
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

30 tháng 3 2020

I. Choose the best option.

12/ To the north of Nullabor Plain _______________ .

A. the Great Victoria Desert stretch

B. does the Great Victoria Desert stretch

C. stretches the Great Victoria Deserts

D. does stretch the Great Victoria Desert

34/ A: "Could you lend me some money?" -B: " Sorry. I ______ to the bank yet."

A. haven't gone B. haven't been C. didn't go D. am not going

10/ You should comply ______ the school rules. A. to B. about C. with D. in

II. Complete the sentences below with an appropriate preposition:

101. The price of electricity is going up _in___ August.

102. They came to visit us __on___ my birthday.

105. We were very disappointed __to___ the organization of the festival.

107. Helen had said goodbye to everybody in the class___before__ she left for the hometown.


annoyed (with sb) about: bực tức excited about: hào hứng

anxious/ worried about: lo lắng furious about: điên tiết về

careful about: cẩn thận về happy about: hạnh phúc

careless about: bất cẩn về sad/ upset about: buồn/ thất vọng

concerned about: quan tâm serious about: nghiêm túc về

confused about: nhầm lẩn về sorry about/ for: xin lỗi về


amazed at: kinh ngạc về good at: dở về (good for: tốt cho)

bad at: dở về (bad for: xấu cho) quick at: nhanh nhẹn về

clever at: khéo léo về skillful at: khéo léo về

excellent at: xuất sắc về surprised at: ngạc nhiên về


available for: có sẵn late for: trễ

eager for: nóng lòng chờ necessary for: cần thiết cho

eligible for: xứng đáng cho responsible for: chịu trách nhiệm

famous for: nổi tiếng useful for: có ích cho

known for: nổi tiếng


absent from: vắng mặt ở free from/ of: thóat khỏi

different from: khác với safe from: an tòan


disappointed in/ with: thất vọng involved in: có liên quan

interested in: quan tâm rich in: giàu có, phong phú

successful in: thành công


afraid of: sợ full of: đầy

ahead of: đi trước guilty of: có tội

ashamed of: hổ thẹn independent of: độc lập

aware/ conscious of: ý thức jealous of: ghen tị

capable of: có khả năng proud of: tự hào

certain of/ about: chắc về scared of: hoảng sợ

confident of: tự tin short of: cạn kiệt

envious of: ghen tị sure of: chắc

fond of: thích tired of: chán

frightened of: sợ typical of: tiêu biểu


accustomed to: quen grateful to sb for sth: biết ơn

addicted to: nghiện opposed to: phản đối

committed to: tận tụy harmful to: có hại cho

contrary to: trái với important to: quan trọng với

dedicated to: tận tụy married to: thành hơn với

devoted to: tận tâm open to: mở ra cho

equal to: bằng với similar to: tương tự với

essential to/ for: cần thiết cho


acquainted with: quen với friendly with: thân thiện

angry with/ at sb about sth: giận happy with/ about: hạnh phúc về

angry with/ at sb for doing sth: giận honest with: thành thật với

bored with/ fed up with: chán với identical with: giống hệt với

busy with: bận rộn với impatient with: mất kiên nhẫn với

crowded with: đông đúc patient with: kiên nhẫn với

disappointed with: thất vọng pleased/ satisfied with: hài lòng với

familiar with: quen thuộc với popular with: phổ biến với


generous/ good/ kind/ nice/ polite/ rude/ stupid… to sb

generous/ good/ kind/ nice/ polite/ rude/ stupid… of sb to do sth

3. Verb + preposition:


care about sb/ sth: coi trọng remind sb about sth: nhắc ai nhớ

(care for: thích) (remind sb of sb/ sth: gợi ai nhớ đến)

complain about: phàn nàn talk about sb/ sth: nói chuyện về

dream about/ of sb/ sth: mơ về tell sb about sb/ sth: nói với ai về

forget about: quên think about/ of sb/ sth: nghĩ về

hear about sth: nghe nói về warn sb about/ of sth: cảnh báo về

(hear from sb: nghe tin tức của ai) worry about: lo lắng

learn about: biết


aim (sth) at sb/ sth: nhắm vào shout at sb: la mắng ai

arrive at/ in: đến tại (shout to sb: goi lớn ai)

glance at sb/ sth: liếc nhìn smile at sb: mỉm cười với ai

laugh at sb: cười nhạo ai stare at sb/ sth: nhìn chăm chú

look at sb/ sth: nhìn vào throw sth at sb: ném mạnh vào ai

point (sth) at sb/ sth: chĩa vào (throw sth to sb: ném cho ai bắt)


apply for sth: nộp đơn xin leave (a place) for: rời.... để đi đến

account for: giải thích look for sb/ sth: tìm kiếm

apologize for: xin lỗi (look after sb/ sth: chăm sóc)

ask sb for sth: yêu cầu ai về pay for sth: trả tiền cho

blame sb for sth: đổ lỗi cho ai về search for sb/ sth: tìm kiếm

excuse for: xin lỗi thank sb for (doing) sth: cảm ơn

forgive sb for (doing) sth: tha thứ wait for sb/ sth: chờ đợi

hope for sth: hy vọng về


escape from: trốn thóat khỏi protect sb from sth: bảo vệ

prevent sb from (doing) sth: ngăn chặn suffer from sth: chịu, bị (bệnh, đau khổ…)


believe in sb/ sth: tin vào specialize in sth: chuyên về

participate in: tham gia succeed in (doing) sth: thành công về


crash into: tông, đụng vào divide/ split into: chia ra

cut into: cắt ra thành translate (from a language) into: dịch ra


accuse sb of (doing) sth: buộc tội ai disapprove of sth: không đồng ý

approve of: đồng ý, chấp thuận hear of: nghe tin

consist of sb/ sth: bao gồm suspect sb of (doing) sth: nghi ngờ

die of/ from: chết vì think of: nghĩ về


concentrate on sth: tập trung vào live onsb/ sth: sống nhờ vào

congratulate sb on (doing) sth: chúc mừng plan on: kế hoạch

comment on: phê bình rely on: tin cậy

depend on: phụ thuộc spend (money) on sth: tiêu (tiền)

