Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

In the past, children didn't use to go to school but now everyone have to go to school.
In the past, people used to travel on foot but now people travel bay car, motorbike and planes.
In the past, people used to work on the farms but now people usually work in factories, companies.
In the past, children used to spend their free time playing traditional games but now children spend their free time on video games.
In the past, people used to live in houses which made of straw but now people live in buildings and big houses which made of bricks.
In the past, people used to wear traditional clothes but now people wear modern clothes.
In the past, people used to work by hand but now people can work by modern equipment.
In the past, there didn't use to be electricity but now electricity is almost around the country.
Things of the past and now completely different. For example, old farmers used buffalo or iron and aluminum tools for farming, but now science has improved to create modern tractors. The second most important thing is the means. In the past, people just walk, but now they go by bike, motorbike, car, ... very convenient. There are many other great inventions of humanity but I can not account for all. this is my work study. Good luck!

Tái chế.
Bạn đã bao giờ thử nghĩ rằng nhiều thứ mà bạn có được trong một ngày nào đó sẽ bị ném đổ hết ra ngoài ? Nghĩ về quần áo của bạn, cái tivi, và cái lò. Chúng sẽ bị xé ra hoặc bị phá vỡ. Hoặc bạn chỉ muốn những thứ mới, tốt hơn. Nhưng những thứ đó sẽ đi đâu về đâu khi mà bạn ném chúng đi ?
Tin xấu rằng đa số những thứ bị ném đi sẽ ở trong một bãi rác. Bãi rác là một hố chôn lớn giữa bề mặt đất.Và có thể ở trong đó sẽ có bê tông hoặc nhựa. Chính cái nhựa này sẽ giữ hóa chất thấm vào nguồn nước xung quanh bãi rác đó.Những chiếc xe rác lấp đầy cái hố bằng tất cả những gì con người thải ra ngoài. Chúng đổ những đồ vật đó vào những cái hố. Xe lu bao bọc mọi thứ lại bằng đất. Nhưng đang có một cách tốt hơn. Và kể từ khi chúng ta đang cạn kiệt dần những khoảng trống cho hố rác, nhiều người đang thực hiện cách này.
Cách tốt nhất ở đây là tái chế. Tái chế cho phép nhiều thứ bị vứt đi có thể sử dụng lại. Cho đi những chiếc TV cũ và chiếc lò cũ. Chúng có thể được sửa lại để mà những người khác cũng có thể sử dụng. Quần áo có thể gửi đến cho những người mà cần chúng. Đa số thủy tinh, ly chén, nhựa, kim loại thì có thể tái tạo lại.Khi mà mọi người tái chế những thứ này, chúng giúp cho môi trường sống. Chúng giúp tiết kiệm không gian cho những hố rác.
Một số người lại có thùng đựng rác. Họ để giấy, kim loại, ly, và nhựa ở trong đó. Một chiếc xe tải đặc biệt lấy những thứ đó vào một trung tâm chế biến. Nhiều người khác phải lái xe đến một trung tâm chế biến nào đó và đưa những thứ này đến đó.
Chuyện gì sẽ xảy ra ở trung tâm tái chế ? Giấy sẽ được xé nhỏ, sau đó trộn với nước và bột gỗ để làm ra giấy mới. Ly thủy tinh, kim loại và nhựa thì được nung nấu.Sau đó chúng được đổ ra khuôn mẫu để làm những thứ mới. Những chiếc bình thủy tinh được nung nấu và trở thành những bình thủy tinh mới.Tái chế cho phép những thứ cũ được sử dụng nhiều lần.
Đây nhé :)
Tái chế
Bạn đã bao giờ nghĩ về việc rằng những thứ mà bạn đang sở hữu sẽ bị vứt đi một ngày nào đó chưa? Hãy nghĩ về quần áo của bạn, cái ti vi, và cái bếp lò. Chúng sẽ bị xé rách đi hoặc là bị hư, hoặc là bạn có lẽ chỉ muốn có được những thứ mới và tốt hơn. Nhưng những đồ vật đó sẽ đi đâu nếu bạn vứt chúng đi?
Tin tệ là phần lớn chúng sẽ đưa đến hố chôn rác. Hố chôn rác là một cái hố lớn trên mặt đất, nó có thể có lớp lót bằng bê tông hoặc nhựa. Lớp lót này giữ các hoá chất không tràn vào nước ngầm ở quanh bãi rác. Xe chở rác sẽ lấp đầy tất cả những thứ mà người ta vứt xuống hố rác và đổ chất tải xuống cái hố. Những chiếc xe ủi sẽ che lấp tất cả với đất. Nhưng có một cách làm tốt hơn, và từ khi chúng ta đang hết không gian cho bãi rác, nhiều người đang thực hiện cách làm này.
Cách làm tốt hơn này là tái chế. Tái chế để cho nhiều thứ có thể được sử dụng lại lần nữa. Cho đi một cái ti vi cũ hoặc chiếc bếp lò, chúng có thể được sửa lại, nhờ thế ai đó khác có thể sử dụng chúng. Quần áo có thể được gửi đến những người cần chúng. Phần lớn thuỷ tinh, giấy. nhựa và kim loại thì có thể tái chế được. Khi người ta tái chế những thứ này sẽ giúp được cho môi trường, điều này sẽ tiết kiệm được không gian để làm bãi rác! ( Con người làm mất đi không gian để làm bãi rác nhiều hơn bất cứ thứ gì! )
Một số người có thùng rác. Họ vứt giấy, kim loại, thuỷ tinh và nhựa vào chiếc thùng. Một chiếc xe tải đặc biệt sẽ đưa nững thứ này đến một trung tâm xử lý. Những người khác sẽ lái xe đến một trung tâm tái chế và để rác ở đó.
Điều gì sẽ xảy ra tại một trung tâm tái chế? Giấy bị xé nhỏ ra rồi được pha trộn với nước và bột gỗ để làm giấy mới. Thuỷ tinh, kim loại và nhựa bị nấu chảy, sau đó chúng được đổ vào khuôn để hình thành một vật mới. Những chiếc lọ thuỷ tinh được nấu chảy và trở thành những chiếc lọ mới. Tái chế khiến các đồ vật được sử dụng hoài hoài.
Oke, tự dịch đó :v Có gì sai sót thông cảm nha :))

