
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

STTNguyên thểQuá khứQuá khứ phân từ Nghĩa 
1abideabode/abidedabode/abidedlưu trú, lưu lại
2arisearosearisenphát sinh
3awakeawokeawokenđánh thức, thức
4backslidebackslidbackslidden/backslidtái phạm
5bewas/werebeenthì, là, bị, ở
6bearborebornemang, chịu đựng
7beatbeatbeaten/beatđánh, đập
8becomebecamebecometrở nên
9befallbefellbefallenxảy đến
10beginbeganbegunbắt đầu
11beholdbeheldbeheldngắm nhìn
12bendbentbentbẻ cong
13besetbesetbesetbao quanh
14bespeakbespokebespokenchứng tỏ
15betbet/bettedbet/betted đánh cược, cá cược
16bidbidbidtrả giá
17bindboundboundbuộc, trói
19bleedbledbledchảy máu
21breakbrokebrokenđập vỡ
22breedbredbrednuôi, dạy dỗ
23bringbroughtbroughtmang đến
24broadcastbroadcastbroadcastphát thanh
25browbeatbrowbeatbrowbeaten/browbeathăm dọa
26buildbuiltbuiltxây dựng
27burnburnt/burnedburnt/burnedđốt, cháy
28burstburstburstnổ tung, vỡ òa
29bustbusted/bustbusted/bustlàm bể, làm vỡ
31castcastcastném, tung
32catchcaughtcaughtbắt, chụp
33chidechid/chidedchid/chidden/chidedmắng, chửi
34choosechosechosenchọn, lựa
35cleaveclove/cleft/cleavedcloven/cleft/cleavedchẻ, tách hai
36cleaveclavecleaveddính chặt
37clingclungclungbám vào, dính vào
38clotheclothed/clad clothed/cladche phủ
39comecamecomeđến, đi đến
40costcostcostcó giá là
41creepcreptcrept bò, trườn, lẻn
42crossbreedcrossbredcrossbredcho lai giống
43crowcrew/crewedcrowedgáy (gà)
44cutcutcutcắt, chặt





nghĩ vẩn vơ, mơ mộng
46dealdealtdealtgiao thiệp
48disprovedisproveddisproved/disproven bác bỏ
49divedove/diveddivedlặn, lao xuống
51drawdrewdrawnvẽ, kéo
52dreamdreamt/dreameddreamt/dreamedmơ thấy
54drivedrovedrivenlái xe
55dwelldweltdwelttrú ngụ, ở
57fallfellfallenngã, rơi
58feedfedfedcho ăn, ăn, nuôi
59feelfeltfeltcảm thấy
60fightfoughtfoughtchiến đấu
61findfoundfoundtìm thấy, thấy
62fitfitted/fitfitted/fitlàm cho vừa, làm cho hợp
63fleefledfledchạy trốn
64flingflungflungtung, quăng
67forbidforbade/forbadforbiddencấm, cấm đoán
68forecastforecast/forecastedforecast/forecastedtiên đoán
69forego (also forgo)forewentforegonebỏ, kiêng
70foreseeforesawforseenthấy trước
71foretellforetoldforetoldđoán trước
73forgiveforgaveforgiventha thứ
74forsakeforsookforsakenruồng bỏ
75freezefrozefrozen(làm) đông lại
76frostbitefrostbitfrostbittenbỏng lạnh
77getgotgot/gottencó được
78gildgilt/gildedgilt/gildedmạ vàng
79girdgirt/girdedgirt/girdedđeo vào
82grindgroundgroundnghiền, xay
83growgrewgrownmọc, trồng
84hand-feedhand-fedhand-fedcho ăn bằng tay
85handwritehandwrotehandwrittenviết tay
86hanghunghungmóc lên, treo lên
89heavehove/heavedhove/heavedtrục lên
90hewhewedhewn/hewedchặt, đốn
91hidehidhiddengiấu, trốn, nấp
93hurthurthurtlàm đau
94inbreedinbredinbredlai giống cận huyết
95inlayinlaidinlaidcẩn, khảm
96inputinputinputđưa vào
97insetinsetinsetdát, ghép
98interbreedinterbredinterbredgiao phối, lai giống





