
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

8 tháng 5 2021

1. Hydroelectricity is a renewable energy source.

Hydroelectricity uses the energy of running water, without reducing its quantity, to produce electricity. Therefore, all hydroelectric developments, of small or large size, whether run of the river or of accumulated storage, fit the concept of renewable energy.

2. Hydroelectricity makes it feasible to utilize other renewable sources.

Hydroelectric power plants with accumulation reservoirs offer incomparable operational flexibility, since they can immediately respond to fluctuations in the demand for electricity. The flexibility and storage capacity of hydroelectric power plants make them more efficient and economical in supporting the use of intermittent sources of renewable energy, such as solar energy or Aeolian energy.

3. Hydroelectricity promotes guaranteed energy and price stability.

River water is a domes resource which, contrary to fuel or natural gas, is not subject to market fluctuations. In addition to this, it is the only large renewable source of electricity and its cost-benefit ratio, efficiency, flexibility and reliability assist in optimizing the use of thermal power plants.

4. Hydroelectricity contributes to the storage of drinking water.

Hydroelectric power plant reservoirs collect rainwater, which can then be used for consumption or for irrigation. In storing water, they protect the water tables against depletion and reduce our vulnerability to floods and droughts.

5. Hydroelectricity increases the stability and reliability of electricity systems.

The operation of electricity systems depends on rapid and flexible generation sources to meet peak demands, maintain the system voltage levels, and quickly re-establish supply after a blackout. Energy generated by hydroelectric installations can be injected into the electricity system faster than that of any other energy source. The capacity of hydroelectric systems to reach maximum production from zero in a rapid and foreseeable manner makes them exceptionally appropriate for addressing alterations in the consumption and providing ancillary services to the electricity system, thus maintaining the balance between the electricity supply and demand.

6. Hydroelectricity helps fight climate changes.

The hydroelectric life cycle produces very small amounts of greenhouse gases (GHG). In emitting less GHG than power plants driven by gas, coal or oil, hydroelectricity can help retard global warming. Although only 33% of the available hydroelectric potential has been developed, today hydroelectricity prevents the emission of GHG corresponding to the burning of 4.4 million barrels of petroleum per day worldwide.

7. Hydroelectricity improves the air we breathe.

Hydroelectric power plants don't release pollutants into the air. They very frequently substitute the generation from fossil fuels, thus reducing acid rain and smog. In addition to this, hydroelectric developments don't generate toxic by-products.

8. Hydroelectricity offers a significant contribution to development.

Hydroelectric installations bring electricity, highways, industry and commerce to communities, thus developing the economy, expanding access to health and education, and improving the quality of life. Hydroelectricity is a technology that has been known and proven for more than a century. Its impacts are well understood and manageable through measures for mitigating and compensating the damages. It offers a vast potential and is available where development is most necessary.

9. Hydroelectricity means clean and cheap energy for today and for tomorrow.

With an average lifetime of 50 to 100 years, hydroelectric developments are long-term investments that can benefit various generations. They can be easily upgraded to incorporate more recent technologies and have very low operating and maintenance costs.

10. Hydroelectricity is a fundamental instrument for sustainable development.

Hydroelectric enterprises that are developed and operated in a manner that is economically viable, environmentally sensible and socially responsible represent the best concept of sustainable development. That means, "development that today addresses people's needs without compromising the capacity of future generations for addressing their own needs" (World Commission on the Environment and Development, 1987).

8 tháng 5 2021

The best way to start saving on your electricity costs is to get smart with how you use electricity. Make these 21 no-cost changes in your home and you could save $500 or more a year, depending on a number of factors including the size of your home.

Now's the time to also join Team Power Smart and start a Reduction Challenge. If you can deliver on most of the 21 changes below, you could reduce your electricity use by 10% over the year and earn a $50 reward.