insist on (doing) sth: nài nỉ


adapt to: thích nghi explain sth to sb: giải thích cho ai

add to: thêm vào happen to sb/ sth: xảy ra với

adjust to: điều chỉnh listen to: lắng nghe

apologize to sb for (doing) sth: xin lỗi ai về object to: phản đối

complain to sb about sth: phàn nàn prefer … to …: thích … hơn

describe sth to sb: mô tả cho ai talk/ speak to sb: nói với

devote to: cống hiến


agree with: đồng ý fill with: làm đầy

argue with: cãi nhau với provide sb with sth: cung cấp

collide with: tông, đụng vào (provide sth for sb: cung cấp)

communicate with: giao tiếp supply sb with sth: cung cấp

compare with/to: so sánh (supply sth to sb: cung cấp)

30 tháng 3 2020

thanks bn∼

31 tháng 3 2020

Complete the sentences below with an appropriate preposition.

101. The prince of electricity is going up .......in...... August.

102. They came to visit us ....in......... on my birthday.

103. Did you have a good time ...at....... Christmas?

104. The children are really excited ......about..... their summer vacation.

105. We were very disappointed ....to....... the organization of the festival.

106. John missed a lot of lesson. He was ill........from....... January to March.

107. Helen had said goodbye to everybody in the class ......before...... she left for her hometown.

108. My cat is very found .......of..........fish.

109. I waited ....for......10 o’clock and then went home.

110. I can’t remember exactly when the accident happened. I think it was .......at...... nine and half past nine.

111. Are you acquainted......to... the lady?

112. .....After..... the children left, the house was very quiet.


31 tháng 3 2020

101. in

102. (chỗ này mình nghĩ là không cần giới từ nữa)

103. at

104. about

105. in

106. from

107. before

108. of

109. for

110. at

111. with

112. After

I. Choose the most suitable to fill in each blank Jack and Jill saw a lot of things (1) _______ their trip to the old castle (2) _______ North England. It was a long way, so when they came to the castle (3) _______the afternoon they were really tried. It was very hot but the scenery (4) _______very beautiful and the castle was ancient. They (5) ______ their trip very much 1. A. On B. In C. At D. under 2. A. At B. In C. On D. From 3. A. On B. At C. In D. Between 4. A. Is B. Are C. Were D....
Đọc tiếp

I. Choose the most suitable to fill in each blank

Jack and Jill saw a lot of things (1) _______ their trip to the old castle (2) _______ North England. It was a long way, so when they came to the castle (3) _______the afternoon they were really tried. It was very hot but the scenery (4) _______very beautiful and the castle was ancient. They (5) ______ their trip very much

1. A. On B. In C. At D. under

2. A. At B. In C. On D. From

3. A. On B. At C. In D. Between

4. A. Is B. Are C. Were D. Was

5. A. Enjoy B. Enjoyed C. Enjoying D. To enjoy

II. Full in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions

1. They often stay ______ home_____Sunday

2. Her father asked her not to stay ______late

3.Don't wait ______them.They can't come here because they're very busy

4. You have to take ______ your hat when you are ______ the house

5. What is he looking ______ the bed as he's kneeling down?

6. Why don't you sit ______? Do you want to stand ______for along time?

7. Are your children afraid ______ dogs and mice?

8. All _______ us had a great love _____our fatherland

9. Look ______ her dress. It is different _____your

10. The boys and girls are very excited______the journey

III. Complete the following sentence with the correct from of the verb in parentheses

1.Do you know the woman (talk) _________to Nga?

2. Police (investigate) ________ the crime are looking for three men

3.These was a big red car (park) ________outside the house?

4.These were some children (swim) _______in the river

5. I was woken up by a bell (ring) ________

6. The boy (injure) ________in the accident was taken to hospital

7. Some is the people (invite) ________to the party can't come

8. Most of the goods (make) ________in this factory are exported

9. Can you think is the name of a follower (begin) ______with "T"

10. The road (join) _______the two villages is very narrow

IV. Complete the sentence using one of the following verbs in the correct form

Work- teach- sit- steal- ring- overlook- blow- call- invite- live- offer- read

1. A bell_______woke him up

2. Some people _______to the wedding party didn't come

3. It's said that life is very unpleasant for people _______near busy airport

4. Two days after the interview, he received a letter________hom a job

5. Someone ________Mai sent you this box

6. Can you see a tree_______ down in the storm last night over there?

7. As we came into the room it was empty except for an old woman_______by the window _________a fashion magazine

8.Eric has got a sister________ in a post office and a brother_______English at a high school

9. We live in a pleasant room________the garden

10. The police never found the money ________in the robbery

10 tháng 3 2019

I. Choose the most suitable to fill in each blank

Jack and Jill saw a lot of things (1) on their trip to the old castle (2) in North England. It was a long way, so when they came to the castle (3) in the afternoon they were really tried. It was very hot but the scenery (4) is very beautiful and the castle was ancient. They (5) enjoyed their trip very much

1. A. On B. In C. At D. under

2. A. At B. In C. On D. From

3. A. On B. At C. In D. Between

4. A. Is B. Are C. Were D. Was

5. A. Enjoy B. Enjoyed C. Enjoying D. To enjoy

II. Full in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions

1. They often stay at home on Sunday

2. Her father asked her not to stay up late

3.Don't wait for them.They can't come here because they're very busy

4. You have to take off your hat when you are into the house

5. What is he looking at the bed as he's kneeling down?

6. Why don't you sit down? Do you want to stand up for along time?

7. Are your children afraid of dogs and mice?

8. All of us had a great love with our fatherland

9. Look at her dress. It is different from your

10. The boys and girls are very excited about the journey

III. Complete the following sentence with the correct from of the verb in parentheses

1.Do you know the woman (talk) talking to Nga?