trộn lẫn, xen lẫn
100interwindinterwoundinterwoundcuộn vào, quấn vào
101jerry-buildjerry-builtjerry-builtxây dựng cẩu thả
105knowknewknownbiết, quen biết
106laylaidlaidđặt, để
107leadledleddẫn dắt, lãnh đạo
108leanleaned/leant leaned/leant dựa, tựa
109leapleaptleaptnhảy, nhảy qua
110learnlearnt/learnedlearnt/learnedhọc, được biết
111leaveleftleftra đi, để lại
112lendlentlentcho mượn
113letletletcho phép, để cho
115lightlit/lightedlit/lightedthắp sáng
116lip-readlip-readlip-readmấp máy môi
117loselostlostlàm mất, mất
118makemademadechế tạo, sản xuất
119meanmeantmeantcó nghĩa là
120meetmetmetgặp mặt
121miscastmiscastmiscastchọn vai đóng không hợp
122misdealmisdealtmisdealtchia lộn bài, chia bài sai
123misdomisdidmisdonephạm lỗi
124mishearmisheardmisheardnghe nhầm
125mislaymislaidmislaidđể lạc mất
126misleadmisledmisledlàm lạc đường





học nhầm
128misreadmisreadmisreadđọc sai
129missetmissetmisset đặt sai chỗ
130misspeakmisspokemisspokennói sai
131misspellmisspeltmisspeltviết sai chính tả
132misspendmisspentmisspenttiêu phí, bỏ phí
133mistakemistookmistakenphạm lỗi, lầm lẫn
134misteachmistaughtmistaughtdạy sai
135misunderstandmisunderstoodmisunderstoodhiểu lầm
136miswritemiswrotemiswrittenviết sai
137mowmowedmown/mowedcắt cỏ
138offsetoffsetoffsetđền bù
139outbidoutbidoutbidtrả hơn giá
140outbreedoutbredoutbredgiao phối xa
141outdooutdidoutdonelàm giỏi hơn
142outdrawoutdrewoutdrawnrút súng ra nhanh hơn
143outdrinkoutdrankoutdrunkuống quá chén
144outdriveoutdroveoutdrivenlái nhanh hơn
145outfightoutfoughtoutfoughtđánh giỏi hơn
146outflyoutflewoutflownbay cao/xa hơn
147outgrowoutgrewoutgrownlớn nhanh hơn
148outleapoutleaped/outleapt outleaped/outleaptnhảy cao/xa hơn
149outlieoutliedoutliednói dối
150outputoutputoutputcho ra (dữ kiện)
151outrideoutrodeoutriddencưỡi ngựa giỏi hơn
152outrunoutranoutrunchạy nhanh hơn, vượt giá
153outselloutsoldoutsoldbán nhanh hơn
154outshineoutshined/outshone outshined/outshonesáng hơn, rạng rỡ hơn
155outshootoutshotoutshot bắn giỏi hơn, nảy mầm, mọc
156outsingoutsangoutsunghát hay hơn
157outsitoutsatoutsatngồi lâu hơn
158outsleepoutsleptoutsleptngủ lâu/muộn hơn
159outsmelloutsmelled/outsmelt outsmelled/outsmeltkhám phá, đánh hơi, sặc mùi
160outspeakoutspokeoutspoken nói nhiều/dài/to hơn
161outspeedoutspedoutspedđi/chạy nhanh hơn
162outspendoutspentoutspenttiêu tiền nhiều hơn
