Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Nông thôn trong tiếng Anh viết là: countryside
Thành phố trong tiếng Anh viết là: city
Chúc bạn học tốt nha nhok bướng bỉnh!
12 cung hoàng đạo tiếng anh là gì
kể tên các cung bằng tiếng anh và tiếng việt
ai nhanh mình tick cho

1/ Bạch Dương - Aries /'eəri:z/– (Con Cừu) - March 21- April 19
2/ Kim Ngưu - Taurus /'tɔ:rəs/– (Con Trâu) - April 20-May 20
3/ Song Tử - Gemini /'dʒeminai/ – (Sinh Đôi) - May 21-June 21
4/ Cự Giải - Cancer /'kænsə/ – (Con Cua) - June 22-July 22
5/ Hải Sư - Leo /'li:ou/ – (Sư Tử) - July 23-Aug 22
6/ Xử Nữ - Virgo /'və:gou/ – (Trinh Nữ) - Aug 23-Sept 22
7/ Thiên Bình- Libra /'li:brə/ – (Cái Cân) - Sept 23-Oct 23
8/ Hổ Cáp - Scorpius /'skɔ:piəs/– (Bọ Cạp) ♏ - Oct 24-Nov 21
9/ Nhân Mã - Sagittarius /,sædʒi'teəriəs/– (Còn gọi là Xạ Thủ) - Nov 22- Dec 21
10/ Ma Kết - Capricorn /'kæprikɔ:n/– (Con Dê) - Dec 22- Jan 19
11/ Bảo Bình - Aquarius /ə'kweəriəs/ – (Người mang nước, Cái Bình) - Jan 20-Feb 18
12/ Song Ngư - Pisces /'paisi:z/– (Đôi Cá) - Feb 19-Mar 20

A: Từ vựng tiếng Anh về động vật hoang dã ở Châu Phi
1. Zebra – /ˈziː.brə/: Con ngựa vằn
2. Lioness – /ˈlaɪ.ənis/: Sư tử (cái)
3. Lion – /ˈlaɪ.ən/: Sư tử (đực)
4. Hyena – /haɪˈiː.nə/: Con linh cẩu
5. Gnu – /nuː/: Linh dương đầu bò
6. Baboon – /bəˈbuːn/: Khỉ đầu chó
7. Rhinoceros – /raɪˈnɒs.ər.əs/: Con tê giác
8. Gazelle – /gəˈzel/: Linh dương Gazen
9. Cheetah – /ˈtʃiː.tə/: Báo Gêpa
10. Elephant – /ˈel.ɪ.fənt/: Von voi
B: Từ vựng tiếng Anh về con vật: Các loài chim
1. Owl – /aʊl/: Cú mèo
2. Eagle – /ˈiː.gl/: Chim đại bàng
3. Woodpecker – /ˈwʊdˌpek.əʳ/: Chim gõ kiến
4. Peacock – /ˈpiː.kɒk/: Con công (trống)
5. Sparrow – /ˈspær.əʊ/: Chim sẻ
6. Heron – /ˈher.ən/: Diệc
7. Swan – /swɒn/: Thiên nga
8. Falcon – /ˈfɒl.kən/: Chim ưng
9. Ostrich – /ˈɒs.trɪtʃ/: Đà điểu
10. Nest – /nest/: Cái tổ
11. Feather – /ˈfeð.əʳ/: Lông vũ
12. Talon – /ˈtæl.ən/: Móng vuốt
C: Học tiếng Anh theo chủ đề con vật biển và dưới nước
1. Seagull – /ˈsiː.gʌl/: Mòng biển
2. Octopus – /ˈɒk.tə.pəs/: Bạch tuộc
3. Lobster – /ˈlɒb.stəʳ/: Tôm hùm
4. Shellfish – /ˈʃel.fɪʃ/: Ốc
5. Jellyfish – /ˈdʒel.i.fɪʃ/: Con sứa
6. Killer whale – /ˈkɪl.əʳ weɪl/: Loại cá voi nhỏ mầu đen trắng
7. Squid – /skwɪd/: Mực ống
8. Fish – fin – /fɪʃ. fɪn/ – Vảy cá
9. Seal – /siːl/: Chó biển
10. Coral – /ˈkɒr.əl/: San hô
D: Từ vựng con vật trong tiếng Anh về các loài thú
1. Moose – /muːs/: Nai sừng tấm {ở phía bắc châu Phi, Âu, Á)
2. Boar – /bɔːʳ/: Lợn hoang (giống đực)
3. Chipmunk – /ˈtʃɪp.mʌŋk/: Sóc chuột
4. Lynx (bobcat) – /lɪŋks/ (/’bɔbkæt/): Mèo rừng Mĩ
5. Polar bear – /pəʊl beəʳ/: Gấu bắc cực
6. Buffalo – /ˈbʌf.ə.ləʊ/: Trâu nước
7. Beaver – /ˈbiː.vəʳ/: Con hải ly
8. Porcupine – /ˈpɔː.kjʊ.paɪn/: Con nhím
9. Skunk – /skʌŋk/: Chồn hôi
10. Koala bear – /kəʊˈɑː.lə beəʳ/: Gấu túi
1 . i go to fishing
2 . i flying kite
3 . go swiming
hok tốt nha bạn