Well, to start off, I would to describe Tet, which is the most crucial national festival of Vietnam. In Vietnamese culture, Tết marks the beginning of the Lunar New Year. It usually lasts three days but celebrations continue for at least the first week of the New Year.
Moving on to the next question, in my opinion, the primary reason for its appearance is that Tết is a special occasion for family reunions as well as for celebrating the arrival of spring.
To celebrate the New Year, we do lots of things together. Before New Year’s Eve, we prepare some local specialties, such as Chưng cake, Vietnamese sausage and dried candied fruits to worship our ancestors and then enjoy during Tet. Houses are thoroughly cleaned out and then nicely furnished in the hopes of getting rid of the past year’s bad lucks. Additionally, many families usually decorate their houses with Kumquat trees, Apricot or Peach blossom and parallel sentences that are believed to bring luckiness, happiness and prosperity to them in the New Year.
All members in a family gather together and have parties to ring in the New Year. During Tết, there are a lot of customs praced, such as giving lucky money to children, visiting friends’ houses and going to churches, temples or pagodas to make good prays for their family.
If there’s time left, I would to explain its importance to our culture and me. With Vietnamese, Tết is vital as it’s a very meaningful tradition to welcome the New Year. And it’s more important because Tet is the time for families and relatives to gather under the same roof for rekindling love and bonding. For me, I always long for Tet as it’s the longest holiday, which can help me recover my battery after a long working year.

Dịch :

Vâng, để bắt đầu, tôi muốn mô tả Tết, đó là lễ hội quốc gia quan trọng nhất của Việt Nam. Trong văn hóa Việt Nam, Tết đánh dấu sự khởi đầu của Tết Nguyên đán. Nó thường kéo dài ba ngày nhưng lễ kỷ niệm tiếp tục ít nhất là tuần đầu tiên của năm mới. Chuyển sang câu hỏi tiếp theo, theo tôi, lý do chính cho sự xuất hiện của nó là Tết là một dịp đặc biệt cho các buổi sum họp gia đình cũng như để chào mừng mùa xuân đến. Để ăn mừng năm mới, chúng tôi làm rất nhiều thứ cùng nhau. Trước đêm giao thừa, chúng tôi chuẩn bị một số đặc sản địa phương, như bánh Chưng, xúc xích Việt Nam và trái cây kẹo khô để thờ cúng tổ tiên và sau đó thưởng thức trong dịp Tết. Những ngôi nhà được dọn dẹp kỹ lưỡng và sau đó được trang bị nội thất độc đáo với hy vọng thoát khỏi những chuyện tồi tệ trong năm qua. Ngoài ra, nhiều gia đình thường trang trí nhà cửa bằng cây Kumquat, hoa mai hoặc hoa đào và những câu song song được cho là mang lại may mắn, hạnh phúc và thịnh vượng cho họ trong năm mới. Tất cả các thành viên trong một gia đình quây quần bên nhau và có những bữa tiệc để chào mừng năm mới. Trong dịp Tết, có rất nhiều phong tục được thực hành, chẳng hạn như tặng tiền may mắn cho trẻ em, thăm bạn bè nhà ở và đến nhà thờ, đền chùa hoặc chùa để cầu nguyện cho gia đình. Nếu có thời gian còn lại, tôi muốn giải thích tầm quan trọng của nó đối với văn hóa của chúng tôi và tôi. Với người Việt Nam, Tết rất quan trọng vì nó là một truyền thống rất ý nghĩa để chào đón năm mới. Và nó quan trọng hơn vì Tết là thời gian để gia đình và người thân quây quần dưới cùng một mái nhà để khơi dậy tình yêu và sự gắn kết. Đối với tôi, tôi luôn khao khát Tết vì đây là kỳ nghỉ dài nhất, có thể giúp tôi phục hồi pin sau một năm làm việc dài.   Vâng, để bắt đầu, tôi muốn mô tả Tết, đó là lễ hội quốc gia quan trọng nhất của Việt Nam. Trong văn hóa Việt Nam, Tết đánh dấu sự khởi đầu của Tết Nguyên đán. Nó thường kéo dài ba ngày nhưng lễ kỷ niệm tiếp tục ít nhất là tuần đầu tiên của năm mới. Chuyển sang câu hỏi tiếp theo, theo tôi, lý do chính cho sự xuất hiện của nó là Tết là một dịp đặc biệt cho các buổi sum họp gia đình cũng như để chào mừng mùa xuân đến. Để ăn mừng năm mới, chúng tôi làm rất nhiều thứ cùng nhau. Trước đêm giao thừa, chúng tôi chuẩn bị một số đặc sản địa phương, như bánh Chưng, xúc xích Việt Nam và trái cây kẹo khô để thờ cúng tổ tiên và sau đó thưởng thức trong dịp Tết. Những ngôi nhà được dọn dẹp kỹ lưỡng và sau đó được trang bị nội thất độc đáo với hy vọng thoát khỏi những chuyện tồi tệ trong năm qua. Ngoài ra, nhiều gia đình thường trang trí nhà cửa bằng cây Kumquat, hoa mai hoặc hoa đào và những câu song song được cho là mang lại may mắn, hạnh phúc và thịnh vượng cho họ trong năm mới. Tất cả các thành viên trong một gia đình quây quần bên nhau và có những bữa tiệc để chào mừng năm mới. Trong dịp Tết, có rất nhiều phong tục được thực hành, chẳng hạn như tặng tiền may mắn cho trẻ em, thăm bạn bè nhà ở và đến nhà thờ, đền chùa hoặc chùa để cầu nguyện cho gia đình. Nếu có thời gian còn lại, tôi muốn giải thích tầm quan trọng của nó đối với văn hóa của chúng tôi và tôi. Với người Việt Nam, Tết rất quan trọng vì nó là một truyền thống rất ý nghĩa để chào đón năm mới. Và nó quan trọng hơn vì Tết là thời gian để gia đình và người thân quây quần dưới cùng một mái nhà để khơi dậy tình yêu và sự gắn kết. Đối với tôi, tôi luôn khao khát Tết vì đây là kỳ nghỉ dài nhất, có thể giúp tôi phục hồi pin sau một năm làm việc dài.   
25 tháng 2 2019