163outswearoutsworeoutswornnguyền rủa nhiều hơn
164outswimoutswamoutswumbơi giỏi hơn
165outthinkoutthoughtoutthoughtsuy nghĩ nhanh hơn
166outthrowoutthrewoutthrownném nhanh hơn
167outwriteoutwroteoutwrittenviết nhanh hơn
168overbidoverbidoverbidtrả giá/bỏ thầu cao hơn
169overbreedoverbredoverbrednuôi quá nhiều
170overbuildoverbuiltoverbuiltxây quá nhiều
171overbuyoverboughtoverboughtmua quá nhiều
172overcomeovercameovercomekhắc phục
173overdooverdidoverdonedùng quá mức, làm quá
174overdrawoverdrewoverdrawnrút quá số tiền, phóng đại
175overdrinkoverdrankoverdrunkuống quá nhiều
176overeatoverateovereatenăn quá nhiều
177overfeedoverfedoverfedcho ăn quá mức
178overflyoverflewoverflownbay qua
179overhangoverhungoverhungnhô lên trên, treo lơ lửng
180overhearoverheardoverheardnghe trộm
181overlayoverlaidoverlaidphủ lên
182overpayoverpaidoverpaidtrả quá tiền
183overrideoverrodeoverriddenlạm quyền
184overrunoverranoverruntràn ngập
185overseeoversawoverseentrông nom
186overselloversoldoversoldbán quá mức
187oversewoversewedoversewn/oversewedmay nối vắt
188overshootovershotovershotđi quá đích
189oversleepoversleptoversleptngủ quên
190overspeakoverspokeoverspokenNói quá nhiều, nói lấn át
191overspendoverspentoverspenttiêu quá lố
192overspilloverspilled/overspiltoverspilled/overspiltđổ, làm tràn
193overtakeovertookovertakenđuổi bắt kịp
194overthinkoverthoughtoverthoughttính trước nhiều quá
195overthrowoverthrewoverthrownlật đổ
196overwindoverwoundoverwoundlên dây (đồng hồ) quá chặt
197overwriteoverwroteoverwrittenviết dài quá, viết đè lên
198partakepartookpartakentham gia, dự phần
199paypaidpaidtrả (tiền)
200pleadpleaded/pledpleaded/pledbào chữa, biện hộ
201prebuildprebuiltprebuiltlàm nhà tiền chế
202predopredidpredonelàm trước
203premakepremadepremadelàm trước
204prepayprepaidprepaidtrả trước
205presellpresoldpresoldbán trước thời gian rao báo
206presetpresetpresetthiết lập sẵn, cài đặt sẵn
207preshrinkpreshrankpreshrunkngâm cho vải co trước khi may
208proofreadproofreadproofreadĐọc bản thảo trước khi in
209proveprovedproven/provedchứng minh
210putputputđặt, để
211quick-freezequick-frozequick-frozenkết đông nhanh
212quitquit/quitted quit/quittedbỏ
213readread readđọc
214reawakereawokereawakenđánh thức 1 lần nữa
215rebidrebidrebidtrả giá, bỏ thầu
216rebindreboundreboundbuộc lại, đóng lại





