
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

8 tháng 11 2023

1. About one hour.

(Khoảng 1 tiếng đồng hồ.)

Thông tin: A typical ten-year-old needs about ten hours' sleep. - As you reach adolescence, your body clock changes. Most teenagers need about nine hours' sleep,

(Một đứa trẻ mười tuổi điển hình cần ngủ khoảng mười tiếng. - Khi bạn đến tuổi vị thành niên, đồng hồ sinh học của bạn thay đổi. Hầu hết thanh thiếu niên cần ngủ khoảng 9 tiếng,)

2. 'Larks' are people who like to go to bed early and get up early, while 'owls' are people who prefer to go to bed late and get up late.

('Chim sơn ca’ là người thích đi ngủ sớm và dậy sớm, còn 'cú' là người thích đi ngủ muộn và dậy muộn.)

Thông tin: You might be a 'lark' who likes to go to bed early and get up early, or you might be an 'owl' who prefers to go to bed late and get up late.

(Bạn có thể là một 'chim sơn ca' thích đi ngủ sớm và dậy sớm, hoặc bạn có thể là một 'cú vọ' thích đi ngủ muộn và dậy muộn.)

3. Because blood vessels are stiffer and less flexible at this time, and blood pressure is at its highest.

(Bởi vì lúc này các mạch máu cứng hơn và kém linh hoạt hơn, và huyết áp đang ở mức cao nhất.)

Thông tin: Blood vessels are stiffer and less flexible. Your blood is thicker and stickier s and your blood pressure is at its highest, so it's not the best time to exercise.

(Các mạch máu cứng hơn và kém linh hoạt hơn. Máu của bạn đặc hơn, dính hơn và huyết áp của bạn đang ở mức cao nhất, vì vậy đây không phải là thời điểm tốt nhất để tập thể dục.)

4. The late afternoon (3 PM-6 PM).

(Vào lúc chiều muộn (15:00-18:00).)

Thông tin: Some sportspeople believe that the late afternoon (3 PM-6 PM) is a good time to try to break a world record because body temperature increases at this time, and heart and lung function, as well as muscle strength, are at their best.

(Một số người chơi thể thao cho rằng chiều muộn (15:00 - 18:00) là thời điểm thích hợp để cố gắng phá kỷ lục thế giới vì lúc này nhiệt độ cơ thể tăng, chức năng tim, phổi cũng như sức mạnh cơ bắp ở trạng thái tốt nhất.)

5. How much you eat.

(Bạn ăn bao nhiêu.)

Thông tin: But how much you eat is always more important than when you eat.

(Nhưng bạn ăn bao nhiêu luôn quan trọng hơn bạn ăn khi nào.)

6. Because it makes it more difficult to sleep.

(Vì nó khiến bạn khó ngủ hơn.)

Thông tin: It is not a good idea to use gadgets such as tablets and mobiles late at night because they emit large amounts of blue light, which reduces the amount of melatonin in the body and makes it more difficult to sleep.

(Không nên sử dụng các thiết bị như máy tính bảng và điện thoại di động vào đêm khuya vì chúng phát ra lượng lớn ánh sáng xanh, làm giảm lượng melatonin trong cơ thể và khiến bạn khó ngủ hơn.)

Read and listen to the article again and answer the questions.  1. How old are the young people who are supported by the Hideaway Youth Project?2. What are the aims of Hideaway?3. What happened in 1965?4. What programmes should young people join if they want to become healthier?5. What can people learn at the Young Men’s Project and the Young Women’s Project?6. Why was 2014 an important year for Hideaway?Hideaway Youth ProjectHelping young people to make a differenceAimsHideaway tries to...
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Read and listen to the article again and answer the questions.


1. How old are the young people who are supported by the Hideaway Youth Project?

2. What are the aims of Hideaway?

3. What happened in 1965?

4. What programmes should young people join if they want to become healthier?

5. What can people learn at the Young Men’s Project and the Young Women’s Project?

6. Why was 2014 an important year for Hideaway?

Hideaway Youth Project

Helping young people to make a difference


Hideaway tries to support young people aged eleven to twenty-five in Moss Side, Manchester. The organisation aims to give young people a way of expressing their opinions and making positive contributions to society.


