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Reminds about Gac sky rice is a reminder of traditional Vietnamese food with red symbolizing luck and wealth. But the best thing is that Gac has many effects such as tonic eyes, anti-aging and lung, cardiovascular, neurological diseases ..

On the 1st or the Lunar New Year, every house also often has 1 big Gac fruit, bright orange red for special dish that is simple.

 Today is the 10th of the lunar calendar, the first day I officially make sky rice from A-Z. Also learn yourself some experience and also draw the general conclusion: Cooking is not difficult, just that you enjoy and spend some time, mind for it alone.

Ingredients: Half a pound of glutinous rice (the best kind of glutinous rice is still called the yellow flower sky rice, I don't understand why. Half of the fruit is ripe with red) Sugar, salt in the grain. Half a cup of white wine. A small stainless steel basket ( medium size rice cooker) (diameter should be around 18-20cm) / stainless steel jar. Steamer (I don't know what to call it, but rest assured, the rice cooker usually has this device, used for steaming buns. no, you can still flexibly use a small bowl instead! Electric rice cooker / chopsks / spoon

Method: Soak the rice for half a day - 1 day and then take out to drain, can be put in stainless steel or 1 large bowl. Gac scraped the inner part (temporarily called Gac's kernel) into a small bowl, poured the wine in and used a pickle spoon to melt the Gac meat, then poured it into the rice, taking the spoon to stir the red rice evenly. Sprinkle half a teaspoon of grain salt to make it sky. (no need to remove gac seed). Arrange the bowl / steamer down finally, pour 2 large bowls of water and put the basket / rice bowl on top. Plug in the rice cooker and set it to normal.

During the cooking process with the rice cooker (lasting about 1 hour - half hour) should regularly check the pot and occasionally turn on the Warm mode when the water boils (Because remember that sky rice cooked by steam). Also note 2-3 times to open the lid of the pot to stir the rice evenly!

When the sky rice has softened (try by drawing rice grains by hand), add about 2 tablespoons of sugar, stir with chopsks and cover, let Cook cook for about 10 minutes more and finish and set the plate. (Back sugar is because if you give sugar right from the beginning, the rice will take longer to cook).

When exposing to a plate to light the incense, squeeze tightly, and fast to show respect. My mother does not to give fat because she does not to eat greens, however, to make the shade more beautiful, you can add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil / 1 little chicken fat and stir well with sky rice and time for sugar.

Depending on the taste, you can add grated coconut / coconut milk stirring with sky rice to add fat and aroma, also in the same time as the sugar. There are people who are more picky, making more green beans or mung beans. The simple way: soak the green beans about 3 hours in advance and then use the steamed pot / basket. When pretty beans sprout, add sugar and grated coconut, stir and cook for about 5-10p. Remove steamed green beans, add 1 teaspoon of boiling water, use a spoon to make smooth. Should steamed beans first and then use the same tools to steam away Gac. By the time the flock of plates (preferably with a mold) can give the bottom layer of sky rice and then beans, then sky rice, then beans, then sky rice has a dish of Gac sky green beans that are both delicious and beautiful with 2 red colors - brilliant gold.

In many groups, I also see them sprinkle sesame / sesame sprinkled on it, which is also for aroma. Today the house still has vanilla, I also poured in the time to add sugar and mix well with sky rice, eating also fragrant, you can try. Choose the ripe Gac fruit, orange red, heavy hands, plus good luck certainly Gac fruit will give you the color of sky rice dish is beautiful without using any color!

This dish is loved by family and friends. It is a nutritious breakfast dish, a dish that is perfectly combined between the sweetness of Gac fruit, the fleshiness, the warmness of spices and the toughness of sky rice.

20 tháng 10 2019

Ingredients: Half a pound of glutinous rice (the best kind of glutinous rice is still called the yellow flower sky rice, I don't understand why. Half of the fruit is ripe with red) Sugar, salt in the grain. Half a cup of white wine. A small stainless steel basket ( medium size rice cooker) (diameter should be around 18-20cm) / stainless steel jar. Steamer (I don't know what to call it, but rest assured, the rice cooker usually has this device, used for steaming buns. no, you can still flexibly use a small bowl instead! Electric rice cooker / chopsks / spoon

During the cooking process with the rice cooker (lasting about 1 hour - half hour) should regularly check the pot and occasionally turn on the Warm mode when the water boils (Because remember that sky rice cooked by steam). Also note 2-3 times to open the lid of the pot to stir the rice evenly!

các bạn dịch ra và trả lời nha >3<

20 tháng 10 2019

Câu 1 của bạn thiếu động từ nhé!

1, The children are excited with the diffrent games

->The more difficult the games are, the more excited the children are.