1. comb your hair /brʌʃ/ - chải tóc
2. brush your teeth - chải/ đánh răng
3. clean /kliːn/ - lau chùi
4. hold the baby - bế con ~ pick up the baby
5. hold the baby up /həʊld/- bế bổng
6. hug - ôm chặt
7. drink - uống
8. dust /dʌst/ : quét bụi
9. eat /iːt/ - ăn
10. make the bed - dọn dẹp giường ngủ
11. put on makeup - trang điểm
12. shake hands /ʃeɪk/ /hændz/- bắt tay
13. shave /ʃeɪv/ - cạo râu
14. sit - ngồi
15. sleep /sliːp/ - ngủ
16. tie your shoelaces - buộc dây giầy
17. walk /wɔːk/ - đi bộ (nhiều bạn đọc sai từ này, đọc giống với work)
18. walk the dog - dắt chó đi dạo
19. squat /skwɒt/ - ngồi xổm
20. talk on the phone - nói chuyện điện thoại
21. throw st away : ném cái gì đó đi
22. wave /weɪv/ - vẫy tay
23. wink /wɪŋk/ - nháy mắt, đá lông nheo
24. yawn /jɔːn/ - ngáp

There are a lot of disadvantages of living in a big city, but air pollution, traffic jam, and the high living standard are three main disadvantages. Firstly, air pollution is a big disadvantage that people living in big cities have to face.
xin 3k !!

