
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

10 tháng 11 2023

1. D

2. C

1 Be careful when you choose a leisure activity because some activities take up a lot of time or effort. Then they find that it doesn't interest them as much as they thought it would. Find out what an activity needs before. you begin, and you won't have wasted your time.

(Hãy cẩn thận khi bạn chọn một hoạt động giải trí vì một số hoạt động chiếm nhiều thời gian hoặc công sức. Sau đó, họ thấy rằng nó không khiến họ quan tâm nhiều như họ nghĩ. Tìm hiểu những gì một hoạt động cần trước. bạn bắt đầu, và bạn sẽ không lãng phí thời gian của mình.)

2 If you think you have hurt yourself while exercising, stop immediately. Too many people try to continue, despite the pain. As a result, they end up with worse injuries, so it takes them much longer to get better.

(Nếu bạn nghĩ rằng bạn đã làm tổn thương chính mình khi tập thể dục, hãy dừng lại ngay lập tức. Quá nhiều người cố gắng tiếp tục, bất chấp nỗi đau. Kết quả là họ bị thương nặng hơn, vì vậy họ phải mất nhiều thời gian hơn để hồi phục.)

3 tháng 8 2021

1. Why he didn't admit it isa problem the concerns us
=> The problem they concerns us is why he didn't admit it
2. All of those present were in agreement with the proposal
=> Everyone agreed with the proposal
3. What a pleasant surprise to meet you again!
=> It's pleased to meet you again
4. I was finally able to convince him of ít value
=> I finally succeeded n convincing him of ít value

5. Could you explain it to me again, please?
=> Would you please explain it to me again

6. I'd prefer you to sign the check now
=> I'd rather you signed the check now
7. She was so good to me that I'll always remember it
=> I'll always remember the goodness she show to me
8. I am very pleased that we shall meet again soon
=> I'm looking forward to meeting again soon
9. On arrival at the shop, the goods are inspected carefully
=> When the goods are arriving at  the shop,  they are inspected carefully
10. What is the difference between "Salary" and "Wage"?
=> How different between "Salary" and "Wage"?
11. It doesn't matter you are very busy, he always insists on coming with you
=> No matter how busy you are, he always insists on coming with you

The little chefs Hilary Rose travels to Dorset, in the south of England, to investigate a cookery course for children. There must be something in the air in Dorset, because the last place you’d expect to fi nd children during the summer holidays is in the kitchen. Yet in a farmhouse, deep in the English countryside, that’s exactly where they are – on a cookery course designed especially for children. It’s all the idea of Anna Wilson, who wants to educate young children about cooking and eating...
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The little chefs Hilary Rose travels to Dorset, in the south of England, to investigate a cookery course for children. There must be something in the air in Dorset, because the last place you’d expect to fi nd children during the summer holidays is in the kitchen. Yet in a farmhouse, deep in the English countryside, that’s exactly where they are – on a cookery course designed especially for children. It’s all the idea of Anna Wilson, who wants to educate young children about cooking and eating in a healthy way. ‘I’m very keen to plant the idea in their heads that food doesn’t grow on supermarket shelves,’ she explains. ‘The course is all about making food fun and enjoyable.’ She thinks that eight is the perfect age to start teaching children to cook, because at that age they are always hungry. 9() These children are certainly all smiles as they arrive at the country farmhouse. Three girls and four boys aged from ten to thirteen make up the group. They are immediately given a tour of what will be ‘home’ for the next 48 hours. 10 But one thing is quite clear – they all have a genuine interest in food and learning how to cook. Anna has worked as a chef in all sorts of situations and has even cooked for the crew of a racing yacht, in limited space and diffi cult weather conditions. 11 ‘Kids are easy to teach,’ she insists, ‘because they’re naturally curious and if you treat them like adults they listen to you.’ Back in the kitchen, Anna is giving the introductory talk, including advice on keeping hands clean, and being careful around hot ovens. 12 Judging by the eager looks on their young faces as they watch Anna’s demonstration, they are just keen to start cooking. The children learn the simplest way, by watching and then doing it themselves. They gather round as Anna chops an onion for the fi rst evening meal. Then the boys compete with each other to chop their onions as fast as possible, while the girls work carefully, concentrating on being neat. 13 When they learn to make bread, the girls knead the dough with their hands competently, while the boys punch it into the board, cheerfully hitting the table with their fi sts. The following morning, four boys with dark shadows under their eyes stumble into the kitchen at 8.30 a.m. to learn how to make breakfast (sausages and eggs, and fruit drinks made with yoghurt and honey). We learn later that they didn’t stop talking until 4.30 a.m. 14 Ignoring this, Anna brightly continues trying to persuade everyone that fruit drinks are just as interesting as sausages and eggs. Anna has great plans for the courses and is reluctant to lower her standards in any way, even though her students are so young. 15 ‘And I like to keep the course fees down,’ Anna adds, ‘because if the children enjoy it and go on to teach their own children to cook, I feel it’s worth it.’ If this course doesn’t inspire them to cook, nothing will.