Hue Festival is a biannual celebration that takes place in UNESCO-listed Hue City, where you can enjoy an array of cultural events, games, and performances held over a week. Founded in 2000, the festival was held to preserve traditional customs that were practised during the Nguyen Dynasty. If you’re visiting Hue in April, May or June, expect unique showcases such as the Hue Poetry Festival, Dialogue of Drums and Percussions, and Ao Dai Fashion Shows, sporting activities kite flying, boat racing, and human chess, as well as street performances, film screenings and art exhibitions.

Lễ hội Huế là một lễ kỷ niệm sáu năm diễn ra tại thành phố Huế được UNESCO công nhận, nơi bạn có thể thưởng thức một loạt các sự kiện văn hóa, trò chơi và biểu diễn được tổ chức trong hơn một tuần. Được thành lập vào năm 2000, lễ hội được tổ chức để bảo tồn các phong tục truyền thống được thực hiện trong thời nhà Nguyễn. Nếu bạn đến thăm Huế vào tháng 4, tháng 5 hoặc tháng 6, hãy chờ đợi những buổi trình diễn độc đáo như Lễ hội thơ Huế, Đối thoại trống và bộ gõ, và các buổi trình diễn thời trang áo dài, cũng như các hoạt động thể thao như thả diều, đua thuyền và cờ vua như các buổi biểu diễn đường phố, chiếu phim và triển lãm nghệ thuật.

16 tháng 2 2022

Tham khảo: Harry Potter is one of my favourite movie. This movie becoming my favourite since it has been held on theatre eight years ago. In my opinion, the story is totally awesome. Based on the best seller novel by JK.Rowling, this movie becomes real. I mean that the story is fiction, but it looks real when we see the movie. This movie story tells about Harry Potter, he is a wizard child since he was a baby, but his parents died by the hand of The Dark wizard,Voldemort. So, he had to struggled on his whole life. When he turned to a young boy, Hogwart school of wizard and wizardry sent him a message that he is a student of that school. In there, he learned everything about magic, and also he found his true friendship, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. They always helped Harry Potter in everything, whether is right or wrong. They do this all together, happiness or sorrow. Harry Potter also learned how to love his parents, friends, teachers, and everything. When Voldemort comes to kill Harry Potter, Harry against hard to be win. His bestfriend helped him until they comes to chaotic, but they still hold out. With his witchcraft power, his friends help, and their corageous, voldemort got lost. From the story, i learn something about love, friendship, against everything bad, with our courageous and our heart and soul. That's why this movie becoming my favourite ever, because the story is touching, even it's just a fiction story. But it doesn't mind, because we get everything in this movie, the great adventure, and the philosophy of this movie, definitely Harry Potter is my favourite.

