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7 tháng 5 2018

Pollution is the mixing of some harmful or poisonous materials into the natural resources available on the earth. It affects the ordinary living of the living things on this planet by disturbing the natural life cycle. Pollution can be of many types like noise pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, etc. Air pollution is increasing day by day because of the growing number of automobiles, release of poisonous gases, smoke from industrial companies, finely dissolved solids, liquid aerosols, etc in the atmosphere. The air we breathe every moment causes several lungs disorders.

In this way soil and water pollution is also cause by the mixing up of the sewage water (having germs, viruses, harmful chemicals, etc) in drinking water, some dangerous agrochemicals such as pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, organic compounds like ether, benzene, some radioactive materials including radium and thorium, solid wastes (industrial ashes, rubbish, garbage), etc. We need to follow all the control measures implemented by the government to check its harmful effects.


Environmental pollution is the condition when the natural cycle of our environment gets disturbed and harms us. Some harmful environmental contaminants created by us in the form of smoke, solid or liquid wastes get intermingled into the environment and pollute it. It is only human who can check the environmental pollution by limiting their bad activities. Each and every person here is responsible for the environmental pollution in indirect way. Unknowingly we all are creating problems and challenges to the environment.

Some bad chemical compositions which we use on daily basis get intermingled into the environment and disturb its natural functioning and natural processes which directly affect our health. Human beings are considered as the most intelligent living being on the earth however it never means that they should interfere with the nature’s law of ecological balance. Our environment and we, both are incomplete without the helps of each other. We should try our best to maintain the healthy environment in order to continue the natural processes easily.


Pollution has become a major environmental issue as it has created lots of health hazards to the people and animals of any age group. In the recent years the rate of pollution is increasing very sharply because of the industrialized waste material mixing out directly into the soil, air and water. However, in our country full attention is not getting paid to control it. It needs to be tackle seriously otherwise our future generations would suffer a lot.

Pollution is classified into many categories according to the natural resources getting affected such as air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, etc. Rate of pollution is increasing due to the selfishness of the human being to earn more money and to fulfill some unnecessary wishes. In the modern era where technological advancement is given more priority by the people, everyone has forgotten the real discipline of life.

Continuous and unnecessary cutting down of the forests, urbanization and large production through industrialization has involved as a huge causes of the pollution. Harmful and poisonous wastes created from such activities causes irreversible changes to the soil, air and water which ultimately push lives towards pain. This big social issue needs a public level social awareness programme to destroy by its root to get complete relief.


Environmental pollution is the biggest problem in the modern time we are facing. It affects us in all aspects such as socially, economically, physically, mentally and intellectually. Contamination of the natural environment gives birth to the lots of diseases which make human beings weak mentally and physically. Many of us are not well aware of the pollution even they do not know how they are creating problems to the environment and polluting it. This problem is becoming worse day by day because of the new technologies growth and development. Many new companies are opening in the industry and do more to grow their business in the competitive field.

Environmental pollution is not the problem only one country however it is the issue of whole world, so it needs effort by all of us together to correct it. If it is not taken under control, it may affect the whole universe to a great extent in the future. Environmental pollution is getting big by increasing level of pollution of water, air, sound and land. Increasing in the number of vehicles on the roads causes air pollution, increasing in the number of factories causes water pollution and land pollution. So, it needs limitation over all the causes of the environmental pollution.


The meaning of word pollution means to make things dirty. Accordingly the pollution of natural resources causes imbalance in the ecosystem. Currently we have been fatally surrounded by the major issue of environmental pollution. Pollution is the addition of any foreign or poisonous substances into the environment at very fast rate than the environment natural accommodation. The main causes of this social devil are the industrialization, deforestation and urbanization, the by-products of which causes contamination to the natural resources used by the living things on the earth as a routine of normal life.

Air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution are the most dangerous forms of pollution causing direct heath disorders to the human beings. We have no safe water to drink, pure air to inhale and pollution free land to crop. This widely spreading pollution need to be taken under control for the healthy survival of life on the planet in future. Different types of pollutants which are disturbing our natural ecosystem are gases (NO, SO2, CO2, CO, NO2), halogens (iodine, chlorine, bromine), deposited matters (dust, smog, grit), agrochemicals (insecticide, pesticides, herbicides), noise, photochemical oxidants (photochemical smog, peroxyacetyl nitrate, ozone, nitrogen oxides), organic compounds from industries (acetic acid, benzene, ether), radioactive materials (radium, thorium), some solid wastes (ash, garbage), etc.

