Traveling is one of the most popular forms recreations in the USA. Most American employees receive an annual vacation with pay, and it is a good time off for traveling. Traveling within the country is popular because foreign travel generally takes more time and money. However , Americans who wish to vacation outside the USA are free to go almost anywhere. Obtaining a passport is a routine matter. Every year about 13 million Americans travel abroad. The most popular vacation period are during the summer and during the two weeks school break on the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. These periods are also the most crowded and generally the most expensive time to travel, so people who can adjust their schedules sometimes choose to vacation in the autumn. America vacationers often travel by car. Most family have a car, and those who do not have can rent one. Cars are usually the economical way to travel, especially for the families. It is also fairly fast and convenient. Excellent high ways connect the major cities. They enable vacationers to travel at an almost steady speed of 55 or 65 miles an hour. Tourists that wants to travel faster often fly to their destination and then rent a car to go around when they get there.
Which sentence is not true?
a. Most American like traveling
b. Many American people travel abroad every year.
c. There is a two weeks break on the Christmas and New Year’s holiday.
d. It is difficult to obtain a passport in USA
Which sentence is not true?
a. Most American like traveling
b. Many American people travel abroad every year.
c. There is a two weeks break on the Christmas and New Year’s holiday.
d. It is difficult to obtain a passport in USA