viết bài thuyết trình về 1 địa điểm xưa và nay bằng tiếng anh

Bài Làm
Do you ever wonder why certain places mean so much to certain people? When I
think of my bedroom, I realize why some people are touchy about who goes in their room
or who has been touching things in their
home, it is because those things are important to
them and may have some meaning. Places my bedroom are places where we can
relax and be comfortable and I think that is why it is important to people, because we can
be ourselves and feel comfortable,
we can also just sit down and rest our bones and relax.
Another important reason is we can go there when we want privacy, we can just shut our
door, maybe even lock it, and tell everyone in our household not to bother us. Also our
rooms hold most of our pe
rsonal belongings and those things are important to us and we
do not want anyone else to touch them or in some cases go near them.
Bedrooms are a place where we can be comfortable and we can sit back and relax.
When we are tired or not feeling the best we
can go to our room, shut our door, and lay
down and relax. Maybe even turn on some music or read a book or magazine. My bed is
where I to retreat to when I want to relax. I have a double bed with four pillows and
my favorite comforter. It is a Little
Mermaid comforter, I know it is childish but it is soft
and warm. And of course my kle Me Elmo sits on my bed and keeps me company. A
lot of times I just lay down and close my eyes and daydream about places I'd to see
or think about things that ma
ke me happy. One thing we should not do is think about
things we need to get done or anything that makes us feel stressed because then we'll
never feel relaxed. I usually try to stay away from these sort of thoughts and it usually
works out well.
The reas
on my bedroom is so important to me is because my room holds all of my
personal belongings, which are very important to me. Also my room is a comfortable
place to study or just to relax.
I can also have privacy whenever I want it by resorting to my room,
this may be
hard for some people if they share a room. Whenever my mom is nagging at me or when
I'm stressed out with school or work, I to go into my room and just be myself. All my
belongings in my room surround me and make me realize everything is g
oing to be all
right. It gives me a sense of security.
The way my room is set up makes it kind of cluttered, but that is the way I it
and I don't care what anyone says. As you first come into my room, to the right is my
dresser. My dresser is full of
things perfume, jewelry, hair ties, my alarm clock and
just a bunch of junk, mostly things that come out of my pockets at the end of the day. The
dresser itself is brown with six drawers, sets of three side by side. Diagonally across from
that is my
curio cabinet which holds all of my porcelain dolls, the cabinet is a light brown
with glass shelves. Next to my bed which is in the middle of the room is my
entertainment center which holds my stereo and pictures and just odds and ends.
Everything is wort
h keeping.
I believe that other people feel the same way about their rooms and homes, it gives
people a sense of security in a way that you can control what goes in your room and who
goes in your room. It sort of gives people power which may mean a lot to
some people.
My room holds almost all of my personal belongings, which I think almost everybody's
rooms do. I am sort of protective of the things in my room because a lot of my belongings
have sentimental value. My most treasured items are my collection o
f porcelain dolls
which are placed neatly in my curio cabinet. I have about fifteen dolls and if anything
would ever happen to those dolls I would be extremely upset and very furious. Nobody,
except myself, is allowed to touch them, not even my mother.
m sort of a pack rat so I keep everything from old clothes to my childhood stuffed
animals which are all neatly sitting on my hope chest in my room. My hope chest is filled
with things I will need in the future towels, cooking utensils, blankets, old
frames and other little things, these things mean a lot to me because a lot of these objects
belonged to my late grandmother and I am honored to own them. I treasure all my
belongings and do not other people to move or to borrow without asking
and I think
that a lot of people feel the same way. When someone touches our things we get upset
and I think in a way we are sort of honoring our possessions.
What my point is that everybody has something or some place that is important to
them and has m
eaning and a lot of times it is people's bedrooms and homes because it
belongs to us and we cherish these places. Bedrooms are a place of comfort and in some
cases a sense of security. It is a place of privacy when we need to be alone or just to sit
down a
nd take a load off. We can just be ourselves. So the next time someone gets
touchy when you are handling their things just
Everyday after finishing my personal schedule outside, I incontinently come back home to get into my dream world - my room. It is a spacious room right next to the stairs. The thing I most is the balcony looking over a small garden. The walls are covered with wallpapers in my favorite flowery pattern. On the window there are blinds to prevent light from coming into the room in the early morning. I also put some tiny houseplant in order to purify the atmosphere. A single bed together with a bedside table full of cosmes is placed in the corner next to the window. On the opposite side stands my little bookshelf full of novels and comic books. There is also vacuum cleaner to keep the room in neat and tidy condition all the time. This room has become my greatest adoration because of the convenience and privacy it brings about.

Tiếng Anh
Hanoi is a dreamy city has been infatuated human heart. Besides the noise and busyness, that is the poe and peaceful beauty. From long time ago, Hanoi was famous for thirty-six streets… Each street is a village, has unique characteriss unique. In general, people here are very elegant, open-minded and friendly. They are very willing to give directions to tourists and even invite them home. Besides, they are also very hardworking people, always try their best in life. Most of their time they spend on working and raising their children. Coming to Hanoi, we can not ignore the tourist attractions such as Bat Trang pottery village, the Temple of Literature, President Ho Chi Minh mausoleum, one pillar pagoda, ... They are associated with the existence and development of Hanoi, also Vietnam. Here, we will be attracted by the special dishes such as Vong Rice, Trang Tien ice cream, Ho Tay shrimp cake ... They are very delicious and are special characteris of Hanoi, not similar to anywhere. For me, Hanoi is a beautiful and poe city. Hope that one day, I will meet the dream of a travel to Bat Trang pottery.
Tiếng Việt
Hà Nội mộng mơ từ lâu đã say đắm trái tim bao con người. Bên cạnh sự ồn ào tấp nập, đó chính là vẻ đẹp nên thơ, thanh bình. Từ xưa, nơi đây đã nổi tiếng với ba mươi sáu phố phường. Mỗi phố là một làng nghề, có những đặc điểm riêng biệt độc đáo. Nhìn chung con người nơi đây rất thanh lịch, cởi mở và thân thiện. Họ rất sẵn lòng chỉ đường cho khách du lịch và thậm chí mời về chơi nhà. Bên cạnh đó, họ cũng là những con người vô cùng cần cù chăm chỉ, luôn nỗ lực vươn lên trong cuộc sống. Phần lớn thời gian của họ dành để làm việc mưu sinh và nuôi nấng con cái. Đến với Hà Nội, ta không thể bỏ qua những điểm du lịch hấp dẫn như làng gốm Bát Tràng, văn miếu Quốc tử giám, lăng chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh, chùa một cột,... Chúng gắn liền với sự tồn tại và phát triển của Hà Nôi cũng như Việt Nam. Tại đây, chúng ta sẽ bị thu hút bởi các món ăn đặc sản như cốm Vòng, kem Tràng Tiền, bánh tôm Hồ Tây,... Chúng rất thơm ngon và là những nét rất riêng của Hà Nội, không lẫn với bất kì làng quê nào khác. Đối với tôi, Hà Nội là một thành phố xinh đẹp, nên thơ, mong rằng một ngày nào đó, thôi sẽ thỏa được ước mơ làm gốm Bát Tràng.

