
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

14 tháng 11 2016

Có cần viết quá khứ phân từ ko bạn?

14 tháng 11 2016

mk ko thể đăng hết dc chỉ thế này thôi

1. Động từ có V1 tận cùng là “eed” thì V2, V3 là “ed”


feed (V1) → fed (V2) → fed (V3) : nuôi dạy

bleed (V1) → bled (V2) → bled (V3): (làm) chảy máu

breed (V1) → bred (V2) → bred (V3): sanh, nuôi dạy

overfeed (V1) → overfed (V2) → overfed (or overfied) (V3):cho ăn quá


2.Động từ có V1 tận cùng là “ay” thì V2, V3 là “aid”


say (V1) → said (V2) → said (V3): nói

lay (V1) → laid (V2) → laid (V3) : đặt để

inlay (V1) → inlaid (V2) → inlaid (V3) : cẩn, khảm

gainsay (V1) → gainsaid (V2) → gainsaid (V3) : chối cãi

mislay (V1) → mislaid (V2) → mislaid (V3) : để thất lạc

waylay (V1) → waylaid (V2) → waylaid (V3) : rình rập, ngóng chờ


3. Động từ V1 có tận cùng là “d” thì là “t”


bend(V1) → bent (V2) → bent (V3) uốn cong

send(V1) → sent (V2) → sent (V3) gởi


4. Động từ V1 có tận cùng là “ow” thì V2 là “ew”, V3 là “own”.


Blow (V1) → blew (V2) → blown (V3) thổi

Crow (V1) → crew (V2) → crown (or crewed) (V3) (gà) gáy

Foreknow (V1) → foreknew (V2) → forekown (V3) biết trước

Know (V1) → knew (V2) → known (V3) hiểu biết

Grow (V1) → grew (V2) → grown (V3) mọc, trồng

Throw (V1) → threw (V2) → thrown (V3) liệng, ném, quăng


5. Động từ V1 có tận cùng là “ear” thì V2 là “ore”, V3 là “orn” (động từ hear ngoại lệ)


bear (V1) → bore (V2) → borne (V3) mang, chịu (sanh đẻ)

forbear (V1) → forbore (V2) → forborne (V3) cử kiêng

swear (V1) → swore (V2) → sworne (V3) thề thốt

tear (V1) → tore (V2) → torne (V3) xé rách

6. Động từ V1 có nguyên âm “i” thì V2 là “a”, V3 là “u”


begin (V1) → began (V2) → begun (V3) bắt đầu

drink (V1) → drank (V2) → drunk (V3) uống

sing (V1) → sang (or sung) (V2) → sung (V3) hát

sink (V1) → sank (V2) → sunk (V3) chuồn, lõi đi

spring (V1) → sprang (V2) → sprung (V3) vùng

stink (V1) → stank (or stunk) (V2) → stunk (V3) bay mù trời

ring (V1) → rang (V2) → rung (V3) rung (chuông)


7. Động từ có V1 tận cùng là “m” hoặc “n” thì V2,V3 giống nhau và thêm “t”


Burn (V1) → burnt (V2) → burnt (V3) đốt cháy

Dream (V1) → dreamt (V2) → dreamt (V3) mơ, mơ mộng

Lean (V1) → leant (V2) → leant (V3) dựa vào

Learn (V1) → learnt (V2) → learnt (V3) học

Mean (V1) → meant (V2) → meant (V3) ý nghĩa, ý muốn nói

Học thuộc chỗ này thôi là dc

10 tháng 5 2021

   Saving electricity brings many great benefits, saving not only money but also reducing the need to use fossil fuels such as kerosene, ... Currently, my family is saving energy. We took advantage of natural light. By replacing artificial light with natural light, you will reduce the amount of electricity consumed during the day! And we turn off the lights when not in use. This is a very simple, popular and highly effective way to save electricity. Light bulb use is not required. And I unplug when not in use. A multi-socket power outlet with a switch will make this easier for you. Just turn off the switch instead of unplugging the 5 plugs of the devices from the outlet. And the most special thing, we have been using renewable energy: like the wind and the sun. It not only does not pollute the environment but also helps us to save energy, if you understand that saving does not limit your freedom, it benefits yourself, for the good of heaven. course and for everyone.

10 tháng 5 2021

     Electricity saving brings great benefits; it helps prevent global warming and also saves a lot of money in the long run. Saving energy not only saves money but also reduces the need to use fossil fuels such as kerosene. , coal, natural gas .... Right now, my family is saving energy. We took advantage of natural light. By making the most of natural light instead of relying on artificial light, you will significantly reduce your electricity consumption during the day! And we turn off the lights when not in use. This is a very simple and popular way to save electricity and it is very effective. Use light bulbs that do not need to be "heated" in areas that only need to be lit for a short time. This information is usually listed on the product packaging. And I unplug when not in use. A multi-socket power outlet with a switch will make this easier for you. Simply turn off the switch instead of unplugging the five plugs of the appliances from the outlet. And the most special thing, we are already using renewable energy: like wind and solar. Not only does it not pollute the environment but it also saves us energy.If you understand that saving doesn't limit your freedom, it benefits yourself, for the sake of heaven. course and for everyone.