2. Police (investigate) investigates the crime are looking for three men

3.These was a big red car (park) parking outside the house?

4.These were some children (swim) swimming in the river

5. I was woken up by a bell (ring) rang

6. The boy (injure) injured in the accident was taken to hospital

7. Some is the people (invite) invited to the party can't come

8. Most of the goods (make) made in this factory are exported

9. Can you think is the name of a follower (begin) begins with "T"

10. The road (join) joined the two villages is very narrow

IV. Complete the sentence using one of the following verbs in the correct form

Work- teach- sit- steal- ring- overlook- blow- call- invite- live- offer- read

1. A bell rang woke him up

2. Some people invited to the wedding party didn't come

3. It's said that life is very unpleasant for people living near busy airport

4. Two days after the interview, he received a letter offered him a job

5. Someone called Mai sent you this box

6. Can you see a tree blew down in the storm last night over there?

7. As we came into the room it was empty except for an old woman was sitting by the window reading a fashion magazine

8.Eric has got a sister working in a post office and a brother studying English at a high school

9. We live in a pleasant room overlooked the garden

10. The police never found the money stolen in the robbery

TEST(UNIT3) I.Choose: 1. I can't understand why you don't buy your..........computer A.only B.personal C.proper D.last 2. We haven't got ..........in the house A.many furniture B.much furniture C.many furnitures D.much furnitures 3.We'll have to use the stairs. The lift is ..........order A.in B.outside C.out of D.without 4. She used a pair of ..........to cut the cloth A.knife B.knives C.tools D.scissors 5. In the dry season, you must take ..........against...
Đọc tiếp


I.Choose: 1. I can't understand why you don't buy your..........computer A.only B.personal C.proper D.last 2. We haven't got ..........in the house A.many furniture B.much furniture C.many furnitures D.much furnitures 3.We'll have to use the stairs. The lift is ..........order A.in B.outside C.out of D.without 4. She used a pair of ..........to cut the cloth A.knife B.knives C.tools D.scissors 5. In the dry season, you must take ..........against fire A.precautions B.view C.danger D.care 6. We boiled some potatoes in a .......... A.cupboard B.cooker C.saucepan D.sink 7. We put our clothes in the .......... A.cupboard B.wardrobe C.freezer D.sink 8.There..........some rice in the cupboard A.is B.are C.has D.have 9. Let's ..........to see a movie A.go B.to go C.going D.to going 10.There is an oven ..........to the refrigerator A.beside B.on C.next D.at 11.We ought..........the wardrobe in the corner opposite the bed A.put B.to put C.push D.to push 12.Linda ought ..........to her parents more often A.write B.writing C.to write D.written 13.He didn't go to school because he ..........a headache A.was B.has C.had D.took 14...........he invite Linda to come to his birthday party? A. Was B. Did C. Do D. Has 15. I..........to get up early yesterday morning A.hadn't B.didn't have C.don't have D.haven't 16. He did the work .......... A.with himself B.himself C.myself D.ourselves 17.There is a table ..........the right of the room A.at B.under C.on D.in 18. Why mustn't children ..........with matches ? A.to play B.play C.playing D.have to play 19. Would you like to go ..........a drink A.for B.to C.with D.on 20. The house ..........two rooms,a kitchen and a bathroom A.is B.are C.have D.has II. Use the correct form of the word given to complete each sentence: 1.I'm going to the shop for a rice.......... . What brand do you recommend? (Cook) 2. Be careful to cover the ..........sockets for the safety of the children ( electric ) 3. Every..........in my neighborhood has at least one TV set ( house) 4. The project is due for ..........in May ( complete) 5. The music is what makes the movie so ..........(forget) 6. Hard work always brings ..........(succeed) 7. She is often worried about the ..........of all the electric appliances in her house (safe) 8. In order to save .......... , remember to turn off all the lights in the room before you leave (electric) III. Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronouns : 1. I'm making ..........a cup of tea 2. Did you paint the house .......... ? 3. Barbara is teaching ..........to speak French 4. Be careful! Don't burn .......... 5. John loves looking at ..........in the mirror ! 6. We enjoyed ..........very much last night 7. The children cleaned the kitchen all by .......... 8. The cat can open the door by .......... 9. I'm afraid that the children are going to cut ..........on the broken glass 10. Don't worry about Mai and me . We can look after .......... IV.Complete the sentences , using the verbs given from the box in the correct form and the appropriate reflexive pronouns : Cut, hide, enjoy, hurt , take care of, talk to , pay , help 1. I've got some money. I can.......... 2. The old lady doesn't have anyone to talk with. She often .......... 3. The boy fell off his bicycle and .......... 4. While peeling an orange, Ba ..........badly 5. The little dog is very frightened. It ..........under the bed 6. Don't worry about us. We can .......... 7. The children ..........very much at the party last night 8. "Can we have some more cookies? The children asked their father." " Sure,"their father replied ".........."
17 tháng 7 2017



1. I can't understand why you don't buy your..........computer

A.only B.personal C.proper D.last

2. We haven't got ..........in the house

A.many furniture B.much furniture C.many furnitures D.much furnitures

3.We'll have to use the stairs. The lift is ..........order

A.in B.outside C.out of D.without

4. She used a pair of ..........to cut the cloth

A.knife B.knives C.tools D.scissors

5. In the dry season, you must take ..........against fire

A.precautions B.view C.danger D.care

6. We boiled some potatoes in a ..........

A.cupboard B.cooker C.saucepan D.sink

7. We put our clothes in the ..........

A.cupboard B.wardrobe C.freezer D.sink

8.There..........some rice in the cupboard

A.is B.are C.has D.have

9. Let's ..........to see a movie

A.go B.to go C.going D.to going

10.There is an oven ..........to the refrigerator

A.beside B.on C.next D.at

11.We ought..........the wardrobe in the corner opposite the bed

A.put B.to put C.push D.to push

12.Linda ought ..........to her parents more often

A.write B.writing C.to write D.written

13.He didn't go to school because he ..........a headache

A.was B.has C.had D.took

14...........he invite Linda to come to his birthday party?

