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You are going to read a magazine article about one-day travel destinations. For questions 1-15, choose from the people (A-E). The people may be chosen more than once. Write youranswers in ‘Your answers’ part. (15 points)Which person or people Your answers:admits that something is not to her taste? 1. ________enjoys watching people living their everyday lives? 2. ________mentions the fact that something is inexpensive? 3. ________mentions a long tradition associated with the place she...
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You are going to read a magazine article about one-day travel destinations. For questions 1-
15, choose from the people (A-E). The people may be chosen more than once. Write your
answers in ‘Your answers’ part. (15 points)
Which person or people Your answers:
admits that something is not to her taste? 1. ________
enjoys watching people living their everyday lives? 2. ________
mentions the fact that something is inexpensive? 3. ________
mentions a long tradition associated with the place she visits? 4. ________
suggests she spends a lot of money at her favorite destination? 5. ________
like an area where there are not a lot of other people? 6. ____ 7. ____
visits a place which gives her ideas related to her job? 8. ________
sometimes has company when she visits her favorite place? 9. ________
says she doesn't visit as frequently as she would like? 10. ________
discovered her favorite destination purely by chance? 11. ________
appreciate a lack of noise? 12.____ 13. ____
mention how long it takes them to get there? 14.____ 15. ____

Great Escapes from London

For Londoners with a busy lifestyle, it's hard to get away even for a day, but Amanda Hyslop spoke
to five different women who regularly do exactly that.
A. Julia Finch is a busy lawyer who loves nature but doesn't get nearly enough of it sitting in her
London office all day, so she often takes advantage of Wisley Garden, only an hour's drive from
Central London. "My favorite thing is that there is always something new to see. The garden
collection has been developing for more than 100 years and far surpasses anything I've ever seen. It's
a lovely, peaceful place for a stroll, and it's so vast that it doesn't get crowded. I get ideas for my own

garden from the great demonstration gardens full of practical ideas and techniques. I can even
incorporate my other favorite hobby of photography by bringing my camera and clicking away. It 's
perfect for a great day out."
B. Jessica Green is a hardworking student who needs a break from the books once in a while, and
makes Brighton her favorite one-day destination. "I love being by the sea, and it's so close to London
that whenever I feel like it, I just jump on a train and in 55 minutes I'm there. Brighton evolved from
a small fishing village into England's most famous seaside resort, and offers all the traditional
attractions, including restaurants, nightlife, miles of sandy beaches and two piers. I always eat at this
great self-service restaurant, which is also modestly priced. My favorite spot, though, is a small strip
of sand under one of the piers, where I can just sit all alone and hear nothing but the sea."
C. Martha Roberts is an architect who enjoys her job so much that her work is also her hobby. "My
favorite piece of architecture to study in my free time is The Royal Pavilion in Brighton. I try to get
some of my co-workers to go with me, since it isn't all that far from London, but they're usually too
busy. The Pavilion was built for King George IV and if ever a building represented the concept of
'over the top', this is it. The pseudo Indian palace, with Chinese-influenced interiors, is a riot of
color, expensive fabrics, crystal and gilt. It's not the sort of style I would ever like in my own house,
but I do find inspiration for my work in everything I look at."
D. Flora Evans, a market analyst, feels she deserves an expensive treat after a busy week, which is
why she often takes time to get away. "I go to Bath to visit my favorite luxury spa and enjoy the
pools, which are fed by Britain's only natural hot springs. Sitting in the pool, with only the soft,
gentle sound of moving water, is the ideal way to relax. And of course, a day of pampering is never
complete without some shopping. Bath is one of the best shopping destinations outside London, with
many specialist shops and a number of antique shops tucked away in the narrow streets. A good
souvenir to buy is hand-blown glass, which takes its blue color from the city's hot springs."
E. Elizabeth Dosset, a sales assistant at a popular department store, happened upon her favorite
destination by accident. "I was on a trip to Stonehenge, but the site was closed and I ended up in the
small market town of Salisbury, just a short distance away. There are not many residents and not
many visitors, either, which is perfect since I need a break from all the people I deal with every day.
I couldn't believe that a market still takes place regularly in the town's market place, just as it has
done since the 13th century. My favorite thing to do is observe the shopkeepers going about their
business and see people running errands or just having some tea. The town is so charming and quaint
that I try to go at least once a month. I wish I could go more often, though."