cự tuyệt, khước từ
218rebuildrebuiltrebuiltxây dựng lại
219recastrecastrecastđúc lại
220recutrecutrecutcắt lại, băm)
221redealredealtredealtphát bài lại
222redoredidredonelàm lại
223redrawredrewredrawnkéo ngược lại
224refitrefitted/refit refitted/refitluồn, xỏ
225regrindregroundregroundmài sắc lại
226regrowregrewregrowntrồng lại
227rehangrehungrehungtreo lại
228rehearreheardreheardnghe trình bày lại 
229reknitreknitted/reknitreknitted/reknitđan lại
230relayrelaidrelaidđặt lại
231relay relayedrelayedtruyền âm lại
232relearnrelearned/relearntrelearned/relearnt học lại
233relightrelit/relightedrelit/relightedthắp sáng lại
234remakeremaderemadelàm lại, chế tạo lại
235rendrentrenttoạc ra, xé
236repayrepaidrepaidhoàn tiền lại
237rereadrereadrereadđọc lại
238rerunreranrerunchiếu lại, phát lại
239resellresoldresoldbán lại
240resendresentresentgửi lại
241resetresetresetđặt lại, lắp lại
242resewresewedresewn/resewedmay/khâu lại
243retakeretookretakenchiếm lại,tái chiếm
244reteachretaughtretaughtdạy lại
245retearretoreretornkhóc lại
246retellretoldretoldkể lại
247rethinkrethoughtrethoughtsuy tính lại
248retreadretreadretreadlại giẫm/đạp lên
249retrofitretrofitted/retrofit retrofitted/retrofittrang bị thêm những bộ phận mới
250rewakerewoke/rewakedrewaken/rewaked đánh thức lại
251rewearreworerewornmặc lại
252reweaverewove/reweavedrewoven/reweaveddệt lại
253rewedrewed/reweddedrewed/reweddedkết hôn lại
254rewetrewet/rewettedrewet/rewettedlàm ướt lại
255rewinrewonrewonthắng lại
256rewindrewoundrewoundcuốn lại, lên dây lại
257rewriterewroterewrittenviết lại
258ridridridgiải thoát
260ringrangrungrung chuông
261riseroserisenđứng dậy, mọc
262roughcastroughcastroughcasttạo hình phỏng chừng 
264sand-castsand-castsand-castđúc bằng khuôn cát
267seesawseennhìn thấy
268seeksoughtsoughttìm kiếm
271setsetsetđặt, thiết lập
273shakeshookshakenlay, lắc
274shaveshavedshaved/shavencạo (râu, mặt)
275shearshearedshornxén lông (cừu)
276shedshedshedrơi, rụng
277shineshoneshonechiếu sáng
278shitshit/shat/shittedshit/shat/shittedsuộc khuộng đi đại tiện
280showshowedshown/showedcho xem
281shrinkshrankshrunkco rút
282shutshutshutđóng lại
283sight-readsight-readsight-readchơi hoặc hát mà không cần nghiên cứu trước
284singsangsungca hát
285sinksanksunkchìm, lặn
287slayslewslainsát hại, giết hại
289slideslidslidtrượt, lướt
290slingslungslungném mạnh
291slinkslunkslunklẻn đi
292slitslitslitrạch, khứa
294smitesmotesmittenđập mạnh
295sneaksneaked/snucksneaked/snucktrốn, lén
298speedsped/speededsped/speededchạy vụt
299spellspelt/spelledspelt/spelledđánh vần
300spendspentspenttiêu xài
301spillspilt/spilledspilt/spilledtràn, đổ ra
302spinspun/spanspunquay sợi
303spoilspoilt/spoiledspoilt/spoiledlàm hỏng
304spreadspreadspreadlan truyền
305stealstolestolenđánh cắp
306stickstuckstuckghim vào, đính
307stingstungstungchâm, chích, đốt
308stinkstunk/stankstunkbốc mùi hôi
309stridestrodestriddenbước sải
310strikestruckstruckđánh đập
311stringstrungstrunggắn dây vào
312sunburnsunburned/sunburnt sunburned/sunburntcháy nắng
313swearsworesworntuyên thệ
314sweatsweat/sweatedsweat/sweated đổ mồ hôi
316swellswelledswollen/swelledphồng, sưng
317swimswamswumbơi lội
318swingswungswungđong đưa
319taketooktakencầm, lấy
320teachtaughttaughtdạy, giảng dạy
321teartoretornxé, rách
322telecasttelecasttelecastphát đi bằng truyền hình
323telltoldtoldkể, bảo
324thinkthoughtthoughtsuy nghĩ
325throwthrewthrownném,, liệng
326thrustthrustthrustthọc, nhấn
327treadtrodtrodden/trodgiẫm, đạp
328typewritetypewrotetypewrittenđánh máy
329unbendunbentunbentlàm thẳng lại
330unbindunboundunboundmở, tháo ra
331unclotheunclothed/unclad unclothed/uncladcởi áo, lột trần
332undercutundercutundercutra giá rẻ hơn
333underfeedunderfedunderfedcho ăn đói, thiếu ăn
334undergounderwentundergonekinh qua
335underlieunderlayunderlainnằm dưới
337undertakeundertookundertakenđảm nhận
338underwriteunderwroteunderwrittenbảo hiểm
339undoundidundonetháo ra
340unfreezeunfrozeunfrozenlàm tan đông
341unhangunhungunhunghạ xuống, bỏ xuống
342unhideunhidunhiddenhiển thị, không ẩn
343unlearnunlearned/unlearnt unlearned/unlearntgạt bỏ, quên
344unspinunspununspunquay ngược
345unwindunwoundunwoundtháo ra
346upholdupheldupheldủng hộ
347upsetupsetupsetđánh đổ, lật đổ
348wakewoke/wakedwoken/wakedthức giấc
350wedwed/weddedwed/weddedkết hôn
352wetwet/wettedwet/wettedlàm ướt
353winwonwonthắng, chiến thắng
355withdrawwithdrewwithdrawnrút lui
356withholdwithheldwithheldtừ khước
357withstandwithstoodwithstoodcầm cự
358workworkedworkedrèn, nhào nặn đất
359wringwrungwrungvặn, siết chặt