16 tháng 2 2022


 Harry Potter is one of my favourite movie. This movie becoming my favourite since it has been held on theatre eight years ago. In my opinion, the story is totally awesome. Based on the best seller novel by JK.Rowling, this movie becomes real. I mean that the story is fiction, but it looks real when we see the movie. This movie story tells about Harry Potter, he is a wizard child since he was a baby, but his parents died by the hand of The Dark wizard,Voldemort. So, he had to struggled on his whole life. When he turned to a young boy, Hogwart school of wizard and wizardry sent him a message that he is a student of that school. In there, he learned everything about magic, and also he found his true friendship, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. They always helped Harry Potter in everything, whether is right or wrong. They do this all together, happiness or sorrow. Harry Potter also learned how to love his parents, friends, teachers, and everything. When Voldemort comes to kill Harry Potter, Harry against hard to be win. His bestfriend helped him until they comes to chaotic, but they still hold out. With his witchcraft power, his friends help, and their corageous, voldemort got lost. From the story, i learn something about love, friendship, against everything bad, with our courageous and our heart and soul. That's why this movie becoming my favourite ever, because the story is touching, even it's just a fiction story. But it doesn't mind, because we get everything in this movie, the great adventure, and the philosophy of this movie, definitely Harry Potter is my favourite.

24 tháng 7 2016

hello, my name is .(tên bạn).. Today, i'll tell you about my class recess. The recess lasts for 15 minutes. At recess, my class has a lot of activities. For example, some boys play soccer, play marbles and play tag while girls skip rope. For me, I usually study under the tree. At recess, I like sitting around and reading books reading stories helps I feel more relaxed. The recess of my class is fun and exciting. I love the recess very much because it helps me relax after stressful hours.

24 tháng 7 2016

Of course, recess time is the most enjoyable time in school after learning hard from the first period. There are two recess time in my school. These two recess time are essential for us to unwind and to fill up growling stomach.As soon as the school bell rings for recess, all students perk up. School work burden is forgotten, at least for a while. All the sorrows of being scolded and getting bad marks areforgotten. There will be a stampede towards the canteen. The junior students particularly are chattering in a jovial mood. However, there will be some students going for meetings, going to the library and the washrooms to refresh themselves. Only a minority stays in class.

The benches in the canteen at recess time are never unoccupied. Some of them even have to put their things on the tables in the canteen to ensure a seat. An advantage in size could certainly be a great help here. Every stall is always crowded with students. Some of the hawkers are not able to serve thecustomers at once. It is also hard to walk through the rowdy crowd in the canteen. Believe me, you will experience beingpushed from one side to another.

Some hearty laugh and chat are always heard. Though recess time may seem short, it is the time for students to share endless gossip with their peers. Very often you will hear the hawkers' screaming at the top of their voices to control the students from pushing and shoving. Some prefects are on duty to control these "uncivilised people". Unfortunately, it makes not much difference. And of course, some impatient students willscream out: "Quick, Auntie, quick, the bell for going back to class will ring soon."

Meantime in the library, several students are busy searching and skimming the books for extra reading and setting information for their assignments. Several students can be seen engrossed in the daily news with their best friends. The scene in the library during recess time is quiet and full of disciplinealthough some quiet chat can be heard.

Some hard-working student or I should say bookworm will stay in their own class to finish their homework or revise. While some students are seen carrying out their cleanliness duty. You may see of a couple of girls diligently mopping the windows, sweeping the floor and cleaning the blackboard. It is certainlypleasant to study in a spick and span class room.

Some of the students will also enjoy walking around the passageways in front of the classrooms or in the park chatting with their peers. Some younger students who have not 'tasted' school work pressure play hide and seek with their friends. While the older ones are deep in thought in some corners. A few are seen trying to solve additional Maths or Physics problems. Certainly, one will also see some pupils running here and therealong the passageway while the others just loiter around.

In the wash rooms, you may find some students washing their faces to refresh themselves after studying hard since morning. Some even have to stand in a queue for a while to use the toilets. The toilets are never unoccupied. Each class has is specified for its own toilet.

All in all, I can say that the scene in my school during recess time is one of noise and many students. Students enjoy their own activities during this time. I, myself, enjoy every moment of recess time very much.

27 tháng 2 2019

There is a white three-storey building, surrounded by greenery, located at Simei Town Central. That is Simei Primary School. That is also the place where I have schooled for the last five years or so.

