
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

Life in the Universe

   Exobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth. As yet, of course, no such life forms have been found. Exobiologists, however, have done important work in the theoretical study of where life is most likely to evolve, and what those extrateưestrial life forms might be like.

   What sorts of planets are most likely to develop life? Most scientists agree that a habitable planet must be terrestrial, or rock-based, with liquid surface water and biogeochemical cycles that somewhat resemble Earth’s. Water is an important solvent involved in many biological processes. Biogeochemical cycles are the continuous movement and transformation of materials in the environment. These cycles include the circulation of elements and nutrients upon which life and the Earth’s climate depend. Since (as far as we know) all life is carbon-based, a stable carbon cycle is especially important.

   The habitable zone is the region around a star in which planets can develop life. Assuming the need for liquid surface water, it follows that most stars around the size of our sun will be able to sustain habitable zones for billions of years. Stars that are larger than the sun are much hotter and bum out more quickly; life there may not have enough time to evolve. Stars that are smaller than the sun have different problem. First of all, planets in their habitable zones will be so close to the star that they will be “tidally locked” – that is one side of the planet will always face the star in perpetual daylight with the other side in the perpetual night. Another possible obstacle to life on smaller stars is that they tend to vary in their luminosity, or brightness, due to flares and “star spots”. The variation can be large enough to have harmful effects on the ecosystem.

   Of course, not all stars of the right size will give rise to life; they also must have terrestrial planets with the right kind of orbits. Most solar systems have more than one planet, which influence each other’s orbits with their own gravity. Therefore, in order to have a stable system with no planets flying out into space, the orbits must be a good distance from one another. Interestingly, the amount of space needed is roughly the width of a star’s habitable zone. This means that for life to evolve, the largest possible number of life-supporting planets in any star’s habitable zone is two.

   Finally, not all planets meeting the above conditions will necessarily develop life. One major threat is large, frequent asteroid and comet impacts, which will wipe out life each time it tries to evolve. The case of Earth teaches that having large gas giants, such as Saturn and Jupiter,.in the outer part of the solar system can help keep a planet safe for life. Due to their strong gravitation, they tend to catch or deflect large objects before they can reach Earth.


Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage?

A. Because of their nearness, habitable planets orbiting smaller stars usually have either constant daylight or constant night

B. The habitable zones of small stars are so close to the star that planets within them do not spin

C. One problem with some stars is that their habitable zones are tidally locked into either light or darkness

D. Some stars become tidally locked, so that they only shine light on one side of a planet

30 tháng 5 2018

Đáp án B

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Giải thích:

Câu nào sau đây thể hiện tốt nhất thông tin cần thiết trong câu được đánh dấu trong đoạn văn?

A. Do sự gần gũi của chúng, các hành tinh có thể sinh sống quay quanh các ngôi sao nhỏ hơn thường có ánh sáng ban ngày hoặc ban đêm không đổi.

B. Các vùng sinh sống của những ngôi sao nhỏ nằm gần ngôi sao mà các hành tinh trong chúng không quay.

C. Một vấn đề với một số ngôi sao là các vùng sinh sống của chúng được khóa chặt trong ánh sáng hoặc bóng tối.

D. Một số ngôi sao bị khóa chặt chẽ, để chúng chỉ chiếu sáng một bên của một hành tinh.

Dịch đoạn văn:

Cuộc sống tn vũ trụ

Sinh học ngoài Trái đất là một nghiên cứu về cuộc sống bền ngoài Trái đất. Tuy nhiên, không có cuộc sống được tìm ra. Tuy nhiên, các nhà nghiên cứu sinh vật học đã làm một việc quan trọng trong nghiên cứu lý thuyết về nơi sự sống phát triển nhất , và cuộc sống ngoài Trái đất như thế nào.

Những loại hành tinh nào có thể phát triển cuộc sống? hầu hết các nhà khoa học đồng ý rằng một hành tinh sống phải là dự trên đá trên đất liền, với nước bề mặt lỏng và các chu trình sinh học. Chu trình sinh học là sự biến đổi của bản chất môi trường. Chu trình này không giới hạn và bao gồm sự lưu thông của các nguyên tố và chất dinh dưỡng mà cuộc sống và khí hậu của Trái đất phụ thuộc. Vì (theo như chúng ta biết) tất cả cuộc sống là dựa vào carbon, chu kì carbon ổn định là điều đặc biệt quan trọng.

