Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

1. I think pollution is a serious problem nowadays. Because it causes the air quality to decrease, the water environment is altered, aquatic species do not have a safe habitat leading to mass death, the land becomes barren, the plants are not viable and cannot be used for agricultural activities.
2. My neighborhood has to face with air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution.
3. Air pollution is caused by waste from industrial zones, urban areas, air from factory operations in industrial zones, fertilizers used in agriculture, wastewater, aquaculture waste sludge, seafood processing, smoke in means of transport,...
4. Effects of water pollution: People suffer many diseases due to the use of dirty water in their daily activities, causing great losses for production and business industries, aquaculture households, ...
5. Prevent noise pollution: close windows, wear headphones, improve sound insulation of walls, plant trees.
6. English-speaking countries: United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Ireland, New Zealand.
Study well :))

Topic 1: Write about types of pollution.
P/s : Chi 1 cai o nhiem thoi ...
Nowadays there are a lot of types of pollution such as : air pollution, water pollution, visual pollution .... and noise pollution. Noise pollution is constant and loud sound. To measure the loudness, or volumn of sounds , people use a unit called a decibel. When a sound is louder than 70 decibels, it can cause noise pollution. Do you know that the noise from a vacuum cleaner or motorcycle can result in permanent hearing loss after eight hours ? The sounds of a concert are even more serious. Noise pollution can also lead to headaches and high blood pressure. If you are listening to music throughout headphones, and other people can hear it, it means the music is too loud and unsafe.
=> Bai nay co tao rut tu trg bai skills , co them y, cai nay thieu giai phap, tu xu.
Topic 2 : Talk about natural diasters and ways to prepare for them.
Today, there are more and more natural disasters that most people affect. In my opinion, we can't prevent natural disaster but we can have some preparation for them. There are many types of natural disasters but typhoon is a popular in our country. Firstly, typhoon is a tropical storm with wind and heavy rain. When it strike, it can weak havoc across large areas and effect lot of life or extensive damage to property . Flood can be happened by long heavy rain and people also can be became homeless. Last year lots of people were seriously injure in a typhoon. Natural disasters are also very dangerous but we also have some simple preparation . The first step is learnt about the risk in your area and read the information about natural disasters on gorvernment site. Next, find out that the rescue and emergency workers advice. It 's also important that you put together emergency supply it and should include food, water, medicine, document, and some money. Finally , plan safe places to meet your family and get to know the evacuation routes and shelter. In short, everyone sholuld protect environment to reduce this natural disasters.
3) Talk about ways of communication now and in the future.
Communication is a neccesary for eberyone. In present , there are three basic forms of communication: verbal, non-verbal and multimedia.
First, verbal ( meeting F2F) is a important way of communication help you success. I like hanging out with my friends and my friends and when I meet F2F with them I feel very confident. It explains why I can speak English easily. Let ' s try! You will have a great time. Secondly, you have a different thing to say non- verbal ( using signs ) will be a good choice. For example, you make your mother sad , you can use a sign to say ' sorry ' to her. Thirdly, with develop of science and technology , many multimedia appear such as video chatting , emailing,... You can know more information despite you still stay at home. But in the future, we can use telepathy or holography. Telepathy uses a tiny device place into our head. We will be communicating just by thought over the network. Holography will help us in our work. Even though, I prefer to chat with my friends. Life is more meaningful that way !
Khủng bố , :(((

Air pollution is a major change in the composition of the atmosphere, mainly from smoke, dust, soot, steam or air makes strange gas is not clean, there was a smell coming, reduced visibility, caused climate change, pathogenic for humans and creatures.
Air pollution caused more than 3 million people die prematurely every year, it threatens virtually all of the big city dwellers in the developing countries. According to Fox News 80% of cities in the world can not meet the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO) on air quality, which is mainly concentrated in poor countries. WHO said the level of urban air pollution worldwide has increased by 8% despite improvements in some areas. This leads to the risk of stroke, heart disease, lung cancer and a variety of respiratory problems.
Tick mk nhak

Dịch : Nguyên nhân và ảnh hưởng của 1 loại ô nhiễm trong khu vực của bn
Có cần trả lời ko bn ?
Major Types of Pollution. ... The effects of airpollution are evident too. The release of sulfur dioxide and other hazardous gases into the air causes global warming and acid rain; which in turn have increased temperatures, erra rains and droughts worldwide; making it tough for the animals to survive.

-Causes of air pollution:
+ Burning fossil fuels.
+ Exhaust from factories and industries.
+ Agricultural activities.
-Solutions to reduce air pollution:
+ Use of public transportation.
+ Understand the concept of reuse,reduce,recycle.
+ Use energy saving equipment.