My school uniform is white. The boys wear a white shirt and white shorts while the girls wear a white blouse and skirt. The uniform must always be worn with the school badge which bears our school motto “Nothing without labor”. It means that we must be willing to work to get our reward. We are also taught to be honest and polite all the time.
Most of the teachers in my school are just and kind. However, there are some teachers who show favoritism. As a result, the students who are favored by these teachers are very proud and like to bully the others. In general, however, we all treat one another like siblings and live in harmony.
I am sad that I will have to leave my school at the end of this year. It has given me knowledge, friends and happy moments. I will always remember my school and the fond memories it holds.vui

28 tháng 12 2018

1.Tan is very slow. He is late for school.

 Tom is so …………………......................................................................…………………………..

2.The man speaks loudly. He wants every one to hear him clearly.

The man speaks loudly so that ……............……………......................................…………………..

3.This exercise is easier than that one.

That exercise is not ………………….........................................................…………………………..

4.We wrote this letter for two hours.

It took …………………..............................................................................…………………………..

5.I spend a day painting this house.

It takes………………….............................................................................…………………………..

6.Dogs are difficult to train.

  1. It’s…………………...................................................................................…………………………..

7.They think that learning English are not easy.

 They think that it …………………............................................…………………………..

8.The weather is too cold for us to go out.

The weather is so ………….......................................................................…………………………..

9.The weather is too cold for us to go out.

àThe weather isn’t…………………..............................................................…………………………..

10.     The film isn’t interesting for us to see.

The film is too…………………....................................................................…………………………..

11.     Nhan is tired. He can’t fly his kites.

→ Nhan is so …………………......................................................................…………………………..

12. I wish to have enough money. I want to buy a new house

→ I wish to have enough money so that…….................................................…………………………..

13. I don’t think this book is expensive as it is.

→ This book is.....................................................................................................................................

14. Doing this test is very difficult.

→ It’s....................................................................................................................................................

15. He said something. I didn’t understand.

→ I didn’t understand...........................................................................................................................

16. He s to read very much.

→ He enjoys.........................................................................................................................................

17. The bag is very heavy.  I can’t carry it.

→ This bag is too ................................................................................................................................

18. We’ll go out. The rain will stop

→ When..............................................................................................................................................

27 tháng 2 2019

The house I currently live with my family is the two-storey house located far away from the city crowd and busy. This is not the ideal house I dream about but i really love this place’s atmosphere. It’s fairly quite place having pure air.
The house I currently live with my family is the two-storey house located far away from the city crowd and busy. This is not the ideal house I dream about but i really love this place’s atmosphere. It’s fairly quite place having pure air.
It’s not large and magnificent but I can say that my home has all the basic facilities which are needed for a comfortable and easy life. My spacious home has one scenic living room, three bedrooms, a reading room and one dining room attached to the cozy kitchen. The entrance of the house has many different trees and flowers. They were grown by my father and are cultivated everyday by my mother. The garden is quite wide enough space for us to hold party. On the wall of the living room, there are some pictures about natural life and on the ceiling, is the glistening chandelier. Next is the kitchen connecting with dining room. In the kitchen, there are a refrigerator, a electric stove and sink. In the middle of the dining room is a spotless woody table. On the second floor is three bedrooms are adjacent to each other. Beside of my room is reading room with many books. And the best thing about this house is balcony with a lovely view from here. Every morning, I do exercise and breeze fresh air here. Personally, I would love to live with my family. Sometimes, invite my friends and relatives to have parties at our house. I think eating, drinking and talking with people i love in nice and warm house, the best wonderful thing in life.

27 tháng 2 2019


The house I currently live with my family is the two-storey house located far away from the city crowd and busy. This is not the ideal house I dream about but i really love this place’s atmosphere. It’s fairly quite place having pure air.

It’s not large and magnificent but I can say that my home has all the basic facilities which are needed for a comfortable and easy life. My spacious home has one scenic living room, three bedrooms, a reading room and one dining room attached to the cozy kitchen. The entrance of the house has many different trees and flowers. They were grown by my father and are cultivated everyday by my mother. The garden is quite wide enough space for us to hold party. On the wall of the living room, there are some pictures about natural life and on the ceiling, is the glistening chandelier. Next is the kitchen connecting with dining room. In the kitchen, there are a refrigerator, a electric stove and sink. In the middle of the dining room is a spotless woody table. On the second floor is three bedrooms are adjacent to each other. Beside of my room is reading room with many books. And the best thing about this house is balcony with a lovely view from here. Every morning, I do exercise and breeze fresh air here.