In the 1960s, the city of Manchester had problems with crime, violence and unemployment. The founders of the Hideaway Youth Project wanted to provide a safe place – a ‘hideaway’ for young people in the Moss Side area in particular.

Since opening in 1965, the project has helped thousands of teenagers of different cultures, religions and races. They can share their stories and get advice, as well as take part in activities that develop skills. Many of these teenagers then go on to become project volunteers themselves.


Programmes include:

Powerhouse – fun sports activities such as football and basketball, or specialist sessions on cooking and art.

Healthy Living – young people learn about how important it is to eat well and do regular exercise. Young Men’s Project and Young Women’s Project – these two separate projects support and encourage young men and women to talk about sensitive topics openly and honestly. The sessions promote acceptance and tolerance, and build self-confidence.

Award winners

In 2014, the Hideaway Youth Project won the Youth Work Award for their success in helping young people be the best that they can be.

21 tháng 8 2023

1. The young people who are supported by the Hideaway Youth Project are aged eleven to twenty-five.

2. Hideaway aims to give young people in Moss Side, Manchester a way of expressing their opinions and making positive contributions to society.

3. The project opened in 1965.

4. Young people should join Powerhouse and Healthy Living programmes if they want to become healthier.

5. Young men and women are encouraged to talk about sensitive topics openly and honestly. The sessions promote acceptance, tolerance and self-confidence.

6. Because Hideaway won the Youth Work Award in 2014.

Read and listen to the article again and answer the questions.  1. What time of year do most teenagers do work experience in the UK?2. Why does the writer think work experience is useful?3. How long are placements?4. What does Paul want to do when he finishes school?The world of work experienceForget relaxing with friends. The end of the school year is a time for working for most fourteen- and fifteen-year-olds in the UK. Around half a million teenagers in the UK do work experience every...
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Read and listen to the article again and answer the questions.


1. What time of year do most teenagers do work experience in the UK?

2. Why does the writer think work experience is useful?

3. How long are placements?

4. What does Paul want to do when he finishes school?

The world of work experience

Forget relaxing with friends. The end of the school year is a time for working for most fourteen- and fifteen-year-olds in the UK. Around half a million teenagers in the UK do work experience every summer. This is a useful way to find out which jobs you might enjoy in the future. It is also important when you apply for university, or get a job in the future. For example, if you want to study to be an engineer, you could do work experience with a car manufacturer. Other popular work experience placements are in teaching, marketing, media, and finance. Placements usually last two weeks. Some teenagers have no idea what job they want to do. In this case, they need to think about their passions. For example, if you are interested in music, you could work in a music shop. Alternatively, if you love animals, you could work on a farm.

My work experience: Hi, I’m Paul, and I’ve just done two weeks’ work experience on a farm near where I live. It was brilliant. I enjoyed giving the animals their food in the morning. I also made sure the animals had exercise and I kept everything clean. At night, I helped to put the animals inside. It was hard work but I loved it. I hope the farm will give me a job when I finish school.

21 tháng 8 2023

1. Most teenagers do work experience in the UK in the summer.

2. Because it’s a useful way to find out what jobs you might want to do in the future. It can also help you to get a job.

3. Placements usually last two weeks.

4.  Paul wants to go back to work on the farm when he finishes school.

Read the text again and answer the following questions.1. What are humans still wondering nowadays?2. Why does a habitable planet need to have the correct amount of air?3. What happens if a planet is too small?4. How long does a day on Mars last?5. Why can we not live on Mars? THE TEXT:Nowadays humans are still wondering what planets in outer space might support life.Scientists say planets need to meet three main conditions to support life. Firstly, they must have liquid water, so their...
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Read the text again and answer the following questions.