hãy đọc bảng này và chỉ ra cột nào là cột động từ bất quy tắc 

19 tháng 3 2022

cột 2 , quá khứ

21 tháng 3 2022


cột 2 , quá khứ



17 tháng 9 2021

Bài 1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. conductB. difficultC. stuckD. fun
2. A. metropolitanB. pollutedC. forbiddenD. affordable
3. A. featureB. cultureC. suggestionD. statue
4. A. fabulousB. packedC. assetD. canal
5. A. metroB. oceanC. cosmopolitanD. local
6. A. deliciousB. facilityC. cityD. place
7. A. attractionB. surfaceC. lacquerwareD. artisan
8. A. weaveB. treatC. dealD. drumhead
9. A. sculptureB. lanternC. potteryD. treat
17 tháng 9 2021







17 tháng 9 2021







I.          Readthepassageanddecidewhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrue(T),orfalse(F): BauTruc pottery items are made from clay from the QuaoRiver  mixed  with  sand. Clay is  collected  from the river only once a  year, each lasting for  half a month. Clay is taken more or less depending on  the ability of each person. In the clay collecting season, local people try to take as much clay as they can   to store, for use in an entireyear. Currently, people in BauTruc pottery...
Đọc tiếp

I.          Readthepassageanddecidewhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrue(T),orfalse(F):


BauTruc pottery items are made from clay from the QuaoRiver  mixed  with  sand. Clay is  collected  from the river only once a  year, each lasting for  half a month. Clay is taken more or less depending on  the ability of each person. In the clay collecting season, local people try to take as much clay as they can   to store, for use in an entireyear.


Currently, people in BauTruc pottery village still make pottery items in the traditional way. They do not use the wheel but the craftsmen have to  turn  around the products. The potters shape their products by  their skillful hands and feet around a pole-round pillar, rather than on one wheel. From this step,  silky  clay block initially gradually forms a smooth rounded hollow block, then the formation of  flower vases,  or waterpots.


BauTruc’s craftsmen use wet cloths to make the product  surface smooth.  These items  are decorated  with seashells, snails or hand-made paintings featuring the daily life of BauTruc’speople.





1. Cay can be collected from the Quao River all year round.



2. BauTruc pottery is famous because people only use fine clay to make their




3. People still make the pottery in the traditional way.



4. Craftsmen shape the pottery items only with their hands and feet.



5. The pots nowadays are shaped on the potter’s wheel.



6. Craftsmen use simple ways to make the product surface smooth.



7. The craftsmen’s skills can make the blocks of clay become lively and useful.



8. The designs of BauTruc pottery reflect the life of local people.




4 tháng 9 2021









17 tháng 11 2021

6.C  7.B   8.A     17.C    18.D     19.A

Theo tớ là vậy nhé.