2,people drive fist Mary accident happen

-> The frist driver Mary caused the accident

3, I meet him much. i hate him much

-> The more I meet him , the more I hate him 

18 tháng 10 2019

The Kinh - are also known as the Vietnamese, and Son La is the second largest group, accounting for 18% of the province's population. Population is concentrated in urban areas. Kinh language in Vietnamese - Muong language. Apart from the part of ethnic minorities residing in Son La area, many people have just moved from the North and North Central Plains. Especially since listening to the call of the Party to build mountainous economic development, Kinh people from the delta provinces to Son La; The family of Dien Bien Phu campaign soldiers stayed in the mountainous region. At present, some areas in the province of Kinh ethnic minorities include Kinh people in Hai Duong, Hung Yen and Thai Binh provinces in Song Ma and Yen Chau districts; Thai Binh province in Thuan Chau, Ha Tay province in Mai Son and so on.Kinh people living in Son La are interspersed with ethnic minority people. They quickly integrate in production, cultural exchange and solidarity to create cohesion and development in Son land. Leaves. The Kinh are also called Vietnamese. The Kinh language belongs to the Viet-Muong language group. Kinh people do farming. In the wet rice cultivation, the Kinh people have traditionally built dikes, ditches. Horulture, mulberry growing, livestock and poultry husbandry, river fishing and marine fish development. Pottery is very early. Kinh people have habits betel betel, drinking tea, water. In addition to fried rice, sky rice, also porridge, sky rice. Shrimp sauce, duck eggs flipped is a unique dish of the Kinh.The Kinh village is often surrounded by bamboo, and there is a strong village gate in many places. Each village has a communal meeting place and worship. Kinh people live in the land. In the Kinh family, the husband (the father) is the owner. Children take their father and father's relatives as "family", while mother is "grandfather". The first son was responsible for organizing the worship of his parents, grandparents. Each of them has their own church, with their heads in charge of their work. Monogamy marriage The wedding is going through many rituals, the boy asked his wife and married his wife. After the wedding, the bride returns home. The men respect virginity, virtue of the bride, and pay attention to their background.The ancestor worshipers of the Kinh. The deceased are sacrificed by their descendants every year on the day they die. Their graves are regularly visited by relatives and carers. Every year the farmer has a series of festivals and festivals associated with farmer beliefs. In addition, Buddhism, Taoism, Taoism, Catholicism from the outside came into being received at different levels. The literary capital of the Kinh is quite large: oral literature (stories, folk songs, proverbs), literary literature (poetry, literature, books). Early and advanced art in many respects: singing, music, sculpture, painting, dancing, singing. The annual village festival is one of the most exciting and lively events in the countryside.

=> Dịch :

Người Kinh - còn được gọi là người Việt Nam,và Sơn La là nhóm lớn thứ hai, chiếm 18% dân số của tỉnh. Dân số tập trung ở thành thị. Tiếng Kinh trong tiếng Việt - tiếng Mường. Ngoài một phần của các dân tộc thiểu số cư trú tại khu vực Sơn La, nhiều người mới chuyển đến từ đồng bằng Bắc và Bắc Trung Bộ. Nhất là từ khi nghe lời kêu gọi của Đảng xây dựng phát triển kinh tế miền núi, người Kinh từ các tỉnh đồng bằng đến Sơn La; Gia đình chiến sĩ Điện Biên Phủ ở lại miền núi. Hiện nay, một số khu vực trong tỉnh của các dân tộc thiểu số Kinh bao gồm người Kinh ở các tỉnh Hải Dương, Hưng Yên và Thái Bình ở các huyện Tống Ma và Yên Châu; Tỉnh Thái Bình ở Thuận Châu, tỉnh Hà Tây ở Mai Sơn, v.v. Người dân sống ở Sơn La xen kẽ với người dân tộc thiểu số. Họ nhanh chóng hòa nhập trong sản xuất, trao đổi văn hóa và đoàn kết để tạo sự gắn kết và phát triển trên đất Sơn. Lá. Người Kinh còn được gọi là người Việt. Ngôn ngữ Kinh thuộc nhóm ngôn ngữ Việt-Mường. Người Kinh làm nông nghiệp. Trong nghề trồng lúa nước, người Kinh có truyền thống xây đê, mương. Trồng trọt, trồng dâu, chăn nuôi gia súc, gia cầm, đánh bắt cá trên sông và phát triển cá biển. Đồ gốm là rất sớm. Người Kinh có thói quen ăn trầu, uống trà, uống nước. Ngoài cơm chiên, xôi, còn cháo, xôi. Mắm tôm, trứng vịt lộn là một món ăn độc đáo của người Kinh. Làng Kinh thường được bao quanh bởi tre, và có một cổng làng mạnh mẽ ở nhiều nơi. Mỗi làng có một nơi gặp gỡ và thờ cúng chung. Người Kinh sống trong đất. Trong gia đình người Kinh, người chồng (người cha) là chủ sở hữu. Con cái lấy cha mẹ của họ làm "gia đình", còn mẹ là "ông nội". Con trai đầu chịu trách nhiệm tổ chức lễ cúng cha mẹ, ông bà. Mỗi người trong số họ có nhà thờ riêng, với những người đứng đầu phụ trách công việc của họ. Hôn nhân một vợ một chồng Đám cưới đang trải qua nhiều nghi thức, chàng trai hỏi vợ và cưới vợ. Sau đám cưới, cô dâu trở về nhà. Những người đàn ông tôn trọng sự trinh trắng, đức hạnh của cô dâu và chú ý đến nền tảng của họ. Những người thờ cúng tổ tiên của người Kinh. Những người quá cố được con cháu của họ hy sinh hàng năm vào ngày họ chết. Ngôi mộ của họ thường xuyên được người thân và người chăm sóc đến thăm. Mỗi năm người nông dân có một loạt các lễ hội và lễ hội gắn liền với niềm tin của người nông dân. Ngoài ra, Phật giáo, Đạo giáo, Đạo giáo, Công giáo từ bên ngoài ra đời được tiếp nhận ở các cấp độ khác nhau. Kinh đô văn học của người Kinh khá lớn: văn học truyền miệng (truyện, dân ca, tục ngữ), văn học văn học (thơ, văn, sách). Nghệ thuật sớm và tiên tiến ở nhiều khía cạnh: ca hát, âm nhạc, điêu khắc, hội họa, nhảy múa, ca hát. Lễ hội làng hàng năm là một trong những sự kiện sôi động và sôi động nhất ở vùng nông thôn.

