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17 tháng 11 2018




                                                                                                                                                      THANKS FOR LISTENING!

27 tháng 2 2017

"Today is my birthday. What will my parents give me?" I wondered when I was on the way home. When I came home, I couldn't see my parents at home. I saw a piece of paper with the lines: ' The food is on the fridge, heat it up and the milk is on the cupboard. Today we go to the cinema.' I was very sad. Without eating, I went up my room and watching films. While I was watching films, there were a strange noise downstairs. I ran down and saw my parents with my best friends. They gave me a lot of presents. My parents gave me a kitten. Can you imagine how I felt then?

12 tháng 7 2018

Of all my past experiences, the one that stands out most in my memory is a day of bitter sorrow and remorse. Although at the end of the day, a ray of happiness shone through the dark clouds, the mental anguish I underwent may never be equalled.

The day was a Saturday. Everyone was busy. My mother had asked me to stay at home knowing how clumsy I was. Being a grown up girl, I naturally felt resentful and I had the urge to go out. Eventually, I came out of my house without her knowledge and ran joyfully to join my brother and other friends.

We played a game of poker and then sat down under the shade of a large tree. While we were chatting, one of the boys said, “I bet none of you girls can ride a bicycle to town.” The other girls looked at each other then the bicycle fearfully, but I was full of courage. Being provoked by the challenge and we agreed that if I rode first, he would give each and everyone there 1 dollar and write an essay about how girls are as brave as guys.

My eldest brother was worried for if anything untoward happened to me, he would get the worst of it. But the boy dispelled all his fears. I had a feeling that something would go wrong when I began to ride a bicycle. My pride, nevertheless, got the better of me and I rode faster. On taking a bend, I had a sickening feeling. At that time I heard a loud noise “BANG!” and my friends shouting, “LINDA… LINDA!!”. Then I fell and my mind became blank.

On beginning to regain consciousness, I could hear voices around me. Again I began to sink deeply into a dreamless sleep. When I open my eyes, I found myself in a white room on a bed and my mother sitting beside me weeping. “What has happened?” I asked feebly. She wiped her tears and force a smile across her face and told me not to worry. I knew something was wrong.

A doctor then came in, examined me, he shook his head and went out to speak to my parents. Judging by the expression of the doctor and the way my mom cried, I knew it was no good news. Imagine the shock I underwent when I overheard the doctor saying that I would never walk again. Mixed feelings of remorse, regret and indescribable terror came over me. Why? Why? Oh why was I such a stubborn child. I shivered and suddenly felt very sick. I wanted to cry, I felt it in my throat, but the pain was too great and the tears refused to fall.

How I lived through that day of misery, it remains a question mark. It seemed to me to be the end of the world. My parents tried to pretend that my wounds were not serious. Little did they know, I knew the truth. In my thoughts, the doctor’s prediction remained. I felt completely miserable and when my mother smiled at me, telling me that I would recover soon, the irony of words cut through my heart like a sword.

Although the doctor’s prediction did not come true – thankfully, I will never forget the horror and misery it brought about it. As for the challenge, it was called off. No one lost nor did anyone won

5 tháng 4 2021

I like living in the countryside because of some reasons. Environmentally speaking, it is a peaceful place. The air is fresh. The space is quiet. We can enjoy healthy natural conditions without
worrying much about environmental pollution.
As for social security, the countryside is a safer place than a city. While urban security situation is always complicated with all kinds of crimes, rural areas are much more secure because most of countrymen are friendly and ready to help one another.
Moreover, rural life is also easier that in cities. People in cities are easy to get stressed because of pollution, job pressures, competitions, etc ... On the contrary, those bad things
are very rare in the countryside. To sum up, except income matters, the countryside is a better residence than cities.

5 tháng 4 2021

woa batngo

12 tháng 10 2019

Yen Lap pine hill is located in Minh Thanh ward, Quang Yen town. This is an ideal place to save memories of his instructions to plant trees for planting.

#Châu's ngốc

12 tháng 10 2019

Yen Lap pine hill is located in Minh Thanh ward, Quang Yen town. This is an awesome place to save memories of "Nguoi" instructions to plant trees for planting.