Khu vực có thể sinh sống là khu vực xung quanh ngôi sao, trong đó các hành tinh có thể phát triển cuộc sống. Giả sự sự cần thiết của bề mặt lỏng là nước. Theo đó hầu hết các ngôi sao sẽ có thể có khu vực sống được trong hàng tỉ năm. Các ngôi sao lớn hơn mặt trời thì sẽ nóng hơn và cháy nhanh hơn; sự sống có thể không đủ thời gian để tiến triển. Những ngôi sao nhỏ hơn mặt trời là một vấn đề khác. Điều đầu tiên trong tất cả, hành tinh trong khu vực có thể sinh sống sẽ gần hơn với các ngôi sao. Đó là một phần của hành tinh sẽ luôn đối diện với sao trong ánh sáng ban ngày với một mặt khác là ánh sáng ban đêm. Một mặt khác có thể xảy ra với các ngôi sao nhỏ là chúng có thể khác nhau về độ sáng, độ tối, hoặc các tia sáng về chùm sáng. Sự biến đổi có thể đủ lớn sẽ làm hại đối với hệ sinh thái.

Tất nhiên, không phải tất cả các ngôi sao có kích thước phù hợp có thể sống; chúng cũng phải có đúng quỹ đạo. Hầu hết các hệ mặt trời có nhiều hơn một hành tinh, ảnh hưởng đến quỹ đạo của nhau với trọng lực riêng của chúng. Để có một hệ thống ổn định không có hành tinh nào bay vào không gian, các quỹ đạo phải là khoảng cách khá xa nhau. Thật thú vị, số lượng không gian cần thiết là khoảng chiều rộng của khu vực sinh sống của một ngôi sao. Điều này có nghĩa là để cuộc sống phát triển, lượng lớn các hành tinh này có thể hỗ trợ sự sống trên các ngôi sao khác là 2.

Cuối cùng, không phải tất cả các hành tinh đáp ứng các điều kiện trên sẽ nhất thiết phải phát triển sự sống. Một mối đe dọa lớn là các hành tinh và sao chổi lớn, thường xuyên và sao chổi lớn, thường xuyên, và sẽ phá hủy cuộc sống mỗi khi sự sống cố gắng phát triển. Trường hợp của Trái đất dạy rằng có những gã khổng lồ lớn như Saturn và Jupiter, bên ngoài của hệ mặt trời có thể giúp giữ hành tinh an toàn sự sống. Do lực hút mạnh của chúng, chúng có khuynh hướng bắt hoặc làm lệch hướng lớn các vật thể trước khi chúng có thể đến Trái Đất.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.Life in the Universe   Exobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth. As yet, of course, no such life forms have been found. Exobiologists, however, have done important work in the theoretical study of where life is most likely to evolve, and what those extrateưestrial life forms might be like.   What sorts of planets...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

Life in the Universe

   Exobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth. As yet, of course, no such life forms have been found. Exobiologists, however, have done important work in the theoretical study of where life is most likely to evolve, and what those extrateưestrial life forms might be like.

   What sorts of planets are most likely to develop life? Most scientists agree that a habitable planet must be terrestrial, or rock-based, with liquid surface water and biogeochemical cycles that somewhat resemble Earth’s. Water is an important solvent involved in many biological processes. Biogeochemical cycles are the continuous movement and transformation of materials in the environment. These cycles include the circulation of elements and nutrients upon which life and the Earth’s climate depend. Since (as far as we know) all life is carbon-based, a stable carbon cycle is especially important.

   The habitable zone is the region around a star in which planets can develop life. Assuming the need for liquid surface water, it follows that most stars around the size of our sun will be able to sustain habitable zones for billions of years. Stars that are larger than the sun are much hotter and bum out more quickly; life there may not have enough time to evolve. Stars that are smaller than the sun have different problem. First of all, planets in their habitable zones will be so close to the star that they will be “tidally locked” – that is one side of the planet will always face the star in perpetual daylight with the other side in the perpetual night. Another possible obstacle to life on smaller stars is that they tend to vary in their luminosity, or brightness, due to flares and “star spots”. The variation can be large enough to have harmful effects on the ecosystem.

   Of course, not all stars of the right size will give rise to life; they also must have terrestrial planets with the right kind of orbits. Most solar systems have more than one planet, which influence each other’s orbits with their own gravity. Therefore, in order to have a stable system with no planets flying out into space, the orbits must be a good distance from one another. Interestingly, the amount of space needed is roughly the width of a star’s habitable zone. This means that for life to evolve, the largest possible number of life-supporting planets in any star’s habitable zone is two.

   Finally, not all planets meeting the above conditions will necessarily develop life. One major threat is large, frequent asteroid and comet impacts, which will wipe out life each time it tries to evolve. The case of Earth teaches that having large gas giants, such as Saturn and Jupiter,.in the outer part of the solar system can help keep a planet safe for life. Due to their strong gravitation, they tend to catch or deflect large objects before they can reach Earth.


What is the topic of the passage?

