1. What is water pollution?
Water pollution is a source of water contaminated with chemicals or foreign substances that are detrimental to human, plant or animal health.
Water pollution occurs when harmful substances enter water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans, etc., which can be dissolved, suspended or deposited in the water. The water pollutants include: fertilizers and pesticides from agricultural production; Chemical waste from industries.

2. What are consequences of water pollution?
Almost all types of water pollution are harmful to the health of humans, animals and plants. Water pollution may not harm our health immediately but could harm after long term exposure. Different types of water pollution affect health in different ways:
suspended particles in fresh water reduce the quality of drinking water for humans and the aquatic environment for marine organisms. Suspended particles can often reduce the amount of sunlight that passes through the water, disrupting the growth of photosynthetic plants and microorganisms.
The location of the water pollution is important in determining how much the cleanup will cost. If the water pollution is in an area that is convenient to move, then the cleaning cost will be cheaper.

3. The causes of water pollution
Industrial waste
Untreated domestic wastewater
Mining of mineral resources
Radioactive waste
Oil leakage due to accident
Dispose of garbage indiscriminately, not at the prescribed place
Animal waste ....

4. Measures to properly treat wastewater
As a way to reduce water pollution, more advanced technical cleaning is needed. Some developed countries have wastewater treatment plants that remove pathogens.
Household septic tanks need to ensure pre-treatment on the spot before seeping into the soil.
Do not use or use less chemicals