Choose the best answer.
47.I don't often buy clothes online because they don't look as they do in person.
A. I don’t like purchase clothing online since it doesn't appear like what I see in person.
B. Because they don't appear like in real life, I usually purchase clothing online.
C. Because they don't look like they do in real life, I seldom ever purchase clothing online.
D. I buy rarely clothing online since it doesn't appear like what I see in person.
48.Let's get ready for the festival. It begins on March first.
A. Let's get ready for the festival. It will begin on March first.
B. Let's get ready for the festival. It began on March first.
C. Let's get ready for the festival. It begins at March 1st.
D. Let's get ready for the festival. It begins on the first of March.
49.I like spending time with friends over the weekend to browse instead of buy.
A. I prefer getting out with friends on the weekends to buy something.
B. I’m interested in spending time with friends to browse
C. On the weekends, I like to spend time with friends to browse instead of make purchases.
D. I enjoy getting out with friends on the weekends to browse and buy.
cần gấp mọi người ơi giúp mình v
47 C
48 D
49 C