful beaches. Besides, you can go to Hue and visit the mausoleum of the Nguyen Kings.

­­­­­______ Tourist: That’s a good idea. Thank you very much

27 tháng 3 2018

Give the correct form of the word in the bracket. (3 points): 0,5 points for each correct answer.

1. unhealthy 2. explanation 3. pleasure

4. differences 5. traditional 6.carelessly

Choose the words from the box to fill in the gaps. (4 points): 0,25 points for each correct answer.

1. make 5. miss 9. example 13. lights

2. include 6. them 10. countries 14. limits

3. license 7. sure 11. obey 15. under

4. is 8. where 12. lot 16. travel

Rearrange these sentences to make a dialogue between a tourist and a guide. (1,5 points): 0,25 points for each correct answer.

___3__ Tourist: I have heard of Hoi An. Is it an interesting place?

___6__ Guide: Why don't you go to HaNoi? You can find many historical sites there.

___1__ Tourist: What can I see in Central Vietnam?

___4__ Guide: Yes. It's an old town with many Japanese and Chinese cultural features.

___5__ Tourist: What other places should I go to?

___2__ Guide: You can enjoy many coastal towns with beautiful beaches. Besides, you can go to Hue and visit the mausoleum of the Nguyen Kings.

___7__ Tourist: That's a good idea. Thank you very much.

Correct grammar mistakes: 1. Mum said that life is more difficult when she was young 2. Can you tell me how long you studied medicine so far? 3. She said that she didn't know what her father was alike because he died when he was still young 4. My mother had me to iron the clothes 5. I will have my hair cutting tomorrow 6. The street seems uietly 7. It is dangerous riding fast in busy streets 8. Let's wait in the zebra crossing 9. Our teacher rewarded him with his rapid progress in study 10....
Đọc tiếp

Correct grammar mistakes:
1. Mum said that life is more difficult when she was young
2. Can you tell me how long you studied medicine so far?
3. She said that she didn't know what her father was alike because he died when he was still young
4. My mother had me to iron the clothes
5. I will have my hair cutting tomorrow
6. The street seems uietly
7. It is dangerous riding fast in busy streets
8. Let's wait in the zebra crossing
9. Our teacher rewarded him with his rapid progress in study
10. Bill learns not only well but also sings beautifully
11. Do you want I make you some coffee?
12. My brother couldn't make the TV to work
13. ann was made repeat the whole story
14. Our teacher with his two children have just gone home
15. He thinks that talking on the phone was a little bit time-consuming
16. The computers didn't work because the plug if it suddenly stopped working
17. I have seen him with his wife in a restaurant three months ago
18. Do you know who did the girl talk to last night? It was too dark for me to see
19.What was made you angry in Ted's birthday party last week?
20. Mum said that she is happy to receive the news you passed your gradution examination
21.What was done so far at your university in these days?
22. He looked for the keys so as he could open the gate and the door to get into the house
23. Have you done your homework the teacher gives yesterday yet?
24. My mother is not as more patient as my father because she doesn't like children and the noise they make
25. She was having dinner when a man was coming a nd giving her a bunch of flowers
26. We don't want to go out tonight because the weather is rain
27. We are having a birthday party in Saturday night. Would you like to come?
28. Do you hear any noise when the strange men broke into your house?
29. Camp is one of our favorite outdoor activities

11 tháng 11 2018

Tranh slot của Thơ nha :>>

Correct grammar mistakes:
1. Mum said that life is -> was more difficult when she was young
2. Can you tell me how long you studied -> have studied medicine so far?
3. She said that she didn't know what her father was alike -> like because he died when he was still young
4. My mother had me to iron -> iron the clothes
5. I will have my hair cutting -> cut tomorrow
6. The street seems uietly -> quiet
7. It is dangerous riding -> to ride fast in busy streets
8. Let's wait in -> on the zebra crossing
9. Our teacher rewarded him with his rapid progress in study
10. Bill learns not only well -> not only learns well but also sings beautifully
11. Do you want I make -> me to make you some coffee?
12. My brother couldn't make the TV to work -> work
13. ann was made repeat -> to repeat the whole story
14. Our teacher with his two children have -> has just gone home
15. He thinks that talking on the phone was -> is a little bit time-consuming
16. The computers didn't work because -> because of the plug if it suddenly stopped working
17. I have seen -> saw him with his wife in a restaurant three months ago
18. Do you know who did the girl talk -> the girl talked to last night? It was too dark for me to see
19.What was made -> made you angry in Ted's birthday party last week?
20. Mum said that she is -> was happy to receive the news you passed your gradution examination
21.What was -> has been done so far at your university in these days?
22. He looked for the keys so as -> so that he could open the gate and the door to get into the house
23. Have you done your homework the teacher gives -> gave yesterday yet?
24. My mother is not as more -> X patient as my father because she doesn't like children and the noise they make
25. She was having dinner when a man was coming a nd giving -> came and gave her a bunch of flowers
26. We don't want to go out tonight because the weather is rain -> rainy
27. We are having a birthday party in -> on Saturday night. Would you like to come?
28. Do -> Did you hear any noise when the strange men broke into your house?
29. Camp -> Camping is one of our favorite outdoor activities

