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22 tháng 9 2023

-->Answer your question:

Bat Trang pottery is a famous traditional pottery product in Vietnam located on the left bank of the Red River, now in Bat Trang commune, Gia Lam district, Hanoi, more than 10km from the center of the city. South East.

This village was formed in the Ly dynasty. Over the past 500 years of history with the ups and downs of the same time, but the name Bat Trang still exists and growing up until now.Why is the name popular with most tourists to North Vietnam? The answer is that its famous ceramic and porcelain products are of high quality. If you have never heard of Bat Trang's pots, bowls, dishes and many other ceramic products have been exported all over the world. 
24 tháng 12 2016

Life in the countryside is quite different from that in the city. First, it is the atmosphere that differentiates the two living environments. In the countryside, the air and water are much fresher and safer, thus living there is totally comfortable and beneficial for our health. In contrast, people who live in big cities suffer from health problems and diseases related to poor air quality and sources of polluted water. Second, prices and costs of living are cheaper in the countryside than in big cities. Vegetables, fruits and meats are home-grown and home-produced. However, in cities, people have to go shopping for them. Third, the interpersional relationships are more harmonious and friendlier. Those who live in the same village, especially neighbours, for example, know each other very well. There is a close-knit cooperation between people in working and many other daily activities. On the contrary, negatively speaking, city people only live and know their own business. They hardly care about who their neighbours are and what they do. Sending a helping hand, as a result, is never seen among city people. In conclusion, although the city life holds many advantages that make life more convenient, I always prefer living in the countryside where the environment is nice, the costs of living is affordable, and the intimate relationships among people are really meaningful. Personally, If I had a choice between a villa in the city and a small house with garden surrounding, the latter would seem better to me.

24 tháng 12 2016

Life in the village is simple and warm! People here legs covered their faces mud but loyal and beautiful, lasting impression. The children here do this joke sick child mice skinny, black, curly hair, bare ride runs between lunch fields. Every morning, I saw her in the village to the river carrying water, laundry, wash the rice, the farmer ... The field, rice paddy. The students go to school. The vegetables and flowers she brought to market. At noon, the farmer resting, sitting beneath a banyan tree and enlist dinner nap a few minutes. This time the students had gone home. Afternoon, I found out the first lane 1 basket she brought only a few bundles left over after selling vegetables at the market, the buffalo farmer after 1 business day. Buffalo designs ample tread it looks majestic. Children flying a kite to the kite fold, brought home and agreed to meet the next day! Every evening, the breeze through blow away the smell of rice fat fat. Oh, I love this peaceful life too, it's a far cry from one life is full of sound in the city, do not take well 1 sec quiet!

7 tháng 12 2023

Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng, located in central Vietnam, is a stunning UNESCO World Heritage Site famous for its remarkable limestone karst formations and caves. The park is home to Phong Nha Cave, adorned with beautiful stalactites and stalagmites, and Sơn Đoòng Cave, the world's largest cave. With its lush rainforests and diverse wildlife, the park is a haven for nature lovers and an ideal destination for those seeking both adventure and tranquility. Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng welcomes visitors to explore its unique beauty, making it a must-see destination in Vietnam.

15 tháng 5 2019

Youth has a very important role to play for society. For that we need to know why youth are so special. It is so because they are young, full of energy and educated with rationality as their ultimate belief. Now their role in society.

The first is reproduce. Reproduction here does not mean increasing the population but it means that they full fill the position left by the elder. Like son takes up the position of father in a company.

The second is protection. Youth are expected to protect their culture and tradition while at the same time makes it better and embrace changes in the society. For instance it is youth only who becomes a part of political movement for a major change in a country. They becomes a part of armed forces too, to safeguard the freedom of people and so on.

And the last is growth. The growth of a country in all the spheres like Social, political and economic spheres mostly depends on youth only. They with a fresh energy can perform better and ensure the growth of society.

There are many other roles of youth in the society. They are like the leading character of a movie. Youth also need to take care of old ones who are now going to be dependent.

15 tháng 5 2019

Tuổi trẻ có một vai trò rất quan trọng đối với xã hội. Chúng ta cần phải biết tại sao tuổi trẻ rất đặc biệt. Đó là vì họ trẻ, tràn đầy năng lượng và được giáo dục với sự hợp lý là niềm tin cuối cùng của họ. Bây giờ đó là vai trò của họ trong xã hội.

