
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Translation machines are one of the greatest inventions. First, they are very helpful for travellers because travellers can quickly translate signs, menus, and directions. This makes getting around in new places easier. Second, they help people from different countries understand each other better. This means we can share ideas and work together more easily. Third, translation machines are great tools for learning new languages. You can use them to translate words and phrases, which helps you practise and improve your language skills. In conclusion, translation machines are an amazing invention that makes travelling, communicating and learning easier.

8 tháng 7 2018

There are many benefits of having hobbies. First , having hobbies are not just for fun but also helpful for your mental health . They are important for people to enjoy good health and have a happy living. Second, people who are too busy with their works and lead a stressful life , they're very important for such people to start hobbies . Finally , hobbies help in gaining knowledge. Further , hobbies are great way to make new friends and improve social skills. So , start your hobbies for a fun life

8 tháng 7 2018


Tham khảo

In recent years, distance teaching and learning has become increasingly popular among the students and this is perceived differently by learners. Many students perceive this as a beneficial aid in learning while others think that they are not as much effective as classroom teaching. This essay will discuss about the merits and demerits of distant learning. Studying an online course provides a flexible timing and less budgeted learning for students. They are able to learn their desire course and subjects on their suitable time. This gives a great opportunity for learners to gain new skills and strengthen their knowledge level staying in their own place. For instance, a Nepali student who wants an Australian degree in business management course does not have to stay in Australia, he can study online and complete course staying at his home. Hence, distant learning is economic and time saving. However, online courses give more emphasis on the theoretical part of learning and there is less teacher and student interaction. It lacks the practical aspects of learning and encourage the passive learning. This is very obvious that students find it as a less effective learning than in the classroom. A recent study suggests that a greater number of students found classroom teaching far more effective than the distance learning. In conclusion, the ever growing availability of online learning has gained its popularity among the young adults for many years, which is perceived as beneficial by many people while others find it to be less effective. The emphasis can be given to its effectiveness to establish it as the most cost effective learning than the classroom teaching.

Tiếng Việt 

Trong những năm gần đây, hình thức dạy và học từ xa ngày càng trở nên phổ biến trong sinh viên và điều này được người học nhìn nhận khác nhau. Nhiều sinh viên coi đây là một trợ giúp hữu ích trong việc học trong khi những người khác cho rằng chúng không hiệu quả bằng việc giảng dạy trên lớp. Bài luận này sẽ thảo luận về những giá trị và phẩm chất của việc học xa. Học một khóa học trực tuyến cung cấp một thời gian linh hoạt và học tập ít tốn ngân sách hơn cho sinh viên. Họ có thể học khóa học và môn học mong muốn của mình vào thời gian phù hợp. Điều này tạo cơ hội tuyệt vời cho người học để đạt được các kỹ năng mới và củng cố trình độ kiến ​​thức của họ ở vị trí của chính họ. Ví dụ, một sinh viên Nepal muốn có bằng Úc về khóa học quản lý kinh doanh không phải ở lại Úc, anh ta có thể học trực tuyến và hoàn thành khóa học tại nhà của mình. Do đó, học từ xa là kinh tế và tiết kiệm thời gian. Tuy nhiên, các khóa học trực tuyến tập trung nhiều hơn vào phần lý thuyết của việc học và có ít sự tương tác giữa giáo viên và học sinh hơn. Nó thiếu các khía cạnh thực tế của học tập và khuyến khích học tập thụ động. Điều này rất rõ ràng rằng học sinh thấy rằng nó là một học tập kém hiệu quả hơn trong lớp học. Một nghiên cứu gần đây cho thấy rằng một số lượng lớn sinh viên nhận thấy việc giảng dạy trên lớp hiệu quả hơn nhiều so với hình thức học tập từ xa. Tóm lại, sự phổ biến ngày càng tăng của việc học trực tuyến đã trở nên phổ biến trong giới trẻ trong nhiều năm, điều này được nhiều người cho là có lợi trong khi những người khác lại thấy nó kém hiệu quả hơn. Có thể nhấn mạnh đến tính hiệu quả của nó để xác định nó là phương pháp học tập hiệu quả nhất về chi phí so với việc giảng dạy trên lớp.

