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19 tháng 9

The environment is like our home and we all have a role to play in protecting it. Environmental protection is important because a clean and healthy environment is necessary for human well-being. Protecting the environment is protecting our health. Planting trees is one of the best ways to protect the environment. Trees provide us with oxygen, clean the air, and offer a home to many animals. To help the environment, take part in tree-planting activities in your neighborhood or plant a tree in your backyard. Environmental protection is not just something for adults, it’s something we, as students, can be a part of too. Remember, the Earth is our home, and it’s up to us to protect it for generations to come.

20 tháng 9

Oceans cover most of our planet and are home to a wide variety of marine life. However, human activities such as pollution and overfishing are do harm to our oceans. Plastic waste, oil spills, and chemical runoff are polluting our waters and killing marine animals. To protect our oceans, we can reduce our use of plastic, recycle more, and support sustainable fishing practices. By taking action, we can help ensure that our oceans remain healthy and vibrant for future generations.

28 tháng 5 2018

Bài luận kể về chuyến đi nha trang bằng tiếng anh
Essay on my trip to Nha Trang city

My first visit to Nha Trang, a coastal city in Vietnam, was three years ago. It was a pleasant and memorable trip.

Nha Trang, the Capital of Khanh Hoa province, has one of the most popular municipal beaches in all of Vietnam. In Nha Trang, nature beauties are so attractive. Waves crashing onto the cliffs; the soft sigh of the sea breeze; clean white sands and turquoise waters; it all makes for a marvelous landscapes. It’s no accident that Nha Trang is often compared to a Mediterranean City. During my visit to Nha Trang, I used to get up early each morning to stroll along the beach – a chance of breathing in the fresh sea air and enjoy the sunrise across the water. One attraction that captivated me three years ago and still it does is the collection of small offshore islands. Hon Tre is the largest among the islands, and Monkey island is, as the name suggests, the home of hundreds of wild monkeys. Yen island is known for its swifts’ nests. Tri Nguyen island is the location of an outdoor aquarium housing more than 400 species of fish, crustaceans and other marine life.

That trip, I spent the whole day roaming the Ponaga Cham towers. These ancient Hindu temples were built from the 7th to 12th century. Many of the sandstone statues from this time still remain among the red brick towers, typical of Cham architecture.

Nha Trang is the city in harmony: its fine weather, favorite position and friendly people bring it a certain balance. Nha Trang is a perfect tourist destination. As I left, I was reminded of one reason I the place so much. I hope to have chance to come back.

28 tháng 5 2018

Hoi An is an ancient town down the Thu Bon River, on the coastal plain of Quang Nam Province, for about 30 km south of Da Nang City. Hoi An used to be known as the international market with many different names such as Lam Ap, Faifo, Hoai Pho and Hoi An is the most common one now.

What is special about Hoi An is that this little port town is in an incredible state of preservation. It includes some of the most densely-concentrated sights in Viet Nam with its old streets which are bordered with ancient houses and assembly halls, its pagodas, temples, ancient wells and tombs. In total, there are more than a thousand places of interest. The architecture in Hoi An is characterized by a harmonious blend of Vietnamese, Chinese and Japanese culture. After many centuries, Hoi An is still respectful of its traditions, folk festivals, beliefs and of its sophisated culinary art. Located in a quiet environment, Hoi An is surrounded by peaceful villages famous for crafts such as carpentry, bronze making, ceramic…

Researchers said that most of the buildings in Hoi An underwent restoration at the beginning of the 19th century, even if some of them might be constructed long time ago. The ancient architecture is shown most clearly in the Ancient Town that is located in Minh An Ward. It covers about 2 square kilometers and almost of all famous relics in Hoi An are gathered here. The streets are very short and narrow, having a winding, crossing as the chessboard style. The topography of the ancient town tilt gradually from north to south. The buildings in the old town are built mostly with traditional materials such as: brick, wood and no more than two floors. The trace of time is able to find not only on the architectural design of each building but also everywhere : on the yin-yang roof tiles covered with moss and plants; the old gray mold walls; the pictures carved on a strange animal, or describing an old story… Having inherited a multi-cultural architecture which is so varied and sophisated, Hoi An must have attracted numerous and talented workers in carpentry, ceramics, and woodcarving from China, Japan and other regions of Viet Nam.