Fifty years ago, the tools we rely upon to communicate today were only science fiction. Today, you can purchase a smartphone and make calls, surf the Web, play games, run applications and accomplish more than most speculative fiction authors dared to dream. So what's next?
In the short term, we'll likely see basic cell phones slowly fade away. As smartphones become more common and less expensive, more people will adopt them. The process is gradual. As with most new technologies, a group of enthusiastic adopters lead the way. Sometimes, the general population will follow the early pioneers -- the compact disc is a good example of such technology. In other cases, the early adopters end up owning technology that becomes obsolete without ever finding wide acceptance -- like LaserDiscs.
Smartphones seem to be in the first category. Products like the Apple iPhone and Google's Android operating system have pushed the smartphone out of the world of gadget geeks and into the mass market. In 2010, the first 4G smartphone for a major carrier in the United States made an appearance. It was the HTC EVO 4G, running on Sprint's WiMAX network [source: CNET]. The 4G network allows for faster data transfer speeds than other networks.
The Internet will continue to play an increasing role in communication. Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) already plays a large role in several communication products and services. Sites like Facebook and Twitter allow users to communicate with networks of people. With the rise of the Web, people now have a platform from which they can address the world. In the past, only celebrities and politicians could address so many people at one time. Now, anyone with an Internet connection can do the same thing.
This may lead to changes in everything from entertainment to politics. Using the Web as a communication tool, people with aspirations may be able to find an audience more easily than ever before. It may not be long until a relatively unknown person uses the Internet to win enough support to be elected president of the United States.
So far we've looked at some fairly mundane advances in communication. But what about the distant future?

Learning a language is, in some ways, like learning how to fly or play the piano. There some differences, but there is a very important similarity. It is this: learning how to do such things needs lots of practice. It is never enough simply to “know” something. You must be able to “do” things with what to know. For example, it is not enough simply to read a book on how to fly an aeroplane. A book can give you lots of information about how to fly, but if you only read a book and then try to fly without a great deal of practice first, you will crash and kill yourself. The same is true of learning the piano or learning a foreign language. Can you speak English well without having lots of practice? “Practice makes perfect” is what every learner of a foreign language should know.
1. Learning a foreign language and learning to fly are the same in an important way.
2. Information about flying from books is enough for someone to fly. T
3. It is dangerous to try to fly without any real practice.F
4. Talking to a native speaker can be a good way to speak English well.T
5. Language learners can make their English perfect without practice.F
Điền T or F
Read the passage, then write true (T) or false (F) for the following sentences.
Learning a language is, in some ways, like learning how to fly or play the piano. There some differences, but there is a very important similarity. It is this: learning how to do such things needs lots of practice. It is never enough simply to “know” something. You must be able to “do” things with what to know. For example, it is not enough simply to read a book on how to fly an aeroplane. A book can give you lots of information about how to fly, but if you only read a book and then try to fly without a great deal of practice first, you will crash and kill yourself. The same is true of learning the piano or learning a foreign language. Can you speak English well without having lots of practice? “Practice makes perfect” is what every learner of a foreign language should know.
1. Learning a foreign language and learning to fly are the same in an important way. T
2. Information about flying from books is enough for someone to fly.T
3. It is dangerous to try to fly without any real practice.F
4. Talking to a native speaker can be a good way to speak English well.T
5. Language learners can make their English perfect without practice.F

