
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

8 tháng 6 2020

refer to your dentist !!!

In different trips and outings. Every place is interesting and unique, but I was very impressed to go out in Da Lat, which is known as the land of beautiful flowers. This is also the most unforgettable outing in my life. From Ho Chi Minh City to Dalat takes about 5-6 hours by car and about 127km long. When I left was the year I was in the sixth grade on my birthday.

The evening before I went to my family I was fully prepared for this trip. On Monday morning, my family rented a seven-seat tourist car at the top of the road. At 5:15, my family started to go and I was excited for the trip. The city in the early morning is cool and fresh, so pleasant. At the time, the vehicles were sparse.When I got out of the city, the car started to accelerate, I sat in the window of the car so I could comfortably watch everything on the road. About 2 hours after the car I was crossing a vast forest of rubber trees in succession, then from a distance I could see the majes high mountains. The scenery is different every time so it cannot be described.

The fruit here is very fresh and has a sweet taste that looks very eye-catching: strawberries, butter, plums, peaches, grapes are delicious and cheap. I bought three for a jar of oranges, strawberries and a number of different fruits. When it got dark, my family took me to eat at the night market, the market here is no different from the market in my city but it is still very crowded.

And fleetingly three days in Da Lat really fast. It was time to say goodbye to this place to return to my house. When the car left, I was still attached to gazing at the rubber forests, the misty hills and the winding roads and beautiful flower gardens ... Goodbye! Da Lat met one day to meet again.


8 tháng 6 2020

Please refer to this arle again !!!

I have been traveling in many cities Trang, Vung Tau, Da Nang, ... but the place I travel the most and the most impressive is Da Lat, a dreamy city with beautiful Ca Tu Cau flowers. pretty.

The day before I left, I was so excited and packed up very early, I couldn't sleep because I was looking forward to going this time. As soon as I got in the car, I had fallen asleep since I was unable to sleep that night. I had a good sleep.

At around 7 am, my family started to have breakfast at a nearby noodle shop which is also an acquaintance of my family. After eating, we went to a place to visit, which is known by many people as La An, which is located on a rather difficult mountain area. If you are on a trip, I think this is an interesting place for you to visit. Some interesting places to visit in Dalat are La An, Tiet Tinh Coc, Valley of Love, .... Da Lat also has many delicious restaurants such as Thanh Thao buttercream, grilled spring rolls and especially baked rice cakes on the side of the road. La An is a place for tourists to take pictures with the scenery here. Tourism places in Da Lat are mostly about the landscape. An equally beautiful and rugged place is Tiet Tinh Coc. This place is for young people who want to have beautiful photos and enjoy exploring the rugged road to Tiet Tinh Coc. But few people know that this place has a blue lake with natural stones. People will have a swing and a raft for you to shoot freely, but it costs money.It is often said that Dalat is the place for strawberry gardens, so there are quite a few places for us to pick strawberries. We will pay the farmers together to harvest the finished product. It is also the city of butter but delicious avocado has just arrived.

This is my favorite place and it has been associated with me since childhood. I will never get tired of this place no matter how many times I fish. I love Da Lat very much.


18 tháng 1 2019

Các em học sinh có thể tham khảo bài văn mẫu về vấn đề ô nhiễm môi trường nhé. Bài viết chỉ mang tính tham khảo.
Đề bài: Viết một bài văn ngắn (khoảng 400 từ) trình bày suy nghĩ của anh / chị về vấn đề ô nhiễm môi trường ở nước ta hiện nay.
Vấn đề môi trường sống của con người trên trái đất đã và đang bị ô nhiễm là một vấn đề cấp bách đối với bất kì quốc gia nào. Vì nó gây ra những hiện tượng biến đổi khí hậu dẫn đến những thảm hoạ thiên tai khủng khiếp. Ở Việt Nam sự ô nhiễm môi trường là vẫn đề đáng báo động. Đây là một hiện tượng xấu, nhiều tác hại, cần nhanh chóng khắc phục.
Trước hết, ta cần hiểu môi trường là gì? Môi trường sống của con người là một khái niệm rộng. Nó bao gồm tất cả các yếu tố tự nhiên và vật chất nhân tạo bao quanh con người, có ảnh hưởng đến cuộc sống, sản xuất, sự tồn tại, phát triển của con người và mọi sinh vật trên trái đất. Môi trường có hai loại chính: đó là môi trường tự nhiên và môi trường xã hội. Môi trường tự nhiên bao gồm các thành phần tự nhiên như địa hình, địa chất, đất trồng, khí hậu, nước, sinh vật,… Môi trường xã hội là tổng thể các mối quan hệ giữa con người với con người, quan hệ cá nhân với cộng đồng thể hiện bằng luật pháp, thể chế, cam kết, quy định,…
Thực trạng ô nhiễm môi trường đang diễn ra rất nghiêm trọng.Ô nhiễm nguồn không khí: các nhà máy đã và đang thải ra môi trường không khí một nguồn cacbonnic khổng lồ, các loại axit, các loại khí gây hiệu ứng nhà kính, khói bụi xe hơi và các loại động cơ khác. Ô nhiễm nguồn nước: hiện nay thế giới và đặc biệt là Việt Nam đã bị ô nhiễm nguồn nước, nhu cầu về nước uống và nước sinh hoạt ở nhiều vùng miền đang bị thiếu nghiêm trọng, số lượng người được sử dụng nước sạch chiếm tỉ lệ không lớn. Các nguồn nước: ao, hồ, sông, suối, biển cả đại dương, nguồn nước ngầm, nước mưa,… Ô nhiễm nguồn đất: đất đai ngày càng bị thoái hoá, bị rửa trôi, rác thải công nghiệp, rác thải sinh hoạt, rác thải bệnh viện

