
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

25 tháng 10 2016
Dear Tung, How are you? I hope you are doing well at university these days. You haven't written to me about your examinations but I believe that you passed your exam easyly. Anyway, on June 2nd, 2013 will be my birthday. To celebrate my 35th birthday, I am going to hold a warm dinner at manh hoach restaurant near Luc quan crossroad, Co Dong, Son tay, Ha Noi at 6.00 in the evening of the 2nd next Sunday. I am going to invite all of my friends. I will be very eager to meet you in there The dinner will start at 6 o clock, but you can come more earlier and we can go fishing at the lake. Bring your wife along with you too. Don't be late. I hope you would accept my invitation. Your sincerely, 
2 tháng 4 2021

Tiếng Việt hay Tiếng anh?

2 tháng 4 2021

Tiếng Anh

Dear Jane,
How are you? I have just had a two week holiday in Australia. I would like to tell you something about my trip. I was very happy that I visited Melbourne- Australia with my parents. We flew to Melbourne and stayed in a hotel in the centre of Melbourne.
In Melbourne, we visited a lot of interesting places: museum, Vitoria square, Footscray market. The view of Melbourne was fantastic and romantic. But the most exciting for me was visiting Philip island. I could see a lot of penguin there. Food in Melbourne was quite good. I especially felt excited with the Chinese food when we visited China town in Australia.
Australian people are very friendly and warm. So, my parents and I felt very comfortable and like at home. Well, I told you everything about my holiday. What places do you want to visit on your next time? Why?
I hope to get the answer from you.
Best wishes

Dịch sang tiếng Việt

Chào Jane
Bạn thế nào? Tôi vừa có 2 tuần nghỉ ở Australia. Tôi muốn kể cho bạn vài thứ về chuyến đi của tôi. Tôi đã rất hạnh phúc rằng tôi đã thăm Melbourne Aus.. với bố mẹ của tôi. Chúng tôi đã bay đến Melbourne và đã ở trong một khách sạn ở trung tâm Melbourne.
ở Melbourne, chúng tôi đã thăm rất nhiều nơi thú vị như: bảo tàng; quảng trường Victoria; chợ Footscray. Cảnh của Melbourne tuyệt vời và lãng mạn. Nhưng điều thú vị nhất đối với tôi là thăm đảo Philip. Tôi có thể nhìn thấy rất nhiều chim cánh cụt ở đây. Thức ăn ở Melbourne khá tốt. Tôi đặc biệt cảm thấy háo hức với thức ăn T.Quốc, khi chúng tôi thăm thị trấn TQ ở Aus
Con người Aus rất thân thiện và ấm áp, vì vậy bố mẹ tôi và tôi cảm thấy rất hào hứng và thoải mái như ở nhà. Tốt, tôi đã kể cho bạn về kỳ nghỉ của tôi. Bạn muốn thăm nơi gì vào thời gian tiếp theo ? Tại sao?
Tôi hy vọng nhận được trả lời từ bạn
Chúc bạn

27 tháng 7 2016

Life in the city is full of activity. Early in the morning hundreds of people rush out of their homes in the manner ants do when their nest is broken. Soon the streets are full of traffic. Shops and offices open, students flock to their schools and the day's work begins. The city now throb with activity, and it is full of noise. Hundreds of sight-seers, tourists and others visit many places of interest in the city while businessmen from various parts of the world arrive to transact business.
Then towards evening, the offices and day schools begin to close. Many of the shops too close. There is now a rush for buses and other means of transport. Everyone seems to be in a hurry to reach home. As a result of this rush, many accidents occur. One who has not been to the city before finds it hard to move about at this time. Soon, however, there is almost no activity in several parts of the city. These parts are usually the business centres.
With the coming of night, another kind of actịvity begins. The streets are now full of colorful lights. The air is cooler and life becomes more leisurely. People now seek entertainment. Many visit the cinemas, parks and clubs, while others remain indoors to watch television or listen to the radio. Some visit friends and relatives and some spend their time reading books and magazines. Those who are interested in politics discuss the latest political developments. At the same time, hundreds of crimes are committed. Thieves and robbers who wait for the coming of night become active, and misfortune descends upon many. For the greed of a few, many are killed, and some live in constant fear. To bring criminals to justice, the officers of the law are always on the move.
Workers and others who seek advancement in their careers attend educational institutions which are open till late in the night. Hundreds of them sit for various examinations every year. The facilities and opportunities that the people in the city have to further their studies and increase their knowledge of human affairs are indeed many. As a result, the people of the city are usually better informed than those of the village, where even a newspaper is sometimes difficult to get.
The city could, therefore, be described as a place of ceaseless activity. Here, the drama of life is enacted every day

Chúc bn học tốt

27 tháng 7 2016

The village has always been known to be a place of peace and quiet. The scattered houses among hundreds of plants and trees at once indicate the lack of activity in the village. 

