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Topic 2 :
It's my pleasure to introduce you to New Zealand the island of spectacular scenery. New Zealand is one of the most isolated countries in the world. Many people think New Zealand is close to Australia. But that's not the case. New Zealand is the same distance from Australia as Viet Nam is from Japan. New Zealand lies in the southwest Pacific Ocean and has two large islands ( The North island and The South island ), plus one small island and numerous smaller island. Wellington is the capital city of New Zealand. New Zealand is long and narrow with a total land area of 268,000 square kilometers, while Viet Nam is approximately 331,210 square kilometers. Meanwhile, the population of New Zealand is approximately 4 million people and 95 million people live in Vietnam. As you know, people from New Zealand are called New Zealanders and also Kiwis as the nickname. Their official languages are English, Maori and sign languages. Here are some very interesting facts of New Zealand that you must know. The longest name for a place in the world is Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu …I can't say that. That is too long. It is the name of a hill in Hawkes Bay with 85 characters. 10 points if you can pronounce it. Blue Lake, in Nelson Lakes National Park, has the clearest water in the world. Are you afraid of snakes? If yes, New Zealand is the place for you. There are no land snakes, native or introduces in New Zealand . When you meet a Maori person in New Zealand, do you know how to greet them? Touch their nose with your nose. When in New Zealand , don't forget to visit the famous Hobbion movie set of the film " thr Lord of the Ring ". Do you agree with me that New Zealand is country worth visiting? I love New zealand very much.

To clearly see the role of science and technology in economic growth, it is important to understand the concepts of: what is science, what is technology, between science and technology? Science is a conscious system of phenomena, things, laws of social nature and thought. The purpose of science is to search, to explain the cause of things, phenomena, processes in nature and society of thought. The content of science answers the "why" question. According to the approach from the way of organizing scientific research people divided into basic science and applied science. If science is a consciousness system, technology is a collection of methods, procedures, techniques, know-how, tools, means to convert resources into desired products and services. Technology has four elements: tools, people, information and organization. These four elements interact with one another and together carry out the production process, referring to technology, which refers to " how".

The tendency for the establishment of forms of international cooperation in science and technology is becoming more widespread with the participation of many companies and countries in fields such as electronics, informatics and telecommunications, Transportation, marine, environmental and other high-tech areas. The above cooperation is often assessed through key indicators such as the growth of incoming and outgoing traffic Of foreign direct investment; Number of laboratories, R & D centers invested or joint ventured; Mergers, joint ventures, and joint ventures between some large companies of international scale have confirmed the trend of increasing cooperation and internationalization in the manufacturing sector. Scientific research and technological development aimed at improving the capacity and competitiveness in the international market.
For developing countries, international integration in science and technology is a driving force for domestic scientific and technological activities in order to effectively exploit the world's science and technology achievements. To attract foreign resources and technology to raise and develop the level of S & T in the country, contributing to the achievement of socio-economic development strategy objectives and step by step integrating into the knowledge economy of the country. world.
In our country, the Prime Minister has approved the project of international integration in science and technology to 2020 with the aim of making Vietnam a strong country in a number of science and technology fields by 2020.

Today, the agricultural revolution, the renaissance, the industrial revolution, the information age are each composed of innumerable individual advances in science & technology. There are obvious advantages of technologythe such as:
- Life is become easy and comfortable through science and technology.
- Travelling has become easy and fast in minutes.
- Communication is become easy, fast and cheaper.
- Standard of living have increased with the increase in technology.
- Human have become advanced by using various new technology.
- Due to the development in the science and technology impossible have become possible.
- Difficult thing and work have become easy and comfort to man due to science and technology.
- Life has become easy and stable.
But there are obvious disadvantages of technologythe such as:
- Human had misused the technology and used in destructive purpose.
- Human is doing illegal things by using it.
- New Technology like mobile, I-pad,.. etc. are creating bad effect on children.
- Terrorist are using modern technology for their destructive work.
- Due to the development of atomic energy and atom bomb create many harmful diseases like skin disease etc.
- Heart disease, brain disease are caused due to the vibration of the mobile phone.
- Modern technology have not only affected man only but it also affected plants and creatures also due to nuclear energy.
- Due to the development of modern technology natural beauty is decreasing.
The above are some advantages and disadvantages of science and technology.