7 tháng 2 2022


In my opinion, the internet is playing an important role in our modern life for some reasons. First, it is used as a source of information. If you want to know different countries or you want to see the weather forecast, news, you only surf the net in some minutes. The information of the inyernet is not only various but also very update. Second, the internet is a world of entertainment. There are a lot of interesting films, famous stories that we can see on the internet. Moreover, we can listen to music, play our favorite games, thank to net. It helps us to relax after a hard working day. Finally, the internet is a large school. We can learn in a famous university at home by surfing the web. In conclusion, the internet is a wonderful invention in our life, we should use it more and more

7 tháng 2 2022


In my opinion, the internet is playing an important role in our modern life for some reasons. Firstly, it is a source of information. We can read articles and book or see the weather forecasts. It is very update on the internet. Secondly, it is used as a source of entertainment. We can listen to all songs we like best, watch interesting movies or read funny stories. It really helps us relax after a hard working day. Finally, it is a mean of education. If we can't go to school, we can take part in many on-line scool, on-line lesson... In conclusion, the internet makes our life better and I'm sure that it will continue being developed widenly around the world.

5 tháng 10 2023


1. Mở bài:

- Background information: nói chung về topic chính trong bài, như ở đây là lợi ích của việc sống ở 1 thành phố.

- Intro: diễn giải về câu background information ở đề bài.

- Thesis statement: Quan điểm của người viết - Agree/Disagree hoặc ủng hộ quan điểm nào hơn.

- Sequence: trình tự các ý sẽ nói tới trong bài.

2. Thân bài:

- Thesis: đưa ra các luận điểm 1 để support cho quan điểm của người viết.

- Discussion: lấy luận cứ phù hợp, phân tích, diễn giải cho luận điểm.

- Example: lấy ví dụ cụ thể để minh hoạ cho luận điểm.

+, Drawbacks: bạn cũng có thể đưa ra các mặt trái của luận điểm vừa nêu trong trường hợp bạn muốn bổ sung cho đoạn văn. Vị vậy, điều này bạn có thể hoặc không cần thực hiện.

4. Kết bài:

- Summary: tóm tắt những luận điểm đã phân tích.

- Re-statement of thesis: nhắc lại quan điểm của người viết.

- Reccomendation: khá giống với phần background information, đưa ra câu kết cho topic.


       I would rather living in a city because actually, life in a city is always more exciting and comfortable than life in a countryside or in a small town.

       In cities, it's easier to find good and ineresting job. Moreover, it has all kinds of facilities as cinemas, galeries, theaters or restaurants, where people can spend their free time relaxing. Most of people take lots of their time to use health care service, to be honest, it’s the best convinient of living in cities.

       Besides that, the people in cities have better living standart than people in countryside, because they have a higher salary. Also having many community services for customers who need them.

       Next, there are a lot of kind of jobs from teachers, marketing, designers,... which need a great human resource. Therefore, people feel easy to find a suitable job. In addition, the quality of life in cities is much better than in rural areas. The infrastructure is modern and there are full of services for the people. More and more entertainment centers, commercial centers, hospitals and schools are built. It means that people's health is better and their needs for entertainment are better.

       However, living in a big city have some disadvantages. Traffic jam is big problem, especially in rush hours. The more vehicles the cities have, the more the environment polluted. In addition, the percentage of criminal in cities is always higher than in the countryside.

        In conclusion, nowaday there are many large cities grow up, more and more people migrate in the city, but besides the positive aspects, the city still has limitations that no one wishes. Therefore, veryone should take consideration before deciding where to live.



15 tháng 7 2021

In our life, what also has two sides of it is: the good and the bad. Facebook social network too. One of the other utilities can not deny is the sharing of facebook: information, images, news,… with speed in seconds. Social networks are easy to use and it offers many benefits to users. It will create conditions conducive to the learning kidney as well as the communication hub in the work of the user. Especially young people, it will bring you a lot of opportunities to develop the ability to search for business learning, earn money to be able to achieve the dream. However, Facebook will affect very bad for those who use it on purpose or not, or the unhealthy purpose. It also can be addictive for those who do not know control myself, when they won too much time using this application. Therefore, beneficial or harmful facebook depending on intended use of each person.

bài hai nè 

Nowadays, increasing many people use facebook , a popular social networking. Facebook brings in many great advantages to the youths, the adults as well as the business men. First of all, Facebook is a website which allows us to communicate easily. It provides several features such as chatting, personal messaging and photo sharing, which enables us to share information with other facebookers conveniently. We can send pictures, videos and even some sweet greetings for someone we like. Besides, we can re-connect with old friends or someone who we have lost touch with for a long time. With the search function of facebook, we can rapidly search for by entering the key words such as his/her name or address. That's change a lot. In addition,people can use facebook as an efficient place to advertise their products. We can only sit in the front of the computer, upload the advertisement and then enter share putton .In a few minutes,this advertisement will spread worldwide like wildfire. Thus we can save money instead of advertising it on the mass media. To sum up, facebook is a popular and useful website for everyone to communicate,re-connect with old or lost friends and promote the businesses.