10 tháng 11 2018

Đang bận, để slot đó rảnh t làm cho :>

III. Give the correct form of the words (thể bị động). 1. You must drive your car ________ (CARE) 2. He got bad marks because he did the test ________ (BAD) 3. My younger brother has a beautiful ________ of stamps.(COLLECT) 4. Hoa is so ________ about the trip tomorrow that she can't sleep.(EXCITE) 5. The book is ________ enough for me to read. (INTEREST) 6. You must be ________ when you open the door. (CARE) 7. The village is very quite and ________.(PEACE) 8. Are you fond of...
Đọc tiếp
III. Give the correct form of the words (thể bị động). 1. You must drive your car ________ (CARE) 2. He got bad marks because he did the test ________ (BAD) 3. My younger brother has a beautiful ________ of stamps.(COLLECT) 4. Hoa is so ________ about the trip tomorrow that she can't sleep.(EXCITE) 5. The book is ________ enough for me to read. (INTEREST) 6. You must be ________ when you open the door. (CARE) 7. The village is very quite and ________.(PEACE) 8. Are you fond of ________ sports. (PLAY) 9. We are very ________ in listening to English songs. (INTEREST) 10. People in my country are very warm and ________. (FRIEND) 11. She looks more ________ than her sister. (BEAUTY) 12. Michael Faraday made a lot of ________ in the field of electric. (INVENT) 13. This river is very ________ for swimmers. ( DANGER) 14. My bag is ________ from yours. ( DIFFER) 15. Sapa is considered the most beautiful ________ resort in the north of carefully Vietnam. ( MOUNTAIN) 16. Last summer the Jones had a ________ vacation in SaPa.(WONDER) 17. At Christmas, millions of ________ cards are sent to friends and relatives. ( GREET) 18. The flowers you sent me were _____________ (BEAUTY) . 19. Bao is always _________ about the homework.(COMPLAIN) 20. Mr. John enjoys _________ to music when he is driving (LISTEN).
13 tháng 8 2018

III. Give the correct form of the words (thể bị động). 1. You must drive your car ____carefully____ (CARE) 2. He got bad marks because he did the test _____badly___ (BAD) 3. My younger brother has a beautiful _____collection___ of stamps.(COLLECT) 4. Hoa is so ____excited____ about the trip tomorrow that she can't sleep.(EXCITE) 5. The book is ____interesting____ enough for me to read. (INTEREST) 6. You must be ___careful_____ when you open the door. (CARE) 7. The village is very quite and ____peaceful____.(PEACE) 8. Are you fond of ____playing____ sports. (PLAY) 9. We are very ____interested____ in listening to English songs. (INTEREST) 10. People in my country are very warm and ____friendly____. (FRIEND) 11. She looks more ____beautiful____ than her sister. (BEAUTY) 12. Michael Faraday made a lot of _____inventions___ in the field of electric. (INVENT) 13. This river is very ____dangerous____ for swimmers. ( DANGER) 14. My bag is ____different____ from yours. ( DIFFER) 15. Sapa is considered the most beautiful ____moutainous____ resort in the north of carefully Vietnam. ( MOUNTAIN) 16. Last summer the Jones had a ____wonderful____ vacation in SaPa.(WONDER) 17. At Christmas, millions of ___greeting_____ cards are sent to friends and relatives. ( GREET) 18. The flowers you sent me were ______beautiful_______ (BEAUTY) . 19. Bao is always ____complaining_____ about the homework.(COMPLAIN) 20. Mr. John enjoys ___listening______ to music when he is driving (LISTEN).

13 tháng 8 2018

1. carefully

2. bad


4. excited

5. interesting

6. careful

7. peaceful

8. playing

9. interested

10. friendly

11. beautiful

12. inventions

13. dangerous

14. different

15. mountainous

16. wonderful

17. greeting

18. beautiful

19. complained

20. listening