A. The search for intelligent life 

B. Conditions necessary for life

C. Characteristics of extraterrestrial life

D. Life in our solar system

28 tháng 4 2019

Đáp án B

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Giải thích:

Chủ đề của đoạn văn là gì?

A. Cuộc tìm kiếm cuộc sống thông minh

B. Điều kiện cần thiết cho sự sống.

C. Đặc điểm của sự sống ngoài Trái đất

D. Sự sống trong hệ mặt trời của chúng ta.

Thông tin: Exobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth.

Tạm dịch: Sinh học ngoài Trái đất là một nghiên cứu về cuộc sống từ bên ngoài bề mặt Trái Đất

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.Life in the UniverseExobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth. As yet, of course, no such life forms have been found. Exobiologists, however, have done important work in the theoretical study of where life is most likely to evolve, and what those extrateưestrial life forms might be like.What sorts of planets are most...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

Life in the Universe

Exobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth. As yet, of course, no such life forms have been found. Exobiologists, however, have done important work in the theoretical study of where life is most likely to evolve, and what those extrateưestrial life forms might be like.

What sorts of planets are most likely to develop life? Most scientists agree that a habitable planet must be terrestrial, or rock-based, with liquid surface water and biogeochemical cycles that somewhat resemble Earth’s. Water is an important solvent involved in many biological processes. Biogeochemical cycles are the continuous movement and transformation of materials in the environment. These cycles include the circulation of elements and nutrients upon which life and the Earth’s climate depend. Since (as far as we know) all life is carbon-based, a stable carbon cycle is especially important.

The habitable zone is the region around a star in which planets can develop life. Assuming the need for liquid surface water, it follows that most stars around the size of our sun will be able to sustain habitable zones for billions of years. Stars that are larger than the sun are much hotter and bum out more quickly; life there may not have enough time to evolve. Stars that are smaller than the sun have different problem. First of all, planets in their habitable zones will be so close to the star that they will be “tidally locked” – that is one side of the planet will always face the star in perpetual daylight with the other side in the perpetual night. Another possible obstacle to life on smaller stars is that they tend to vary in their luminosity, or brightness, due to flares and “star spots”. The variation can be large enough to have harmful effects on the ecosystem.

Of course, not all stars of the right size will give rise to life; they also must have terrestrial planets with the right kind of orbits. Most solar systems have more than one planet, which influence each other’s orbits with their own gravity. Therefore, in order to have a stable system with no planets flying out into space, the orbits must be a good distance from one another. Interestingly, the amount of space needed is roughly the width of a star’s habitable zone. This means that for life to evolve, the largest possible number of life-supporting planets in any star’s habitable zone is two.

Finally, not all planets meeting the above conditions will necessarily develop life. One major threat is large, frequent asteroid and comet impacts, which will wipe out life each time it tries to evolve. The case of Earth teaches that having large gas giants, such as Saturn and Jupiter,.in the outer part of the solar system can help keep a planet safe for life. Due to their strong gravitation, they tend to catch or deflect large objects before they can reach Earth.
What is the topic of the passage?

A. The search for intelligent life

B. Conditions necessary for life

C. Characteristics of extraterrestrial life

D. Life in our solar system

31 tháng 1 2017

Đáp án B

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Giải thích:

Chủ đề của đoạn văn là gì?

A. Cuộc tìm kiếm cuộc sống thông minh                 B. Điều kiện cần thiết cho sự sống.

C. Đặc điểm của sự sống ngoài Trái đất                   D. Sự sống trong hệ mặt trời của chúng ta.

Thông tin: Exobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth.

Tạm dịch: Sinh học ngoài Trái đất là một nghiên cứu về cuộc sống từ bên ngoài bề mặt Trái Đất

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.Life in the Universe   Exobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth. As yet, of course, no such life forms have been found. Exobiologists, however, have done important work in the theoretical study of where life is most likely to evolve, and what those extrateưestrial life forms might be like.   What sorts of planets...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

Life in the Universe

   Exobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth. As yet, of course, no such life forms have been found. Exobiologists, however, have done important work in the theoretical study of where life is most likely to evolve, and what those extrateưestrial life forms might be like.

   What sorts of planets are most likely to develop life? Most scientists agree that a habitable planet must be terrestrial, or rock-based, with liquid surface water and biogeochemical cycles that somewhat resemble Earth’s. Water is an important solvent involved in many biological processes. Biogeochemical cycles are the continuous movement and transformation of materials in the environment. These cycles include the circulation of elements and nutrients upon which life and the Earth’s climate depend. Since (as far as we know) all life is carbon-based, a stable carbon cycle is especially important.

