Giới thiệu về bản thân
I don’t know why I am writing this. And you can actually know that you are reading second sentence. But i have something very important to tell you. But somehow we can not start in this sentence. And I believe that the thing I want to tell you can not be in the fifth sentence. I really want to start the story after the sixth sentence. But it is very hard to say. I know that you want to quit this fu*king paragraph because of it’s ... (sorry but idk how to describe how bore it is).But who cares about it? Anyways,if you still reading this, congratulation! The story will start soon...maybe. If i don’t wrong, this will be 12th sentence. Be patience, this story will start soon. But sonething wrong here...my story only one sentence long lol...I know you are not ranging, are you? Ok fine...i will tell you my sEcrEt story. It will start at 17th sentence. Oh shi(p), the 17th sentence passed out...I will not let you wait anymore...this is my sEcrEt story.But some how the 17th sentence is too long so it will start after this sentence.The sEcrEt is...you...please...read this message again...it will waste your time...lol. Anyway, i want this paragraph have 10 + 10 sentence so this is the 20th sentence and i don’t have anything to say more so BYE.







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