Bạn tham khảo nhé !
Environmental pollution is the status of environmental contamination by chemical, biological ... affect human health, other living organisms.Environmental pollution is caused by humans and human management.
The main types of pollution :
- Air pollution : Smoke and dust discharge chemicals into the atmosphere. Examples of toxic gases as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, cloroflorocacbon substances (CFCs) and nitrous oxide are of industrial waste and vehicle
- Water pollution occurs when surface water flows through the domes waste, industrial waste water, pollutants in the ground, and groundwater seepage.
- Soil pollution occurs when soil contaminated with toxic chemicals (concentrations exceed normal limits) by the activities of man as active mining, industrial production and use of chemical fertilizers Study or too much peside, ... or leaks from underground storage tanks. Most common types of soil contaminants are hydrocarbons, heavy metals, MTBE, herbicides, pesides, and chlorinated hydrocarbons .
- Radioactive Pollution , Noise pollution , Light Pollution ...
Affecf :
+ For human health : Air pollution can kill many living organisms including humans. Ozone pollution can cause respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, inflammation of the throat, chest pain, breathlessness. Water pollution causes approximately 14,000 deaths per day, mainly by eating contaminated with untreated water. Chemicals and heavy metals contamination in food and drink can cause cancer. Oil spills can cause itching blisters. Noise pollution causes hearing loss, hypertension, depression, and insomnia., causing serious consequences .
+ For ecosystem :
- Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides cause acid rain can reduce soil pH.
- Contaminated land may become barren, not suitable for crops. This will affect other living organisms in food webs.
- Smoke and fog reduce sunlight that plants receive to make the process of photosynthesis.
- Invasive species that can compete and occupied habitat for endangered native species, thus reducing biodiversity.
CO2 generated from the factories and passing vehicles also increases the greenhouse effect. Earth on a heating up. Gradually destroying the natural resort where it is available.
Solutions to limit environmental pollution :.
- Combat desertification and silver color.
- Natural water treatment contaminated ...
- Purify air ...
Ô nhiễm môi trường là tình trạng môi trường bị ô nhiễm bởi các chất hóa học, sinh học... gây ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe con người, các cơ thể sống khác . Ô nhiễm môi trường là do con người và cách quản lý của con người.
Các dạng ô nhiễm chính :
- Ô nhiễm không khí, việc xả khói chứa bụi và các chất hóa học vào bầu không khí. Ví dụ về các khí độc là cacbon mônôxít, điôxít lưu huỳnh, các chất cloroflorocacbon (CFCs), và ôxít nitơ là chất thải của công nghiệp và xe cộ .
- Ô nhiễm nước xảy ra khi nước bề mặt chảy qua rác thải sinh hoạt, nước rác công nghiệp, các chất ô nhiễm trên mặt đất, rồi thấm xuống nước ngầm.
- Ô nhiễm đất xảy ra khi đất bị nhiễm các chất hóa học độc hại (hàm lượng vượt quá giới hạn thông thường)do các hoạt động chủ động của con người như khai thác khoáng sản, sản xuất công nghiệp, sử dụng phân bón hóa học hoặc thuốc trừ sâu quá nhiều,... hoặc do bị rò rỉ từ các thùng chứa ngầm. Phổ biến nhất trong các loại chất ô nhiễm đất là hydrocacbon, kim loại nặng, MTBE, thuốc diệt cỏ, thuốc trừ sâu, và các hydrocacbon clo hóa .
- Ô nhiễm phóng xạ , Ô nhiễm tiếng ồn , Ô nhiễm ánh sáng ...
Ảnh hưởng :
+ Đối với sức khỏe con người : Không khí ô nhiễm có thể giết chết nhiều cơ thể sống trong đó có con người. Ô nhiễm ozone có thể gây bệnh đường hô hấp, bệnh tim mạch, viêm vùng họng, đau ngực, tức thở. Ô nhiễm nước gây ra xấp xỉ 14.000 cái chết mỗi ngày, chủ yếu do ăn uống bằng nước bẩn chưa được xử lý. Các chất hóa học và kim loại nặng nhiễm trong thức ăn nước uống có thể gây ung thư. Dầu tràn có thể gây ngứa rộp da. Ô nhiễm tiếng ồn gây điếc, cao huyết áp, trầm cảm, và bệnh mất ngủ., gây nhiều hậu quả nghiêm trọng .
+ Đối với hệ sinh thái :
- Điôxít lưu huỳnh và các ôxít nitơ có thể gây mưa axít làm giảm độ pH của đất.
- Đất bị ô nhiễm có thể trở nên cằn cỗi, không thích hợp cho cây trồng. Điều này sẽ ảnh hưởng đến các cơ thể sống khác trong lưới thức ăn .
- Khói lẫn sương làm giảm ánh sáng mặt trời mà thực vật nhận được để thực hiện quá trình quang hợp .
- Các loài xâm lấn có thể cạnh tranh chiếm môi trường sống và làm nguy hại cho các loài địa phương, từ đó làm giảm đa dạng sinh học.
Khí CO2 sinh ra từ các nhà máy và các phương tiện qua lại còn làm tăng hiệu ứng nhà kính. Trái Đất ngày một nóng dần lên. Phá hủy dần các khu du lịch tự nhiên mà nó sẵn có.
Giải pháp để hạn chế ô nhiễm môi trường :
- Giảm độ mặn cho đất.
- Xử lý nước tự nhiên bị ô nhiễm.
- Làm trong sạch không khí ..
am khảo nhé
What types of pollution does your neighborhood face?
- Of course is air polution
Air pollution
Definition: Air pollution occurs when the air contains gases, dust, fumes or odour in harmful amounts.
Cause: industrial watse, exhaust from car and plane...
Effect: causing diseases, death to humans, damage to other living organisms such as animals and food crops, or the natural or built environment.