First day of school - one of my favorite holidays. Because it's the day I was most welcomed by my teachers, got to know many other students in the most fun way. No matter what year it is, the first day of school is still an unforgettable memory to students who carry light cloth bags on his shoulders and write the first words of life in their hands. However, the first day of school this year was completely bizarre, but left me a delightful experience that I can hardly forget.

At the end of the school year, I was too exhilarated and to stand on the classroom podium to get the certificate of merit, but the pity is we still did online learning. Generally, our teacher says about implementing the 5K message of the Ministry of Health, participating in Covid-19 prevention propaganda, ... hand out certificates of merit then end the lesson. However, the most notable thing is that our teacher also announced that we would back to school on the first day of school after a long time of online learning. At that time, I was pretty fun with her notification that I couldn't wait anymore.

That night, I was getting ready for school and thinking about what I would do. I was so excited that I could jump at any moment, and almost stayed up all night. On the sunlit and brilliant Monday morning, I quickly did my daily routines, and then carried my lovely briefcase. I speedily walked to school right away, thinking about a beautiful morning meeting teachers, friends, principals with so much joy beside me.

From a distance, the school looked like an ancient pagoda roof with busy traffic in both sides of the road. Inside, you can see straight rows of trees with flowers which were planted in many pots and tree planting projects. The school was quite different, different too much familiarly as a lovingly memory in a mind of a student like me. Visiting here, you can see the library stands out above all with books on neat bookshelves, which serve for reading.

Most notably, stepping by step, I saw nothing different in my classroom. They are still the familiar seat which has been with me for many years, the classroom podium, and the board. More important, students are very friendly and likable. They are my friends, still funny and hilarious, with many memories contained in us. Our teacher is still gentle with meek smiles, welcoming us to the first day of school. I ran to each desk, touched many chairs, and smiled myself. What a familiar feeling!

I feel contemplative and thoughtful about the leaves. Throughout two summer months, the leaves that have fallen a lot also mean that the phoenix flowers are getting redder and redder. 

Suddenly, the sound of the school drum sounded, quietly, one by one. It's the first lesson to us. We started learning and listening attentively to our teacher's lecture. It sounds like nobody can change the atmosphere. Then, the school drum rang loudly again. It looks like the atmosphere started changing from silent to boisterous and vivacious. Everyone was excited to talk and have fun with each other as if they hadn't seen each other for a long time. 

One by one, one by one, we reached the end of class. The more activities we did, the more we connected to each others. Finally, our teacher said goodbye to us. I found the day long, but happy. It's the best and most surprising day that happened to me. 