The workers in the village leave their homes early in the morning to work in the plantations or towns nearby. Some have their own plantations, and some make certain articles in their homes to sell them in the towns. A few of the villagers, including women, go out to catch fish in the streams and rivers found in the village. Though the people of the village do not usually earn much, yet they seem to be contented. 

In the afternoon, most of the villagers are at home. Some of them take a nap after lunch; some work in their small gardens, and some visit the small shops in the village. In various parts of the village children may be seen playing the popular games of the village. Occasionally, a cyclist passes by. 

Then, in the evening, the villagers meet one another. Some play cards and other types of games peculiar to the village. Some talk about the day's incidents in the village, and those whose minds go beyond the village discuss world events. 

In almost every village there is a headman whose duty is to settle quarrels among the villagers and maintain peace in the village. Whenever there is a dispute, the villagers go to the headman who is held in such esteem that his word has the force or law. In this way the villagers have developed their own simple laws, and the crimes of cities are almost unknown to the people of the village. 

During a festival, the whole village is alive with activities. Everyone is in a happy mood and plays his part to make the festival a success. This is the time for the men, women and children of the village to wear their best clothes and the village is full of colour. These simple ways of life in the village, however, must soon change. Progress in science and education has already begun to affect the outlook of the people in the village, and hundreds are leaving the village to seek their fortunes in the towns and cities. 

Chúc bạn học tốt

26 tháng 10 2021

The Tay, with local groups Pa dí, Thổ, Ngan, Phén, Thu Lao, is an ethnic group of 54 ethnic groups in Viet Nam. Tay people speak Tay, a Tai dialect of the Tai-Kadai language. Tay people live mainly in lowland areas of northern Vietnam. The Tay was previously known as the Tho (although this name is now used to refer to a different ethnic group, see Turks). Tay people have the second largest population in Vietnam. Tay people, Nung have a close relationship with the Choang people in China.Tay people mainly reside in the northern midland and mountainous provinces (1,400,519 people in 1999). In addition, in the recent time, the Tay also migrated to some provinces in the Central Highlands like Dak Lak and Lam Dong.The Tay are usually at the foot of the mountain or along the stream. The name is often referred to by the name of hills, fields, rivers. Each village has 15 to 20 houses. Large villages divided into many small villages.Tay dressed in indigo. Traditional Tay costumes are made from self-made cotton yarn, dyed indigo on men's and women's clothes, almost without decorative pattern. Tay clothing can be considered one of the simplest outfits of 54 ethnic groups. The costume is simple but meaningful.Then singing, singing, singing sli are used in various activities, popular folk songs of the Tay. Musical instruments such as the Micro, Shake. Chess is an instrument that is present in all spiritual activities of the Tay, such as soul in the folk dance of the Tay. In this life, the sex acts as a means of communicating bold identity.Traditional houses are usually on stilts, lands and roofs with grass and some border areas have defense types. In the house to distinguish male rooms outside, women in the chamber. Most popular are 3-room, 2-roofed houses (no chop), logs of land or bushes, surrounding woods, roofs of grass, picturesque Tay people settle in groups of about 15 to 20 households. Tay people worship ancestors and animals. The Tay ancestors' altar is placed in the middle of the house and made into a private space and revered. Pregnant women and their newborns are not allowed to sit or lie on chairs or beds in front of the altar. In the Tay religion, the most important feast day of the Tay people is usually the last day of the lunar month.The life of the Tay is often associated with nature, so the food and foodstuff of the Tay people are products obtained from production activities in areas with forests, rivers, streams and hills surrounding. Some famous dishes are: sticky egg rolls, sticky rice balls, sour bamboo shoots, stigma.