A. Was B. Did C. Do D. Has

15. I..........to get up early yesterday morning

A.hadn't B.didn't have C.don't have D.haven't

16. He did the work ..........

A.with himself B.himself C.myself D.ourselves

17.There is a table ..........the right of the room

A.at B.under C.on D.in

18. Why mustn't children ..........with matches ?

A.to play B.play C.playing D.have to play

19. Would you like to go ..........a drink

A.for B.to C.with D.on

20. The house ..........two rooms,a kitchen and a bathroom

A.is B.are C.have D.has

II. Use the correct form of the word given to complete each sentence:

1.I'm going to the shop for a rice......cooker.... . What brand do you recommend? (Cook)

2. Be careful to cover the .....electrical.....sockets for the safety of the children ( electric )

3. Every....house......in my neighborhood has at least one TV set ( house)

4. The project is due for .....completing.....in May ( complete)

5. The music is what makes the movie so ......unforgettable....(forget)

6. Hard work always brings ..success.......(succeed)

7. She is often worried about the ....safety......of all the electric appliances in her house (safe)

8. In order to save .....electricity..... , remember to turn off all the lights in the room before you leave (electric)

III. Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronouns :

1. I'm making ....myself......a cup of tea

2. Did you paint the house .....yourself..... ?

3. Barbara is teaching .....herself.....to speak French

4. Be careful! Don't burn ..yourself........

5. John loves looking at .....himself.....in the mirror !

6. We enjoyed .....ourselves.....very much last night

7. The children cleaned the kitchen all by ......themselves....

8. The cat can open the door by ....itself.....

9. I'm afraid that the children are going to cut ..themselves........on the broken glass

10. Don't worry about Mai and me . We can look after ...ourselves.......

IV.Complete the sentences , using the verbs given from the box in the correct form and the appropriate reflexive pronouns :

Cut, hide, enjoy, hurt , take care of, talk to , pay , help

1. I've got some money. I can....pay myself......

2. The old lady doesn't have anyone to talk with. She often ....talks to herself......

3. The boy fell off his bicycle and .....hurt himself.....

4. While peeling an orange, Ba ....cut himself......badly

5. The little dog is very frightened. It ...hide itself.......under the bed

6. Don't worry about us. We can ......take care of ourselves....

7. The children ....enjoyed themselves......very much at the party last night

8. "Can we have some more cookies? The children asked their father." " Sure,"their father replied "....help yourself......"

I. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences. (3.0 points) 1 .Millions of Christmas cards _________ every year. A. is sent B. are sent C. send D. are sending 2. I don't know how_________ this game. A. play B. played C. to play D. playing 3. I take part _________ most of the youth activities of my school. A. on B. in C. to D. for 4. We're looking forward to_________ you earlier. A. see B. seeing C. saw D. be seeing 5. He had his father_________ his watch. A....
Đọc tiếp

I. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences. (3.0 points) 1 .Millions of Christmas cards _________ every year. A. is sent B. are sent C. send D. are sending 2. I don't know how_________ this game. A. play B. played C. to play D. playing 3. I take part _________ most of the youth activities of my school. A. on B. in C. to D. for 4. We're looking forward to_________ you earlier. A. see B. seeing C. saw D. be seeing 5. He had his father_________ his watch. A. fixed B. to fix C. fix D. fixing 6. Luckily, Peter had _________ to finish his final exam. A. many time B. enough time C. time enough D. some time 7. Tom_________ his hand when he was cooking the dinner. A. burnt B. was burning C. burn D. is burning 8. I must go now. I promised _________ late. A. not being B. not to be C. to not be D. not be no 9. Would you mind if I_________ a photo? A. take B. took C. taking D. will take 10. I _________ Cuba in 1990. A. visit B. visited C. have visited D. was visiting 11. It is_________ to find an expensive hotel in this town. A. difficult B. difficultly C. difficulty D. differ 12. _________you ever_________ to America yet? A. Have …been B. Were …being C. Were … been D. Are … been II. Write the correct form of the words in brackets. (1.0 point) 1. Stop, Nam! It's........................to be near the stove. (danger) 2 .The glass pieces are dried.......................................... . (complete) 3. My elder brother studies hard this year in order to pass the...................... exam to the university. (enter) 4. Please confirm your........................... date and time if you want to come with us. (arrive) III. Complete the second sentence in such a way that it has the same meaning as the first one. (2 points) 1. Clement Clarke Moore wrote the poem in 1823. -> The poem…………………………………………………… 2. "We are waiting for the school bus", said the children. -> The children said .................................................................... 3. Roses can't possibly grow in such poor ground. -> It is impossible ....................................................................... 4. The last time I played tennis was in 1990. ->I haven't.................................................................................... IV. Read the passage and answer the questions. (2 points) THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA In China, there is a wall that is 1,500 miles long. It is called the Great Wall of China. It winds uphill and down, through valleys and mountains. It was made by hand. The Great Wall of China was built from 246 - 209 BC. The people of China made it to keep out their enemies. There are watch towers all along the way. The Wall is made of brick and earth. It is high and wide on top. People can walk along the top as if it were a road. No other defense line has ever been made as long as the Great Wall of China. 1. Where is the Great Wall? …………………………………………………………………… 2. When was it built? …………………………………………………………………… 3. What is it made of? …………………………………………………………………… 4. What was it built for? ……………………………………………………………………

4 tháng 5 2017

I. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences. (3.0 points)

1 .Millions of Christmas cards _________ every year.