Tick mình nha

16 tháng 10 2021

Bạn tham khảo nha:

   My hometown is Ho Chi Minh City, which is also known as Saigon. This is the biggest city of Vietnam, and it has a lot of interesting things. First, we have to mention the cuisine here. Since this is the biggest financial center of Vietnam, it attracts many people from different parts of the country. Therefore, they bring along with them the featuring foods from their regions, and this make Ho Chi Minh become the biggest food center as well. Second, people and the lifestyle here are also special. It perfectly represents the open style of the South, and it is always busy. The streets are always full of people, and traffic jams is one of the most serious problem here. We can never actually drive on the main roads without being stuck for a few times, and this situation lasts all day long even if it is in the working hours. Third, the citizens work very hard since it is not easy to live in the big city, but they also spend a lot of time and money on entertaining. They love to go to shopping malls, movie theaters and coffee shops. The lights seem never go off here, and people start to go out at the time when most parts of the countries go to sleep. Despite sleeping late, they can go to work very early in the next morning. Going out is considered as a culture of Ho Chi Minh City, and the lifestyle here is very open and active. I love this city a lot, and I think it is worthy for people to live. In my opinion, there is nowhere that can be fun and comfortable like Saigon, so I will live here forever.

23 tháng 2 2022

Lạc đề 

16 tháng 5 2019

Nowadays, the society is developing in a fast way so knowing a foreign language is very important, especially English. Because English is an international language. Knowing a foreign language can help us find the job easily with a well paid. Moreover, foreign language is also a means of communication. For example, you can communicate with people all over the world, especially with English. Therefore, you will know more about different cultures, festivals ,,,, and so on. To sm up, they are some of the most typical benefits of knowing a foreign language.

20 tháng 10 2022

Modern society is constantly developing, and the appearance of the Internet has opened up a whole new era of access and sharing of information. This brings a tremendous reform and benefits to all humanity. So do you know how the benefits of computers are? So, I will answer this question for you.
Certainly, students will need entertainment to relieve stress after stressful school hours. Owning a laptop will make your entertainment simpler than ever. You can use the device to relax anytime, anywhere. You do not need to go to the game room, but you can play games at home with your laptop. Not only for playing games, but also for entertainment in other forms such as listening to music, watching movies, reading stories, etc.
In addition to looking up information about the lesson, the laptop also helps you look up information in many different fields, all events happening in the world. All your questions are answered by Google.
In addition to learning English at school or a foreign language center, learning English through a laptop is also a very effective way. An Internet-connected computer will help you easily look up dictionaries, practice listening online, use English teaching software or download practice test questions for self-review,... This helps you be more proactive. in learning English and from there will create good achievement. More specifically, these materials are almost all provided for free, you can save a lot of money if you can learn English this way.
Working in groups is something that students cannot avoid. Teachers will assign assignments to groups and each member must participate in order to complete it. Having a computer will make it more convenient for you to exchange and consult each other. In addition, most of the group exercises require you to make slides and compose content to submit to the teacher, the computer will help you complete the above tasks much faster and easier.
Unlike desktop computers, laptop models are designed to be simple, compact, lightweight, and highly portable. Most students choose thin and light laptops that they can bring to school, work, shops, etc. to flexibly use at any time.
Important documents related to study and work should be stored carefully. In addition to saving these data on your phone, you can also save it on your computer. All computers are equipped with storage drives with quite large capacity, so you can freely use them, if you run out of space, you can upgrade more. Storage on a laptop not only makes it easier to manage your work, but also increases the security of these data.
Currently, the form of working online is not too strange for young people. Just need a laptop connected to the Internet, you can work anywhere. There are many things that you can do such as writing content, designing posters, logos, data entry, etc. Students make their own money by doing part-time jobs at home, which not only generates income but also helps you have more work experience.
In addition to the 7 benefits mentioned above, you can use a computer to blog. Blog is a place where you freely share your personal views and opinions with everyone. Create an interesting, engaging blog that will get more people interested in your content. This job can help you earn money, but take it seriously because not everyone succeeds in this field!
The Internet is an infinite ocean of knowledge, and we can learn countless things if we know how to use it properly!

20 tháng 10 2022

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