For centuries, Hoi An had developed into a melting pot of various nationalities who came to the area, and brought along their own cultures. Accordingly, Hoi An features the co-existence of indigenous customs and habits and those imported by foreign settlers.

17 tháng 4 2020

Cả hai đề à bạn?

25 tháng 4 2020

Câu 1:

Canceled fairs, festivals and concerts, closed clubs and theatres: The cultural and creative industries (CCIs) are already economically affected by the spread of the Coronavirus.

Default insurance policies either do not take effect in the event of force majeure or simply do not currently accept insurance claims. Not only organisers are affected, but also agencies and numerous freelancers in performing arts, film and music as well as clubs, fair and festivals, basically all who are active in the broadest sense in the event business. As from now, this will effect in the long run the whole of the CCIs and turns into a unpresented affair with incomprehensible economic and social effects.

ECBN is an advocacy institution for the European culture and creative industries. With this survey, we would to assess the potential impact on our sector in the coming weeks in order to be able to formulate current support and relief recommendations to European Policy Makers. in In the foreseeable future we will then publish these results.

Câu 2:

Fundamentally, systems fail because those in the position of making and maintaining laws, the poliians, put their personal ends before the society that the system was originally built to benefit. If we could somehow remove man’s flaws, or at the least his ability to corrupt basic tenets, the system might have a chance to survive. Unfortunately, things have to massively fail before the cycle starts again, as history has shown. Man yearns to free himself from one ideology only to embroil himself in another and, through his own doings, fail miserably once more — ad infinitum. To paraphrase a great quote, “those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.” The trouble is we haven’t learned a thing, we always repeat it!

One of the devices that best enables corruption to exist and eventually undermine all ideologies is propaganda. One might think that free societies favoring free speech would be the least vulnerable to propaganda. However, this is not the case. Propaganda plays on ignorance, not human intellect per say, but ignorance of issues and facts. Here’s an example:

During the 1920s, in the US, the tobacco industry was troubled by the fact that women smoking was seen as undignified and base. They viewed this as a loss of half of their sales. They hired Edward Bernays the nephew of Sigmund Freud, to address the issue. Bernays, during the 1929 Easter Parade in NYC, hired prominent women to flaunt their smoking. He called the cigarette, the monster that still kills one in five people, the “torch of freedom,” and made sure the press was there to witness and photograph it. The rest is, as the saying goes — history. The irony is that Bernays, knowing about the early reports connecting cigarettes to cancer, would destroy his wife’s cigarettes when he found them in their home. It gets worse, though — Joseph Goebbels employed Bernays’ tacs!

The American public, for the most part, didn’t know about the damage cigarettes caused and cigarette companies weren’t going to ever tell them.

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democra society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, and our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. … It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind.” —Edward Bernays

Scary stuff, but what’s all this have to do with the environment? We cannot discuss the environment without addressing the two main factors that affect it — man, with all his frailties, and government. Is there anyone who thinks the fossil fuel industry wouldn’t employ Bernays’ tacs to diffuse the damage global warming and resulting climate change could do to their industry? The massive negative press and lobbying have worked just the same tacs worked for the tobacco industry. Using propaganda to create doubt is a powerful destructive tool. Donald Trump thinks electric cars won’t work. They won’t work because he wants to prop up the fossil fuel industry. Taxing PV modules isn’t about equity, it’s a fragile attempt to slow down a freight train that’s changing the world. Trump is a propaganda master. Soon after he made his negative statement about EVs, people started blocking charging stations.

Propaganda has worked so well that people with no background in climatology absolutely assert it’s a “hoax” and show disdain for environmentalists. The scientists and massive amounts of data are wrong, but when deniers get sick, the first person they seek out is a doctor, a scientist skilled in the science of the human body! They have been skillfully “educated” in hate and division. Rush Limbaugh is a perfect example of how this works. He’s a “professional blamer” who directs people’s own dissatisfaction with themselves onto others. It works very well — now we hate the poor, now we hate everyone he teaches us to hate. Now we blindly run into the sea lemmings and the great divide of the country widens and adds one more nail in democracy’s and the environment’s coffin.