Choose a verb in column A with a preposition in column B to make a phrasal verb to complete the sentence:Column AColumn Bwear, turn, wrap, break, go, run, come, cheat, hear, payup, off, on, into, out, for, down, in, around, from1. Someone called my name, and I ................. to see who it was.2. Janice ................... one problem after another at work yesterday.3. He pulled and pulled, but the blowing ball did not ............................4. We haven't ....................... Linda...
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Choose a verb in column A with a preposition in column B to make a phrasal verb to complete the sentence:

Column AColumn B
wear, turn, wrap, break, go, run, come, cheat, hear, payup, off, on, into, out, for, down, in, around, from

1. Someone called my name, and I ................. to see who it was.

2. Janice ................... one problem after another at work yesterday.

3. He pulled and pulled, but the blowing ball did not ............................

4. We haven't ....................... Linda for ages.

5. I don't really .............. for wiinter sports very much.

6. The principal told me you'd been ..................... the test.

7. They should be ...................... the meeting in a few minutes.

8. Young people think that drugs are harmless, but they'll ................... their foolishness someday.

9. After he started drinking heavily, their marriage stared to ..................

10. People who live in the city ....................... their car braked faster than people who live in the countryside.


IV. Write a story on the following lines, using the given prompts. The first ones has been done for you. a lot of traffic /  we / move slowly  …………………………………………………………………………………………………………    4  my father / I / nervous / because / not want / be late  ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… suddenly / young man / a motorbike / bump into / my...
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IV. Write a story on the following lines, using the given prompts. The first ones has been done for you. 

a lot of traffic /  we / move slowly  


   4  my father / I / nervous / because / not want / be late  


suddenly / young man / a motorbike / bump into / my father’s motorcycle  


we / fall / street / fortunately / not injured  


the young man help / my father and me get up  


my father / angry / shout / that man  


the man / apologize / ride on  


my father / have repairman fix / motorcycle / before / can go  


I / half an hour late / school  


In my class / I  find / the young man / my father shout / my mathematics teacher 


BÀI LẬP VĂN TIẾNG ANH                                                                                                LIFE IN THE CITYLife in the city is full of activity . Early in the morning hundreds of people rush out of their homes in the manner ants do when their nest is broken . Soon the streets are full of traffic . Shops and offices opens , students flock to their schools and the day's work begins . The city house throb with activity , and it is full of noise . Hundreds of sight -...
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                                                                                               LIFE IN THE CITY

Life in the city is full of activity . Early in the morning hundreds of people rush out of their homes in the manner ants do when their nest is broken . Soon the streets are full of traffic . Shops and offices opens , students flock to their schools and the day's work begins . The city house throb with activity , and it is full of noise . Hundreds of sight - seers tourists ang others visit many places of interst in the city while businessmen from various parts of the world arrive to transact business.

Then towards evening , the offices and day schools begin to close.

Many of the shops too close. There is now a rush for buses and other means of transport . Everyone seems to be in a hurry to reach home . As a result of this rush , many accidents occur . One who has not been to the city before finds it hard to move about at this time . Soon , however , there is almost no activity in several parts of the city . There parts are usually the business centres. 

With the coming of night , another kind of activity begins . The streets are now full of colourful lights . The air is cooler and life becomes more leisurely . People now seek entertainment . Many visit the cinemas , parks and clubs , while others remain indoors to watch television or listen to the radio . Some visit friends and relatives and some spend their time reading books and magazines . Those who are interereted in politics discuss the latest political developments . At the same time , hundreds of crimes are committed . Thieves and robbers who wait for the coming of night become active , and misfortune descends upon many . For the greed of a few , many are killed , and some live in constant fear . To bring criminals to justice , the officers of the law are always on the move . 