A This is followed by a session on ‘knife skills’, which will be important later on.

B She always uses top- quality ingredients, such as the best cuts of meat and the fi nest cheeses, so there’s clearly no profi t motive in this operation.

C As they wander round, they argue lightheartedly about who has had the most experience in the kitchen.

D In the garden, they learn about the herbs that they will use in their cooking.

E Their obvious tiredness may explain why one of them goes about the task so carelessly that the ingredients end up on the fl oor.

F This is particularly true of young boys, who are happy to do anything that will end in a meal.

G As a result, she has a very relaxed attitude to cooking, constantly encouraging the children and never talking down to them.

H This contrast will become something of a theme during the course.

Nối câu

10 tháng 9 2023

1. C

2. B

3. A

18 tháng 11 2023

1 Do you think it is necessary for pesticides to be banned? Why?

(Theo bạn có cần cấm thuốc xịt cỏ không? Tại sao?)

Yes, I do. Pesticides are harmful to not only the insects they're meant to kill but also to other animals, plants, and humans who consume them. They also have long-term effects on the environment, which is why I think a ban on pesticides is necessary.

(Tôi đồng ý. Thuốc trừ sâu không chỉ gây hại cho côn trùng mà chúng định giết mà còn cho các động vật, thực vật khác và con người tiêu thụ chúng. Chúng cũng có những tác động lâu dài đối với môi trường, đó là lý do tại sao tôi nghĩ rằng lệnh cấm thuốc trừ sâu là cần thiết.)

2 Do you agree with the views Rachel Carson expressed in Silent Spring? Why? /Why not?

(Bạn có đồng ý với quan điểm mà Rachel Carson thể hiện trong Silent Spring không? Tại sao có / tại sao không?)

Yes, Silent Spring is still relevant today. It brought about positive changes in the government's policies, leading to the enactment of a national ban on pesticides on agricultural farming. It also sparked the environmental movement, resulting in the establishment of the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

(Vâng, Silent Spring vẫn còn phù hợp cho đến ngày nay. Nó mang lại những thay đổi tích cực trong chính sách của chính phủ, dẫn đến việc ban hành lệnh cấm toàn quốc về thuốc trừ sâu trong canh tác nông nghiệp. Nó cũng châm ngòi cho phong trào môi trường, dẫn đến việc thành lập Cơ quan Bảo vệ Môi trường Hoa Kỳ.)

3 Would you like to be an ecologist? Why? / Why not? If so, what would you most concern yourself about?

(Bạn có muốn trở thành một nhà sinh thái học? Tại sao có? / Tại sao không? Nếu vậy, bạn sẽ quan tâm đến điều gì nhất?)

I would love to be an ecologist because I'm passionate about protecting the environment and all the living organisms on this planet. I think it's essential to understand how ecosystems work and how humans can impact them positively or negatively. If I were an ecologist, I would focus on finding ways to reduce pollution and combat climate change. I would also study the effects of human activities on different ecosystems, such as deforestation and habitat destruction, and finding ways to mitigate these impacts.

(Tôi rất thích trở thành một nhà sinh thái học vì tôi đam mê bảo vệ môi trường và tất cả các sinh vật sống trên hành tinh này. Tôi nghĩ điều cần thiết là phải hiểu hệ sinh thái hoạt động như thế nào và con người có thể tác động tích cực hay tiêu cực đến chúng như thế nào. Nếu tôi là một nhà sinh thái học, tôi sẽ tập trung vào việc tìm cách giảm ô nhiễm và chống biến đổi khí hậu. Tôi cũng sẽ nghiên cứu tác động của các hoạt động của con người đối với các hệ sinh thái khác nhau, chẳng hạn như phá rừng và hủy hoại môi trường sống, đồng thời tìm cách giảm thiểu những tác động này.)

III. Read the text and decide whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F) USAID IN Vietnam Assisting persons with disabilities has long been one of the top priorities for the U.S. Government in Vietnam. Since 1989, with the establishment of the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Leahy War Victims Fund (LWVF), USAID is working to increase the availability of and access to a wide variety of programs benefiting people with disabilities in conflict-affected countries. In...
Đọc tiếp

III. Read the text and decide whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F)

USAID IN Vietnam

Assisting persons with disabilities has long been one of the top priorities for the U.S. Government in Vietnam. Since 1989, with the establishment of the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Leahy War Victims Fund (LWVF), USAID is working to increase the availability of and access to a wide variety of programs benefiting people with disabilities in conflict-affected countries.

