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15 tháng 10 2016







24 tháng 9 2017







24 tháng 9 2017

Lâu quá chả có ai trả lời

II. Read the passage. Circle A, B or C to answer each question or complete each sentence.The Peace Corps is one of the most famous organisations in the world that help people. This organisation was founded in 1961 by the former US President John Kennedy.People working in this organisation are called volunteers. They are both men and women. They live and work in other countries for two years at a time. They share skills with people to help solve challenging problems in developing countries.Peace...
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II. Read the passage. Circle A, B or C to answer each question or complete each sentence.

The Peace Corps is one of the most famous organisations in the world that help people. This organisation was founded in 1961 by the former US President John Kennedy.

People working in this organisation are called volunteers. They are both men and women. They live and work in other countries for two years at a time. They share skills with people to help solve challenging problems in developing countries.

Peace Corps volunteers work as teachers at schools. They also help communities to protect their environment and prevent the spread of diseases. They also help farmers grow more food efficiently.

Peace Corps volunteers build bridges of cross-cultural understanding with people of other countries. They help people from other countries learn more about who they are. Peace Corps volunteers also bring home with them better understanding of other peoples and cultures.

What can be the best title for the passage?

A.The Efforts of the Peace Corps

B.A John Kennedy's Creation

C.Building the Bridge Between Cultures

17 tháng 10 2019

Đáp án A

21 tháng 5


the average lifespan of the Japanese is 78 for males and 85 for females, the longest in the world. The main secret lies in their food. The Japanese eat a lot of tofu , which is made from soybeans. Tofu contains a lot of vegetable protein, calcium, and Vitamin B. It does not contain much fat, and it does not provide many calories. Seafood like fish and vegetables play an important role in their diet, too. They cook the seafood with less cooking oil and less time. For each meal, they have more...
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the average lifespan of the Japanese is 78 for males and 85 for females, the longest in the world.
The main secret lies in their food. The Japanese eat a lot of tofu , which is made from soybeans. Tofu contains a lot of vegetable protein, calcium, and Vitamin B. It does not contain much fat, and it does not provide many calories.
Seafood like fish and vegetables play an important role in their diet, too. They cook the seafood with less cooking oil and less time. For each meal, they have more dishes on the table than us but they eat only a little of everything, never stuffing themselves.
Japanese people also work very hard and do more exercise. This helps them burn the calories off easily.

1. Write T or F :

A. Japanese men live longer than wowen .......................

B. Japanese people use many calories because they work very hard and do exercise ..................

2. Answer :

A. Why do Japanese people have much tofu for their meals ?


B. What linds of food are important in their diet ?


10 tháng 10 2017

the average lifespan of the Japanese is 78 for males and 85 for females, the longest in the world.
The main secret lies in their food. The Japanese eat a lot of tofu , which is made from soybeans. Tofu contains a lot of vegetable protein, calcium, and Vitamin B. It does not contain much fat, and it does not provide many calories.
Seafood like fish and vegetables play an important role in their diet, too. They cook the seafood with less cooking oil and less time. For each meal, they have more dishes on the table than us but they eat only a little of everything, never stuffing themselves.
Japanese people also work very hard and do more exercise. This helps them burn the calories off easily.

1. Write T or F :

A. Japanese men live longer than wowen ...............F........

B. Japanese people use many calories because they work very hard and do exercise .........T.........

2. Answer :

A. Why do Japanese people have much tofu for their meals ?

because it contains a lot of vegetable protein, calcium and vitamin B

B. What linds of food are important in their diet ?

Seafood like fish and vegetables

1 tháng 2 2018

đề bài: rearrange the following words and phrases to make complete sentences

1. he/used to/ go hunting/ he/forest/younger/in/was/when/.

he used to go hunting in forest when he was younger


people who smile are live longer and more happier

3. better/food/fat/eat/to/it/containing/and/is/less/sugar/.

it is better to eat less food containing sugar and fat

4. does/mail/how/local/in/much/cost/it/a/letter/to/VN/?

how much does it cost to mail a local letter in VN?

5. wil/left/see/turn/your/the/and/you/shop/right souvenir/on/.

turn left and you will see the souvenir shop on your right

15 tháng 4 2018

- chip ò ó o ò:))

10 tháng 11 2023

A: Which sports do you do at school? How often?

(Bạn chơi môn thể thao nào ở trường? Có thường xuyên không?)

B: I play basketball at school, and I have practice twice a week after school.

(Tôi chơi bóng rổ ở trường, và tôi tập hai lần một tuần sau giờ học.)

A: Are there other subjects that are more important than sport? Which ones? Why?

(Có môn nào khác quan trọng hơn thể thao không? Môn nào? Tại sao?)

B: Some people might say that subjects like math and science are more important than sports because they directly impact academic success, while sports are just a leisure activity. However, I believe that both academics and physical activity are important for overall health and success.

(Một số người có thể nói rằng các môn học như toán và khoa học quan trọng hơn thể thao vì chúng ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến thành công trong học tập, trong khi thể thao chỉ là một hoạt động giải trí. Tuy nhiên, tôi tin rằng cả học tập và hoạt động thể chất đều quan trọng đối với sức khỏe và thành công tổng thể.)

A: How could more sport be added to the school timetable without affecting other subjects?

(Làm thế nào để thêm môn thể thao vào thời khóa biểu của trường mà không ảnh hưởng đến các môn học khác?)

B: One solution could be to offer sports clubs or teams during lunch breaks or after school hours, so students can participate without missing class time. Another option could be to incorporate physical activity into existing classes, such as doing quick stretches or exercises between lessons.