IV. Put in the correct form of the verbs in brackets. a. Film makers, David Morris (be) interested in the cinema since he (be) a smallchild. He (make) his first film when he (be) just twelve years old. He is now almost40 and he (make) 30 films. David (love) travelling. His work (take) him all over theworld. He (be) to Africa, India, Australia, China, the Usa and South American. Lastyear, he (visit) Russia for the first time. David (be) married to the singer, LenaLennox. They (be) married...
Đọc tiếp
IV. Put in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
a. Film makers, David Morris (be) interested in the cinema since he (be) a smallchild. He (make) his first film when he (be) just twelve years old. He is now almost40 and he (make) 30 films. David (love) travelling. His work (take) him all over theworld. He (be) to Africa, India, Australia, China, the Usa and South American. Lastyear, he (visit) Russia for the first time. David (be) married to the singer, LenaLennox. They (be) married for ten years. They (live) with their two children on theGreek island off Crete. They (buy) a house on the island in 1987 aand they (live)there since then.B . Jack: since you left school, you (travel) a lot, haven’t you? Jim: Yes, so far I (live) in eight countries, but of course I (visit) more than that. Jack: What is the most interesting place (be) you to? Jim: It’s hard to say. I (be) in Paris a few years ago and i really (enjoy) it. Jack: (you do) a lot of sightseeing while you (be) there? Jim: Yes, I (do). Jack: Where (go) you? Jim: I (go) up the Eiffel Tower, and I (see) a play at the Comedie Francaise. Imust say the play (be) really good. Jack: (ever be) you to the South America? Jim: No, I (not have) the chance to go there yet, but I (hear) a lot about it and Ihope to go there next year.
V. Make sentences with the words provided. Make any changes if necessary.
1.How long/ you/learn English?...............................................................................................................................2.Be/you/Italy?...............................................................................................................................3.Jane/not phone/me/weeks................................................................................................................................4.It/rain/since/I/get up/ this morning................................................................................................................................5.She/be/in hospital/since/Tuesdday...............................................................................................................................
6.We/collect/ stamps/since/we/children................................................................................................................................7.Where/you/ be/since 8 o’clock?...............................................................................................................................8.How long/he/know/you?...............................................................................................................................9.We/not have/holidays/years................................................................................................................................10...........................................................................................................................She/not/cinema/ages................................................................................................................................
1 tháng 6 2017
IV. Put in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
a. Film makers, David Morris (be)HAS BEEN interested in the cinema since he (be) WAS a smallchild. He (make) MADE his first film when he (be)WAS just twelve years old. He is now almost40 and he (make)HAS MADE 30 films. David (love)LOVES travelling. His work (take) TAKES him all over theworld. He (be) HAS BEEN to Africa, India, Australia, China, the Usa and South American. Last year, he (visit) VISITEDRussia for the first time. David (be) WAS married to the singer, LenaLennox. They (be) HAVE married for ten years. They (live) LIVE with their two children on theGreek island off Crete. They (buy)BOUGHT a house on the island in 1987 aand they (live)HAVE LIVED there since then.
B . Jack: since you left school, have you (travel) traveled a lot, haven’t you?
Jim: Yes, so far I (live) have lived in eight countries, but of course I (visit) have visited more than that.
Jack: What is the most interesting place (be) have you been to?
Jim: It’s hard to say. I (be) was in Paris a few years ago and i really (enjoy)enjoyed it.
Jack: (you do) did you do a lot of sightseeing while you (be) were there?
Jim: Yes, I (do)did .
Jack: Where (go) did you go?
Jim: I (go) went up the Eiffel Tower, and I (see) saw a play at the Comedie Francaise. Imust say the play (be)was really good.
Jack: (ever be) have you ever been to the South America?
Jim: No, I (not have) haven't had the chance to go there yet, but I (hear) have heard a lot about it and Ihope to go there next year.
V. Make sentences with the words provided. Make any changes ifnecessary.
1.How long/ you/learn/English?
How long have you learnt English?
Have you been to Italy?
3.Jane/not phone/me/weeks
Jane hasn't phoned me for weeks
4.It/rain/since/I/get up/ this morning
It has been raining since i got up this morning
5.She/be/in hospital/since/Tuesdday
She has been in hospital since Tuesday

6.We/collect/ stamps/since/we/children

We have collected stamps since we were children

7.Where/you/ be/since 8o’clock?