Pollution is the big side effect of the industrialized societies of the modern world where industrial development and green house effect have adversely affected the ecosystem. Life supporting systems are speedily getting converted into the life destroying system because of the industrialization. Human greediness and misuse of freeness of doing anything lead them towards serious degradation and mismanagement of resources.


Earth is considered as the only planet suitable for the life existence in the whole universe. It gives us everything like air, water, land, plants, and sky for the healthy survival of the life. We cannot live here in the absence of all the basic components of life. In any case if the serious pollution problems occur, it causes hazardous to the life. Increasing number of vehicles on the roads and increasing demands of the usage of the petrol and diesel increases the risk of air pollution as petrol and diesel spread heavy amount of poisonous gases in the environment such as carbon monoxide, sulphur-dioxide, hydrocarbons, and many more gases are polluting the air. Now-a-days, a major threat to the life is due to the development of nuclear sciences.

The polluted air we breathe goes to our whole body and affect all the systems especially respiratory functions. It becomes the reason of origin of many diseases like cancer, respiratory problems, lungs disorders, bronchitis, asthma and many more. The increasing competitions of the nuclear experiments all over the world are creating the big threat of atmospheric balance destruction as this process releases lots of harmful chemicals, poisonous gases, and dust into the air which falls back again to the earth through acid rains and harms the growth of crops and life. This acid rain causes various harmful diseases to the human fraternity worldwide. Water pollution is increasing because of the direct drainage of industrial liquid wastes into the water of ocean, lakes, rivers, ponds and other water bodies. This water is used by the farmers in growing crops which we eat and disturb our physiological functioning.


Pollution has become the most serious issue as everyone is facing lots of health hazards in their daily life. Various types of pollutants from the industrial garbage and other activities are contaminating our natural resources like air, water, soil, etc. After being mixing into the soil, air and water, they are directly affecting the human being and animal body system and causing variety of lethal ailments to health. Noise pollution is affecting the listening system in the body as well as causing disturbance to the memory.

The rate of pollution in the cities is higher than the villages because of the vehicles transportation. Fumes arise from the running vehicles, factories and other industries are affecting the clean air of cities which is not fit for the breathing. Soiled water from the big sewage system, other garbage from the households, by-products from the factories and industries are directly mixing to the rivers, lake and oceans. Most of the solid wastes, garbage and other unused things are thrown away by the people on the land which cause soil pollution and affect the crop production. Most of the people in the cities spread noise pollution to a great extent during their birthday, marriage or other occasions just for their short time happiness. All the roads in the cities become full of traffic all through the day because of the increasing number of vehicles which are the reason of both air pollution and noise pollution.

Ultimately all the man made technological advancement is the big reason of all types of pollution on the earth. So, no one other than human, who is digging a pit of pollution worldwide and creating a serious problem for the living things on the earth. The quality of life is worsening day by day as pollution acts as a devil which causes various health ailments like high blood pressure, kidney disorders, respiratory disease, cancer, epidemics, skin diseases, etc.


Environmental pollution is the big issue now for the whole human fraternity on this planet today. We are continuously adding impurities to the environment unknowingly through our bad and careless activities. Environmental pollution affects the natural processes and living of human being. When we play with the natural cycles of the environment which consists of air, earth, water, land, plants and animals, it creates big challenges to us and makes healthy life almost impossible. It hampers the existence of both human and nature together as both are the completeness to each other.

The biggest issue to the environmental problem is the removal of forests and urbanization on that place because of the increasing pollution. Decreasing number of the plants day by day increasing the amount of carbon dioxide gas in the environment as plants are the main sources of the carbon dioxide gas utilization. Thus the increasing level of this gas in the environment causes global warming (increased climate temperature due to emissions of greenhouse gases) which in turn causes lots of problems and brings environmental and social changes in direct and indirect ways. The warming effect on the climate causes glaciers to melt, seasonal problems, decreasing agricultural productivity and many more.