Personally, I would love to live with my family. Sometimes, invite my friends and relatives to have parties at our house. I think eating, drinking and talking with people i love in nice and warm house, the best wonderful thing in life.

13 tháng 5 2018

Nowadays, energy is very important for our life, so we should use it more efficiently. We should use motorbikes and cars less to avoid increasing the tax on petrol. We should use low energy light bulbs, remember to turn off the light when you leave or go to bed to reduce our electric bills. We also should use public transport when you travel.

13 tháng 5 2018

Nowadays, energy is necessary for our life. There are many kind of energy : ocean energy, electric energy, solar energy, wind energy... But energy also limit , so we must save energy. We can make some following ways.
To save petrol energy, we should:
+ Limit travel by car, motorbike, train...
You can using bicycles or walk.This not only help you save energy but also avoid traffic jams and can save your money any more.
- To save electricity energy, we should:
+ Turn off the light , the fans, the air-conditioner, you should close it after using.Avoid ironning close at peak hours...
+ When buying somethings, we should choose devices with costly a low electricity.
There are many ways to save water:
+ Turn off the faucet after using it
+ Don't let children play with water, if you let chidren play with water , this ill a lot of water.

- In the kitchen we should save gas energy by many ways:
+ turn off gas after cooking
+ don't use gas too much
+ when the food ripe, we should turn off gas immidiately to save gas.
- saving energy is our duty.
If you follow ways above, you can not only save energy but also save money very much and protect the environment.

Please make your dream come true!!

Hihi!!! ^ ^

21 tháng 12 2016

Today, i'll tell you about my class recess. The recess lasts for 15 minutes. At recess, my class has a lot of activities. For example, some boys play soccer, play marbles and play tag while girls skip rope. For me, I usually study under the tree. At recess, I like sitting around and reading books reading stories helps I feel more relaxed. The recess of my class is fun and exciting. I love the recess very much because it helps me relax after stressful hours.

13 tháng 3 2017

In the school yard children, every 2 each session details are to recess. A drum up, but as fun loudly urging us quickly run out .... romp.
Wide school yard a few minutes ago that, deserted and quiet suddenly as narrow, not even enough room for noise and hundreds of large and small pupils, from Grades flush profusely as massive streams, multi-colored sharp. Shuttlecock few top men quickly occupied, arrayed, foot stone Thoan, mouth à á call each other, red and blue orbs flying over, fly back, flew up, fly down. Many girls playing jump rope rhythmically and healthy, spinning wire spiraling, undulating dancer with a smile, hair flying in the wind. Original few eagles around women with women, men with men, many of you are playing tag, chasing people who flee flashed bucket to run, the purple ears. Some you like jokes huddled storytelling fun, laughing, with him jumping happily cheered! Many couples holding hands, walking around, talking to small giggle. Some make you curious to look at the fence looking around she sold plots vicious looking sour apricot, deep sweetness. Teacher observations, standing afar off, would also spread the fun out of our joy.
Recess filled with laughter and voices wa also go very fast. A solemn drumbeat sounded. Drumming like a miracle that we had like a hundred silent gradually, rushed into the classroom, the school returned to the air, quiet terrace, its tranquility..

19 tháng 4 2018

well, I am a very foody person and there are a lot of food I . It is quite difficult to think of one. I would  to talk about a popular menu in my country which is one of my favourite food also. It is steamed/plain rice and shahi paneer. I belong to Punjabi family so that I love spicy and shahi foods.

I will talk about how I cook my shahi paneer at home. A small amount of oil is placed in a heated pan. Then, I put some finely chopped garlic until it turns golden brown. Add onions.when it turns golden brown then I blend it with help of a blender. a mixture of this I put some chopped tomatoes and heat it again.after that I add some cashews and fresh cream which provide creamy and rich gravy of our shahi paneer.apart from that then add paneer cubes, all spices and cook it till 20 minutes.  Then it is done and ready to be served. You may also add some curd in place of fresh cream.
I it because it is easy to prepare and it is very delicious. gravy of this also feel me rich and when I taste it just melted our mouth.
This recipe is common in my country and I eat it about a twice week. I it because it does not require much effort to prepare and it is also not expensive.