Dear, Linh

How are you these days? Are you so well? Do you remember the days that we go to school together,do homework together... But now you aren't beside me. I'm so sad because I don't have any good friends like you. You are the best friends of mine.. These days, I learn so good. But I really hate Physical, it is too difficult for me. I just have point 1. But the teacher is so cruel to, like other teacher they didn't record in skull, she record point 1 in skull. So my teacher fan me.. It;s too unjusty.... The other subject is good. But I really..really hate Physicals

Bye, Linh. I want you come back to Bim Son and play with me

See you soon

24 tháng 10 2017

Dear _______,
Thanks for your letter, I'm pleased to hear that you and your family are well. Now I write this letter to tell you about my study ay school. I received my first semester report last week. I got good grades for Science, English and History, but my math result was poor. My math teacher asked me to spend more time on it. I must study harder next semester in order to improve it.
How about you ? Please write soon and tell me all your news. I'm looking foward to seeing your letter.

Có vẻ nó hơi ngắn nhưng mà bạn thông cảm nha, mình chỉ giúp đc nhiêu đó thôi, bạn cũng có thể viết thêm vào. Good luck !

bạn có thể tham khỏa mẫu dưới đây:

I have a memorable childhood which has many experiences. One of the experiences I remember most is the first time I was invited to a birthday party. I was a 6-year-old girl and I had a bestfriend whose name is Lisa. We were very close and seemed we couldn’t live without each other until her birhtday. It was a beautiful morning when Lisa invited me to her birthday party and had no idea about how great her party would be if she didn’t ask me to attend. I was very happy and decided to make my bestfriend surprise by giving her a puppy as a present. Lisa didn’t dog or any animal but I almost forgot about that. I was confident to give her my present in her birthday and immediately realized that she didn’t my little dog which I myself chose to buy 3 days ago. While the party was going on, I stood in a corner of the room and watched how much she loved other normal presents such as teddy bear, dolls or crayons. I felt dissapointed but that was not the worst thing. About 20 mintues later, Lisa’s father gave a sign that was the time to taking out a birthday cake. It was the biggest birthday cake I had ever seen. The light went off. As soon as it went on, somebody screamed “It’s a puppy in the cake”. Everyone was surprise and they recognized that was my puppy. They looked at the puppy and then looked at me. I glanced to Lisa. She said nothing and about to cried. I was very confused and ashamed. I carried my puppy, said sorry to Lisa and ran out of the party. I couldn’t believe that I had just broken my bestfriend’s birthday cake because of a silly decision. I learned that never bring any animal with me to a party, especially bestfriend’s birthday party. It’s an experience that I won’t forget for the rest of my life. Luckily Lisa forgave me and we are still friend up to now. She always reminded me about her 6th birthday and we laughed a lot.

28 tháng 2 2018

I have a memorable childhood which has many experiences. One of the experiences I remember most is the first time I was invited to a birthday party. I was a 6-year-old girl and I had a bestfriend whose name is Lisa. We were very close and seemed we couldn’t live without each other until her birhtday. It was a beautiful morning when Lisa invited me to her birthday party and had no idea about how great her party would be if she didn’t ask me to attend. I was very happy and decided to make my bestfriend surprise by giving her a puppy as a present. Lisa didn’t dog or any animal but I almost forgot about that. I was confident to give her my present in her birthday and immediately realized that she didn’t my little dog which I myself chose to buy 3 days ago. While the party was going on, I stood in a corner of the room and watched how much she loved other normal presents such as teddy bear, dolls or crayons. I felt dissapointed but that was not the worst thing. About 20 mintues later, Lisa’s father gave a sign that was the time to taking out a birthday cake. It was the biggest birthday cake I had ever seen. The light went off. As soon as it went on, somebody screamed “It’s a puppy in the cake”. Everyone was surprise and they recognized that was my puppy. They looked at the puppy and then looked at me. I glanced to Lisa. She said nothing and about to cried. I was very confused and ashamed. I carried my puppy, said sorry to Lisa and ran out of the party. I couldn’t believe that I had just broken my bestfriend’s birthday cake because of a silly decision. I learned that never bring any animal with me to a party, especially bestfriend’s birthday party. It’s an experience that I won’t forget for the rest of my life. Luckily Lisa forgave me and we are still friend up to now. She always reminded me about her 6th birthday and we laughed a lot. 

