
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

4 tháng 5 2022


Vietnam is one of many countries that have to face the consequences of environmental pollution, and this can be considered as the responsibility of everybody. The development of societies has direct impacts on the environment such as emissions from factories, waste being dumped in rivers and seas, illegal logging, etc. The media has been propagating a lot about protecting the environment, and the awareness of each person is very important in maintaining a healthy habitat. We can start from simple things like putting waste in the right place, not smoking in public area or do not destroy trees. Garbage is always a big problem for any city, and we can make it easier to handle garbage if we follow the rules of waste sorting and dumping sites. Exhaust emissions from motor vehicles are one of the leading causes of air pollution, so we should choose to use bio-fuel, turn off the engine when we stop at the red light and often use public transport instead of a motorcycle. We can also contribute to protect the environment by using source of energy in a proper way, turning off electrical appliances such as TVs, bulbs, fans, etc immediately after using and locking the faucet when it is not necessary. We are living with environmental pollution, and everyone has been exposed to negative effects at least once in their life. If we are more aware of protecting the environment, our lives and those around us will become much easier.


Việt Nam là một trong những nước đang phải đối mặt với những hậu quả của việc ô nhiễm môi trường, và đây không phải là trách nhiệm của riêng ai. Xã hội phát triển kéo theo những tác động trực tiếp lên môi trường như khí thải từ các nhà máy, các chất thải ra những con sông và biển, nạn khai thác rừng trái phép...v…v. Truyền thông đã và đang tuyên truyền rất nhiều về việc bảo vệ môi trường, và ý thức của mỗi người rất quan trọng trong việc giữ gìn một môi trường sống trong lành. Chúng ta có thể bắt đầu từ những việc đơn giản như bỏ rác đúng nơi quy định, không hút thuốc ở nơi công cộng hoặc không phá hoại cây xanh. Rác thải luôn là vấn đề lớn đối với bất kì thành phố nào, và chúng ta hoàn toàn có thể khiến việc xử lý rác trở nên dễ dàng hơn nếu chúng ta tuân thủ quy định về phân loại rác và địa điểm vứt rác. Khí thải từ động cơ xe cũng là một trong những nguyên nhân hàng đầu gây ô nhiễm không khí, vậy nên chúng ta nên chọn sử dụng xăng sinh học, tắt máy động cơ khi dừng đèn đỏ và thường xuyên sử dụng phương tiện công cộng thay cho xe gắn máy. Chúng ta còn có thể góp phần bảo vệ môi trường bằng cách sử dụng nguồn năng lượng một cách hợp lý, tắt các thiết bị điện như TV, bóng đèn, quạt…v…v ngay sau khi sử dụng và khóa vòi nước khi không cần thiết. Chúng ta đang sống cùng với việc ô nhiễm môi trường, và hẳn ai cũng từng một lần chịu những ảnh hưởng tiêu cực từ nó. Nếu chúng ta có ý thức hơn trong việc bảo vệ môi trường sống, cuộc sống của chúng ta và những người xung quanh sẽ trở nên dễ dàng hơn rất nhiều.

12 tháng 5 2022

Đây nhaaa!

Currently the environment is polluted so we have to find a way to solve this problem. We should propagate to everyone around to protect the environment, instead of using plastic bags, we should use cloth bags, so we should clean up our surroundings and especially we have to plant a lot. green trees . Those are the things to do, what about the things that shouldn't be done? Of course, first of all, we should not throw garbage indiscriminately. Instead of using vehicles such as motorbikes, we should use bicycles or walk. We should not be abetting acts that harm the environment and we should not use too much electricity


12 tháng 5 2022

Dịch /hiểu đơn giản nhé (phần in đậm)

We should propagate to everyone around to protect the environment, instead of using plastic bags, we should use cloth bags, so we should clean up our surroundings and especially we have to plant a lot. green trees

=>Chúng ta nên tuyên truyền tới mọi người xung quanh để cùng bảo vệ môi trường,thay vì sử dụng túi nhựa (nilon) , chúng ta nên sử dụng túi vải,chúng ta nên dọn dẹp nơi ở (môi trường ở) của chúng ta và đặc biệt chúng ta phải trồng nhiều cây xanh


Of course, first of all, we should not throw garbage indiscriminately. Instead of using vehicles such as motorbikes, we should use bicycles or walk. We should not be abetting acts that harm the environment and we should not use too much electricity

=>Tất nhiên,đầu tiên,chúng ta không nên vứt rác bừa bãi.Thay vì sử dụng các phương tiện giao thông như xe máy,chúng ta nên sử dụng xe đạp hoặc đi bộ.Chúng ta không nên tiếp tay cho những hành vi làm ảnh hưởng tới môi trường và chúng ta không nên sử dụng nhiều điện.