Where have you been since 8 o'clock?

8.How long/he/know/you?

How long has he known you?

9.We/not have/holidays/years

We haven't had holidays for years


She hasn't been to cinema for ages

1. A. thirstyB. guitarC. dirtyD. listen2. A. openedB. playedC. wickedD. cleaned3. A. dislikeB. designC. musicD.light4. A. proudB. aboutC. aroundD. would5. A. booksB. dogsC. catsD. mapsPART B: GRAMMAR &VOCABULARYI.    Choose the best option to complete each of the following questions. (15questions)6.   We              in that flat since we got married.A. have livedB. have liveC. has livedD. has live7.   - Mitchel: “ Online learning seems the best solution now?”- Laura: “...
Đọc tiếp

1. A. thirsty

B. guitar

C. dirty

D. listen

2. A. opened

B. played

C. wicked

D. cleaned

3. A. dislike

B. design

C. music


4. A. proud

B. about

C. around

D. would

5. A. books

B. dogs

C. cats

D. maps


I.    Choose the best option to complete each of the following questions. (15questions)

6.   We              in that flat since we got married.

A. have lived

B. have live

C. has lived

D. has live

7.   - Mitchel: “ Online learning seems the best solution now?”

- Laura:           _. It helps students keep learning while schools are closed”

A. I quite agree                                                              B. Well, that’s very surprising

C. Of course not. You bet!                                          D. I don’t think that’s a good idea

8.   Mr Ba ……………. a good holiday last year.





9.     Some designers have taken............................... from Vietnam’s ethnic minorites.

A. inspiration

B. comparison

C. experiment

D. communication

10.     They said they......... there the next day.

A. go

B. went

C. will go

D. would go

11.     Everyone likes English,….............. ?

A. does it

B. is it

C. will they

D. don’t they

12.     My father asked us.............. too much time playing computer games.

A. not to spending

B. did not spend

C. not to spend

D. to not spent spending

13.   Mount Pinatubo,................. s a volcano in the Philippines, erupted in1991.

A. who

B. which

C. where

D. whose

14.   Its design tells that the house............... in the late 1990s.

A. built

B. had built

C. was built

D. had been built

15.   Susan studied very well,___________ she could pass the exam easily.

A. if

B. so

C. but

D. or

16.   She didn’t enjoy her first year at high school because she failed to             her new friends.

A. get on with

B. come up with

C. look at

D. look through

17.................................. the traffic was bad , we arrived on time.

A. In spite of

B. Because

C. Although

D. Despite

18.   The men ........... dinner when the phone……… .

A. were having/ was ringing

B. had/ rang





C. had/was ring

D. were having/ rang

19.   Maryam and Lan are pen pals and they................... at least once a month.

A. correspond

B. visit

C. meet

D. exchange

20.   He has been very interested in doing research on...... since he was at secondary school

A. biological

B. biology

C. biologist

D. biologically

 help me cần gấp

17 tháng 11 2021

mik chỉ biết vài câu thui

1 b

3b \

sorry vì chỉ ít nha huhu

17 tháng 11 2021





















Nếu sai thì mong chị thông cảm chứ em mới học lớp 6 thôi!!! Nhưng em được học nhiều về môn tiếng anh rồi, mong chị k

17 tháng 11 2021

6C: was built (bị động)

Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.    cast   aware   craft   carveCâu hỏi 2 (1 điểm)   drumhead   surface   frustrated   multiculturalCâu hỏi 3 (1 điểm)   cost   preserve   craftsman   housekeepingCâu hỏi 4 (1 điểm)Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.   lacquerware    fabulous   determine   skyscraper Câu hỏi 5 (1...
Đọc tiếp

Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

Câu hỏi 2 (1 điểm)
Câu hỏi 3 (1 điểm)
Câu hỏi 4 (1 điểm)

Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

Câu hỏi 5 (1 điểm)
Câu hỏi 6 (1 điểm)

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

Lacquering is a uniquely-performed __________ in Viet Nam.