   The habitable zone is the region around a star in which planets can develop life. Assuming the need for liquid surface water, it follows that most stars around the size of our sun will be able to sustain habitable zones for billions of years. Stars that are larger than the sun are much hotter and bum out more quickly; life there may not have enough time to evolve. Stars that are smaller than the sun have different problem. First of all, planets in their habitable zones will be so close to the star that they will be “tidally locked” – that is one side of the planet will always face the star in perpetual daylight with the other side in the perpetual night. Another possible obstacle to life on smaller stars is that they tend to vary in their luminosity, or brightness, due to flares and “star spots”. The variation can be large enough to have harmful effects on the ecosystem.

   Of course, not all stars of the right size will give rise to life; they also must have terrestrial planets with the right kind of orbits. Most solar systems have more than one planet, which influence each other’s orbits with their own gravity. Therefore, in order to have a stable system with no planets flying out into space, the orbits must be a good distance from one another. Interestingly, the amount of space needed is roughly the width of a star’s habitable zone. This means that for life to evolve, the largest possible number of life-supporting planets in any star’s habitable zone is two.

   Finally, not all planets meeting the above conditions will necessarily develop life. One major threat is large, frequent asteroid and comet impacts, which will wipe out life each time it tries to evolve. The case of Earth teaches that having large gas giants, such as Saturn and Jupiter,.in the outer part of the solar system can help keep a planet safe for life. Due to their strong gravitation, they tend to catch or deflect large objects before they can reach Earth.


It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that

A. the Earth is in the sun’s habitable zone 

B. the Earth is tidally locked to the sun

C. the sun varies in its luminosity 

D. variations in luminosity help life to develop

2 tháng 9 2019

Đáp án A

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Giải thích:

Có thể suy luận từ đoạn 3 rằng

A. Trái đất nằm trong vùng có sự sống của mặt trời.

B. Trái đất bị khóa chặt vào mặt trời

C. Mặt trời thay đổi theo độ sáng

D. Sự biến đổi ánh sáng giúp cuộc sống phát triển.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.Life in the Universe   Exobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth. As yet, of course, no such life forms have been found. Exobiologists, however, have done important work in the theoretical study of where life is most likely to evolve, and what those extrateưestrial life forms might be like.   What sorts of planets...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

Life in the Universe

   Exobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth. As yet, of course, no such life forms have been found. Exobiologists, however, have done important work in the theoretical study of where life is most likely to evolve, and what those extrateưestrial life forms might be like.

   What sorts of planets are most likely to develop life? Most scientists agree that a habitable planet must be terrestrial, or rock-based, with liquid surface water and biogeochemical cycles that somewhat resemble Earth’s. Water is an important solvent involved in many biological processes. Biogeochemical cycles are the continuous movement and transformation of materials in the environment. These cycles include the circulation of elements and nutrients upon which life and the Earth’s climate depend. Since (as far as we know) all life is carbon-based, a stable carbon cycle is especially important.

   The habitable zone is the region around a star in which planets can develop life. Assuming the need for liquid surface water, it follows that most stars around the size of our sun will be able to sustain habitable zones for billions of years. Stars that are larger than the sun are much hotter and bum out more quickly; life there may not have enough time to evolve. Stars that are smaller than the sun have different problem. First of all, planets in their habitable zones will be so close to the star that they will be “tidally locked” – that is one side of the planet will always face the star in perpetual daylight with the other side in the perpetual night. Another possible obstacle to life on smaller stars is that they tend to vary in their luminosity, or brightness, due to flares and “star spots”. The variation can be large enough to have harmful effects on the ecosystem.

   Of course, not all stars of the right size will give rise to life; they also must have terrestrial planets with the right kind of orbits. Most solar systems have more than one planet, which influence each other’s orbits with their own gravity. Therefore, in order to have a stable system with no planets flying out into space, the orbits must be a good distance from one another. Interestingly, the amount of space needed is roughly the width of a star’s habitable zone. This means that for life to evolve, the largest possible number of life-supporting planets in any star’s habitable zone is two.

   Finally, not all planets meeting the above conditions will necessarily develop life. One major threat is large, frequent asteroid and comet impacts, which will wipe out life each time it tries to evolve. The case of Earth teaches that having large gas giants, such as Saturn and Jupiter,.in the outer part of the solar system can help keep a planet safe for life. Due to their strong gravitation, they tend to catch or deflect large objects before they can reach Earth.


It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that

A. most stars have more than two planets in their habitable zones 

B. no star has more than two planets in its habitable zone 

C. it is not possible for a star to have three planets with life on them 

D. for life to develop, a star must have at least two planets in its habitable zone

12 tháng 3 2017

Đáp án C

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Giải thích:

Có thể rút ra từ đoạn 4 rằng…

A. hầu hết các ngôi sao có nhiều hơn 2 hành tinh trong khu vực có thể sống của họ

B. không có ngôi sao nào có nhiều hơn 2 hành tinh trong khu vực có thể sống của nó

C. không có khả năng cho 1 ngôi sao có 3 hành tinh cùng chúng.

D. để sự sống phát triển, một ngôi sao phải có ít nhất 2 hành tinh trong khu vực có thể sống của nó

Thông tin: This means that for life to evolve, the largest possible number of life­supporting planets in any star’s habitable zone is two.

