Hoàng Trí Minh
Giới thiệu về bản thân

My favorite leisure activity is playing video games. Many people going to say that was bad but hear me out, everything has its own bad and good ya know? Yes, before I play video games, my reaction times and aim are so bad that I can't even play badminton properly 💀. Badminton needs fast reaction times and good aim. After I try playing video games, my aim is increase and my reaction times reduce from over 400ms down to only about 130ms. Insane right? But buddy, you need to remember that don't play too much or you will be lose your sight and your scores badly, I recommend you play video games less than 2 hours and starting to find other activity that is good for your health
4GB = 4*1024 MB = 4096 MB ; 1 MB = 1024 KB => 4096 MB = 4096 * 1024 KB = 4194304 KB
Trung bình thẻ nhớ đó lưu trữ được số ảnh là:
4194304 / 512 = 8192 (tấm)
Vậy thẻ nhớ đó có thể chữa trung bình 8192 tấm ảnh.
Học tốt~ (Tui hs lớp 8 làm qua r XD )
1GB = 1024 MB ; 1 MB = 1024 KB => 1 GB = 1048576 KB;
Trung bình sim đó chứa được sô tấm ảnh là:
1048576 / 1024 = 1024 💀
Vậy Sim 1GB đó chứa được TB 1024 tấm ảnh
Uses Crt;
Var A : array [1..1000] of longint;
n, m, d, t, i, S, k : longint;
//Phan A
Writeln(' Phan A ');
Write(' Ban hay nhap 1 so n bat ky: ');
Write(' Cac so chia het cho ba tu 1 den ',n,' la: ');
For i:=1 to n do
If (i mod 3) = 0 then Write(' ',i);
//Phan B
Writeln(' Phan B ');
Write(' Ban hay nhap 1 so m bat ky: ');
For i:=1 to m do
Write(' Ban hay nhap hang tu thu ',i,': ');
S:= S+A[i];
Write(' Tong cua day so tren la: ',S);
//Phan C
Writeln(' Phan C ');
Write(' Ban hay nhap 1 so d bat ky: ');
Write(' Ban hay nhap so K: ');
For i:=1 to n do
Write(' Ban hay nhap hang tu thu ',i,': ');
If ((A[i] div k)=1)then t:=t+1;
Write(' Co tat ca ',t,' so giong ',k);
Program Baitest;
Uses Crt;
Var a, b, i: integer;
Write(' Ban hay nhap 1 so a bat ky: ');
Write(' Ban hay nhap 1 so b bat ky: ');
Write(' Cac so chia het cho 2 va 3 la: ');
For a:=1 to b do
if (((a+b) mod 2) = 0) and (((a+b) mod 3) = 0) then Write(' ',a+b);
Program Bai1;
Uses Crt;
Var a, b : integer;
TP - Teleport, one of the most famous and convenient future means of transport. Because it reduces the fume from engine and fast, fit for fast society we live nowadays. There will be no need to wonder about late to school and work.