(Một giải pháp có thể là cung cấp các câu lạc bộ hoặc đội thể thao trong giờ nghỉ trưa hoặc sau giờ học để học sinh có thể tham gia mà không bỏ lỡ giờ học. Một lựa chọn khác có thể là kết hợp hoạt động thể chất vào các lớp học hiện có, chẳng hạn như thực hiện các động tác giãn cơ nhanh hoặc các bài tập giữa các bài học.)

Topic: The benefits of sports in school and ways to incorporate it without affecting academics.

(Chủ đề: Lợi ích của thể thao trong trường học và cách kết hợp nó mà không ảnh hưởng đến học tập.)

- Opinion: Sports are important for overall health and success, and should not be seen as a distraction from academic work.

(Ý kiến: Thể thao rất quan trọng đối với sức khỏe tổng thể và sự thành công, và không nên bị coi là thứ khiến học tập sao nhãng.)

- Proposed solutions: (Đề xuất giải pháp)

+ Offer sports clubs or teams during lunch breaks or after school hours, so students can participate without missing class time.

(Cung cấp các câu lạc bộ hoặc đội thể thao trong giờ nghỉ trưa hoặc sau giờ học để học sinh có thể tham gia mà không bỏ lỡ giờ học.)

+ Incorporate physical activity into existing classes, such as doing quick stretches or exercises between lessons.

(Kết hợp hoạt động thể chất vào các lớp học hiện có, chẳng hạn như thực hiện các động tác giãn cơ nhanh hoặc các bài tập thể dục giữa các bài học.)

- Conclusion.

(Phần kết luận.)

 Read the following passage and write T (True) or F (False) for each statement.London is the biggest city in Britain. More than 7 million people live and work there. It is one of the most important cities in the world. It is a centre for business and for tourism. London consists of three parts: The City of London, the Eas t End and the West End. In the City of London there are many banks, offices and Stocks Exchange. In the West End we can see many historical places, parks, shops and theatres....
Đọc tiếp

 Read the following passage and write T (True) or F (False) for each statement.

London is the biggest city in Britain. More than 7 million people live and work there. It is one of the most important cities in the world. It is a centre for business and for tourism. London consists of three parts: The City of London, the Eas t End and the West End. In the City of London there are many banks, offices and Stocks Exchange. In the West End we can see many historical places, parks, shops and theatres. It is the world of rich people and money. The East End is the district where working people live and work. The Port of London is also there. You can have a very good time in this city. You can visit different cinemas, theatres and museums. The “Odeon” is one of the most famous cinemas of the country. The most famous museums are: The British Museum and the Tate Gallery. There are many shops in London. Oxford Street is London’s main shopping centre. People from all over the world buy clothes shoes, toys and souvenirs there. The street is more than a mile long. The best known departments are Selfridges and John Lewis. The largest park in London is Hyde Park with its Speaker’s Comer. Sit on the green grass and try England’s favourite food — fish and chips. 

1. There are lots of theatres, parks and historical places in the City of London.

2. The Port of London is in the East End of London.

3. Working people live and work in the West End of London.

4. The “Odeon” is a famous museum in London.

5. People go to Oxford Street to buy clothes and souvenirs. 6. People from all over the world don’t buy clothes, shoes, toys and souvenirs in London

11 tháng 10 2021

1. F

2. T

3. F

4. F

5. T

2 tháng 8 2021

find a mistake in eaach sentence below :(tìm lỗi sai và sửa lỗi . lỗi mik in đậm nhé)

1.people who live a healthy meals lifestyle tend to be more healthy => healthier live longer and are happier 

2.You should avoid heavy meals in the summer months,especial => especially during hot days 

3.it is important eat => to eat a good vairiety of food at each meals

4.Eating breakfast is very important beacause it gives you energy on => during the day

5.the best way to stop yawning at boredom is(chữ is ko in đậm nhé ) to do => doing something interesting

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 28 to 34.   When we talk about living a healthy life, there is a famous old saying, you are what you eat. In fact, it is not just what people eat, but their whole lifestyle, which is important. The best way to stay healthy is to live a balanced lifestyle. Are you living a balanced lifestyle both physically and mentally? Physical Balance   The human body...
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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 28 to 34.

  When we talk about living a healthy life, there is a famous old saying, you are what you eat. In fact, it is not just what people eat, but their whole lifestyle, which is important. The best way to stay healthy is to live a balanced lifestyle. Are you living a balanced lifestyle both physically and mentally?

Physical Balance

  The human body needs physical exercise at least once a day. In today’s world, many working people spend most of their day sitting at a desk. To add more exercise to your daily life, try to stop what you are doing about once an hour and stretch or take a short walk. After work, take a brisk walk or go to the gym. Your body will thank you for it.

  For good health, nutritionists say we should eat at least four servings of raw food a day. By eating many colorful fruits and vegetables, you can be sure you are getting the correct nutrients. Have a red apple with your breakfast, a green salad at lunch, some carrots for your afternoon snack, and grapes for dessert instead of cake or cookies. Of course, for a healthy balance, your body also needs other foods.

Mental Balance

  Mentally balanced people are usually emotionally balanced. They are generally happy with the things they have. They do not need to have more and more things. A mentally balanced person also feels good about who they are. They don’t worry about the past, and generally have good relationships with the people around them. That doesn’t mean that mentally healthy people never have negative feelings, but they don’t let these types of feelings control them or their behavior. It’s normal for people to feel their emotions-life always has its challenges and tragedies. But mentally healthy people face those challenges and resolve them quickly instead of allowing them to take control of their lives. By taking a little time each day to eat well, exercise, and clear your mind, anyone can live a more balanced and healthier lifestyle.

In paragraph 4, in “and resolve them quickly,” the word “them” means _____________

A. emotions

B. people

C. challenges

D. lives

8 tháng 12 2018

Chọn C