Ô nhiễm môi trường gây ra nhiều tác hại nghiêm trọng nên cần có những biện pháp để ngăn chặn. Bản thân con người phải ý thức được những tác hại to lớn khi môi trường ô nhiễm. Hệ thống pháp lí, chế tài nghiêm minh để xử phạt thích đáng cho các cá nhân và tổ chức vi phạm. Nhà trường phối hợp với các ban ngành thường xuyên nhắc nhở, tuyên truyền, kiểm tra ý thức tự giác của mọi người về việc giữ gìn vệ sinh. Nên có những hình thức khiển trách đúng mức đối với những học sinh có thói quen vứt rác bừa bãi. Giáo dục ý thức cộng đồng về bảo vệ môi trường. Trong thời gian gần đây, chúng ta thường được nghe nói đến phong trào “Giờ Trái Đất” .Đó cũng là một trong những hoạt động thiết thực để góp phần bảo vệ môi trường. Và chúng ta cần phải thực hiện các giải pháp trên một cách đồng bộ, thường xuyên để khắc phục những hậu quả của sự ô nhiễm môi trường, tạo ra môi trường sống trong lành cho con người,
Tóm lại, ô nhiễm môi trường ở nước ta hiện nay là một vấn nạn gây hậu quả nghiêm trọng cần lên án và loại bỏ. Hãy bảo vệ môi trường. Bảo vệ môi trường là bảo vệ sự sống của mọi người, vì vậy mỗi người chúng ta cần có ý thức, góp phần chung tay xây dựng một môi trường xanh – sạch – đẹp.

14 tháng 6 2016

My first visit to Nha Trang, the coastal city, was three years ago. It was a pleasant and memorable trip.
Nha trang, the capital of Khanh Hoa province, has one of the most popular municipal beaches in all of Viet nam. In Nha Trang, nature beauties are so tempting. Waves crashing onto the cliffs, the soft sigh of the sea breeze, clean white sands and turquoise waters, it all makes for a stunning landscape. On my visit to Nha Trang, I used to get up early each morning to stroll along the beach - a chance to breath in the fresh sea air and enjoy the sunrise across the water. One attraction that captivated me three years ago and still it does is the collection of small offshore islands, that is Hon Tre where is the largest of the islands.
Nha Trang is the city in hamoney, its fine wather, favorite position and friendly people bring it a certain balance. Nha Trang is a great holiday destination. I hope to have chance to come back

14 tháng 6 2016

My name is do Linh . This year I'm 12 years old. I'm a student . Summer vacation the year before, the school I organized for people visiting tourist in Nha Trang. To me it is not just a holiday but rather experience and learning.  A nice, clean waters, romance, there are many things to discover. When to visit Nha Trang, we are extending the vision to explore the resort Winpel - that was very good. Or, just go for a walk along the beach and people, under the non lao created the scene, on the roads very poetic, one side is waves, cool breeze, a side street with magnificent homes of ... Yes a very beautiful coastal city, was impressed.The trip left me very much impressive and unforgettable memories.

3 tháng 1 2017

Tham khảo nhé:

Last summer vacation, I went to Ha LOng Bay with my family. It was sunny but not very hot. His parents sat in the sun and talked. My younger sister and I went swimming. Then, we went to some souvenir shops. We bought a lot of different gifts for our friends. Next, my family went to a food stall for lunch. We ate fish and crab. The food was delicious, but most things were not cheap. They were quite expensive. Finally, We took a lot of photos and went to home by bus. After trip, we felt very happy because we had a great time get together. Our trip was great, if my family next time I travel, I will invite you to go with my family.