1 tháng 12 2016

thí điểm hay chương trình thường?

22 tháng 11 2016

skipping rope


playing catch

play marbles

play blindman's bluff



playing soccer


playing shuttlecock : đá cầu (kiện)

10 hoạt động đó nhớ like cho mình nhé



21 tháng 11 2016

The most popular activitie in Vietnam :

+ Eating

+ Talking

+ Playing soccer

+ Playing video games

+ Going fishing

+ Going shopping

+ Playing hide and seek

+ Playing volleyball

+ School group

+ Catching

3 tháng 10 2018

1. Conflict (n, v): mâu thuẫn, bất đồng

– I hope that won’t conflict with our plan in any way. (Hy vọng chuyện đó không mâu thuẫn với chương trình của chúng ta)

– She seems to be permanently in conflict with her superious. (Cô ta dường như lúc nào cũng bất đồng với cấp chỉ huy của mình)

2. Record (n, v): hồ sơ, ghi âm/ thu hình

– Remember to record the show. (Nhớ ghi âm/ thu hình buổi trình diễn nhé)

– I’ll keep a record of the request. (Tôi sẽ ghi vào hồ sơ lời yêu cầu này)

3. Permit (n, v): giấy phép, cho phép

– No one is permitted to pick the flowers. (Cấm không ai được hái hoa)

– We already got a permit to build a fence around the house. (Chúng tôi có giấy phép xây hàng rào quanh nhà)

4. Dis (n, v): không thích

– Tell me about your s and diss. (Hãy cho tôi biết bạn thích hay không thích những gì)

– Some men dis shopping.(Vài quý ông không thích mua sắm)

5. Increase (n, v): sự tăng, tăng

– There is sharp increase in gas prices.(Giá xăng tăng bất chợt)

– The company has increased its workforce by 10 percent.(Công ty đã tăng số nhân viên lên 10%)

6. Produce (n, v): nông phẩm, sản xuất

– If you want to buy fresh produce, go to farmers’ markets.(Nếu bạn muốn mua rau trái tươi thì hãy ra chợ của các nông dân)

– Nuclear power plants produce 20% of the country’s energy.(Nhà máy điện nguyên tử sản xuất 20% năng lượng toàn xứ)

7. Reject (n, v): sự loại, từ chối

– This product is a reject because it is damaged. (Sản phẩm bị loại vì hư)

– The committee rejected the proposal. (Ủy ban từ chối đề nghị)

8. Suspect (n, v): sự tình nghi, nghi ngờ

– He’s the police’s prime suspect in the case. (Anh ta là kẻ tình nghi chính của cảnh sát trong vụ án)

– I suspected that she was not telling the truth. (Tôi nghi cô ta nói dối)

