Bài 1 : Reoder the words to make sentences
1 . We are the supermarket to buy some milk going to
2 . is Mr . White so early tonight ? in bed Why
3 . are there How many hours in a day ?
Bài 2 :Fill in the blank
1 . st_rt 3 . photo_raph 5 . b_ilding
2 . san_wich 4 . _inute 6 . inter_sted
Bài 3 : Leave me out
1 . adddress 3 . riebbons 5 . diffferently
2 . vegeatables 4 . amuslement 6 . Noavember
Bài 4 : Matching
1 . hungry 2 . guitar 3 . fruit juice 4 . peguin 5 . banana
6 . want 7 . library 8 . circus 9 . view 10 . summer
a . thư viện b . muốn c . chim cách cụt d . phong cảnh e . mùa hè
f . đói g . rạp xiếc h . quả chuối i . nước ép j . đàn ghi ta
Bài 5 : Choose the correct answer
1 . Which sentences is correct
a . I always get up early c . Always I early get up
b . I get up always early d . I up get early always
2 . Which colour do you want ?
a . Is that c . Yes , please to me
b . Here is d . That one
1:Do U think that the wind is smart ?
2: đề sai
3:She think that Edogawa Conan is intelligent and brave
4:What happened first in this story ?
5:What do U think of the Sun