Do you feel okay? Good luck to you. 

Hope you get good grades.

19 tháng 4 2018


The Viruses:

One reason why there is no cure for the common cold is that more than 200 different viruses can cause cold symptoms.

Some, such as rhinoviruses, seldom produce serious illnesses.

Others, such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), produce mild infections in adults but can lead to severe lower respiratory tract infections in young children.


Rhinoviruses (from the Greek rhin, meaning “nose”) cause an estimated 30 to 50 percent of all colds. Scientists have identified more than 100 distinct rhinovirus types. Rhinoviruses grow best at temperatures of about 9IT, (the temperature inside the human nose). Scientists think coronaviruses cause about 10 to 15 percent of all adult colds. They bring on colds primarily in the winter and early spring. Although many coronaviruses infect animals, only five infect humans, causing respiratory tract illness.

Adult cold symptoms also are caused by viruses that are responsible for other, more severe illnesses. These viruses are: adenoviruses, coxsackieviruses, echoviruses. orthomyxoviruses (including influenza A and B viruses, which cause flu), paramyxoviruses (including several parainfluenza viruses), RSV, and enteroviruses. Researchers still haven’t identified the causes of 20 to 30 percent of adult colds, presumed to be viral.

The cold season:

Seasonal changes in relative humidity also may affect the occurrence of colds. The most common cold-causing viruses survive better when humidity is low Cold weather also may make the inside lining of your nose drier and more vulnerable to viral infection.

Other factors:

Although a connection exists between the number of cases of the common cold and the fall and winter seasons, there is no experimental evidence that exposure to cold temperatures increases the chances of getting a cold. On the other hand, several research studies show that people who exercise regularly have a significantly reduced number of respiratory tract infections, such as the common cold, compared with those who don’t exercise. Research also suggests that allergic diseases that affect the nose or throat and psychological stress may increase your chances of getting infected by cold viruses.

Common Cold:


Symptoms of the common cold usually begin 2 to 3 days after infection and often include:


1. Sore throat

2. Mucus buildup in the nose

3. Difficulty breathing through nose

4. Swelling of sinuses

5. Sneezing

6. Cough

7. Headache

8. Tiredness


Although fever is uncommon in adults, it is often found in children with colds and can climb to 102°F in infants and young children. Cold symptoms can last front 2 to 14 days. High fever, significantly swollen glands, severe sinus pain, and a cough that produces mucus may be signs of complication or more serious illness.


There is no cure for the common cold, but you can get relief from your cold symptoms by

1. Resting in bed

2. Drinking plenty of fluids

3. Gargling with warm salt water or using throat sprays, or lozenges for a scratchy or sort’ throat

4. Using a decongestant or saline nasal spray to help relieve nasal symptoms

5. Using petroleum jelly to soothe a raw nose

6. Taking aspirin or acetaminophen—Tylenol, for example—for headache or fever Colds occasionally can lead to bacterial infections of your middle ear or sinuses, requiring treatment with antibios. However, antibios should not be used to treat a cold.


There are several ways you can keep yourself away from getting a cold of infecting others:

1. Because cold viruses can easily enter into your eyes and nose through hands, wash hands often and keep the hands away from those areas of your body.

2. 11 possible, avoid being close to people who have colds or If you have a cold, avoid being close to people.

3. When you sneeze or cough, cover your nose of mouth arid sneeze or cough into your elbow rather than your hand.

Hand washing:

Hand washing with soap and water is the simplest and one of the most effective ways to keep from getting colds or giving them to others.


Rhinoviruses can live up to 3 hours on your skin or on objects. Cleaning these environmental surfaces in your home or place of work with a virus-killing disinfectant might help prevent the spread of infection.


Because so many different viruses can cause the common cold, the outlook for developing a vaccine that will prevent spreading of all of them is quite a challenge.

Alternative Medicines:


Echinacea is a dietary herbal supplement that some people use to treat their colds.

Vitamin C:

Many people are convinced that taking large quantities of vitamin C will prevent colds or relieve symptoms.


Some people use honey to treat coughs and to soothe a sore throat.


Zinc lozenges and lollipops are available over the counter as a remedy for the common cold. In 2009, the Food and Drug Administration warned consumers to stop using intranasal (in the nose) zinc products because some people reported a loss of smell after using these products.