Continuous warming of the earth may cause earth a day as a boiling pan and desert whole earth would be covered with ocean water means permanent destruction to the mankind. For our good health we need fresh and pure air to inhale, unpolluted food to eat, no noise pollution and unpolluted water to drink however all are not possible now. That’s why everyone of us are wasting more money into the medicines by making round and round of the hospitals instead of spending money to good health activities like eating fruits, joining health club, etc. So, the environmental issue need to be solved on urgent basis by the effort of all of us.


In the modern world of technological advancement, pollution has become a serious environmental issue affecting the lives on earth. Some of the most important types of the pollution are air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and noise pollution. All types of the pollution are undoubtedly affecting the whole environment and ecosystem thus the quality of life. Our naturally beautiful environment on the earth is deteriorating day by day just by the foolish habits of the human beings.

The main reasons of the air pollution are the heavy emissions of harmful and poisonous gases arise from the increasing number of vehicles, factories and open burning. In the crowd of betterment of life, everyone wants to have well resources for their easy daily routine but they do not think a little bit about their natural surroundings. Most of the air pollution is carried out by the public transportation on daily basis. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are the toxic gases polluting the air and reducing the oxygen level in the environment.

Manufacturing factories are also the great contributor to the air pollution by meeting the growing demand of people. During the manufacturing process factories releases some toxic gases, heat and energy into the environment. Some other habits like open burning of household garbage, etc are also worsening the air quality. Air pollution causes respiratory disorders including lung cancer among human being and animals.

Water pollution is also a big issue directly affecting the marine life as they only depend on the nutrients found in the water for their survival. Gradual disappearance of the marine life would really affect the livelihood of human beings and animals. The reason of the water contamination is harmful wastes from factories, industries, sewage systems, farms, etc which are directly dumping into the main source of water like rivers, lakes and oceans. Drinking contaminated water causes serious health disorders to us.

Soil pollution is caused by the use of fertilizers, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and other organic compounds. It indirectly affects our health as we eat eating materials produced in the soil. The source of noise pollution is the noise created from the heavy machinery, vehicles, radio, TV, speaker, etc which causes hearing problems and sometimes deafness. We should take care of our environment to maintain the natural ecosystem. It requires a joint effort from everyone to get control over the pollution so that we can get a healthy and unpolluted environment.

30 tháng 8 2018

When people use something, ( something is glass bottles, paper – aluminum) we have 2 choices: the first, throw them in the trash and the second , recycle them. which is  the solution you choose ?

If you choose the first solution, it means that : the aluminum will go into the landfill. That landfills are toxic and may be dangerous to the environment, because  they are very hard to decomposed. It’s worth nothing that, recycling these objects means that their materials will be used again, reducing the need for cutting down trees or mining for materials to make cans. In addition, programs exist that pay people to recycle many of the things that they use, including aluminum cans, glass bottles, cell phones, and some types of scrap metal. 

We can choose our solution to protect environment and our life, even  small actions also contribute the big goal  of human. Let‘s study some of ways to protect the environment and prace when you can, it’s just  simple habit to implement in your everyday life which will make a difference.

  • Use compact fluorescent light bulbs: it may be  more expensive, but it can be used  longer, the more money you can save , the more money paid on  the electric bill is reduced.
  • Rainwater: we can use it for many different purposes.
  • Walk or cycle: the car or motorbike is the biggest cause of pollution. we should decrease the amount of usage as much as possible
  • Donate: You have tons of clothes or things you want to get rid of. If they are still usable, give them to someone who needs them..  Not only will you protect the environment, but you will also contribute to a good purpose. If  you want to throw away somewhere, you will  destroy that land.
  • Turn off your devices: 
  • Paper or plas? Better yet, take a canvas bag to the grocery and re-use it each time you shop.
  • Plant a tree. Trees absorb carbon dioxide – a greenhouse gas

We all want to protect our planet, but we’re mostly too busy or too lazy to put up big change that would improve our lifestyle and save the environment. Let’s change, we always have the chance to do it.

tk for me ok!