A. is sent B. are sent C. send D. are sending

2. I don't know how_________ this game.

A. play B. played C. to play D. playing

3. I take part _________ most of the youth activities of my school.

A. on B. in C. to D. for

4. We're looking forward to_________ you earlier.

A. see B. seeing C. saw D. be seeing

5. He had his father_________ his watch.

A. fixed B. to fix C. fix D. fixing

6. Luckily, Peter had _________ to finish his final exam.

A. many time B. enough time C. time enough D. some time

7. Tom_________ his hand when he was cooking the dinner.

A. burnt B. was burning C. burn D. is burning

8. I must go now. I promised _________ late.

A. not being B. not to be C. to not be D. not be no

9. Would you mind if I_________ a photo?

A. take B. took C. taking D. will take

10. I _________ Cuba in 1990.

A. visit B. visited C. have visited D. was visiting

11. It is_________ to find an expensive hotel in this town.

A. difficult B. difficultly C. difficulty D. differ

12. _________you ever_________ to America yet?

A. Have …been B. Were …being C. Were … been D. Are … been

II. Write the correct form of the words in brackets. (1.0 point)

1. Stop, Nam! It's........dangerous................to be near the stove. (danger)

2 .The glass pieces are dried.................completely......................... . (complete)

3. My elder brother studies hard this year in order to pass the............entrance.......... exam to the university. (enter)

4. Please confirm your...............arrival............ date and time if you want to come with us. (arrive)

III. Complete the second sentence in such a way that it has the same meaning as the first one. (2 points)

1. Clement Clarke Moore wrote the poem in 1823.

-> The poem…was written by Clement Clarke in 1823.…………………………………………………

2. "We are waiting for the school bus", said the children.

-> The children said ..(that) they were waiting for the school bus..................................................................

3. Roses can't possibly grow in such poor ground.

-> It is impossible ...for roses to grow in such poor ground.....................................................................

4. The last time I played tennis was in 1990. ->I haven't.....played tennis since 1990...............................................................................

IV. Read the passage and answer the questions. (2 points)

THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA In China, there is a wall that is 1,500 miles long. It is called the Great Wall of China. It winds uphill and down, through valleys and mountains. It was made by hand. The Great Wall of China was built from 246 - 209 BC. The people of China made it to keep out their enemies. There are watch towers all along the way. The Wall is made of brick and earth. It is high and wide on top. People can walk along the top as if it were a road. No other defense line has ever been made as long as the Great Wall of China.

1. Where is the Great Wall? …The Great Wall is in China…………………………………………………………………

2. When was it built? …It was built from 246 - 209 BC…………………………………………………………………

3. What is it made of? …It is made of brick and earth.…………………………………………………………………

4. What was it built for? …It was built to keep out their enemies.…………………………………………………………………

Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following sentences. 1. The ........ of natural resources is being talked about by Peter's teacher. A. preserve B. preservation C. preserver D. preservatory 2. If he had got up early yesterday morning, he ......... the bus. A. missed B. won't miss C. wouldn't miss D. wouldn't have missed 3. Nobody wants to be the first to make sacrifice, ..........? A. does she or he B. does anybody C. do we D. do they 4. He always...
Đọc tiếp

Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following sentences.

1. The ........ of natural resources is being talked about by Peter's teacher.

A. preserve B. preservation C. preserver D. preservatory

2. If he had got up early yesterday morning, he ......... the bus.

A. missed B. won't miss C. wouldn't miss D. wouldn't have missed

3. Nobody wants to be the first to make sacrifice, ..........?

A. does she or he B. does anybody C. do we D. do they

4. He always ......... the crossword in the newpaper before breakfast.

A. writes B. makes C. does D. works

5. By the end of this year my father .......... in this company for 12 years.

A. have been working B. will work C. will have been working D. will be working

6. You will have to ........... your holiday if you are too ill to travel.

A. put off B. put out C. put down D. put up

7. For the last few months, the south-central coastal province .......... significantly less precipitation and prolonged drought.

A. have experienced B. experiene C. are experiencing D. have been experienced

8. There was a terrible accident last night. When I arrived at the scene, ........ ijured had been taken away.

A. an B. the C. a D. some

9. ................. I'd like to help you out, I'm afraid I just haven't got any spare money at the moment.

A. Much as B. Try as C. However D. Despite

10. She insisted that the reporter ................ her as his source of information.

A. didn't mention B. doesn't mention C. hadn't mentioned D. not mention


30 tháng 5 2020

Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following sentences.

1. The ........ of natural resources is being talked about by Peter's teacher.

A. preserve B. preservation C. preserver D. preservatory

2. If he had got up early yesterday morning, he ......... the bus.

A. missed B. won't miss C. wouldn't miss D. wouldn't have missed

3. Nobody wants to be the first to make sacrifice, ..........?

A. does she or he B. does anybody C. do we D. do they

4. He always ......... the crossword in the newpaper before breakfast.

A. writes B. makes C. does D. works

5. By the end of this year my father .......... in this company for 12 years.

A. have been working B. will work C. will have been working D. will be working

6. You will have to ........... your holiday if you are too ill to travel.

A. put off B. put out C. put down D. put up

7. For the last few months, the south-central coastal province .......... significantly less precipitation and prolonged drought.

A. have experienced B. experiene C. are experiencing D. have been experienced

8. There was a terrible accident last night. When I arrived at the scene, ........ ijured had been taken away.

A. an B. the C. a D. some

9. ................. I'd like to help you out, I'm afraid I just haven't got any spare money at the moment.