Câu hỏi 7 (1 điểm)

The drawing and printing techniques have been __________ and inherited over many generations.

Câu hỏi 8 (1 điểm)

There is a __________of employment opportunities in a city.

Câu hỏi 9 (1 điểm)

Skillful hand-weaving techniques of the local __________make Dinh An sedge mats a wonderful souvenir for visitors.

Câu hỏi 10 (1 điểm)

Maybe we are worried about something so our __________ keeps wandering over to a particular issue.

Câu hỏi 11 (1 điểm)

The bamboo used to make conical hats must be split into very thin strings and then put into water __________ they can avoid tearing and any breakage.

so that
Câu hỏi 12 (1 điểm)

To consider an idea or a suggestion before deciding to accept it is to __________.

think it over
take it up
look it up
talk it over
Câu hỏi 13 (1 điểm)

“Do you __________your new classmate, or do you two argue?”.

keep up with
get across to
face up to
get on with
Câu hỏi 14 (1 điểm)

All of my teachers, friends and relatives are asking me continually what careers I am interested in and I'm struggling to __________a decision.

I. Put the verbs in the brackets in the corect tenses:He never.....(listen) to what you say. He always .........(think) about something else.We ...................(not meet) each other since we .......................(leave) school.She..................... (not study)on Friday.I usually ....................(have) breakfast at 7.00.We (fly).................... to Spain every summer.My mother .............. (fry)eggs for breakfast every morning.The bank ................(close)at four...
Đọc tiếp

I. Put the verbs in the brackets in the corect tenses:

  1. He never.....(listen) to what you say. He always .........(think) about something else.
  2. We ...................(not meet) each other since we .......................(leave) school.
  3. She..................... (not study)on Friday.
  4. I usually ....................(have) breakfast at 7.00.
  5. We (fly).................... to Spain every summer.
  6. My mother .............. (fry)eggs for breakfast every morning.
  7. The bank ................(close)at four o'clock.
  8. Yesterday, I ...............(go) to the restaurant with a client.
  9. When we.................. (arrive) at the restaurant, the place............... (be)full.
  10. I ...............(not go) to school last Sunday.
  11. ............she ..........(get) married last year?
  12. After she .........................(finish) her homework, she ................(go) out with her friends.
  13. Yesterday, she.....................(burn) her hand while she .......................(cook) dinner.
  14. Look ! Peter ........................(play) a piece of his favourite music.

II. Change these sentences into passive voice:

  1. My father waters this flowers every morning....................................................................
  2. John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night...................................................................
  3. Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen. ....................................................................
  4. We should clean our teeth twice a day.....................................................................
  5. Our teacher have explained the English grammar.....................................................................
  6. Tom will visit his parents next month...................................................................
  7. Her mother used to give her some sweets after the meals........................................................................
  8. They are going to build a new supermarket near my house........................................................................
  9. We need to protect our environment........................................................................
  10. Do your parents make you study hard ?......................................................................
  11. Các bạn làm giúp mik nhé ! Mik cảm ơn nhiều ^^
13 tháng 9 2021

1. This flower is watered by my father every morning.

2. Fiona was invited by John to his birthday party last night.

3. The dinner is being prepared by her mother in the kitchen.

4. The English grammar has been explained by our teachers.

5. Tom's parents will be visited (by him) next month

6. After the meal, her mother usually gives her sweets.

7. A new supermarket is going to be built near my house.

8. Our environment need to be protected.

9. Are you be made to study hard?

13 tháng 9 2021



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