In Vietnam, U. S. assistance has helped address medical needs and support the inclusion of Vietnamese with disabilities into all aspects of society. The U.S. Government has contributed more than $80 million in assistance to persons with disabilities, has improved the lives of more than 30,000 persons with disabilities, and has strengthened the Government of Vietnam’s capacity to provide high quality services to those in need. USAID has provided rehabilitation services for tens of thousands of persons with disabilities, education and vocational training including information technology, job placement, supporting parent associations to expand the advocacy for disability issues, and support for the development of legal codes to improve physical accessibility for persons with disabilities in public buildings.

USAID'S work supporting persons with disabilities is also viewed by many as contributing to successful US-Vietnam cooperation to overcome the painful past shared by the two countries. Program activities work in three areas: policy advocacy and coordination, direct assistance including occupational and physical therapy and providing assistive devices, and health systems strengthening, to provide quality disabilities-related care and treatment. Persons with disabilities have been more readily integrated into society by improving their access to health, education and social services. USAID programs support local governments in implementing the national disability law and the U.N. Convention on the rights of Persons with disabilities, and influencing public policies that affect the lives of persons with disabilities.

1. USAID was established in 1989 _____

2. USAID aims to make various programs benefiting all people in conflict-affected countries ___________

3. Addressing medical needs of Vietnamese people is the priority of U.S assistance in Vietnam ___________

4. American government has made an $80 million contribution to help disabled people in Vietnam __________

5. Thanks to USAID, more high quality services are provided to disabled people in Vietnam __________

6. USAID has helped to rehabilitate only a limited number of persons with disabilities in Vietnam __________

7. USAID work makes a great contribution to the success of US-Vietnam cooperation ___________

8. The main focus of USAID activities is providing direct assistance with occupation replacement and health treatment for the disabled. ___________

9. Having better access to health, education and social services, the disabled in Vietnam have become more integrated into society ___________

10. Thanks to USAID programs, the Vietnam's national disability law and the U.N. Convention on the Rights of persons with disabilities have been enforced ___________

24 tháng 11 2019

1. T

2. T

3. T

4. F

5. T

6. F

7. T

8. F

9. T

10. T

With the combination of deadly car fumes and an alarming amount of industrial toxins, Mexico City is by (1) ________ the most polluted city in the world. It is so polluted, in fact, that it has broken the World Health Organisation's safety levels. Due to lack of pollution control, little has (2) ________ done to improve the air quality of Mexico City. The 30,000 industrial factories that operate within the city have no regulations whatsoever regarding the release of toxic waste (3) ________ the...
Đọc tiếp

With the combination of deadly car fumes and an alarming amount of industrial toxins, Mexico City is by (1) ________ the most polluted city in the world. It is so polluted, in fact, that it has broken the World Health Organisation's safety levels. Due to lack of pollution control, little has (2) ________ done to improve the air quality of Mexico City. The 30,000 industrial factories that operate within the city have no regulations whatsoever regarding the release of toxic waste (3) ________ the atmosphere. This, combined (4) ________ the one million barrels of leaded petrol used (5) ________ day, has caused pollution levels to sky[1]rocket. The city’s dilemma is made worse by its high altitude. Situated on a 7,000 foot high plateau and surrounded (6) ________ mountains and volcanoes, the pollution has no way of escaping and becomes trapped. Mexico’s government is worried (7) ________ the pollution, but sadly, the (8) ________ that have been made so far such as only allowing cars to operate for six (9) ________ of seven days, are simply (10) ________ enough

6 tháng 12 2023

1 one
2 cleaning
3 up
4 with
5 several days
6 by
7 about
8 Mexico
9 in six days or
10 not enough

7 tháng 12 2023

1 far

2 been

3 into

4 with

5 per

6 by

7 about

8 efforts

9 days

10 not

16 tháng 9 2017

Dear Tom,

Thank you so much for your kind letter and the lovely photos we took on the holiday. Sorry I was not able to write you earlier as the package arrived just I was about to leave for the business trip and I am back now.

I made a collage of the photos sent and it is hanging on my wall now. Looking at the photos bring back me the memories of our holiday. I am flattered with your great hospitality and mesmerized by the foods you offered as the taste lingers still now. You have been a great guide for sight seeing and took me to right place for shopping. You made me surrounded with warm friends and we had lot more fun-filled evenings. I can’t thank you enough for such a memorable holiday and made me feel home away from home.

As promised earlier, I wish you can visit me sometime during summer and I can take 2 weeks off to spend time with you. There are lot of cultural and heritage places in India that might be of interest to you.

I am looking forward to hear from you.

Best regards,