Nowadays, more and more people are changing the way they use their televisions.Some years ago we (1)...used... to turn on TV and watch whatever there was.But now we choose the (2)...programs... we watch much more carefully because we have many (3)...other... interesting things to do.One result of this change is that we are also becoming (4)...more... careful about the actual television set itself. As we watch fewer programs, we want to be sure that we will (5)...have... a really good picture, with bright color and clear sound. Because it will be switched off (6)...most... of the time, we also want the television to look good when we are not watching it. So when we (7)...buy... or rent we look at the outside to make sure it is attractive and will look right (8)...with... other furniture.Of course we have to (9)...pay... more for high quality.However it seems that the number of (10)...people... who are content to do is increasing and this should have a good result because in the end all television will have better quality.

VI. Read the text below and look carefully at each numbered line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If the line is correct, put a tick (√) by the number. If the line has a word which should not be there, write that word by the number. There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00). (5pts)
A load of rubbish
Line |
In the UK, people are finally starting to listen to the message about recycling. British families now recycle about 22% of their waste. Only for five years ago, the figure was 10%. That’s good news for the environment- but there’s a lot more than to do. Some other European countries, like Germany and Holland, already recycle about 60% of their waste and that’s the goal for the UK. Households in England which produce 25 million tons of waste a year. More than half of this is garden waste, paper, cardboard and kitchen waste – with which people could recycle. They could also recycle plastic, wood, glass and aluminum cans. In fact, if everybody in the UK was recycled all of their drink cans, there would be 14 million fewer rubbish bins of waste each year. Recycling isn’t the only way to reduce the amount of rubbish what we throw away. More than 40% of the waste in our bins is packaging from shopping. If we changed the way to we shop, we could easily reduce the amount of waste. For example, street markets and small shops often use less packaging than supermarkets. And being of course, if we grow our own vegetables, there wouldn’t be any packaging at all. |
0. √ 00. for 1. than 2. √ 3. which 4. with 5. was 6. √ 7. what 8. to 9. √ 10. being

Every December millions of Christmas cards go through the post . There are pictures of the stars and snow or Christmas (1) trees In these days it is hard to think of Christmas (2)without Christmas cards . Yet little over a hundred and fifty years ago there were (3) nothing at all.Here is just one story of the way in which they started.
Some boys of those days who were at boarding schools had to write a special piece of English at Chritmas (4)time . This was sent to their (5)parents so that they could see how the boys' work was during the year .
Young people like to make little (6)drawings on the paper when they write letters or poems.These boys were the (7)same They used to draw little pictures all (8) round the writing . Sometimes they coloured them , and after a time the (10)first Christmas cards.
Every December millions of Christmas cards go through the post . There are pictures of the stars and snow or Christmas (1) t...trees ... In these days it is hard to think of Christmas (2)w..without....... Christmas cards . Yet little over a hundred and fifty years ago there were (3) n..nothing ... at all.Here is just one story of the way in which they started.
Some boys of those days who were at boarding schools had to write a special piece of English at Chritmas (4)t.......time...... . This was sent to their (5)p.........parents ....... so that they could see how the boys' work was during the year .
Young people like to make little (6)d.........drawings .................. on the paper when they write letters or poems.These boys were the (7)s.............same................. They used to draw little pictures all (8) r............round....... the writing . Sometimes they coloured them , and after a time the (10)f..first......... Christmas cards.
- People used to live in cottages or small houses, but now they live in modem ats. bigger houses or high buildings.
- People used to work hard, but now they have more free time for entertainment. People used to do tiring and low-paid jobs on farms or in the fields, but now rev can do lighter and higher-paid jobs in offices or firms.
- People used to travel on foot, but now they can go by bicycle, by motorbike. b\ car or even by plane.
- People used not to go to school, but now they can go to school and pursue
interests outside the homes.
- there used not to be electricity in the home, but now there is electricity in almost everywhere.
- There used not to be facilities such as schools, hospitals, hotels and markets. Now there are enough facilities for people to live on.
- There used not to be telephones, telegraph lines, internet services. Now there are telephones, telegraph lines and internet services available for people to use.
- People used to live in cottages or small houses, but now they live in modern flats, bigger houses or high buildings.
- People used to work hard, but now they have more free time for entertainment.
- People used to do tiring and low-paid jobs on farms or in the fields, but now they can do lighter and higher-paid jobs in offices or firms.
- People used to travel on foot, but now they can go by bicycle, by motorbike, by car or even by plane.
- People used not to go to school, but now they can go to school and pursue interests outside the homes.
- There used not to be electricity in the home, but now there is electricity in almost everywhere.
- There used not to be facilities such as schools, hospitals, hotels and markets. Now there are enough facilities for people to live on.
- There used not to be telephones, telegraph lines, internet services. Now there are telephones, telegraph lines and internet services available for people to use.