A. Much as B. Try as C. However D. Despite

10. She insisted that the reporter ................ her as his source of information.

A. didn't mention B. doesn't mention C. hadn't mentioned D. not mention

A 1 I love this time in evening / the evening when the sun is goingdown 2 People play cricket / the cricket in South Africa, Australia and Sri Lanka 3 It is too far to walk so think I will catch bus /the bus 4 Jame had to go home from school because she had a headache/the headache 5 the robber was sent to prison / the prison for a total of three year 6 My cousin works as waiter / a waiter in a cafe near where we live 7 the underground dosen 'trun this late so we'll have to take a taxi...
Đọc tiếp


1 I love this time in evening / the evening when the sun is goingdown

2 People play cricket / the cricket in South Africa, Australia and Sri Lanka

3 It is too far to walk so think I will catch bus /the bus

4 Jame had to go home from school because she had a headache/the headache

5 the robber was sent to prison / the prison for a total of three year

6 My cousin works as waiter / a waiter in a cafe near where we live

7 the underground dosen 'trun this late so we'll have to take a taxi /the taxi

8 i like listen to music / the music in my free time

9 my favorite subject at school is chemistry/the chemstry

10 Jazz music appeared in America in 1920s / in the 1920s

11. it's a great computer programme / program once you get the hang of it

12. i hate tabloid/ broadsheet newspapers, they're just full of gossip scandal and lies

13. as a journalist / columnist for a local paper, you don't have to interview people or attend events.You just have toexpress your opinions about the issues of the day

14 there's a great talk/quiz/game show on BBC1 tonight.Contestants have to race through a supermaket as quickly as they can, filing up their trolleys as they go.

15 on some tv channels, an annoucer / a commentartor tells you what the next programme is going to be

16 Join us at half past nine for a live broadcast / channel of the State Opening of Parliament


1 not many people came to the party (only)

there........... people at the party

2 the witness described the mugger to the police {a}

the witness .......... of the mugger

3 there isn't much sugar left [a]

there............. sugar left

4 i am thinking of becoming a firefighter when i leave school [brigade]

i am thinking of............ when i leave school

5 we were shockedby the news and didn't know what to do (shocking)

the news __ didn't know what to do

6.there aren't many good films out at the moment (only)

there___good films out at the moment

7. i didn't eat not much dessert bacause i'm on a diet (only)

i __ dessert bacause i'm on a diet

8. you have lots of hats (lot)

wwhat __ you have

9. her latest betseller was published last month (out)

her latest betseller ___last month

10. that story's not true is it ?(up)

you ___ didn't you?

11. the programme starts at half past six (on|)

the programme ___ at half past six

12.the documentary didn't really explore why the rainforests are being cut down (into)

the documentary didn't really _____why the rainforests are being cut down

13.i had a quick look at the magazine in the dentist's waiting room(through)

i__ in the dentist's waiting room

14. i don't think we need to mention that now (up)

i don't think we need to ___now

15. your lies don't fool me (through)

i can ___ your líe

5 tháng 7 2019


1. the evening

2. cricket

3. the bus

4. a headache

5. prison

6. a waiter

7. a taxi

8. music

9. chemistry

10. in the 1920s

11. program

12. tabloid

13. columnist

14. game

15. a commentator

16. broadcast

Fill up the spaces in each of the following sentences by inserting a verb + up, or a verb + up + preposition combination. 1. It is ...... factory owners to provide fire-fighting equip­ment in their factories. (No verb is required here.) 2. Unfortunately he was ...... by his parents to believe that money was the only thing that mattered. 3. The party didn't ...... till 3 a.m. and the guests left very noisily. 4. I ran after him and soon ......... him. Then we went on together. 5. Mother to...
Đọc tiếp

Fill up the spaces in each of the following sentences by inserting a verb + up, or a verb + up + preposition combination.

1. It is ...... factory owners to provide fire-fighting equip­ment in their factories. (No verb is required here.) 2. Unfortunately he was ...... by his parents to believe that money was the only thing that mattered. 3. The party didn't ...... till 3 a.m. and the guests left very noisily.

4. I ran after him and soon ......... him. Then we went on together. 5. Mother to child: "Your clothes are covered with mud; what have you .........?" 6. If you buy the paint I'll ......this room for you. 7. He ......a list of conditions and we all agreed to them. 8. If you want a new passport you must ...... this form. 9. He......at 8 a.m. and went to bed at 11 p.m. 10. I tried three times to start the car and then ... it ... and went by bus. 11. If I ...... alcohol I'd be much healthier, but life wouldn't be so much fun. 12. I saw a policeman so I ......... him and asked him the way.

13. Most girls expect to get married when they....... 14. Cashiers carrying money to the bank are sometimes ...... by gunmen. 15. He couldn't ......... me as I ran much faster than he did

and soon left him behind. 16. I ...... a 20p piece that I saw lying on the ground. 17. He wasted two weeks and tried to ......... it by working madly the last day. 18. She said that she was going to educate her children her­self, for if they went to school they'd only......bad habits. 19. Before you go on holiday you should ...... the house and ask the police to keep an eye on it. 20. The car......suddenly with screaming brakes. 21. English people have to.........English weather. 22. The thieves ...... (bound) the housekeeper and ransacked the house. 23. I've stupidly ...... your books and mine and now I don't know which is which. 24. He is a dangerous criminal. He ought to be....... 25. I want to ... him ... . Would you please ...... his telephone number? 26. I ...... at the meeting-place but the others didn't come. 27. He wanted something to do in his spare time so he ...... carpentry. 28. The police......a notice saying, "No Parking". 29. "Tell me at the end of the week how many hours you have worked and I'll ......with you then", his employer said. 30. It's probably true. No one would......such a stupid story. 31. She sat down in front of the mirror and began to ...... her face. 32. If only we had a dish-washer, we wouldn't need to ...... after every meal. 33 My father said it was all my fault but my mother ......... (defended) me and said that it wasn't. 34 He ...... his speech by calling for a vote of thanks for last year's president.

