Watching TV is often deemed not beneficial for children, but with healthy viewing habits and parental supervision, doing so can bring a positive experience for children. Here are some of the benefits that television offers for children:

1. TV helps children learn about many different topics There are also educational programs on television that go into depth about something your child loves and is trying to learn about. And sometimes, you will be surprised that so many kids love to watch adult game shows. Children's programs can provide opportunities to stimulate a child's learning. For example, when these programs mention a certain character or phenomenon, children will go online to view pictures and read information about that content. In this way, children can find joy in learning and be able to establish habits of learning more about what they feel like. TV can be more effective than books in teaching children about processes such as the growth of a tree or the process of baking ... Programs such as documentaries or the natural world, the animal kingdom ... are entertaining and educational programs for children at the same time.

2. Through media, children can explore places, animals, or things they cannot see in life. Most children cannot visit a rainforest or observe a giraffe in the natural world, but these can be viewed on television. Fortunately, the filmmakers provide us with a wide variety of shows and movies that allow viewers the opportunity to see wonderful footage of nature, animals, society, and peoples. races all over the world. Children, as well as adults, can learn a lot from these kinds of movies.

3. TV shows can inspire your child to try participating in new activities. When your child sees their favorite characters in educational games, they will also want to join. Children will also enjoy educational activities more when their idols participate. Preschool programs are especially effective for generating ideas for learning activities and using characters they love to encourage them to join in.

4. TV shows and movies can encourage reading. There are many movies that are based on books. Parents can challenge children to read a book about the movie with the promise of taking them to the cinema or buying a disc when they have finished reading. Or maybe kids are so fond of a movie that they decide to read a book about it. Discussing the differences between the content in movies and books will help children develop their thinking skills.

5. Children can form analytical skills by discussing television programs. What do you think will happen next? Who did that? What was the result? What will that character be able to do to change? Asking these types of questions while watching with your child can help them learn to think, problem-solve, and speculate, and this will make watching TV a more positive experience. The development of thinking skills is more important than just remembering the details in the movie and this will benefit children in life in the future. Also, remember about your child's school comparison/contrast tests. You can help prepare your child for this kind of literary thinking by discussing TV shows with them: comparing characters in movies. Who is the main character? Describe the events? What is the main content? What are film conflicts and how are they resolved? Use TV time to help your child practice for all such tests and maybe your child will find that talking about these things is fun and enjoyable!

6. Good role models and role models on TV can have a positive effect on children. Children are often influenced by the people they see on television, especially kids their age. Of course, there are also negative effects, but it also has positive effects. Recently, children's programs have begun to develop a number of positive “agendas” such as healthy lifestyles and environmental awareness. When children see their favorite characters engage in positive activities, they also have positive influences. Parents can point out the positives that the characters show and thereby can have valuable family discussions.

7. TV can reduce stress for children. According to research by scientists at Siena University, cartoons can be effective in relieving pain for children. So a bit of entertainment on television is also considered a good therapyChildren reduce stress after school hours or help children relieve pain in some cases. TV can really do a lot of benefits for children but it is up to parents, babysitters, and educators to make sure that watching TV is a valuable experience, not a valuable experience. bring harm to children.