1. What are humans still wondering nowadays?

2. Why does a habitable planet need to have the correct amount of air?

3. What happens if a planet is too small?

4. How long does a day on Mars last?

5. Why can we not live on Mars?



Nowadays humans are still wondering what planets in outer space might support life.

Scientists say planets need to meet three main conditions to support life. Firstly, they must have liquid water, so their temperature must not be too high or too low. Secondly, the planets need to have the correct amount of air so that they can hold an atmosphere around. Finally, their size is also important. If a planet is too small, its gravity is not strong enough to hold an enough amount of air. If it is too big, its gravity will be so strong that it will hold too much air.

Scientists are using space telescopes to find habitable planets. According to them, Mars is one of the most promising planets for life in our solar system. It is a planet like Earth. Its days last for 24.5 hours and its seasons are similar to Earth's. Although scientists have not found actual water on Mars, there seems to be traces of it on the planet's surface. However, the climate on Mars is unsuitable for human life because it is too cold and Mars lacks oxygen to support human life.


19 tháng 8 2023

1. They are still wondering what planets in outer space might support life.

2. It needs to have the correct amount of air to hold an atmosphere around it.

3. Its gravity is not strong enough to hold an enough amount of air.

4. Its day lasts for 24.5 hours.

5. Because it is too cold and lacks oxygen.

7 tháng 9 2023

1. How many characteristics of independent learners does Mike find on the website?

- Four

2. What do independent learners take responsibility for?

- Their owrn learning

3. What do they use to help them achieve their learning goals?

- Detailed study plan

4. What are they not afraid of doing?

- Asking difficult questions

Read and listen to the article again and answer the questions.  1. What problem will we have in the next thirty years?2. Why are insects the solution?3. What does the word they in bold refer to?4. In what parts of the world do people eat insects?                                                  The food of the future                                       INSECTS - The superfood of the futureThere are a lot of hungry people in the world, so how do we deal with it? In the next thirty years, we'll...
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Read and listen to the article again and answer the questions.


1. What problem will we have in the next thirty years?

2. Why are insects the solution?

3. What does the word they in bold refer to?

4. In what parts of the world do people eat insects?

                                                  The food of the future

                                       INSECTS - The superfood of the future

There are a lot of hungry people in the world, so how do we deal with it? In the next thirty years, we'll need to provide enough protein for billions more mouths, and with all these extra people there will be even less space for farming. One solution is for us to eat insects. They are a great source of protein and they don't need as much space or water as farm animals.

So why don't we eat insects regularly? The fact is that many people in Asia, Africa and South America already do. The problem is that Europeans and North Americans don't want to. Some governments are now trying to convince them why it is a good idea. The Nordic Food Lab in Copenhagen, for example, developed the 'Insect Deliciousness' project. Its chefs have been to five continents to discover an incredible world of insect flavour. In Australia, they tasted honey ants. They ate fried caterpillars in Tanzania, and in Mexico, they enjoyed desert-ant eggs. Will they and other similar organisations persuade Europeans and Americans to take a bite from a caterpillar or an ant? What's your view? How many people will eat insects in the future? How much food made with insects will you eat?

20 tháng 8 2023

Tham khảo

1. We will have to produce enough protein for billions more mouths.

2. Insects are a great source of protein and don’t need as much space or water as farm animals.

3. They refers to the chefs from the Nordic Food Lab.

4. Asia, Africa and South America.

Quoc Tran Anh Le
Giáo viên
7 tháng 9 2023

1. Because maybe they want to play more sports, learn a musical instrument, or even write a book, but they don’t have time.

(Bởi vì có thể họ muốn chơi thể thao nhiều hơn, học một nhạc cụ hoặc thậm chí viết sách, nhưng họ không có thời gian.)

Thông tin: Maybe they want to play more sports, learn a musical instrument, or even write a book, but they don’t have time.

(Có thể họ muốn chơi thể thao nhiều hơn, học một nhạc cụ hoặc thậm chí viết sách, nhưng họ không có thời gian.)