23. She asked me_____. A. if I am thirsty B. if I were thirsty C. if was I thirsty D. if was thirsty 24. If Mary doesn’t improve in math, we_____have to find a tutor for her . A. will B. can C. should D. would 25. “Put your book away”, said the teacher. A. The teacher said us put our book away. B. The teacher told us to put our books away. C. The teacher said to us put our books away.D. The teacher told to us to put our books away. 26. “Don’t stay up too late, my son”, he said. A. He told his...
Đọc tiếp

23. She asked me_____. A. if I am thirsty B. if I were thirsty C. if was I thirsty D. if was thirsty 24. If Mary doesn’t improve in math, we_____have to find a tutor for her . A. will B. can C. should D. would 25. “Put your book away”, said the teacher. A. The teacher said us put our book away. B. The teacher told us to put our books away. C. The teacher said to us put our books away.D. The teacher told to us to put our books away. 26. “Don’t stay up too late, my son”, he said. A. He told his son not to stay up too late.B. He said to his son not stay up to late. C. He told to his son not to stay up too late. D. He said his son not to stay up too late. 27. He wants to know ________ . A. whether I would come back from school the next day. B. whether I would come back from school tomorrow. C. whether I will come back from school the next day. D. whether I will come back from school tomorrow. 28. The journey to the village is very __________ . A. interested B. interesting C. disinterested D. interest 29. It is an ________day to me at the seaside with my friends. A. enjoyable B. enjoyment C. enjoyably D. enjoy 30. After a long walking, they feel tired and _________. A. hunger B. hungryly C. hungrily D. hungry 31. He is too busy _________ care of her. A. taking B. to take C. took D. taken 32. She ________ a famous singer some years ago. A. is used to be B. is used to being C. used to be D. used to being 10 11. 33. A computer can gather a lot of _________ for many different _________ . A. informations / purpose B. informations / purposes C. information / purposes D. information / purpose 34. The interviewer asked her __________ her name ________ . A. what / was B. if / was C. what / is D. if / is 35. The excited children were looking forward ___________ with the foreign teacher. A. to speak B. spoken C. to speaking D. for speaking 36. He can't earn money_________he has no job. A. unless B. until C. without D. if 37. Let's play video games, _________ ? A. shan't we B. do we C. shall we D. don't we 38. Mr. Pike sold his house, _________he? A. didn't B. could C. did D. couldn't 39. I haven't seen him for 3 years. I_________him 3 years ago. A. saw B. see C. will see D. have seen 40. I ask him_________ A. what name is he B. what his name is C. what is he name D. what is his name 41. I don’t like using the internet because it has some _____ A. benefits B. advantages C. limitations D. disadvantages 42. The ______tell us what is happening in our city, in our country and in the world A. communicationB. advertisements C. media D. forecasts 43. You should watch the news every day. It’s very _____ A. informative B. time-consuming C. costly D. boring 44. No one can ____the advantages of using the computers. They help us do our work quickly and efficiently A. refuse B. deny C. agree D. accept 45. Email can be sent and received at any hour of the day,_____? A. can they B. can’t it C. can it D. can’t they 46. The Kien Thuc Ngay Nay is _____ read by both teenagers and adults A. wide B. widely C. widen D. widing 47. T.V viewer are able _____ questions about the show A. ask B. to ask C. asking D. asked 48. Lan watched T.V lastnight , _____? A. doesn’t she B. did she C. didn’t she D. hasn’t she 49. Nobody does this , ________? A. do they B. does it C. doesn’t he D. don’t they 50. The Internet has _____developed and become a part of our life. A. increase B. increasing C. increasingly D. increased

22 tháng 8 2017

23. She asked me_____. A. if I am thirsty B. if I were thirsty C. if was I thirsty D. if was thirsty 24. If Mary doesn’t improve in math, we_____have to find a tutor for her . A. will B. can C. should D. would 25. “Put your book away”, said the teacher. A. The teacher said us put our book away. B. The teacher told us to put our books away. C. The teacher said to us put our books away.D. The teacher told to us to put our books away.

26. “Don’t stay up too late, my son”, he said. A. He told his son not to stay up too late.B. He said to his son not stay up to late. C. He told to his son not to stay up too late. D. He said his son not to stay up too late.

27. He wants to know ________ . A. whether I would come back from school the next day. B. whether I would come back from school tomorrow. C. whether I will come back from school the next day. D. whether I will come back from school tomorrow.

28. The journey to the village is very __________ . A. interested B. interesting C. disinterested D. interest

29. It is an ________day to me at the seaside with my friends. A. enjoyable B. enjoyment C. enjoyably D. enjoy

30. After a long walking, they feel tired and _________. A. hunger B. hungryly C. hungrily D. hungry

31. He is too busy _________ care of her. A. taking B. to take C. took D. taken 32. She ________ a famous singer some years ago. A. is used to be B. is used to being C. used to be D. used to being

10 11. 33. A computer can gather a lot of _________ for many different _________ . A. informations / purpose B. informations / purposes C. information / purposes D. information / purpose

34. The interviewer asked her __________ her name ________ . A. what / was B. if / was C. what / is D. if / is

35. The excited children were looking forward ___________ with the foreign teacher. A. to speak B. spoken C. to speaking D. for speaking

36. He can't earn money_________he has no job. A. unless B. until C. without D. if 37. Let's play video games, _________ ? A. shan't we B. do we C. shall we D. don't we

38. Mr. Pike sold his house, _________he? A. didn't B. could C. did D. couldn't 39. I haven't seen him for 3 years. I_________him 3 years ago. A. saw B. see C. will see D. have seen

40. I ask him_________ A. what name is he B. what his name is C. what is he name D. what is his name

41. I don’t like using the internet because it has some _____ A. benefits B. advantages C. limitations D. disadvantages

42. The ______tell us what is happening in our city, in our country and in the world A. communicationB. advertisements C. media D. forecasts 43. You should watch the news every day. It’s very _____ A. informative B. time-consuming C. costly D. boring

44. No one can ____the advantages of using the computers. They help us do our work quickly and efficiently A. refuse B. deny C. agree D. accept

45. Email can be sent and received at any hour of the day,_____? A. can they B. can’t it C. can it D. can’t they 46. The Kien Thuc Ngay Nay is _____ read by both teenagers and adults A. wide B. widely C. widen D. widing 47. T.V viewer are able _____ questions about the show A. ask B. to ask C. asking D. asked

. Lan watched T.V lastnight , _____? A. doesn’t she B. did she C. didn’t she D. hasn’t she 49. Nobody does this , ________? A. do they B. does it C. doesn’t he D. don’t they 50. The Internet has _____developed and become a part of our life. A. increase B. increasing C. increasingly D. increased

22 tháng 8 2017

23. She asked me_____.

A. if I am thirsty B. if I were thirsty C. if was I thirsty D. if was thirsty 24. If Mary doesn’t improve in math, we_____have to find a tutor for her .