Workers and others who seek advancement in their careers attend educational institutions which are open till late in the night . Hundreds of them sit for various examinations every year . The facilities and opportunities that the people in the city have to further their studies increase their knowledge of human affairs are indeed many . As a result the people of the city are usually better informed than those of the village , where ever a newspaper is sometimes difficult to get . 

The city could , therefore , be described as a place of ceaseless activty . Here , the drama of life is enacted every day .


                                                                                  Cuộc sống ở thành thị 

Cuộc sống ở thành thị rất nhộn nhịp . Từ tờ mờ sáng hàng trăm người ùa ra khỏi hà như đàn kiến vỡ tổ . Chẳng bao lâu sau đường phố đông nghẹt xe cộ . Các cửa hàng và văn phòng mở cửa . Học sinh hối hả cắp sách đến trường và một ngày làm việc bắt đầu . Giờ đây thành phố hoạt động nhộn nhịp và đầy ắp tiếng huyên náo . Hàng trăm người ngoạn cảnh , du khách và nhiều người khác viếng thăm những thắng cảnh của thành phố trong khi các doanh nhân từ nhiều nơi trên thế giới đến trao đổi công việc làm ăn . 

Trời về chiều , những văn phòng và trường học bắt đầu đóng cửa . Nhiều cửa hàng cũng đóng cửa . Lúc này diễn ra một cuộc đổ xô đón xe buýt và các phương tiện vận chuyển khác . Dường như mọi người đều vội vã về nhà .

Kết quả của sự vội vã này là nhiều tai nạn xảy ra . Những ai chưa từng đến thành phố cảm thấy khó mà đi lại vào giờ này . Tuy vậy , không bao lâu sau một số khu vực của thành phố như ngừng hoạt động . Những nơi này thường là các trung tâm kinh doanh . 

Đêm xuống , một hình thức hoạt động khác lại bắt đầu . Đường phố tràn ngập ánh đèn màu . Bầu không khí dịu xuống và cuộc sống trở nên thư thả hơn . Giờ đây người ta tìm đến những thú vui giải trí . Nhiều người đến rạp chiếu bóng , công viên và câu lạc bộ , trong khi những người khác 08owr nhà xem ti vi và nghe đài phát thanh . Có người đi thăm bạn bè và bà con . Có người dành thì giờ đọc sách và tạp chí . Những người quan tâm đến chính trị bàn luận về những sự kiện chính trị nóng hổi . Cũng trong thời gian này , hàng trăm vụ trộm cướp diễn ra . Trộm cướp chờ đêm xuống để hoạt động , và vận rủi sẽ ập xuống nhiều người . Chỉ vì lòng tham cuat một số ít người mà nhiều người đã bị giết , và nhiều người khác phải sống trong cảnh sợ hãi triền miên . Để đưa tội phạm ra trước công lý , các viên chức luật pháp luôn luôn sẵn sàng hành động . 

Người lao động và những người muốn tiến triển trên con đường công danh sự nghiệp của mình thì tham gia các lớp học ban đêm . Mỗi năm có hàng trăm người trong số họ tham dự vào nhiều kỳ thi khác nhau . Các phươnn tiện và cơ hội dành cho người dân thành thị để mở rộng học hỏi và gia tăng kiến thức nhân sinh thực sự phong phú . Do đó người dân ở thành phố luôn nắm bắt thông tin nhanh hơn người dân vùng nông thôn , nơi mà có khi ngay đến một tờ báo cũng khó kiếm . 

Tóm lại thành thị có thể nói là nơi của những hoạt động không ngừng nghỉ . Chính tại đây , vở kịch cuộc đời tái diễn mỗi ngày .