Advantages :))
Science and technology has become a debated topic in the society. On one hand, it is necessary for the modern life where other countries are continuously developing in the field of science and technology. It becomes very necessary for other countries too to grow in the same way to be strong and well developed like other countries for the future safety and security. It is science and technology which helps other weak countries to develop and be strong. We have to take support of science and technology forever to improve the way of life for the betterment of mankind. If we do not take the help of technologies such as computer, internet, electricity, etc we cannot be economically strong in the future and would be backward forever even we cannot survive in such a competitive and technological world.
Advancement in the field of medical, agriculture, education, economy, sports, games, jobs, tourism, etc are the examples of science and technology. All such advancements show us that how both are equally beneficial for our life. We can see a clear difference in our life style while matching the ancient and modern way of life. High level of scientific and technological advancement in the field of medicine has made easy the treatment of various lethal diseases which was earlier not possible. It has helped a lot to the doctors to find effective ways to cure diseases through medicine or operations as well as research vaccines to cure diseases such as cancer, AIDS, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Leukemia, etc.
Disadvantagesssss :)))
Disadvantages of science not much but technology, yes. Technology has in our lives helped in creating comfort, increasing productivity and connecting more of us with each other. While it has some advantages like I can effortlessly travel between two far away places, do more stuff in a day and talk to my mom and dad over the internet where we are miles away from each other, it has its pitfalls.
First, it has made us move less than we used to. We don't walk much as our ancestors did. We don't lift things to clean, slog and move our muscles to do household chores. This makes one of the greatest problems of the western world - obesity.
Secondly, increased productivity and better refrigeration means increased production of processed foods. Junk foods with high concentrations of sugar and fat. Again a problem that is faced globally and in more in the western world like diabetes, high cholesterol, coronary heart disease. Etc.
Thirdly, connecting more of us with each other. This is a boon and a bane. When you are Connected it's not just you who gets access to the internet but also that the internet has access to you. This can have adverse consequences if not used cautiously like cyber data crimes - e.g. The recent Facebook-Cambridge analytica issue which led to personally identifiable information to be sold without consent to a third party by Facebook.
Finally, it's not just the technology to be really blamed here. It's the abuse of technology like misusing or total reliance on technology for basic tasks that make it a disadvantage.