A. will B. can C. should D. would

25. “Put your book away”, said the teacher.

A. The teacher said us put our book away.

B. The teacher told us to put our books away.

C. The teacher said to us put our books away.

D. The teacher told to us to put our books away.

26. “Don’t stay up too late, my son”, he said.

A. He told his son not to stay up too late.

B. He said to his son not stay up to late.

C. He told to his son not to stay up too late.

D. He said his son not to stay up too late.

27. He wants to know ________ .

A. whether I would come back from school the next day.

B. whether I would come back from school tomorrow.

C. whether I will come back from school the next day.

D. whether I will come back from school tomorrow.

28. The journey to the village is very __________ .

A. interested B. interesting C. disinterested D. interest

29. It is an ________day to me at the seaside with my friends.

A. enjoyable B. enjoyment C. enjoyably D. enjoy

30. After a long walking, they feel tired and _________.

A. hunger B. hungryly C. hungrily D. hungry

31. He is too busy _________ care of her.

A. taking B. to take C. took D. taken

32. She ________ a famous singer some years ago.

A. is used to be B. is used to being C. used to be D. used to being

33. A computer can gather a lot of _________ for many different _________ .

A. informations / purpose B. informations / purposes

C. information / purposes D. information / purpose

34. The interviewer asked her __________ her name ________ .

A. what / was B. if / was C. what / is D. if / is

35. The excited children were looking forward ___________ with the foreign teacher.

A. to speak B. spoken C. to speaking D. for speaking

36. He can't earn money_________he has no job.

A. unless B. until C. without D. if

37. Let's play video games, _________ ?

A. shan't we B. do we C. shall we D. don't we

38. Mr. Pike sold his house, _________he?

A. didn't B. could C. did D. couldn't

39. I haven't seen him for 3 years. I_________him 3 years ago.

A. saw B. see C. will see D. have seen

40. I ask him_________

A. what name is he B. what his name is

C. what is he name D. what is his name

41. I don’t like using the internet because it has some _____

A. benefits B. advantages C. limitations D. disadvantages

42. The ______tell us what is happening in our city, in our country and in the world

A. communicationB. advertisements C. media D. forecasts

43. You should watch the news every day. It’s very _____

A. informative B. time-consuming C. costly D. boring

44. No one can ____the advantages of using the computers. They help us do our work quickly and efficiently

A. refuse B. deny C. agree D. accept

45. Email can be sent and received at any hour of the day,_____?

A. can they B. can’t it C. can it D. can’t they

46. The Kien Thuc Ngay Nay is _____ read by both teenagers and adults

A. wide B. widely C. widen D. widing

47. T.V viewer are able _____ questions about the show

A. ask B. to ask C. asking D. asked

48. Lan watched T.V lastnight , _____?

A. doesn’t she B. did she C. didn’t she D. hasn’t she

49. Nobody does this , ________?

A. do they B. does it C. doesn’t he D. don’t they

50. The Internet has _____developed and become a part of our life.

A. increase B. increasing C. increasingly D. increased

III. Identify the incorrect part out of the four underlined options (A, B, C or D) and then correct it. 1. It was so a boring film that all the audience had gone home before it ended. A B C D 2. Tom used to care of himself. He left home when he was 16 and has been on his own since then. A B C D 3. I think it is going to rain because the sky is getting dark. A B C D 4. Have you ever listened to a piece of music was composed by Mozart? A B C D 5. Technically speaking, astronauts...
Đọc tiếp
III. Identify the incorrect part out of the four underlined options (A, B, C or D) and then correct it. 1. It was so a boring film that all the audience had gone home before it ended. A B C D 2. Tom used to care of himself. He left home when he was 16 and has been on his own since then. A B C D 3. I think it is going to rain because the sky is getting dark. A B C D 4. Have you ever listened to a piece of music was composed by Mozart? A B C D 5. Technically speaking, astronauts can be able to visit the moon and live there briefly. A B C D IV. Put the verb in brackets in correct tense or form. Write the answers on the answer sheet. 1. Less than half of the cans of paint (use) _______________ up to now. 2. He (eat) __________ sandwiches while you (talk) __________ to him. 3. Jeans (make)_____________about two hundred years ago, and now they (sell) ________________ in every corner of the world. 4. I regret (tell) _____________ you that your application doesn’t satisfy our demands. 5. My father advised me (not stay) _______________ up too late because of my poor health. 6. He will always remember (award) _______________ the gold medal for his victory in the Competition of Mathematical Talent Search. 7. She does not want to go with us to the theater because she (see) ____________ that film twice. 8. I’m very bored because my mother always (complain) ________________ about her housework.
18 tháng 2

1. Less than half of the cans of paint (use) have been used up to now
2. He (eat) was eating sandwiches while you (talk) were talking to him
3. Jeans (make) were made about two hundred years ago, and now they (sell) are sold in every corner of the world
4. I regret (tell) to tell you that your application doesn’t satisfy our demands
5. My father advised me (not stay) not to stay up too late because of my poor health
6. He will always remember (award) being awarded the gold medal for his victory in the Competition of Mathematical Talent Search
7. She does not want to go with us to the theater because she (see) has seen that film twice
8. I’m very bored because my mother always (complain) complains about her housework