Almost all types of water pollution are harmful to the health of humans, animals and plants. Water pollution may not harm our health immediately but could harm after long term exposure. Different types of water pollution affect health in different ways: Heavy metals from industrial processes can accumulate in nearby lakes and rivers. They are toxic to marine organisms such as fish and shellfish, and subsequently to those who eat them. Heavy metals can slow growth; birth defects and cancer. Industrial waste often contains many toxic compounds that are harmful to the health of seafood. Some of the toxins in industrial waste can have only mild effects while others can be fatal.
- Water pollution affects nature : Water is not only one of the determinants of human survival. It also determines all life on earth. Including from plants, animals, ... to both geographical and environmental factors. Therefore, when water is polluted, all living things on earth will be affected directly or indirectly. Plants are withered, poisoned animals, ... Especially aquatic organisms will suffer the most dangerous impacts. In addition, if harmful bacteria are present in the water without being treated. It will probably be reversed in human effects. Making people suffer from diseases such as cholera, skin cancer, typhoid and polio, ...
- For society : Water pollution can cause huge economic damage. Because it affects and costs money to treat and prevent pollution. Accordingly, measures to prevent water source treatment are not simple, modern technologies are required. For example: biological filters, chemicals, sand filters, ...
- Proper treatment of water treatment As a way to reduce the source water level, more advanced technical cleaning is needed. Some developed countries have water treatment plants that remove pathogens. Maintenance, replacement, and repair of faulty and leachate treatment infrastructure. Household gangrene needs to be treated securely before absorbing water before it seeps into the soil.
- Practice green agriculture Farmers can develop and put into practice nutrient management plans to limit excess nutrient application thereby reducing the potential for groundwater contamination from phosphates and nitrates. The effects of pesticides and herbicides can be managed using integrated pest management (IPM) techniques such as biological pest control to control pests and reduce dependence. Chemical pesticides.
- Laws and water pollution policies: Laws against water pollution in Vietnam can also establish measures to limit the consequences of leading water pollution such as wastewater and industrial waste treatment and waste management. This law should be geared towards markets, industry, hospitals, schools and local communities
- Individual efforts and educational campaigns: There are many ways to educate people about the dangers and consequences of water pollution. Individuals and organizations aware of the dangers of water pollution can educate family, friends and even society through campaigning to make an impact on a large scale.
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