3 tháng 10 2018

Những từ có đuôi " ing " là các danh - động từ

Tức là vừa có thể là danh từ, vừa có thể là động từ

Cái này khái quát vậy thôi còn đâu lên mạng tra danh - động từ là ra ngay

10 tháng 10 2016


56. B


58. B

59. A

60. C ( Mình hk chắc lắm)

61. C

62. A ( Mình hk chắc)

63. B

64. C

65. C


71,72,74: True

73,75: False

25 tháng 6 2019

Bn tra google ma tim nhes Nguyễn Thị Thu

25 tháng 6 2019
Verb bare Verb past Past Particple Meaning
1. be was/were been thì, là, bị. ở
2. bear bore borne mang, chịu dựng
3. become became become trở nên
4. begin began begun bắt đầu
5. bleed bled bled chảy máu
6. blow blew blown thổi
7. break broke broken đập vỡ
8. bring brought brought mang đến
9. build built built xây dựng
10. burn burnt/burned burnt/burned đốt, cháy
11. buy bought bought mua
12. catch caught caught bắt, chụp
13. choose chose chosen chọn, lựa
14. come came come đến, đi đến
15. cost cost cost có giá là
16. cut cut cut cắt, chặt
17. dream dreamt dreamt mơ thấy
18. drink drank drunk uống
19. drive drove driven lái xe
20. eat ate eaten ăn
21. fall fell fallen ngã; rơi
22. feed fed fed cho ăn; ăn; nuôi;
23. feel felt felt cảm thấy
24. find found found tìm thấy; thấy
25. fly flew flown bay
26. forget forgot forgotten quên
27. get got got/ gotten có được
28. give gave given cho
29. go went gone đi
30. grow grew grown mọc; trồng
31. hang hung hung móc lên; treo lên
32. hear heard heard nghe
33. hide hid hidden giấu; trốn; nấp
34. hit hit hit đụng
35. hurt hurt hurt làm đau
36. keep kept kept giữ
37. know knew known biết; quen biết
38. lay laid laid đặt; để
39. learn learnt/ learned learnt/ learned học; được biết
40. leave left left ra đi; để lại
41. lend lent lent cho mượn (vay)
42. let let let cho phép; để cho
43. lie lay lain nằm
44. light lit/ lighted lit/ lighted thắp sáng
45. lose lost lost làm mất; mất
46. make made made chế tạo; sản xuất
47. mean meant meant có nghĩa là
48. meet met met gặp mặt
49. pay paid paid trả (tiền)
50. put put put đặt; để
51. read read read đọc
52. ride rode ridden cưỡi
53. ring rang rung rung chuông
54. rise rose risen đứng dậy; mọc
55. run ran run chạy
56. say said said nói
57. see saw seen nhìn thấy
58. sell sold sold bán
59. send sent sent gửi
60. shoot shot shot bắn
61. show showed shown/ showed cho xem
62. sing sang sung ca hát
63. sink sank sunk chìm; lặn
64. sit sat sat ngồi
65. sleep slept slept ngủ
66. speak spoke spoken nói
67. spend spent spent tiêu sài
68. stand stood stood đứng
69. steal stole stolen đánh cắp
70. sweep swept swept quét
71. swim swam swum bơi; lội
72. take took taken cầm ; lấy
73. teach taught taught dạy ; giảng dạy
74. tear tore torn xé; rách
75. tell told told kể ; bảo
76. think thought thought suy nghĩ
77. throw threw thrown ném ; liệng
78. wear wore worn mặc
79. win won won thắng ; chiến thắng
80. write wrote written viết
23 tháng 10 2019

Modern children are suffering from the diseases that were once considered to be meant for adults only. Obesity is a major disease prevalent among children. What are its causes and what solutions can be offered?

Nowadays, the increasing rate of overweight children and adults is a worldwide health issue. Obesity is a major problem which is increasing day by day in school going children. There are various reasons behind it. This essay will discuss the causes of obesity and offer some solutions.

The first cause of obesity is junk food. It is often seen that mostly children are fond of burgers, pizzas, noodles and coke. These types of foods are easily available to them in school canteens. Children love to purchase chips, chocolates, - ice-cream for lunch. Moreover, in this modern era, parents are working and they do not have time to cook at home. Parents often buy dinner for their children instead of preparing food at home. This calorie-rich diet is making children obese. This problem can be solved by teaching children to cook healthy foods for themselves and banning junk foods and fizzy drinks in schools. This diet can be replaced by milk, juice and fruits for lunch.

The second cause of obesity is sedentary life style. It is true that the use of computers and television is increasing in children. They spend most of their time watching television or playing video games on a computer. This technological advancement has reduced the level of physical activity in this specific age group. This issue can be resolved by encouraging children to do physical exercises. Parents can take their children to park to encourage playing with friends. Furthermore, schools can add sports in their curriculum to maintain physical fitness in their students.

To sum up, it is clear that main causes of obesity are unhealthy eating and not enough physical activities. This ailment can be prevented and treated by healthy eating habbits and physical exercises.

Nowadays, the increasing rate of overweight children and adults is a worldwide health issue. Obesity is a major problem which is increasing day by day in school going children. There are various reasons behind it. This essay will discuss the causes of obesity and offer some solutions.The first cause of obesity is junk food. It is often seen that mostly children are fond of burgers, pizzas, noodles and coke. These types of foods are easily available to them in school canteens. Children love to purchase chips, chocolates, - ice-cream for lunch. Moreover, in this modern era, parents are working and they do not have time to cook at home. Parents often buy dinner for their children instead of preparing food at home. This calorie-rich diet is making children obese. This problem can be solved by teaching children to cook healthy foods for themselves and banning junk foods and fizzy drinks in schools. This diet can be replaced by milk, juice and fruits for lunch.The second cause of obesity is sedentary life style. It is true that the use of computers and television is increasing in children. They spend most of their time watching television or playing video games on a computer. This technological advancement has reduced the level of physical activity in this specific age group. This issue can be resolved by encouraging children to do physical exercises. Parents can take their children to park to encourage playing with friends. Furthermore, schools can add sports in their curriculum to maintain physical fitness in their students.To sum up, it is clear that main causes of obesity are unhealthy eating and not enough physical activities. This ailment can be prevented and treated by healthy eating habbits and physical exercises.