- Put the question tag on the end of these sentences.
- 1. You have heard about that, HAVEN'T YOU…
- 2. Nam did the work well, DIDN'T HE…
- 3. He didn’t have to speak to me, DID HE…
- 4. He won’t fall down, WILL HE…
- 5. You wouldn’t like the windown open, WOULD YOU…
- 6. She used to beat his wife, DIDN'T SHE…
- 7. She came very late, DIDN'T SHE…
- 8. Come and see me tomorrow, WILL YOU…
- 9. That’s the sort of thing you would do, …WOULDN'T YOU
- 10. I’d better go, WOULDN'T YOU…
- 11. There is an examination tomorrow,ISN'T THERE…
- 12. She’s been studying English for two years,…ISN'T SHE
- 13. You can’t play tennis today,…CAN YOU
- 14. It is surely sunny today,ISN'T IT…
- 15. Beverly will be attending the university in September,WON'T HE…
- 16. I’m never called “Scholar”,…ARE I
- 17. No one has come here,…HAVE THEY
- 18. Everybody can learn how to swim,…CAN'T THEY
- 19. Ha’s family often have tea for breakfast,AREN'T THEY…
- 20. She never works on Sundays,DOES SHE…
- 21. You can speak English,CAN'T YOU…
- 22. He shouldn’t smoke,…SHOULD HE
- 23. That job is hardly suitable for her,…ISN'T IT
- 24. They were there,…WEREN'T THEY
- 25. They arrived yesterday,DIDN'T THEY…
- 26. She doesn’t want to go,DOES SHE…
- 27. He will come,WON'T HE…
- 28. Your father is a teacher, …ISN'T HE.
- 9. 29. There are more countries north of the equator than south of it,…AREN'T THERE
- 30. You have never been in Italy,…HAVE YOU
- 31. You have a ticket to the game,…HAVEN'T YOU
- 32. You don’t know of any vacant apartments, …DO YOU
- 33. He doesn’t need a furnished apartment,DOES HE…
- 34. But I guess he can always rent some,…CAN'T HE
- 35. The movers aren’t packing the books for us,ARE THEY…
- 36. You have lived in Hollyood for many years,HAVEN'T YOU…
- 37. You didn’t know anyone here at first,DID YOU…
- 38. Sally turn in her report,DOESN'T SHE…
- 39. That’s Bob’s,…ISN'T IT
- 40. No one died in the accident,…DID THEY
- 41. You’re working on another screenplay now,…AREN'T YOU
- 42. Speaking of kids, you have some of your own, HAVEN'T YOU…
- 43. That depends on what you mean by a long time,…DON'T YOU
- 44. We should call Rita,…SHOULDN'T WE
- 45. I’m supposed to be here,AREN'T I…
- 46. Nothing wrong,…DID IT
- 47. You are still wanted by the police,…AREN'T YOU
- 48. We went to Stan’s holiday party last year,…DIDN'T WE
- 49. Tom and Fred hadn’t been to Florida before then,…HAD THEY
- 50. I’m asually right about the weather,…AREN'T YOU
- 51. Nobody called on the phone,DID THEY…
- 52. Everything are OK,…ISN'T IT
- 53. Everyone took the test,…DIDN'T THEY
- 54. There are a lot of people here,…AREN'T THERE
- 55. They had to go home,HADN'T THEY…
- 56. The little children were let go away,…WEREN'T THEY