*** Diamond

28 tháng 7 2016

Sitting in the car, watching the street in the early morning, I saw the city where I live so that's nice! Two roadside planting lush green trees, straight as the pay of soldiers are marching ... Wow! Finally we also went to sea and then here?!? Vung Tau Sea dreamer but also full of life did I stood enraptured while now. Oh! salty smell of the breeze through my hair tone well enough for me to feel happy then! When I got the family room, I looked from the window of the fifth floor where you see the majestic Vung Tau, this beautiful! Today it's really beautiful, the sky clear blue, cloudless. There are a few sea birds hovering in the sky as if to join them for the amusement of tourists here! The sun looked like a ball of fire between a blue glowing translucent.

bn có dùng google dịch ko z Lê Nguyên Hạo

The pollution of water is an important problem today. Today, throughout moutain to city, almost rivers are not pure. They are dark, black, and foul and make the bad trouble with our lives. We need fresh air, we need fresh water. We need water to drink, to bath, to clean and wash. We very need water. Land like Dad, and water like Mom. Water smooth, transparent, clear, and it has 70% of all our body. We can not don't need water. Water help tree grow. Water can refresh and clear all things. But today, we only have water from water city company. The water we drink, is not fresh. And it must fire to hot as 100 degree. And then, we make it cool, so we can drink. In once upon a time, all rivers are fresh. And we can swim in that, it's very funny. In that rivers, we have fishes, too, and shrimp, and very much see animals. But now, with our rivers, there have no fish, or shrimp. Because there're too dirty. If we want to make our rivers revival, we need learn the way to not pour the pollution things to our rivers. It's very difficult, I know. But if we truely want our rivers have the blue, not black, or grown color, we need do all things from the begin. Nowadays, we have many polluted company, we always try to make pure water. And to have pure water, we must pay money. It's not cheap. And the last thing I want to talk with you, that we need to learn the way to not pour the dirty things to rivers. And we need save our water. C-H-Ú-C-B-Ạ-N-H-Ọ-C-T-Ố-T
17 tháng 1 2019

After three industrial revolutions, human keeps on taking steps to develop modern technology, making themselves the dominant species on the Earth. However, there is a high price to pay since pollution has become one of the most serious problems we have to confront. The first factor that is under great strain is the source of water. In the modern times, a number of factories have been built, leading to a huge amount of waste that needs to be dealt with. But with a lack of sewage treatment systems, most of this is dumped directly into rivers or lakes, destroying marine life. In addition, oil spills from tanker ship accidents also contribute to water population, which killed thousands of seabirds and aquatic animals. Not only water, the air is also contaminated seriously. It is shown that most of the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere comes from coal burning power plants and motor vehicles, causing global warming and greenhouse effect. The situation became worse since our green lungs have been damaged seriously due to the alarming rate of deforestation. As a result of air pollution, human health can be threatened and put at risk of respiratory problems and hives.Last but not least, soil pollution is another example of our negative impacts on the environment. With modern farming practices and the abuse of chemical pesticides, the quality of soil is increasingly degraded on account of the loss of important minerals and microorganisms in it. Moreover, it can be polluted by improper disposal of waste or heavy metals from factories and power plants. These substances will enter the waterways and then our food chain, which gradually do harm to our health. In all likelihood, arable land will turn into desert or be lost to erosion and water logging. To conclude, the environment is polluted at a high rate, affecting our life negatively in many ways. Therefore, there is a need to take measures to save the Earth before it is too late.

14 tháng 12 2022

tham khảo:

After a stressful semester, my parents decide take me to the country to visit grandparents, leave the noise of city behind. Homeland is a small and peaceful land, beside the Red River. The atmosphere here is very fresh, there is no noise, no pollution as in the city I am living. On two sides of the road there are the rows of green trees and birds singing beside the ears. In front of my grandparents’s house is a small garden. Every morning, after sweeping the house, I am taken to the garden to water vegetables, feed chickens. The feeling of watching the little yellow chickens run around the legs is really amazed. In the afternoon, my brother leads me to fly kites on the long dyke with children in the neighborhood. These children also think some interesting games such as chasing, hide and seek ... For me, everything here is new and amazing. After the trip, I know how to swim and learn many many things. I hope next summer parents will take me to visit the grandparents again.