Tạm dịch: Điều này có nghĩa là để sự sống phát triển, số lượng lớn nhất để hỗ trợ các hành tinh trong khu vực có thể sống của một ngôi sao là 2.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.Life in the UniverseExobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth. As yet, of course, no such life forms have been found. Exobiologists, however, have done important work in the theoretical study of where life is most likely to evolve, and what those extrateưestrial life forms might be like.What sorts of planets are most...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

Life in the Universe

Exobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth. As yet, of course, no such life forms have been found. Exobiologists, however, have done important work in the theoretical study of where life is most likely to evolve, and what those extrateưestrial life forms might be like.

What sorts of planets are most likely to develop life? Most scientists agree that a habitable planet must be terrestrial, or rock-based, with liquid surface water and biogeochemical cycles that somewhat resemble Earth’s. Water is an important solvent involved in many biological processes. Biogeochemical cycles are the continuous movement and transformation of materials in the environment. These cycles include the circulation of elements and nutrients upon which life and the Earth’s climate depend. Since (as far as we know) all life is carbon-based, a stable carbon cycle is especially important.

The habitable zone is the region around a star in which planets can develop life. Assuming the need for liquid surface water, it follows that most stars around the size of our sun will be able to sustain habitable zones for billions of years. Stars that are larger than the sun are much hotter and bum out more quickly; life there may not have enough time to evolve. Stars that are smaller than the sun have different problem. First of all, planets in their habitable zones will be so close to the star that they will be “tidally locked” – that is one side of the planet will always face the star in perpetual daylight with the other side in the perpetual night. Another possible obstacle to life on smaller stars is that they tend to vary in their luminosity, or brightness, due to flares and “star spots”. The variation can be large enough to have harmful effects on the ecosystem.

Of course, not all stars of the right size will give rise to life; they also must have terrestrial planets with the right kind of orbits. Most solar systems have more than one planet, which influence each other’s orbits with their own gravity. Therefore, in order to have a stable system with no planets flying out into space, the orbits must be a good distance from one another. Interestingly, the amount of space needed is roughly the width of a star’s habitable zone. This means that for life to evolve, the largest possible number of life-supporting planets in any star’s habitable zone is two.

Finally, not all planets meeting the above conditions will necessarily develop life. One major threat is large, frequent asteroid and comet impacts, which will wipe out life each time it tries to evolve. The case of Earth teaches that having large gas giants, such as Saturn and Jupiter,.in the outer part of the solar system can help keep a planet safe for life. Due to their strong gravitation, they tend to catch or deflect large objects before they can reach Earth.
It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that

A. most stars have more than two planets in their habitable zones

B. no star has more than two planets in its habitable zone

C. it is not possible for a star to have three planets with life on them

D. for life to develop, a star must have at least two planets in its habitable zone

15 tháng 8 2017

Đáp án C

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Giải thích:

Có thể rút ra từ đoạn 4 rằng…

A. hầu hết các ngôi sao có nhiều hơn 2 hành tinh trong khu vực có thể sống của họ

B. không có ngôi sao nào có nhiều hơn 2 hành tinh trong khu vực có thể sống của nó

C. không có khả năng cho 1 ngôi sao có 3 hành tinh cùng chúng.

D. để sự sống phát triển, một ngôi sao phải có ít nhất 2 hành tinh trong khu vực có thể sống của nó

Thông tin: This means that for life to evolve, the largest possible number of life­supporting planets in any star’s habitable zone is two.

Tạm dịch: Điều này có nghĩa là để sự sống phát triển, số lượng lớn nhất để hỗ trợ các hành tinh trong khu vực có thể sống của một ngôi sao là 2.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.Life in the Universe   Exobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth. As yet, of course, no such life forms have been found. Exobiologists, however, have done important work in the theoretical study of where life is most likely to evolve, and what those extrateưestrial life forms might be like.   What sorts of planets...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

Life in the Universe

   Exobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth. As yet, of course, no such life forms have been found. Exobiologists, however, have done important work in the theoretical study of where life is most likely to evolve, and what those extrateưestrial life forms might be like.

   What sorts of planets are most likely to develop life? Most scientists agree that a habitable planet must be terrestrial, or rock-based, with liquid surface water and biogeochemical cycles that somewhat resemble Earth’s. Water is an important solvent involved in many biological processes. Biogeochemical cycles are the continuous movement and transformation of materials in the environment. These cycles include the circulation of elements and nutrients upon which life and the Earth’s climate depend. Since (as far as we know) all life is carbon-based, a stable carbon cycle is especially important.