2. She writes about eating and travelling.

(Cô ấy viết về ăn uống và du lịch.)

Thông tin: “I spend most of my time either eating, traveling, or creating content about the two,” she says.

(“Tôi dành phần lớn thời gian để đi ăn, đi du lịch hoặc sáng tạo nội dung về cả hai thứ đó,” cô nói.)

3. More than 100,000 people

(Hơn 100.000 người)

Thông tin: Leyla’s blog has more than 100,000 folowers …

(Blog của Leyla có hơn 100.000 người theo dõi …)

4. He loves running in his free time and showing people his home city of New York.

(Anh ấy thích chạy bộ vào thời gian rảnh và anh ấy cũng thích cho mọi người thấy thành phố New York, quê hương của mình.)

Thông tin: He loves running in his free time and he also loves showing people his home city of New York.

(Anh ấy thích chạy bộ vào thời gian rảnh và anh ấy cũng thích cho mọi người thấy thành phố New York, quê hương của mình.)

5. He runs with wonderful people from all over the world.

(Anh ấy chạy cùng những người tuyệt vời từ khắp nơi trên thế giới.)

Thông tin: “Every day, we get to run with wonderful people from all over the world,” he says.

(“Mỗi ngày, chúng tôi được chạy cùng những người tuyệt vời từ khắp nơi trên thế giới,” anh nói.)

6. His company has running tours in 14 different cities in the US and Canada.

(Công ty của anh ấy có tổ chức các tour chạy bộ tại 14 thành phố khác nhau ở Mỹ và Canada.)

Thông tin: Michael's company now has running tours in 14 different cities in the US and Canada.

(Hiện công ty của Michael có các tour chạy bộ tại 14 thành phố khác nhau ở Mỹ và Canada.)

Read the conversation again and circle the correct answer A, B, or C.1. What are Trang and Mark doing?A. Practising a video call.B. Making a call with Tech Sawy.C. Learning how to use a tablet.2. What device does Trang need help with?A. The tablet.                        B. The computer.                           C. The webcam.3. Mark says that they should _____ in the future.A. have more video conferencesB. do more practice callsC. have a high-speed Internet connection Trang: Mark, we're...
Đọc tiếp

Read the conversation again and circle the correct answer A, B, or C.

1. What are Trang and Mark doing?

A. Practising a video call.

B. Making a call with Tech Sawy.

C. Learning how to use a tablet.

2. What device does Trang need help with?

A. The tablet.                        B. The computer.                           C. The webcam.

3. Mark says that they should _____ in the future.

A. have more video conferences

B. do more practice calls

C. have a high-speed Internet connection


Trang: Mark, we're having a video conference with Tech Savvy next Thursday, but ...

Mark: Hold on. Is that the technology club at the Japanese school?

Trang: Exactly. But I'm a bit worried. I've never had a video conference call.

Mark: You're kidding! Who doesn’t know how to make a video call? Alright, let’s do a practice call now.

Trang: Hmm, what do I need to do first?

Mark: It’s a piece of cake, Trang. Now, you sit in front of the computer. I'll connect with you via one of my tablets and ...

Trang: Sorry, but how can I adjust this webcam? It’s focusing on my forehead.

Mark: Use this button to move it up or down, and this to zoom in or out. 

Trang: Thanks. And can you see me clearly on your tablet?

Mark: Yes, of course. We have a high-speed Internet connection here. 

Trang: I hope the conference goes smoothly.

Mark: I'm sure it will. We should hold more video conferences like this in the future. 

Trang: That's exactly how I feel. 

16 tháng 10 2023

1. A
2. C
​3. A

18 tháng 8 2023

A - C - A

21 tháng 8 2023

1 Jennifer Aniston, who played Rachel Green in Friends, made ‘the Rachel’ style popular.
2 The hairstyle in the 2000s was hair extensions, which made hair very long and straight.
3 Unnaturally grey hair became popular in the 2010s.