1.Hi. My name Chi. I'm in from Vietnam. In Vietnam, there are four season: spring, summer, fall and winter. In the spring it is often warm,sometimes it's rainy.In the summer it's hot and sunny.The weather is cool in the fall and in the winter it is cold and windy.I fall because I can do many activities.When it's ,I usually play badminton and go sailing.Sometimes I climb the mountains with my family.
2.Vietnam,our country,is very beautiful.It has four seasons:spring,summer,fall and winter.In the spring it is often warm,sometimes it's rainy.In the summer it's hot and sunny.The weather is cool in the fall and in the winter it is cold and windy.I hot weather because I can do many activities.When it's hot,I usually go swimming and eat ice cream.Sometimes I go walking with my sister.
Vietnam is a tropical country. The climate is often hot and humid. In North Vietnam there are four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. It is hot in summer and it is very cold in winter. In South Vietnam there are only two seasons: the rainy season and the dry season. It rains a lot from May to November. In the dry season it is very hot. Sometimes there are storms in the North and floods in the South.I love spring. Because the weather at that time is very nice. it’s breezy and mild. The landscapes are very beautiful. I love going out in spring to see sky. Sometimes, I take photographs and they’re so nice.
Life in the city, compared with life in the country
In my opinion, urban life or rural life has its own advantages and disadvantages.
First, living in the city we may enjoy those benefits.
- Communication and transportation systems are better. There are so many means of communication and transport that we can choose the ones we best. We can get in touch with a friend or talk to him by phone without having to go out of home.
- Thanks to electricity network and running water, our material lives are more comfortable. Supermarkets, markets and shops are found everywhere and we can buy anything we need providing that we can afford it.
- Urban life provides us with all sorts of entertainments: televisions, radios, movies, theatres, concerts and famous recreation centers.
- Living in town we can improve our knowledge easily by attending any schools, universities or evening classes where experienced teachers and professors are ready to satisfy our thirst for knowledge.
Besides its advantages, urban life also has its disadvantages:
- Our health is in danger: pollution by factories and heavy traffic may cause serious diseases to all of us.
- Evil influence upon the young generation by obscene video films is inevitable.
- Violent deaths happen regularly in such a crowded city with all kinds of vehicles.
On the contrary, rural life seems ideal to all of us, especially to the old.
- We can enjoy fresh, cool air and behold beautiful landscapes in the country.
- How safe and delighted we are when we can sleep a sound sleep at any time of the day without being disturbed by sirens of cars or by deafening noises from manufacturing factories.
- Our social lives in the country are easier: we can eat the food and vegetables we grow, the chickens and goats we raise. The countrymen lead a very simple life and they are quick at mutual Giúp in any case.
Apart from these advantages, living in the country we may meet lots of difficulties too.
- Communication and transportation are obstructed by lack of means of transport or by floods in the rainy season.
- Our knowledge is limited by being short of mass media.
- Our social and physical lives are not as comfortable as those in town because of lack of electricity and medical care.
In a nutshell, our love for town life or country life depends on our outlook and age. As for me, I always prefer rural life to urban life.