9 tháng 3 2017

In the present day, due the pressures of scores, degrees and jobs, full time students in universities tend to spend most of their time for academic subjects and researching. However, many people still believe that undergraduates should take part in other activities to obtain a comprehensive development. Personally, I agree with this opinion for some reasons. At first, participating in different activities is useful for students to improve their soft skills and to collect experiences. Along with the development of society, the requirements for careers are also higher, in which soft skills like leadership, presentation and teamwork have become pretty necessary. These abilities can be obtained by attending social activities or seminars. As a simple example, doing a project with friends could help student develop their skills in teamwork, debating and presentation. In addition, doing many activities gives university students chances to collect useful experiences which cannot be obtain just by reading book in libraries. Secondly, taking part in outdoor activities or playing sports are real ways to relax after stressful lectures. Research has shown that sitting for hours might cause our body become tired and make brain less efficient. Some pretty ways to refresh are playing sports and doing exercises because it is useful for blood circulation and cardiovascular operation; it also let brain relax after operating continuously for hours. Many statistics showed that people who practice sports regularly often have better mental state than those who never play sports; the first group of people is also recorded as more dynamic than the second group in social activities. In conclusion, along with studying, participating in other activities also plays an important role. University students should learn how to obtain a balance between these two fields in order to develop their skills comprehensively.

7 tháng 5 2017

@Lê Thị Mỹ Duyên I can't help you!

21 tháng 12 2022

All of the special holidays in my country, I Tet the most. Tet is an occasion to everyone get together in warm atmosphere. Before Tet holiday, Everyone prepares many things and decorates their house. I plant a lot of flowers in front of my house and buy many things such as clothes, foods ...

Besides, most of the streets also are decorated beautifully with colorful lights and flowers. During Tet, I spends more time on visiting my relatives, friends and colleagues. Especially, I give to each other the best wishes for the new year. Tet is an opportunity for children receive lucky money. There is a funny thing that people try to avoid argument or saying any bad things at Tet. I love Tet holiday!

20 tháng 12 2022

dịch r tự làm nhá.          Viết một lá thư điện tử ( 40 từ) tới bạn bè và kể với cô/anh ấy những gì bạn nên hoặc ko nên làm vào tết

22 tháng 12 2017

Tet is a traditional holiday of our country Vietnam.
The season of Tet occurs around the biginning of February and end of Janaurỵ The meaning of Tet is ending old year and welcome a new year. Tet holiday is very special for Vietnamese families to reunite. At that time, all family members try to come back their homes and get together to prepare for Tet. Moreover they will buy new clothes and clean their house. A branch of Mai flower or a Kumquat tree can't be absent from every home. They bring a fresh atmosphere to the house. We decorate ancestral altar with a tray full of fruits and flowers.
Some typical Tet's food such as sweets, coconut jam, candied fruits, lemon seeds, rice cake , "thit kho"( stew pork with eggs). A special food can not absent is sticky rice cake.. It is our country's traditional food on Tet holiday. Tet meal is more dilicious than our every day.
On Tet holiday, people have many typical activities. Young persons takes part in the traditional games such as: tug; cooking rice, cock fighting, watching lion dance. Many people visit relatives to wish a happy new year. A dults will give lucky money for children. Woman like going to pagoda to wish good things will come to their familỵ
In my oppinion, i like cozy and fresh Tets atmosphere. All member of family talk together about a happy new year. I can hang out with my friend and don't worry about any thịng
" Tet" holiday is always in Vietnamese's heart.

