0. Vietnamese / AO DAI / very / beatiful / is....................................................................................................................
1.What / to / be / you / would / like / the / future / in / ?...................................................................................................
2.can / You / for / minutes / walk / five..............................................................................................................................
3.They / play / in / time / often / badminton / their /free ....................................................................................................
4.Roses / Linda's / are / they / very / because / favorite / fragrant...................................................................................
5.old / are / you / How / ? ................................................................................................................................................
6. Mary / and / are / where / Mai / ? ................................................................................................................................
7. I / Pho / eat / and / Pate bread / want / to / aftenoon / this. ........................................................................................
( con muốn ăn phở và bánh mì pate vào chiều nay )
0.Vietnamese AO DAI is very beautiful.
1.What would you to be in the future
2.You can walk for five minutes.
3.they often plsy badminton in their free time.
4.Roses very fragrant because thay are Linda's favourite.
5.How old are you?
6.Where are Mary and Mai?
7.I want to eat Pho and Pate bread this afternoon
0. AO DAI Vietnamese is very beautiful.
1. What would you to be in the future?
2. You can walk five minuter.
3. They often play badminton in their free time.
4. Linda's favorite Roses because they are very frafrant.
5. How old are you?
6. Where are Mary and Mai?
7. I want to have Pho and Pate bread this afternoon.