Looh ot the picture and reod the storg. Write some words to
complete the sentences obout the story. You con use 1,2,3 or 4 words
I'm Mork ond mg little sister's nome i.s Koty. Lost Soturdoy, we went
to London with our porents. Mum drove us there in the cor. Our cousln
Michoel come to London too, but he went bg troin so we met him ot
King's Cross Statlon. He had o heovg rucksack with him. 'Put your
rucksock ln our cor, Michoe[,' Dod sold. 'We're going to wolk now.' 'No,
thanks. I might need [t,' Mlcho.eI soid.
We went to the dlnosour museum Jirst. I osked Dod lots oJ questlons but
he didn't know the onswers. MichoeL took o book obout dlnosours out oJ
hls rucksock. 'Here you are!' he soid to Dod. 'Thonks, M[choe[,' sold Dad.
When we [eJt the museum, [t wos roining. 'lt's 0K,' soid Michoe[. 'i've got
on umbre[[o in my rucksock.'
We went to o restouront Jor lunch. There were onty chopsticks on the
tab[es ond Koty couldn't use them. Michoel
took o book obout dlnosours out oJ
hls rucksock. 'Here you are!' he soid to Dod. 'Thonks, M[choe[,' sold Dad.
When we [eJt the museum, [t wos roining. 'lt's 0K,' soid Michoe[. 'i've got
on umbre[[o in my rucksock.'
We went to o restouront Jor lunch. There were onty chopsticks on the
tab[es ond Koty couldn't use them. Michoel gave her o p[ostic Jork Jrom
hls rucksack. 'Hove this,' he sold.
In the oJternoon, we wonted to go to the cinema but we couldn't Jind it.
Michoel took o mop oJ London out oJ his rucksock ond we soon Jound the
street where the cinemo wos.
AJter the Ji[m, MichoeI wonted to get o postcord but he didn't have ony
money in his pocket. 'Look Jor it rn gour rucksock!' we o[[ soid.
1 Mork ond Katy went to London bg
2 Mork's Jomitg went to meet Michoel at
3 Mlchoel didn't wonr ro put hls
in the
4 At the museum, Michoel gave Mork's Jother
5 Michoel hod o plostic Jork which he gove to
in the restouront.
6 The Jomtty used Mlchoe['s
to Jind the
7 When Michoel coutdn'tJind hts ...,
Jomitg to[d him to look in hls rucksack.
trông khó hiểu. soát lại rồi hãy hỏi nhé, nó có kí tự.