Pollution is strangling, not just this country, but this planet. Seven billion plus people continually breathe its air and every living thing depends completely on its wellbeing to survive. Here’s where utilitarianism I spoke of earlier comes into the picture. If a society is established on a system of making laws and working for the good of the majority, then why isn’t it acting in that capacity? Does anyone think that the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, isn’t aware of the massive pollution from his coal state? Coal didn’t come back – surprise! Do we honestly think that all the people of Kentucky can do is dig coal out of holes in the ground?

Coal built this country. We all benefitted from the hardworking people who went into those mines and got black lung. They are not stupid. Coal mining is not all they can do. It’s time to teach them how to do something else. Why isn’t McConnell taking major steps in that direction? The system is in failure, and Mitch McConnell has one end — it’s not the people of Kentucky and it’s certainly not the environment.

“McConnell has repeatedly failed to do right by our coal workers and communities. In 2017, McConnell co-authored a high-profile op-ed claiming to support projects that would ‘provide financial, environmental and economic support to hard-hit coal regions.’ However, in a stark contrast to this claim, last year (and the year before that, and the year before that) he failed to win, or even fight for, federal funding for the RECLAIM Act, the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund, and miners’ pension fund. All three of these measures are urgently needed to support a Just Transition for workers and communities in Kentucky.

“The RECLAIM Act alone would have brought $1 billion back to coal mining regions in Central Appalachia. But, despite strong outcry from his constituents — including 16 local governments that passed local resolutions urging his support — McConnell did not push for a vote for these programs that would directly benefit his constituents. Despite his enormous influence in Congress, he did nothing. Much the miners suffering from black lung, he allowed these measures to die without a voice.”

This is one more example of the failure of a system designed to benefit the many but which benefits at most a few. In the end, technology will win out just it is doing with coal. It always does. Renewables are just better, electric cars are just better. The world is going to those new technologies and any nation that hopes to compete industrially in the 21st century must embrace renewable energy aggressively or it will be left behind. Renewable energy statiss of five years ago are old news. Stats of two years ago are old news. Technology keeps improving and getting cheaper. Renewables, un fossil fuels, are technologically rich — they have nowhere to go but up. This is, incidentally, why empires wither and fail. Individual greed and corruption dominate the actions of the state. A government established for the benefit of the people cannot survive on divisiveness and propaganda benefiting the few. Poliians, and there are many, with the sole purpose of fostering their own selfish ends, undermine societies orchestrated to benefit the many. The powerful fossil fuel lobby is doing everything it can to stall renewables, something that should never happen in a healthy viable democracy. But what can we do to protect the environment?

There is no individual, philosophy, polial or religious system greater than the truth. If a system doesn’t stand to reason, it shouldn’t stand.

Gun control is a poignant example of this. We cling to an Amendment written hundreds of years ago by individuals who had no more idea of what the world would be much less what technology would be hundreds of years later than we know what it will be hundreds of years from now. It’s impossible to make infinite laws about any technology, much less weaponry. The flaw here is that the Constitution is an infallible absolute. Man is not capable of infallible absolutes — for that matter, neither is science. Infallible absolutes simply don’t exist in this earthly realm.

No system can survive in a stagnant bubble of inflexibility, void of reason. The truth is in flux, the best man can do is adapt to it. The tree that does not bend in the storm breaks. The planet will continue to roll downhill and continue to pick up speed as it does. There are simply too many people and too much greed driven by great reserves of money pushing that downhill roll.

Science is telling us that we are past the point of return, the planet is no longer savable. I know this is not a popular perspective, but we must face the truth that things the underestimated gravitational losses of icebergs are telling us. I’m not saying we should give up the environmental fight. I still drive an EV and I still run a net-zero-energy house. We can slow down environmental devastation. But the truth is the planet will fall very short of a dying sun — man’s greed and overpopulation will see to that.

Man will always find a way to justify his transgressions and claim his actions in the end benefit everyone on the planet, the environment as well, but trickle-down wealth that never actually trickles down, that illusionary benefit for all never manifests. Propaganda, doubt’s favorite tool, has done massive damage.

12 tháng 5 2018

I am a person who love animal very much. I cat, dog and some kinds of birds. It  is a reason that I am very happy that my family has a dog. The dog is named Key is very intelligent and active. It always bring to my family many joy and surprise. It had been my home when he was 4weeks and now he is 3years. It  is quite tall , yellow hair, bright eyes and big voice. I offen play with it when I have  free time. It is special that it is very exciting when see anyone in my family come home. With runing out and shaking, it can make any one relax and fun imtermedially. I love my dog very much

23 tháng 1 2019

In the life of every human being, we must always have friends who help us overcome difficulties and side by side when having fun and sad things. I am not an exception, there is also a close friend who always shares and helps me when I have difficulties. Kha - that's my best friend's name.