   The habitable zone is the region around a star in which planets can develop life. Assuming the need for liquid surface water, it follows that most stars around the size of our sun will be able to sustain habitable zones for billions of years. Stars that are larger than the sun are much hotter and bum out more quickly; life there may not have enough time to evolve. Stars that are smaller than the sun have different problem. First of all, planets in their habitable zones will be so close to the star that they will be “tidally locked” – that is one side of the planet will always face the star in perpetual daylight with the other side in the perpetual night. Another possible obstacle to life on smaller stars is that they tend to vary in their luminosity, or brightness, due to flares and “star spots”. The variation can be large enough to have harmful effects on the ecosystem.

   Of course, not all stars of the right size will give rise to life; they also must have terrestrial planets with the right kind of orbits. Most solar systems have more than one planet, which influence each other’s orbits with their own gravity. Therefore, in order to have a stable system with no planets flying out into space, the orbits must be a good distance from one another. Interestingly, the amount of space needed is roughly the width of a star’s habitable zone. This means that for life to evolve, the largest possible number of life-supporting planets in any star’s habitable zone is two.

   Finally, not all planets meeting the above conditions will necessarily develop life. One major threat is large, frequent asteroid and comet impacts, which will wipe out life each time it tries to evolve. The case of Earth teaches that having large gas giants, such as Saturn and Jupiter,.in the outer part of the solar system can help keep a planet safe for life. Due to their strong gravitation, they tend to catch or deflect large objects before they can reach Earth.


The word “which” in paragraph 3 refers to

A. star 

B. zone 

C. region 

D. planet

25 tháng 11 2019

Đáp án C

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Giải thích:

Từ "which" trong đoạn 3 thay thế cho

A. ngôi sao 

B. Vùng     

C. khu vực 

D. hành tinh

từ "which" thay thế cho cụm từ trước đó là "region"

Thông tin: The habitable zone is the region around a star in which planets can develop life.

Tạm dịch: Vùng có thể sinh sống là khu vực quanh những ngôi sao nở nơi mà hành tinh có thể phát triển sự sống.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.Life in the UniverseExobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth. As yet, of course, no such life forms have been found. Exobiologists, however, have done important work in the theoretical study of where life is most likely to evolve, and what those extrateưestrial life forms might be like.What sorts of planets are most...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

Life in the Universe

Exobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth. As yet, of course, no such life forms have been found. Exobiologists, however, have done important work in the theoretical study of where life is most likely to evolve, and what those extrateưestrial life forms might be like.

What sorts of planets are most likely to develop life? Most scientists agree that a habitable planet must be terrestrial, or rock-based, with liquid surface water and biogeochemical cycles that somewhat resemble Earth’s. Water is an important solvent involved in many biological processes. Biogeochemical cycles are the continuous movement and transformation of materials in the environment. These cycles include the circulation of elements and nutrients upon which life and the Earth’s climate depend. Since (as far as we know) all life is carbon-based, a stable carbon cycle is especially important.

The habitable zone is the region around a star in which planets can develop life. Assuming the need for liquid surface water, it follows that most stars around the size of our sun will be able to sustain habitable zones for billions of years. Stars that are larger than the sun are much hotter and bum out more quickly; life there may not have enough time to evolve. Stars that are smaller than the sun have different problem. First of all, planets in their habitable zones will be so close to the star that they will be “tidally locked” – that is one side of the planet will always face the star in perpetual daylight with the other side in the perpetual night. Another possible obstacle to life on smaller stars is that they tend to vary in their luminosity, or brightness, due to flares and “star spots”. The variation can be large enough to have harmful effects on the ecosystem.

Of course, not all stars of the right size will give rise to life; they also must have terrestrial planets with the right kind of orbits. Most solar systems have more than one planet, which influence each other’s orbits with their own gravity. Therefore, in order to have a stable system with no planets flying out into space, the orbits must be a good distance from one another. Interestingly, the amount of space needed is roughly the width of a star’s habitable zone. This means that for life to evolve, the largest possible number of life-supporting planets in any star’s habitable zone is two.

Finally, not all planets meeting the above conditions will necessarily develop life. One major threat is large, frequent asteroid and comet impacts, which will wipe out life each time it tries to evolve. The case of Earth teaches that having large gas giants, such as Saturn and Jupiter,.in the outer part of the solar system can help keep a planet safe for life. Due to their strong gravitation, they tend to catch or deflect large objects before they can reach Earth.
The word “which” in paragraph 3 refers to

A. star

B. zone

C. region

D. planet

7 tháng 11 2019

Đáp án C

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Giải thích:

Từ "which" trong đoạn 3 thay thế cho

A. ngôi sao  B. Vùng       C. khu vực   D. hành tinh

từ "which" thay thế cho cụm từ trước đó là "region"

Thông tin: The habitable zone is the region around a star in which planets can develop life.

