2. Put a few, a little, a lot of into the sentences.
1. ___________ people came to see the play. It was rather sad.
2. There is __________ furniture in the house.
3. This soup is too salty. I’ve put __________________ salt into it.
4. Give me ___________ sheets of paper, please. I need to write a letter.
5. There are _____________ interesting stories in the book.
6. ________ people came to the meeting. We need some more chairs.
7. Can you skate? - Yes, I can skate ____________, but not very much.
8. Do you have many English books? - No, just _____________.
9. Can you walk ___________ faster? We are going to be late for the concert.
10. I can see ___________ English magazines on the table. Are they yours?
11. They are rich. They have ____________ money.
12. I have _____________ of apples. I can give you some.
A few
a lot of
a lot of
a few
a lot of
A lot of
a little
a few
a little
a lot of
a lot of
a lot of