Living in the city and the countryside are completely different. Some people think that cities are the best places to live. Others prefer to live in a rural area. The countryside is a quiet and peaceful place. There are many different species of plants, so the air and food are always fresh and clean. We can enjoy a fresh natural condition without worrying much about environmental pollution. We can comfortably admire breathtaking landscapes such as giant grasslands, peaceful hills or forests. It doesn't have any giant apartment blocks, modern skyscrapers, and annoying traffic jams in the countryside so the air doesn't get polluted. There is also no water pollution. Moreover, living in the countryside is cheaper than in the city. The other positive side is safety. In rural areas, crime rates are much lower. There are not many home break-ins and thefts. Most of the villagers are friendly and hospitable. They are always willing to help each other. Living in the countryside has many advantages because of the fresh air, clean food, especially the friendliness and hospitality of the people.On the other hand, people in rural areas depend on cities for a number of educational and medical benefits. This reality is not only in Vietnam but around the world, in rural areas means less access to high-quality education and health care. Life in the city is very different from life in the countryside Living in the city offers a flashy life with full amenities. You are at the center of everything, where you have easy access to all the modern conveniences that color your life. .In the city is extremely bustling, people on the street are busy. Wholesale stores have begun to open in preparation for the upcoming day. However, items such as food, vegetables and fruits are more expensive in the city than in the countryside. In the afternoon, elderly people jog in parks and lakes. In the evening, people rushed home, the roads began to become congested, and traffic was noisy. The air becomes seriously polluted due to emissions from vehicles. At night, the street lights were on. You will find a lot of nightlife here. People gather to sidewalk pubs, bars, movie theaters or go for a walk. Roads, hospitals, schools are much more modern and comfortable. Next, the space became narrower, more houses sprang up. Security in the city is not safe compared to the countryside. But in the city there are many advantages. This place concentrates many jobs, industrial parks, etc. People from all over the world flock here to settle down and settle down. However, besides that, there are also potential worrisome risks such as traffic accidents, social evils, etc.            Living in the city or the countryside is a choice about how to live. It is difficult to say where to live better than another, because this depends on each situation, personality and many other external factors. Each person chooses a place to live according to their own preferences and circumstances. . Living where you feel most comfortable is the most worthwhile place to live.

- Here are the points comparing the pros and cons and life in these two places:

+Urban settlements include cities and towns, and rural areas include villages and hamlets.

+Life in urban society is complex, while in rural areas it is very simple.

+City people often belong to many different classes, beliefs, religions and cultures and statuses. Meanwhile, the rural population is homogenous, so they are more or less similar.

+ City life is almost separate from nature. In contrast, rural life is closely associated with nature. +City life goes up quickly, changes rapidly. The rural life has hardly changed much or if it does, it takes place slowly.

+The culture of urban life is basically a mixture of many cultures. Since many different people from different cultures live in the same territory, it is often difficult to "accept each other". Meanwhile, in the countryside, they almost share the same type of culture, making them "easier to live together".

+The division of labor and the allocation of specialized work are always present in the cities. But job opportunities in rural areas are always limited. As a result, people move to urban areas for better job opportunities.

+ In the countryside everyone knows each other and children must definitely respect adults. But this is unlikely to happen in urban areas.