Read the following passage to find out TEN mistakes can correct them :
Line1 Ultimately, the succeed of any presentation can only be measure from the
Line 2 audience's perspective. Although this is simply common sense, many of us who get
Line 3 so involved in your own subject, or own nervous, that we forget to be thought
Line 4 about the audience at all. A little years ago I was scheduled to speak at a telephone
Line 5 company conference. The speaker who preceded me on the programme was reputed
Line 6 to be one of the world's leading expert on the technology of communication. He
Line 7 gave what sounded like a tremendously authoritative speech, most of whom was too
Line 8 technical for me to understand. As it had turned out, most of those attending the
Line 9 conference didn't understand it neither. Even an expert on the technology of
Line 10 communication is not necessary an expert at communicating.