Kha this year is her age, also ten years old. Kha has white skin chicken eggs peeled and slim figure. When you come to class, you will be neatly dressed in a white uniform with black pants, and long hair will be neatly tied behind your neck. Kha has a plump face and talking eyes. Your eyes are big and sparkling with a smile always curved a crescent moon, it is knowing how to laugh, sharing every time you are sad and cheering whenever you have fun. The voice of Kha is as clear as the sound of a golden bird every morning, so don't assume that the voice will be sour. Because that voice is very inspiring and extremely attractive. Kha often tells us the ghost stories she knows, with an attractive thrilling voice, which always makes us scream every time we reach the climax. In exchange for a small laugh, it was the frightened face of our children.

Honestly, I did not Kha at first because people who were good at school and good at singing also sang well. Not only that, my parents are very arrogant in comparison with Kha, so I feel very frustrated and embarrassed because no child s to be compared to their friends by their parents, especially while the child He doesn't that girl anymore. And maybe I will still hate Kha so if it doesn't happen that time.

That day was a cold winter morning, every wind whistled in the window and made me tremble. Somehow, the afternoon before I was still healthy, I ran from the field to the end of the game playing a chase with my brother who got sick the next day. I was tired and opened my eyes wide, staring at the dark gray sky outside the doorway, thinking of a way to go to class without disturbing anyone. In the winter, I turned into a lazy sleeper, so I was always the one who woke up late. My parents often have breakfast with my brother and go to school and go to work as a child so I will have breakfast later and go to school myself. If not today, my brother's school will be volunteering, so I have to leave early, otherwise I will not let you go to school this. I was about to step down from the bed when I was headache, when I heard the sound of Hope coming from outside:
- Lan, you don't go now that you're late to learn!

I want to tell her loudly that I am sick but my words can't get out of my throat. Waiting for me to see no one responding, I saw that my house's light was on, and she entered the house curiously, not forgetting the sentence: "I beg your permission." Entering her room, she panicked and ran in, touching her face and touching her forehead:
- You have a fever, why don't you call me in, where are your parents, where is your brother?
- Dad ... mom ... I ... go to work. Also ... and my brother went to volunteer ... cough ..
- Have you eaten breakfast yet? Then there is a medicine in your house, so I'll just go and get it.

Looking at the form of its fever and anxiety, I was surprised, so long ago I thought that Kha did not me, but when I was sick, I was so worried. Naturally I feel I'm a bad friend, don't realize how good Kha is but just follow my own thoughts and hate you. I was embarrassed to receive help from you and was happy to have a good friend Kha. After cooking porridge for you to eat, you also help me take medicine and call for permission for both of us to take a break because taking care of you has made you late for school.

From that day on, Kha also went to the house to give lessons to me, so that I could catch up with my friends when I went back to school without the help of tutors or teachers. Although I used to play and neglect my homework but after the memory, I paid more attention and improved my score, so my teachers and my parents were very happy. It was all thanks to the devotion of Kha, the end of the first semester, and we were ranked in the top 10 of the class and praised by the teachers as a couple of friends!
I really love my best friend and hope that our friendship will also tighten over time so that I can save my childhood memories when I'm with friends and family.

k mình nha!!

23 tháng 1 2019

My best friend is Lan Anh.She is shoter than me. She has a long hair and beautiful.She is very beautiful,too.Her eyes is round and black .Her favourite subject is Art and her favourite sport is tennis. Every day, she is skipping with me and Ly.We are nine years old. Her birthday is on the third of November.Lan Anh is my best friend.

25 tháng 2 2020

I really table tennis because it's fun every day I play table tennis with my dad every afternoon it helps me to relax after a hard lesson.

25 tháng 2 2020

My favorite hobby is playing football in spare time. After completing my home work at home, I generally spend my lot of free time in playing football. I was so interested to play football from my childhood however started learning to play well when I was 5 years old. I was in one class when I was 5 years old. My father asked to my class teacher in the PTM about my hobby of football. And my teacher told him that there is a facility of playing sports daily in the school from class 1 so you can admit your child. Now, I really enjoy playing football and paripate in the inter-school competitions.