In the school year there are many days but most probably the most significant day is November 20 - Teacher's Day Vietnam. In the turbulent atmosphere of November 20, surely many students sit back to reflect on the teacher. Me too. Infinite memories can not be spilled over. I forgot how my grandmother was standing on the podium, lecturing every once and a while. I remember how the dusty time to fly lightly fly and settle on the teacher's love hair. At that time, the wall as old teachers go too fast. Actually, for me to say who is learning but learning the teacher is above all. I still remember the secrets taught by my teacher, the teacher literature, and the interesting mathemaal formulas as easy as pie. Those memories do not forget. I remember when I was beaten or scolded and scolded by my parents for forgetting to do my homework and the times she complimented me when I was a good student, still deep in my heart, Every teacher's choreography is arranged in advance. On November 20, my heart got up to an unbelievable emotion, but I knew that this emotion was gratitude, a respect and love of teachers-the driver of knowledge transfer students through shore success.

4 tháng 2 2018

Em chưa học lớp 7 nhưng mọi người  có thể vào Google dịch

9 tháng 3 2018

Các bn vt bằng Tiếng Việt cx đc

12 tháng 3 2018

my school library has got lot of book,comic,.. . I library

7 tháng 3 2018

                  Bài làm :

My school is on the path of a bustle. Days passed with teacher's lectures and mischievous games of students "devils, the devil's second ...". I also do not care about the concept of "library" doing nothing if there is a problem in the final exam of the whole class that I am almost underestimated. If the theme is as usual, then we do not need to read the book all of us students, because the answer was in the notebook, to the same. In this arle, the arle extends, asking students to really find it difficult, refer to many documents related to that problem to meet the requirements. We were above all when we read the card. The teacher also instructed us to go to the school library to read more books, but none of them paid attention. After an unforgettable life, we recognize the importance of reading and learning, but how do we get started when we do not have a destination that really excites our passionate students?  flying, new and dynamic.

     Bài dịch :

 Trường học của tôi là trên con đường nhỏ của một làng quê nhộn nhịp. Ngày trôi qua với bài giảng của giáo viên và những trò chơi nghịch ngợm của các học sinh "ma quỷ, ma quỷ thứ hai ...". Tôi cũng không quan tâm đến khái niệm "thư viện" không làm gì cả nếu có vấn đề trong kỳ thi cuối cùng của cả lớp mà tôi hầu như bị đánh giá thấp. Nếu chủ đề là như thường lệ, thì chúng ta không cần phải đọc cuốn sách tất cả chúng ta sinh viên, bởi vì câu trả lời đã có trong máy tính xách tay, để cùng. Trong bài viết này, bài viết mở rộng, yêu cầu học sinh thực sự thấy khó, tham khảo nhiều tài liệu liên quan đến vấn đề đó để đáp ứng yêu cầu. Chúng tôi đã ở trên tất cả khi chúng tôi đọc thẻ. Giáo viên cũng chỉ thị cho chúng tôi đến thư viện trường để đọc nhiều sách hơn, nhưng không ai trong số họ chú ý. Sau một cuộc đời không được ghi nhớ, chúng tôi nhận thức được tầm quan trọng của việc đọc và học, nhưng làm sao chúng ta bắt đầu khi chúng ta không có một điểm đến thực sự hứng thú cho những sinh viên đam mê? thích bay, giống như mới và năng động.

12 tháng 12 2016

Dàn ý viết đoạn văn:

- Nói sơ qua về tình hinh môi trường hiện nay.
Như đề nói là nó đang bị ô nhiễm và xuống cấp nặng nề.
+ Nguyên nhân từ đâu: ý thức của con người là chính.
+ Nó đnag hoành hành đến cuộc sống của con người và tất cả những loài sinh vật trên Thế giới này ntn?
+ Có thể dự đoán một chút về tương lai sau này của chúng ta nếu tình hình này nó vẫn còn tiếp diễn.
- Từ đâu em biết được môi trường đang bị ô nhiễm và xuống cấp nặng nề.
+ Từ thực tế cuộc sống: rác vứt lung tung, khói bụi,...
+ Từ các nguồn thông tin khác như: tivi, báo chí, intenet....
- Phần chính: nêu suy nghĩ của em.
+ là một học sinh, em thây tình trạng đó có ảnh hưởng ra sao.
+ Tâm trnagj của em khi đc chứng kiến cảnh rác đầy đường, môi trường ô nhiếm, đọc đc những bản tin đó: buồn, thất vọng.
+ Rồi có bao giờ em suy nghĩ mình sẽ làm gì với tình trạng đó.
- Có thể nói kháo quát về biện pháp:
+ Thế giới đnag làm gì với tình trạng đó.
+ đối với học sinh: qua những hoạt động bảo vệ môi trường ở quy mô trường lớp.