#Băng Băng

18 tháng 10 2019

The Kinh are also known as the Vietnamese, and Son La is the second largest group, accounting for 18% of the province's population. Population is concentrated in urban areas. Kinh language in Vietnamese - Muong language. Apart from the part of ethnic minorities residing in Son La area, many people have just moved from the North and North Central Plains. Especially since listening to the call of the Party to build mountainous economic development, Kinh people from the delta provinces to Son La; The family of Dien Bien Phu campaign soldiers stayed in the mountainous region. At present, some areas in the province of Kinh ethnic minorities include Kinh people in Hai Duong, Hung Yen and Thai Binh provinces in Song Ma and Yen Chau districts; Thai Binh province in Thuan Chau, Ha Tay province in Mai Son and so on.Kinh people living in Son La are interspersed with ethnic minority people. They quickly integrate in production, cultural exchange and solidarity to create cohesion and development in Son land. Leaves. The Kinh are also called Vietnamese. The Kinh language belongs to the Viet-Muong language group. Kinh people do farming. In the wet rice cultivation, the Kinh people have traditionally built dikes, ditches. Horulture, mulberry growing, livestock and poultry husbandry, river fishing and marine fish development. Pottery is very early. Kinh people have habits betel betel, drinking tea, water. In addition to fried rice, sky rice, also porridge, sky rice. Shrimp sauce, duck eggs flipped is a unique dish of the Kinh.The Kinh village is often surrounded by bamboo, and there is a strong village gate in many places. Each village has a communal meeting place and worship. Kinh people live in the land. In the Kinh family, the husband (the father) is the owner. Children take their father and father's relatives as "family", while mother is "grandfather". The first son was responsible for organizing the worship of his parents, grandparents. Each of them has their own church, with their heads in charge of their work. Monogamy marriage The wedding is going through many rituals, the boy asked his wife and married his wife. After the wedding, the bride returns home. The men respect virginity, virtue of the bride, and pay attention to their background.The ancestor worshipers of the Kinh. The deceased are sacrificed by their descendants every year on the day they die. Their graves are regularly visited by relatives and carers. Every year the farmer has a series of festivals and festivals associated with farmer beliefs. In addition, Buddhism, Taoism, Taoism, Catholicism from the outside came into being received at different levels. The literary capital of the Kinh is quite large: oral literature (stories, folk songs, proverbs), literary literature (poetry, literature, books). Early and advanced art in many respects: singing, music, sculpture, painting, dancing, singing. The annual village festival is one of the most exciting and lively events in the countryside.

18 tháng 10 2019

C. the

mk nghĩ rằng the đứng trước 1 danh từ mà nó có nghĩa độc nhất.

18 tháng 10 2019

The answer is A

18 tháng 10 2019






Hok tốt

"Một cuốn sách mới đang được bán"

TL :

A new book is on sale : Một cuốn sách mới đang được bán

Google dịch dịch thế đấy.

Chúc bn hok tốt ~

17 tháng 10 2019

 Không thể vừa ngáp vừa hắt xì :))

17 tháng 10 2019

Không thể vùa ngáp vừa hắt xì -.-

17 tháng 10 2019

Use the suggestions to write sentences of comparative

1.Your brother/optimis/you

=>Your brother is more optimis than you


=>The air in the countryside is healthier than The air in the city


=>People in the countryside work harder than People in the city

4.This paddy field/large/five stadiums

=>This paddy field is larger than five stadiums

5.A cow/plough/bad/a buffalo

=>A cow ploughs worse than a buffalo

6.Mai/speak English/fluent/her sister

=>Mai speaks E more fluently than her sister does


=>Summer is hotter than autumn


=>Life in the countryside is more peaceful than life in the city

9.An ox/strong/a horse

=>An ox is stronger than a horse

10.Quang/write/careful/his friends

=>Quang writes more carefully than his friends do