Tạm dịch: Vùng có thể sinh sống là khu vực quanh những ngôi sao nở nơi mà hành tinh có thể phát triển sự sống.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.Life in the Universe   Exobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth. As yet, of course, no such life forms have been found. Exobiologists, however, have done important work in the theoretical study of where life is most likely to evolve, and what those extrateưestrial life forms might be like.   What sorts of planets...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

Life in the Universe

   Exobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth. As yet, of course, no such life forms have been found. Exobiologists, however, have done important work in the theoretical study of where life is most likely to evolve, and what those extrateưestrial life forms might be like.

   What sorts of planets are most likely to develop life? Most scientists agree that a habitable planet must be terrestrial, or rock-based, with liquid surface water and biogeochemical cycles that somewhat resemble Earth’s. Water is an important solvent involved in many biological processes. Biogeochemical cycles are the continuous movement and transformation of materials in the environment. These cycles include the circulation of elements and nutrients upon which life and the Earth’s climate depend. Since (as far as we know) all life is carbon-based, a stable carbon cycle is especially important.

   The habitable zone is the region around a star in which planets can develop life. Assuming the need for liquid surface water, it follows that most stars around the size of our sun will be able to sustain habitable zones for billions of years. Stars that are larger than the sun are much hotter and bum out more quickly; life there may not have enough time to evolve. Stars that are smaller than the sun have different problem. First of all, planets in their habitable zones will be so close to the star that they will be “tidally locked” – that is one side of the planet will always face the star in perpetual daylight with the other side in the perpetual night. Another possible obstacle to life on smaller stars is that they tend to vary in their luminosity, or brightness, due to flares and “star spots”. The variation can be large enough to have harmful effects on the ecosystem.

   Of course, not all stars of the right size will give rise to life; they also must have terrestrial planets with the right kind of orbits. Most solar systems have more than one planet, which influence each other’s orbits with their own gravity. Therefore, in order to have a stable system with no planets flying out into space, the orbits must be a good distance from one another. Interestingly, the amount of space needed is roughly the width of a star’s habitable zone. This means that for life to evolve, the largest possible number of life-supporting planets in any star’s habitable zone is two.

   Finally, not all planets meeting the above conditions will necessarily develop life. One major threat is large, frequent asteroid and comet impacts, which will wipe out life each time it tries to evolve. The case of Earth teaches that having large gas giants, such as Saturn and Jupiter,.in the outer part of the solar system can help keep a planet safe for life. Due to their strong gravitation, they tend to catch or deflect large objects before they can reach Earth.


The word “sustain” in paragraph 3 could best be replaced by

A. assist 

B. have 

C. need 

D. experience

30 tháng 5 2019

Đáp án B

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Từ "sustain" trong đoạn 3 có thể được thay thế bằng từ:

A. có thể có

B. có

C. cần   

D. kinh nghiệm

Thông tin: … It follows that most stars around the size of our sun will be able to sustain habitable zones…

Tạm dịch: Theo đó, hầu hết các ngôi sao xung quanh vùng mặt trời của chúng ta sẽ có thể có khu vực sống được…

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.Life in the UniverseExobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth. As yet, of course, no such life forms have been found. Exobiologists, however, have done important work in the theoretical study of where life is most likely to evolve, and what those extrateưestrial life forms might be like.What sorts of planets are most...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

Life in the Universe

Exobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth. As yet, of course, no such life forms have been found. Exobiologists, however, have done important work in the theoretical study of where life is most likely to evolve, and what those extrateưestrial life forms might be like.

What sorts of planets are most likely to develop life? Most scientists agree that a habitable planet must be terrestrial, or rock-based, with liquid surface water and biogeochemical cycles that somewhat resemble Earth’s. Water is an important solvent involved in many biological processes. Biogeochemical cycles are the continuous movement and transformation of materials in the environment. These cycles include the circulation of elements and nutrients upon which life and the Earth’s climate depend. Since (as far as we know) all life is carbon-based, a stable carbon cycle is especially important.

The habitable zone is the region around a star in which planets can develop life. Assuming the need for liquid surface water, it follows that most stars around the size of our sun will be able to sustain habitable zones for billions of years. Stars that are larger than the sun are much hotter and bum out more quickly; life there may not have enough time to evolve. Stars that are smaller than the sun have different problem. First of all, planets in their habitable zones will be so close to the star that they will be “tidally locked” – that is one side of the planet will always face the star in perpetual daylight with the other side in the perpetual night. Another possible obstacle to life on smaller stars is that they tend to vary in their luminosity, or brightness, due to flares and “star spots”. The variation can be large enough to have harmful effects on the ecosystem.