13 tháng 9 2019

this is my school .  the name of my school is Pho Minh secondary school  .It's on Vo Thi Sau street . It's vẻy beautiful and big . there are twevle classroom in my school . my school has two hunred students and  thirty teachers . student in my school are very good .  they come from around  Duc Pho district . our teacher  are friendly and kind. at school , Ilearn  many suject such as : English  , Math ,Art ,... .I English best because it's very entertaining and importan .  at break, I have a lot of activies : skipping ropea , hiding and seeking ,...so on . each day  at school  is a happy day .I love my school very much .

I study in Hung Dao School which is one of the best schools of QuanG Ninh. It has a stone building. It has all facilities a good school should have-well furnished classrooms, laboratories, library and playground.As we enter the school, there is a playground to our left and a small garden to our right. When we enter the building, the Principal’s room and the office room are to the left and the staff room to the right side. These are well furnished. There are thirty four classrooms. Our labs are well equipped. Our library has books almost on all subjects. Our Librarian is also very helpful.Our school, all schools, has a prescribed uniform. We have to wear white or cream cotton shirts, light-blue trousers, black shoes and white socks. Girls have to wear white blouses and light-blue skirts in primary and middle classes and white shirts and light-grey skirts in higher classes. They have to tie white ribbon also.In our school special attention is paid to behavior, cleanliness and punctuality. The most well behaved, neat and punctual student is awarded a prize at the Annual Day function.Our Principle is a strict disciplinarian. He takes the help of P. T. Teachers too. If any one violates the rules, and is not in uniform, or makes mischief, he gets punished. But he is fair and loving. He tries to find out the reason and guides us.Our teachers are also quite strict. They teach us with great care, check our note-books, help us when we need but if we are inattentive and don’t work properly, then we are punished.I my school very much and I am proud that I belong to it. I shall never forget it.

22 tháng 12 2016

My ideal neibourhood is in Minh Duc village, Hai Duong province. It has beautiful parks, lakes, stadiums. And there are many shops, restaurants, café and markets. The streets are wide and clean. There are many buildings and offices but it’s not very crowded and busy. There are many public transportations: bus, metro, train... The people here are very friendly. They always greet when they meet each other on the streets.

3 tháng 8 2019

In the future, I will live in a hi-tech house. It might be by the sea and it's will be surrounded by the blue sea. There are twenty rooms in my house. My house will has a big garage so that I can store my super cars. My future house will have wind and solar energy. I will use hi-tech and automa machines such as a smart clock, modern fridge, and so on. There is a super smart TV in my house. I might surf the internet, watch my favourite TV programme from space or contact friends on other planets on this TV. I might also join online classes on TV and not have to go to school. I love my house very much.


Trong tương lai, tôi sẽ sống trong một ngôi nhà công nghệ cao. Nó có thể ở biển và nó sẽ được bao quanh bởi biển xanh. Có hai mươi phòng trong nhà tôi. Nhà của tôi sẽ có một garage lớn để tôi có thể lưu giữ những chiếc siêu xe của tôi. Ngôi nhà tương lai của tôi sẽ có gió và năng lượng mặt trời. Tôi sẽ sử dụng máy móc công nghệ cao và tự động như đồng hồ thông minh, tủ lạnh hiện đại, vân vân. Có một chiếc TV siêu thông minh trong nhà tôi. Tôi có thể lướt internet, xem chương trình truyền hình yêu thích của tôi từ không gian hoặc liên hệ với bạn bè trên các hành tinh khác trêm TV này. Tôi cũng có thể tham gia các lớp học trực tuyến trên TV và không phải đi học. Tôi yêu ngôi nhà của tôi rất nhiều!

26 tháng 8 2019

Tích dùm mình với ak =)))