1 tháng 6 2020

Trò chơi điện tử thực sự là một phát minh với mục đích tốt đẹp cho con người. Ngoài tác dụng giải trí để giảm căng thẳng đơn thuần, đây là một hình thức giải trí có yêu cầu vận dụng linh hoạt đầu óc và tay chân. Khi chơi trò chơi điện tử, ta có thể rèn luyện được phản xạ và sự nhanh nhẹn của ngón tay và sự xử lí nhanh của bộ não. Hiếm mà tìm được một trò chơi nào không cần nhiều dụng cụ, không cần quá nhiều người chơi chung, lại không hề cần không gian rộng mà khiến cho người chơi luôn có cảm giác không hề thấy chán như trò chơi điện tử. Đặc biệt, đối với dạng trò chơi điện tử có thể tương tác với người cùng chơi, có thể tạo thêm mối quan hệ bạn bè, làm cho cuộc sống trở nên vui vẻ hơn. Ngày nay, khi mà các khu vui chơi địa phương không có nhiều, thời gian giao lưu cũng bó hẹp, đây quả là một hình thức giải trí vô cùng tiện lợi và bổ ích.
Nhưng trò chơi điện tử sẽ bổ ích đúng như mục đích ban đầu mà nó được tạo ra nếu ngừơi chơi thực sự là những người thông minh biết sử dụng nó thật đúng đắn. Rõ ràng là trò chơi điện tử rất có ích nhưng đặt vào hiện trạng ngày nay, đa số mọi người, nhất là các bậc phụ huynh đều coi nó như một liều thuốc độc mà con em mình cần tránh xa. Trò chơi điện tử gây hấp dẫn với người chơi như vậy khiến cho nhiều người bị “nghiện”, nhất là đối với những trẻ vị thành niên, khi chúng chưa biết điều chỉnh được bản thân cho hợp lí, đồng thời chúng cũng có khá nhiều thời gian rảnh mà không biết làm gì nên dẫn đến việc chúng tìm đến trò chơi điện tử thường xuyên và chơi quá nhiều trong một thời gian liên tục. Lâu dần như vậy thì người chơi sẽ quen và mất đi kiểm soát luôn muốn tìm đến trò chơi điện tử và khi đang chơi thì không hề muốn dừng lại. Điều này sẽ dẫn đến tình trạng không tốt về mặt thể chất nếu chơi quên ăn quên ngủ và tiếp xúc với các thiết bị điện tử nhiều. Điều này còn gây tốn thời gian của người chơi bởi người chơi sẽ không muốn rời mắt khỏi trò chơi điện tử và không làm gì trong suốt thời gian dài và nếu chơi ở những quán điện tử thì còn tốn tiền bạc rất nhiều. Vậy từ mục đích được tạo ra để giải trí, trò chơi điện tử đã để lại rất nhiều tác hại cho con người và xã hội, thậm chí có thể đi đến những suy thoái về mặt đạo đức và lối sống. Đối với người trẻ, thậm chí có thể hủy hoại sức khỏe cùng ước mơ về tương lai. Vậy những người chơi trò chơi điện tử không đúng cách đã tự hủy hoại bản thân đồng thời biến trò chơi điện tử trở thành một nguy cơ tai hại cho xã hội, làm cho nó trở thành trò chơi bị toàn xã hội nhìn bằng cái nhìn phiến diện.

Chúc bạn hok tốt~~

12 tháng 6 2020

  Video game have both good and bad parts.Video game help reduce stress,fatigue.It also boosts intelligence and agility.Train your brain's reflexes and quick handling.But if you play a lot you will trouble in your eyes.You may be  nearsighted and have a brain disorder.You should play healthy game and shouldn't play unfair game.

11 tháng 3 2017

My favorite holiday in the United States is Christmas. I have many good memories of Christmas when I was a boy growing up in Colorado. Every Christmas, our family would go to the mountains to find a nice, big evergreen tree and bring it home to decorate in our living room. I liked to sit in the dark and watch the Christmas tree lights twinkle with the snow falling outside. Christmas was a time when our relatives got together and invited friends over for parties. We liked to eat many holiday foods like chocolate fudge, popcorn balls and pumpkin pie. Sometimes a group of singers would come by our house and sing Christmas songs while we listened. On Christmas morning my family would enjoy exchanging Christmas gifts. It was a happy time for me.

bài saunha

18 tháng 3 2021

Nghe An Province was badly affected again when a typhoon hit the area last night. The storm began at around 11 p.m. and raged thoughout the night. Dozens of people were seriously injured and hundreds of others were left homeless. The severe winds caused extensive damage to property, including homes and businesses, particularly in Cua Lo, a coastal town in Nghe An. The storm had already weakened by the time emergency workers arrived in the area. Rescue operations have started and many people trapped in collapsed or damaged buidings have been freed. Workers are now clearing up the debris left behind by the severe storm. The government has already sent rescue equipment to Nghe An, as well as food and medical supplies. People left homeless have been taken to safe areas, where temporary accommodation will be built to house them. The weather bureau has issued flood warning for Nghe An and nearby provinces as heavy rain is expected to continue over the next few days.

18 tháng 3 2021

e ơi bài của e ko có tí liên quan j đến đề bài luôn