Of course, not all stars of the right size will give rise to life; they also must have terrestrial planets with the right kind of orbits. Most solar systems have more than one planet, which influence each other’s orbits with their own gravity. Therefore, in order to have a stable system with no planets flying out into space, the orbits must be a good distance from one another. Interestingly, the amount of space needed is roughly the width of a star’s habitable zone. This means that for life to evolve, the largest possible number of life-supporting planets in any star’s habitable zone is two.

Finally, not all planets meeting the above conditions will necessarily develop life. One major threat is large, frequent asteroid and comet impacts, which will wipe out life each time it tries to evolve. The case of Earth teaches that having large gas giants, such as Saturn and Jupiter,.in the outer part of the solar system can help keep a planet safe for life. Due to their strong gravitation, they tend to catch or deflect large objects before they can reach Earth.
The word “sustain” in paragraph 3 could best be replaced by

A. assist

B. have

C. need

D. experience

2 tháng 1 2019

Đáp án B

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Từ "sustain" trong đoạn 3 có thể được thay thế bằng từ:

A. có thể có           B. có

C. cần                    D. kinh nghiệm

Thông tin: … It follows that most stars around the size of our sun will be able to sustain habitable zones…

Tạm dịch: Theo đó, hầu hết các ngôi sao xung quanh vùng mặt trời của chúng ta sẽ có thể có khu vực sống được

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.Life in the Universe   Exobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth. As yet, of course, no such life forms have been found. Exobiologists, however, have done important work in the theoretical study of where life is most likely to evolve, and what those extrateưestrial life forms might be like.   What sorts of planets...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

Life in the Universe

   Exobiology is the study of life that originates from outside of Earth. As yet, of course, no such life forms have been found. Exobiologists, however, have done important work in the theoretical study of where life is most likely to evolve, and what those extrateưestrial life forms might be like.

   What sorts of planets are most likely to develop life? Most scientists agree that a habitable planet must be terrestrial, or rock-based, with liquid surface water and biogeochemical cycles that somewhat resemble Earth’s. Water is an important solvent involved in many biological processes. Biogeochemical cycles are the continuous movement and transformation of materials in the environment. These cycles include the circulation of elements and nutrients upon which life and the Earth’s climate depend. Since (as far as we know) all life is carbon-based, a stable carbon cycle is especially important.

   The habitable zone is the region around a star in which planets can develop life. Assuming the need for liquid surface water, it follows that most stars around the size of our sun will be able to sustain habitable zones for billions of years. Stars that are larger than the sun are much hotter and bum out more quickly; life there may not have enough time to evolve. Stars that are smaller than the sun have different problem. First of all, planets in their habitable zones will be so close to the star that they will be “tidally locked” – that is one side of the planet will always face the star in perpetual daylight with the other side in the perpetual night. Another possible obstacle to life on smaller stars is that they tend to vary in their luminosity, or brightness, due to flares and “star spots”. The variation can be large enough to have harmful effects on the ecosystem.

   Of course, not all stars of the right size will give rise to life; they also must have terrestrial planets with the right kind of orbits. Most solar systems have more than one planet, which influence each other’s orbits with their own gravity. Therefore, in order to have a stable system with no planets flying out into space, the orbits must be a good distance from one another. Interestingly, the amount of space needed is roughly the width of a star’s habitable zone. This means that for life to evolve, the largest possible number of life-supporting planets in any star’s habitable zone is two.

   Finally, not all planets meeting the above conditions will necessarily develop life. One major threat is large, frequent asteroid and comet impacts, which will wipe out life each time it tries to evolve. The case of Earth teaches that having large gas giants, such as Saturn and Jupiter,.in the outer part of the solar system can help keep a planet safe for life. Due to their strong gravitation, they tend to catch or deflect large objects before they can reach Earth.


All of the following are mentioned in the passage as necessary for the development of life except

A. rock 

B. carbon 

C. oxygen 

D. water 

19 tháng 6 2018

Đáp án C

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Giải thích:

Tất cả những điều sau đây được đề cập trong đoạn văn để cần thiết cho sự phát triển sự sống, Trừ:

A. đá                   

B. Carbon            

C. khí oxy           

D. nước

Thông tin: Most scientists agree that a habitable planet must be

terrestn rock-based, with liquid surface water ….. Since (as far as we know) all life is carbon-based

Tạm dịch: Hầu hết các nhà khoa học đồng ý rằng một hành tinh sống phải có đá trên mặt, với nước… Như chúng ta biết, tất cả cuộc sống của chúng ta đều dựa vào carbon…