Bài dịch

Sở thích yêu thích của tôi là chơi đá bóng vào thời gian rảnh. Sau khi hoàn thành hết bài tập về nhà, tôi hay dùng thời gian rảnh để chơi đá bóng. Tôi đã rất hứng thú với việc chơi bóng từ hồi còn rất nhỏ dẫu vệ tôi bắt đầu học cách chơi bóng tử tế khi tôi 5 tuổi. Tôi đi học khi toou 5 tuổi. Cha tôi nói với thầy giáo ở PTM của tôi về sở thích bóng đá của tôi. Và thầy tôi bảo ông rằng có 1 trung tâm thể thao nhỏ mở cử hàng ngày ở trường giành cho các em lớp 1 trở lên vì vậy anh có thể  cho con trai mình tham gia. Giờ đây, tôi thật sự  thích chơi bóng đá và tham gia vào các cuộc thi liên trường.

2. Tả cầu lông                                                                                                                                                                                                 My favorite sport is badminton. I playing it because I think it is a good sport. Every sport will make people feel hot and uncomfortable, but when you play badminton, you will be comfortable because in the badminton court, there are many air-conditioners.

I usually play badminton on Sunday. I always play with my friend, Linh. She is good at badminton. But I am not very good at this sport so when we play badminton, she hits the ball on my both sides. She makes me run and run, and I feel very tired. Sometimes I must jump high to hit the ball to the opposite side.

Although this makes me tired, I still always practise because I will be healthier and fitter than before. Anyway, I think badminton is the best sport.

Bài dịch

Môn thể thao yêu thích của tôi là cầu lông. Tôi thích chơi cầu lông bởi vì tôi nghĩ rằng đó là một môn thể thao tốt cho sức khỏe. Mỗi môn thể thao đều làm cho mọi người cảm thấy nóng và khó chịu nhưng với bộ môn cầu lông thì bạn sẽ thấy thoải mái vì trong sân cầu lông thường có điều hòa nhiệt độ.

Tôi thường chơi cầu lông vào những ngày chủ nhật. Tôi thường chơi với một người bạn của tôi là Linh. Cô ấy rất giỏi cầu lông. Nhưng tôi không giỏi môn thể thao này nên khi chúng tôi chơi cầu lông, cô ấy đánh cầu qua cả hai bên cảu tôi. Cô làm cho tôi chạy đi chạy lại và cảm thấy rất mệt. Đôi khi tôi phải nhảy cao để đánh đánh quả cầu về phái đối diện. Mặc dù điều này làm cho tôi mệt nhưng tôi vẫn luôn muốn chơi môn đó vì sau mỗi lần chơi, tôi cảm thấy mình khỏe mạnh hơn nhiều. Với tôi, tôi nghĩ cầu lông là môn thể thao tốt nhất.

2.4. Bài viết tiếng Anh về môn bơi

Among my favourite sports and hobbies, I swimming the best for several reasons. Firstly, I think playing in the water could bring great joy. It also helps reduce stress and I always feel refreshed and relaxed after swimming for about half an hour. Secondly, swimming is an excellent way to keep myself fit and healthy. It helps build up my muscle strength and prevent many heart and lung diseases. Finally, besides being a great sport, swimming is also an important survival skill, because without knowing how to swim well, it could be dangerous if there is a flood, or simply if we want to play near bodies of water. Many of such accidents have occured to teenagers lately. In conclusion, swimming will always be my preferred hobby because it is not only healthy and fun but also a life-saving skill.