Hal Varian, chief economist at Google, has a simple way to predict the future. The future is simply what rich people have today. The rich have chauffeurs. In the future, we will have driverless cars that chauffeur us all around. The rich have private bankers. In the future, we will all have robo-bankers.
One thing that we imagine that the rich have today are lives of leisure. So will our future be one in which we too have lives of leisure, and the machines are taking the sweat? We will be able to spend our time on more important things than simply feeding and housing ourselves?
Let’s turn to another chief economist. Andy Haldane is chief economist at the Bank of England. In November 2015, he predicted that 15 million jobs in the UK, roughly half of all jobs, were under threat from automation. You’d hope he knew what he was talking about.
AdvertisementAnd he’s not the only one making dire predictions. Politicians. Bankers. Industrialists. They’re all saying a similar thing.
“We need urgently to face the challenge of automation, robotics that could make so much of contemporary work redundant”, Jeremy Corbyn at the Labour Party Conference in September 2017.
“World Bank data has predicted that the proportion of jobs threatened by automation in India is 69 percent, 77 percent in China and as high as 85 percent in Ethiopia”, according to World Bank president Jim Yong Kim in 2016.
It really does sound like we might be facing the end of work as we know it.
Many of these fears can be traced back to a 2013 study from the University of Oxford. This made a much quoted prediction that 47% of jobs in the US were under threat of automation in the next two decades. Other more recent and detailed studies have made similar dramatic predictions.
Now, there’s a lot to criticize in the Oxford study. From a technical perspective, some of report’s predictions are clearly wrong. The report gives a 94% probability that bicycle repair person will be automated in the next two decades. And, as someone trying to build that future, I can reassure any bicycle repair person that there is zero chance that we will automate even small parts of your job anytime soon. The truth of the matter is no one has any real idea of the number of jobs at risk.
Even if we have as many as 47% of jobs automated, this won’t translate into 47% unemployment. One reason is that we might just work a shorter week. That was the case in the Industrial Revolution. Before the Industrial Revolution, many worked 60 hours per week. After the Industrial Revolution, work reduced to around 40 hours per week. The same could happen with the unfolding AI Revolution.
Another reason that 47% automation won’t translate into 47% unemployment is that all technologies create new jobs as well as destroy them. That’s been the case in the past, and we have no reason to suppose that it won’t be the case in the future. There is, however, no fundamental law of economics that requires the same number of jobs to be created as destroyed. In the past, more jobs were created than destroyed but it doesn’t have to be so in the future.
In the Industrial Revolution, machines took over many of the physical tasks we used to do. But we humans were still left with all the cognitive tasks. This time, as machines start to take on many of the cognitive tasks too, there’s the worrying question: what is left for us humans?
Some of my colleagues suggest there will be plenty of new jobs like robot repair person. I am entirely unconvinced by such claims. The thousands of people who used to paint and weld in most of our car factories got replaced by only a couple of robot repair people.
No, the new jobs will have to be doing jobs where either humans excel or where we choose not to have machines. But here’s the contradiction. In fifty to hundred years time, machines will be super-human. So it’s hard to imagine of any job where humans will remain better than the machines. This means the only jobs left will be those where we prefer humans to do them.
The AI Revolution then will be about rediscovering the things that make us human. Technically, machines will have become amazing artists. They will be able to write music to rival Bach, and paintings to match Picasso. But we’ll still prefer works produced by human artists.
These works will speak to the human experience. We will appreciate a human artist who speaks about love because we have this in common. No machine will truly experience love like we do.
As well as the artistic, there will be a re-appreciation of the artisan. Indeed, we see the beginnings of this already in hipster culture. We will appreciate more and more those things made by the human hand. Mass-produced goods made by machine will become cheap. But items made by hand will be rare and increasingly valuable.
Finally as social animals, we will also increasingly appreciate and value social interactions with other humans. So the most important human traits will be our social and emotional intelligence, as well as our artistic and artisan skills. The irony is that our technological future will not be about technology but all about our humanity.
Toby Walsh is Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of New South Wales, in Sydney, Australia. His new book, “Android Dreams: the past, present and future of Artificial Intelligence” was published in the UK by Hurst Publishers in September 2017. It’s available from the Guardian Bookshop. You can read more at his blog, http://thefutureofai.blogspot.com/
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Imagine one day , you will be an astronaut who are going to explore the Jupiter and suddenly you meet a alien . Well in my opinion , I think that he or she may be very nice and have a similar figure like in some movies we watch . I think the inhabitants of Jupiter may be very different to human beings. This is how imagine them: They may be much bigger and more powerful than humans. Jupiterians may have eight legs and be able to move very fast. They may have a lot of hair all over their bodies and their skin might be very think so they can live in temperatures of around - 145 degrees Celsius. They may have four eyes and be able to see very far. They may also have a very good sence of smell and they may even be able to sense others’ feelings like happiness or fear. And I don’t think they eat and drink like us. Instead, they get all their energy from the rocks. They may charge their bodies by plugging their feet into the rock, just like charging a battery. That way, they don’t even need to breathe air. The only way they may be similar to us is they live in family units of parents and children. They may also use language to communicate with each other.