Thứ nhất là sinh sản: sinh sản ở đây không có nghĩa là tăng dân số mà có nghĩa là chúng lấp đầy vị trí mà những người đi trước để lại. Giống như con trai đảm nhiệm vị trí của cha trong một công ty.

Thứ hai là Bảo vệ: Thanh niên được kỳ vọng sẽ bảo vệ văn hóa và truyền thống của họ, đồng thời làm cho nó tốt hơn và đón nhận những thay đổi trong xã hội. Ví dụ, chỉ có thanh niên trở thành một phần của phong trào chính trị cho một sự thay đổi lớn trong một quốc gia. Họ cũng trở thành một phần của lực lượng vũ trang, để bảo vệ quyền tự do của mọi người, v.v.

Cuối cùng là tăng trưởng: Sự tăng trưởng của một quốc gia trong tất cả các lĩnh vực như lĩnh vực xã hội, chính trị và kinh tế chủ yếu chỉ phụ thuộc vào giới trẻ. Họ với một năng lượng tươi mới có thể thực hiện tốt hơn và đảm bảo sự phát triển của xã hội.
Có nhiều vai trò khác của tuổi trẻ trong xã hội. Họ giống như nhân vật hàng đầu của một bộ phim. Tuổi trẻ cũng cần phải chăm sóc những người già đang bị lệ thuộc.

13 tháng 2 2022

Tham khảo nha bạn:

     English has been an international language for a long time, and that is why more and more people are choosing to learn it. First, it is essential that we can communicate with as many people as possible and English can absolutely help us with that. People from Africa, Europe or Asia can all speak English, so we can communicate with them in English instead of learning their own difficult languages. Students may not realize the importance of communication as well as English while in school. It is only when they graduate and start looking for a job that they know most companies today require basic skills in English. Our bosses and clients may be foreigners, and the fact that we can speak to them in English shows our professionalism and respect. We can miss a lot of opportunities if we don't learn English and it can be a bit late if we just start learning when we think we need it. Therefore, we should know the importance of this language and we should learn it from the beginning

5 tháng 1 2022


English is the most common language all over the world. There is no compulsory method to study English, but each person has to find the suitable one to study it efficiently. To me, I read books in English in order to improve both my vocabulary and grammar. Besides, I combine studying and entertaining. In my free time, I often listen to English songs, watch English movies and try to translate the lyrics as well as the subtitle. Furthermore, I join an English club, where I can connect with some international friends, and they are the best teachers to teach me about English. I can learn some slang, idioms, and things that normal teachers do not teach their students. I hope you can find your own ways to learn English.

5 tháng 1 2022

tham khảo

Nowadays English has become an main language.English is used in almost all countrys.So learning English is an important assignment especially students.But how to learn English well is a question which most of students notice. we should learn english by ourselves . We can do grammar exercises in grammar books,write E as much as possible. It makes us revise our knowledge and improve our writing skill. We can wath E on TV , learn to sing E songs,read short stories or newpapers in E,listen to the programs on the radio and E tapes.It makes us improve our listening and reading skills.We should use a distionary for reading. It makes us save up newwords. The best important is that we usually practise by speaking with friends and learing by heart all newwords and texts.

14 tháng 2 2019

Thanh Tien paper flower village is located in Phu Mau commune, Phu Vang district, Thua Thien Hue province
The prosperity of the village about a few decades ago, every house "cotton" paper in December. At present, there are only a few households in Thanh Tien village who "paper". Because, the demand of users of confetti is also low, the market to consume, introduce and advertise Thanh Tien confetti products is limited. Therefore, in Thanh Tien village, only a few households make Thanh Tien bougainvillea to keep the old craft and also to serve tourists visiting the village daily. The secret to making bougainvillea is concentrated in the dyeing area, so that the paper retains a durable color. People make flowers without using industrial chemicals, but use sap and leaves to make traditional flower dyes, tips to confuse confetti ... Especially, in 2008, painter Than Van Huy restored profession of Thanh Tien paper lotus from Thanh Tien paper flower material. Thanh Tien paper lotus products have been promoted not only domestically but also introduced to European countries, America ... and created a brand of Thanh Tien paper lotus products at home and abroad.