Bài dịch

Trong rất nhiều môn thể thao và sở thích của tôi thì tôi thích nhất là môn bơi bởi vài lý do sau. Thứ nhất, tôi nghĩ vui chơi dưới nước sẽ mang lại cho mình cảm giác thoải mái nhất. Bơi giúp tôi giải tỏa căng thẳng và cảm thấy thư giãn, thoải mái hơn sau khi bơi khoảng nửa giờ hoặc một giờ. Lý do thứ hai đó là bơi là cách tuyệt vời giúp tôi giữ gìn sức khỏe và cân nặng. Bơi giúp cơ bắp của tôi khỏe hơn và phòng tránh các bệnh về tim, phổi. Cuối cùng, bơi ngoài là môn thể thao phổ biến thì còn là kỹ năng sống sót quan trọng bởi vì nếu bạn không biết bơi sẽ rất nguy hiểm khi lũ về hoặc đơn giản là nếu bạn muốn chơi ở những vùng ao hồ hoặc sát biển. Rất nhiều tai nạn liên quan đến việc không biết bơi đã xảy ra gần đây với độ tuổi vị thành niên. Tóm lại, bơi vẫn luôn là sở thích của tôi bởi vì nó không chỉ tốt cho sức khỏe mà còn là kỹ năng sống sót cần thiết trong cuộc sống.

23 tháng 5 2022

Tham khảo:

Summer is the hottest season of the year. The clear blue summer sky makes people fall in love. Fluffy, pure white clouds. Look at the clouds like sweet cotton candy. The golden rays of the sun perched on the tree canopy all day long. Summer weather is unpredictable. It’s sunny, it can rain at any time. You will feel familiar with sudden showers. When I was little, I used to shower with my friends in the rain. Hot weather makes drying clothes easier. Summer weather is suitable for short trips. We can choose places like beaches. However, the summer weather easily makes our skin dark. When we go out, we need to use sun protection such as hats or sunscreen. If you are more careful, you can use sunscreen. Summer comes with plans. Enjoy the wonderful moments of summer with your family and loved ones.

23 tháng 5 2022

Summer is an ideal time in the year. I love summer and everything about it. In the summer, the weather is quite hot. The sun’s rays make the weather hotter. The sun rises early and ends late, lasting all day. The summer rays are not gentle and warm, they make everyone’s skin dull. The summer sky is clear and tall. At noon, the sky was blue without a cloud. The highlight of summer weather is sudden thunderstorms. Heavy rain and lightning. My yard is often flooded after summer rains. After the rains left, the sunlight rejoined. This combination created beautiful rainbows. In the evening, it was windy and extremely cool. My house is next to the beach, the summer winds blow in from the sea, causing coconut trees to flutter in the wind. The view is great. I really like summer weather.

26 tháng 9 2023

This earth is your father's, the green ball flies in the middle of the pot of soup, the pigeons fly, dad puts them in to cook porridge, the seagulls fly, dad puts them in to cook.

24 tháng 2 2020

Environmental protection is the work of the workers, but it is everyone's common responsibility. To protect the environment, we should not litter indiscriminately and have to help the janitors to clean up the garbage, which is an environmental protection issue. If you litter indiscriminately, it will pollute the environment, turn to the problem of respiratory prevention, then we have to wash our hands with soap, then, wear a mask, avoid being close to infected people and avoid gathering prace in a crowded place

29 tháng 12 2018
1. Giới thiệu khái quát về gia đình

Trước tiên bạn hãy giới thiệu về gia đình mình với các thông tin như: số lượng thành viên là bao nhiêu, đó là những ai.

Để nói về điều này bạn có thể sử dụng các mẫu câu như:

–  There are five of us in my family – Có năm người trong gia đình tôi.

–  I don’t have any siblings. I would have d a sister- Tôi không có anh chị em. Tôi sẽ rất thích nếu có một chị/em gái

–  I am the only child- Tôi là con một

–  I have two brothers and one sister- Tôi có hai anh/em trai và một chị/em gái

– There are five members in my family. They are my father, my mother, my two brothers Nhân and Thế and I myself-

Có 5 người trong gia đình tôi. Họ là cha, mẹ tôi, 2 anh trai của tôi là Nhân, Thế và tôi

2 . Giới thiệu về nghề nghiệp và sở thích của từng thành viên

Sau khi giới thiệu khái quát về gia đình thì tiếp theo bạn hãy miêu tả về từng thành viên trong gia đình mình

– My mother’s name is Mai, and she is 50 years old. She is a beautiful woman with long black hair

 Mẹ tôi tên Mai,và mẹ 50 tuổi. Bà ấy là một người phụ nữ rất xinh đẹp với mái tóc đen dài

– My Dad’s name is Trung. He is tall and very strong. His job is doctor

 Bố tôi tên là Trung. Bố cao và rất khỏe mạnh. Công việc của bố là một bác sỹ

– Another woman who I love so much is my sister. Her name is Linh. She is 26 years old, and she is a beautiful woman Mom. Now, she is living in Ha Noi capital, because of her jobs

 Một người phụ nữ khác mà tôi rất yêu quý, đó chính là chị gái tôi. Chị tên là Linh, chị 26 tuổi, và là một người phụ nữ xinh đẹp như mẹ. Hiện tại, chị sống ở thủ đô Hà Nội để làm việc

3. Những hoạt động chung của gia đình

Bạn hãy kể về những hoạt động chung của gia đình hay khoảng thời gian ở bên nhau mà bạn thấy thật vui vẻ và hạnh phúc.