26 tháng 12 2017

Lunar New Year is one of the festivals celebrated in some Asian countries . It is the bigget Vietnamese festival Vietnam . It’s called “ Tet” in Vietnam . It’s usually takes place between the end of January to the beginning of February . Celebrations begins with the family gathering dinner on the New Year Eve . Every member is eager to attend this family feast . The feast usually has banh chung , banh tet , spring rolls , chicken and some other special food . The children always wears new clothes and go with their parents to visit their grandparents and relatives . The children say “ Happy New Year”to aal the people they visit and give lucky money in red envelopes . They are very happy and interesting . It’s this Tet my country

31 tháng 12 2017

One day of our family's Tet holiday contains some things as others. We has a rule that we all do housework together, such as cleaning up our rooms, washing up clothes, sorting and repairing some funiture so forth. We will make a to-do list in which each member has one specific task. First, our family has a big aquarium and two dogs, so I will feed them. Second, my father will buy a peach branch while my mother buy some other flowers. After buying candy and fruit, my mother will show them in a tray and put this tray on the table. To decorate our home, I will use many flashing lights. My mother will cook some traditional dishes such as boiled chicken, fried beef, fried mushroom and veal... To make us happy all day, I will rent some comedies VCD. By the the time I finish our housework I will be very exhausted both mentally and physically. However, seating in a clean sofa and watching our achievement will energize my spirit. Of course I will love our home more and be ready to some friends come round.

I feel very happy. Our Tet holiday is coming.

This year,I will go shopping with my mum to buy something for Tet .And ofcause we'll repain our house.I will help my parents cook Chung cake in very big pot.

I won't go out because Tet is time for family gartherings so I'll visit my relatives and give them lucky money in red envelopes.

At Tet, people should make their house look beatiful so they should clean and decorate it.

Peole shouldn't buy fireworks and don't eat shrimps. Oh! sorry I'm late. I must go shopping with my grandparents. See you soonand don't forget this sentense:'' HAPPY NEW YEAR''.I hope you'll enjoy your wonderful time with your family.

27 tháng 12 2017

In Tet, we should visit relative, eat Chung cake, laugh more, watching fireworks with family,.... It will be fun and happy. But you shouldn't say profanity, cry more, sweeping the house, breaking any things,..... If you don't compliance you will having bad luck.


Viết 5-10 câu về bạn sẽ làm ở tet năm nay

Tết đang đến rồi. Tôi cảm thấy rất hạnh phúc. Vào đêm giao thừa năm mới của năm nay, tôi sẽ được ở với gia đình tôi. Sau đó sẽ ăn bánh chưng Tết, đến thăm họ hàng, ......... tôi sẽ nhận được rất nhiều tiền lì xì. Tôi cảm thấy rất phấn khích. Tôi hy vọng năm mới đến thật nhanh

28 tháng 12 2017

1/ Pay all the debts before Tet

Before Tet, people should return all the things that they have borrowed from others and pay all the debts they owed. It is believed that people should never start a new year with debts and borrowed things; otherwise in that year people would be stuck with debts.

2/ Lucky money

On the first day of Tet, adults (those who have already got married and have income) are supposed to prepare some “lucky money” to give the children and kids when visiting other’s homes as a symbol of luck for the coming New Year. People are also supposed to say best wishes to others. These activities are done with the expectation that luck and good things are brought to everyone.

3/ Gift-exchanging

Gift-exchanging is another common custom during Tet holiday, which is used mostly in business. The process of giving and receiving gifts help to enhance the relationships between clients and firms. The popular presents are cookies, chocolates, fruit baskets, wine, soft drinks or other kinds of treats. Usually, people can buy a pack of gifts in the shops which includes many different kinds of food. If you have a Vietnamese business partner, take this opportunity to enhance the relationships.

4/ Buy and Wear New Clothes

Tet is a special occasion that people wear new and beautiful outfits. The streets during Tet is full with colorful dresses, ao daiand other costumes. It is thought that colorful bright colors like red, yellow or blue can bring good luck and prosperity to people for the upcoming year.

5/ Smile

Another essential element of Tet is smiles. A smile can make everything seem more relaxing and enhance relationship among people. A smile can bring joy and happiness to you as well as people around you for the whole year also. During this Tet, people refrain themselves from getting angry or depressed and put an instant smile on their faces, hoping for a happy new year.

4 tháng 5 2018

I'm Phuong in class 6C. If I become a president of 3Rs Club, I will make a 3Rs Group in every class. Next, I will organize the recycling competition every month to reduce the rubbish and make everyone know how to recycle the rubbish or old clothes. Finally, I will collect the rubbish around the school every week to recycle them to reduce the garbage or sell them to earn money. I think if I become a president of the 3Rs Club, I will help the environment be greener, cleaner and more beautiful.

Mk dùng thông tin cá nhân của mk đó nha. Có j chỉ cần sửa tên và lớp là được ròi! Nhớ tick cho mk nhé!!!

29 tháng 6 2018
