I. Read this web page about jobs you can have working with celebrities. Match paragraphs 54-59 with the jobs.
personal trainer fashion designer bodyguard stylist personal assistant celebrity chef |
54. ……………… 55. ……………… 56. ……………… | 57. ……………… 58. ……………… 59. ……………… |
Do you fancy being a star but know you never will be? Then working for a star could be the job for you. With plenty of cash and no journalists looking through your rubbish bins, it could be perfect. Here are just some of the jobs you could choose:
54. Stars take a lot of interest in what they eat so what do they do when they feel hungry but don’t want to get their hands dirty? Employ me, of course. I have to be very good at my job because I’m responsible for preparing meals not just for my boss but for all his famous friends. Would you like my job? Yes? In that case you should get good qualifications and then work in one of the best restaurants for at least a couple of years. And of course your own TV show will help too.
55. Who do you think makes those stars look 100% perfect? It doesn’t just happen by accident. It's my job to make sure my celebrity looks wonderful at all times. Imagine if you had someone to shop and choose clothes for you! You too would look like a star all the time. The best thing about my job is that I go everywhere with my boss because famous people can't afford to make any mistakes in public, can they? I'm with her nearly all the time, whether she’s at home or on holiday.
56. At present I have celebrities knocking at my door because they like my clothes. And if I'm lucky they invite me to events where everyone can see the clothes I’ve designed. I have to keep my ideas up-to-date because no star wants to be seen in something that looks old-fashioned. Of course, in the end if they decide they don’t like my clothes any more, I’ll be famous one day and unknown the next.
57. I get the chance to experience the life of the rich and famous without actually being famous myself. I take phone calls and look at all the fan mail, plan parties and do all the jobs the star doesn’t want to do. I travel first class with the star, make sure she arrives everywhere on time and meet lots of famous people. I have to stay very calm and not mind being shouted at even when I’ve done nothing wrong. In my job you can earn lots of money like a star but I'm never on the front page of the newspaper just because I’ve got a new boyfriend.
58. I’m essential to a star who wants to look good. I’m the only person who tells a celebrity what to do and they listen to me. I watch and shout instructions while they cycle, run and lift weights. There's also a chance of someone famous falling in love with me - it has happened before.
59. My job is to make sure the boss is never in danger and I need to be strong, both physically and mentally, to do that. I have to see problems in advance before they happen and, if there is any trouble. I have to be there at once. I'm closer to the star than anyone. And I have to do what she does and keep her in sight all the time. So don’t forget that if the boss wants to spend every night dancing in a nightclub, I’ll be there too. In fact I sometimes spend 24 hours at work without a break.
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