Ví dụ:

– We all have a busy lives in day. However in the evening after dinner, we sit together in the living-room talking, sometimes watching a funny movie

Chúng tôi đều có một cuộc sống bận rộn hàng ngày. Tuy nhiên cứ vào buổi tối sau bữa ăn tối, chúng tôi ngồi lại với nhau trong phòng khách và trò chuyện, đôi khi cùng nhau xem một bộ phim hài hước

– My father plays with me on weekends and he teaches me cycling and swimming. My mother makes delicious food for me and also plays with me when she gets time. She also teaches me little cooking. During weekends, we spent time together and sometimes we go for an outing or a movie and enjoy our weekends. On working days, though they are busy, they try spending time with us and looking after our homework and other day to day activities.

Cha tôi chơi với tôi vào cuối tuần và ông dạy tôi đi xe đạp và bơi lội. Mẹ tôi làm cho món ăn ngon cho tôi và cũng đóng với tôi khi cô ấy thời gian. Bà cũng dạy tôi ít nấu ăn. Trong ngày cuối tuần, chúng tôi đã dành thời gian cho nhau và đôi khi chúng ta đi cho một chuyến đi chơi hay một bộ phim và tận hưởng ngày cuối tuần của chúng tôi. Vào những ngày làm việc, mặc dù họ đang bận rộn, họ cố gắng dành thời gian với chúng tôi và chăm sóc bài tập về nhà của chúng tôi và ngày khác để hoạt động ngày

4. Nêu cảm nhận của bản thân về gia đình

Cuối cùng hãy nói về cảm nhận của mình về gia đình, về những thành viên trong gia đình và sự ảnh hưởng của họ đến chính bạn thân mình

Ví dụ:

My parents help me a lot and teach me many good things that we might not learn at schools. The provide me with good and healthy food and nice clothes, that keep me warm and in good condition. I love my parents very much and I am proud to be their child, for all the love that they give me

Cha mẹ tôi giúp đỡ tôi rất nhiều và dạy tôi nhiều điều tốt đẹp mà chúng tôi không được học tại trường. Tôi được cung cấp thức ăn tốt cho sức khỏe, quần áo thoải mái, giữ cho tối được ấm áp và luông trong tình trạng tốt. Tôi yêu bố mẹ tôi rất nhiều và tôi tự hào là con của họ, đối với tất cả tình yêu mà họ dành cho tôi.

29 tháng 12 2018

My family is a small one with only three members: my mother, my brother, and I. My mother is a great woman who has always taken very good care of my brother and me.Unfortunately, she is currently unemployed, but we feel secure with her at home when we are. Every morning she fixes breakfast for us, and then my brother, who is in tenth grade, either walks or rides the bus to Overfelt High School. On the other hand, I work at Micro Lamba Wireless Company, but when I am not working I study English at San Jose College. Not only do my brother and I differ in age and occupation, but we are un in personality. While I am shy and quiet, my brother is very amusing because he is always telling jokes or saying something funny. In brief, we may be just a small family, but we always spend a good time together since our mother is so caring and my brother so amusing.

21 tháng 9 2019

my family há 4 members. dad me mum and my sister. my mom is 24 years old and my dad is older, 34 years old and my sister just 4 years old.

my family is very happy. my dad often tells us some funny stories. at the weekend, we often go to the beach, go shopping together and lots of activities.

Hello, everyone! I’m glad to introduce my family. There are four people, including Mom, Dad, one brother and me. My mother’s name is Duyen, and she is 50 years old. She is a beautiful woman with long black hair. My father’s name is Tuyen, and he is 55 years old. And my brother is Trung. He is 17 years old, and now he is a student of Chau Giang High School. I always love my family, even in my dream.