26 tháng 10 2021

The Tay, with local groups Pa dí, Thổ, Ngan, Phén, Thu Lao, is an ethnic group of 54 ethnic groups in Viet Nam. Tay people speak Tay, a Tai dialect of the Tai-Kadai language. Tay people live mainly in lowland areas of northern Vietnam. The Tay was previously known as the Tho (although this name is now used to refer to a different ethnic group, see Turks). Tay people have the second largest population in Vietnam. Tay people, Nung have a close relationship with the Choang people in China.Tay people mainly reside in the northern midland and mountainous provinces (1,400,519 people in 1999). In addition, in the recent time, the Tay also migrated to some provinces in the Central Highlands like Dak Lak and Lam Dong.The Tay are usually at the foot of the mountain or along the stream. The name is often referred to by the name of hills, fields, rivers. Each village has 15 to 20 houses. Large villages divided into many small villages.Tay dressed in indigo. Traditional Tay costumes are made from self-made cotton yarn, dyed indigo on men's and women's clothes, almost without decorative pattern. Tay clothing can be considered one of the simplest outfits of 54 ethnic groups. The costume is simple but meaningful.Then singing, singing, singing sli are used in various activities, popular folk songs of the Tay. Musical instruments such as the Micro, Shake. Chess is an instrument that is present in all spiritual activities of the Tay, such as soul in the folk dance of the Tay. In this life, the sex acts as a means of communicating bold identity.Traditional houses are usually on stilts, lands and roofs with grass and some border areas have defense types. In the house to distinguish male rooms outside, women in the chamber. Most popular are 3-room, 2-roofed houses (no chop), logs of land or bushes, surrounding woods, roofs of grass, picturesque Tay people settle in groups of about 15 to 20 households. Tay people worship ancestors and animals. The Tay ancestors' altar is placed in the middle of the house and made into a private space and revered. Pregnant women and their newborns are not allowed to sit or lie on chairs or beds in front of the altar. In the Tay religion, the most important feast day of the Tay people is usually the last day of the lunar month.The life of the Tay is often associated with nature, so the food and foodstuff of the Tay people are products obtained from production activities in areas with forests, rivers, streams and hills surrounding. Some famous dishes are: sticky egg rolls, sticky rice balls, sour bamboo shoots, stigma.


15 tháng 1 2019

uy Nhơn, ngày... tháng... năm 2018.

Vy thân mến,

Mình, Dung đây. Nửa tháng không được chơi với cậu rồi, chắc là tuần sau bác mình sẽ đưa mình lên đó lại. Lâu rồi mới về quê nên ở chơi với ông bà và các bác lâu lâu một chút.

Vy ở ngoài đó có khỏe không? Bố mẹ Vy vẫn công tác đều đều chứ nhỉ? À, mới thi đại học xong rồi, anh trai cậu có kết quả chưa? Ngoài này chị họ của mình đã có báo điểm rồi đấy. Chị ấy được 26 điểm, đỗ vào đại học Ngoại Thương Hà Nội rồi. Chị ấy giỏi ghê! Mình hi vọng sau này cũng có thể được như chị. Mà mình nghe bác kể chị học siêng lắm, thức đến 2, 3 giờ sáng để ôn luyện cơ. Anh trai Vy hình như cũng học ghê lắm, chắc là sẽ đậu vào Sư phạm như anh ấy mong muốn thôi nhỉ?

À Vy này, ở ngoài quê vui lắm. Mình quen với mấy bạn hàng xóm cũng lớp 3, 4. Cứ chiều chiều là cả đám lại xách diều ra đồng thả, ngoài này gió lớn, lại không sợ vướng dây điện như ở trên chỗ chúng ta đâu. Có hôm không thả diều thì lại đi từ đầu làng đến cuối làng đuổi bắt, lấm lem đất cát làm bác mình quất cho mấy roi vào mông. Chắc là bác giận lắm, mình sợ quá xin lỗi bác ngay mà. Từ hôm đó đến giờ không dám chơi đuổi bắt nữa, không thả diều thì ra bờ ao ngồi chơi.

Mình biết bơi rồi đấy Vy. Thấy mình giỏi không? Về đây anh họ mình ngày nào cũng lôi mình ra đoạn sông cạn dạy bơi cả. Lúc đầu bị sặc nước vào hết cả mũi, đau rát lắm. Sau đó dần dần mình cũng thích nghi được, bây giờ đã bắt đầu bơi ếch được rồi. Nghe bác nói anh bơi giỏi lắm, nên cứ để anh tập cho, sau này có đi đâu cũng an toàn hơn.

Bác gọi mình đi ăn cơm rồi, tuần sau vào lại mình sẽ kể cho Vy nghe. Có bao nhiêu là chuyện hay luôn. Tạm biệt Vy nhé!

Bạn thân của cậu,

20 tháng 2 2022

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