Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

BÀI 1 :chọn đáp án 1 a,b,c hoặc d để điền vào chỗ trống :
Don't use disposable products. In a singel year people (1)_____the - United states use enough disposable dispers (2)_____to the moon and back seven times. If you (3)_____disposable, use products made from (4)_____materials. Also, recycle when ever possible. Recycling on aluminum can saves (5)_____energy to run a TV (6)_____three hours
1. a. in b.at c.on d.from
2. a. reach b.reaching c. to reach d.for reaching
3. a. have b. use c.sell d.hold
4. a. recycle b.recycles c.recycling d. recycled
5. a. enough b.too c.very d.much
6. a. on b.at c.of d. for
BÀI 2 : chọn đáp án 1 a,b,c hoặc d để trả lời các câu hỏi bên dưới :
You can recycle many types of glass. Glass food and beverage containers can be reused and recycled many times. ( In fact. only bulbs, ceramic, glass can't be recycled )
Glass is made from soda ash, sand, and lime. If it's thrown away, it stays there indefinitely because glass never breaks down into its original ingredients. To be recycled, glass is sorted by color, crushed into small pieces, and melted down into a liquid. Then, it is molded into new glass containers
1. Which of the following can be recycled ?
a. glass food and beverage containers.
b. bulbs
c. ceramic glass
d. dishes anf window glass
2. What does the word ''reuse'' in line 2 mean ?
a. use something again.
b. use all of something
c. throw something away
d. not buying things which are overpackaged
3. Glass___________
a. is made from soda ash , sand, anh lime
b. stays there indefinitely if it's thrown away
c. never breaks down into its original ingredients
d. all are correct.
4. What dose the word 'its' in line 5 refer to ?
a. glass.
b. soda ash
c. sand
d. lime
5. When people recycle glass, they ___________
a. sort it by color and crush it into small pieces
b. melt it into a liquid
c. mould it into containers
d. all are correct.
BÀI 3 : Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn đáp án đúng a,b,c hoặc d
Just a few years ago, this place was called Dumptown. The people living here didn't think much about where waste went when they threw it out. Things that could be reused or recycler were thrown in the trash, because nobody believed recycling made a difference. And, eventually, that became a very big problem
The garbage heap grew and began to smell . Sometimes it caught fire, and making it hard for everyone to breathe. Dumptowners knew they had to fix it . They learned to reduce the amount of waste they threw away. For example, they learbed to reuse thigs like washing out empty jars in - stear of throwing them away. And, they learned to recycle. They set up bins around town to collect glass, paper, and other things, then made into new products
1. The people living in Dumptown_______
a. didn't think much about where the waste went
b. threw things that could be reused or recycled into the trash
c. didn't believe that recycling could make a difference
d. all are correct.
2. which of the following could replace the word 'trash' in line 3?
a. garbage
b. rubbish
c. compost
d. a & b.
3. what dose the word 'them' in line 11 refer to ?
a. the trash
b. the garbage heap
c. Dumptowners
d. emty jars.
4. what did they do to solve their problems ?
a. they reduced the amount of waste they threw away
b. they learnt to reuse things
c. they learnt to recycle
d. all are correct.
BÀI 4 : đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn đáp án đúng ( a,b,c or d) để trả lời câu hỏi
There are often containers in car parks outside supermarkets for people to put bottles in; clear, green and brown bottles are separated. Also, newspapers and magazines can be recycled as well as cans made of alu minum. One of the problems of this is that most people don't want to take their rubbish there . To overcome this , some local councils also provide special containers, often called '' recycled bins '' , for people to collect glass and paper in. They put there outside their houses at the same time as their rubbish, and thay are collected and recycled
1.what are the containers in car parks outside supermarkets for ?
a. For people to put bottles in.
b. for separating clear, green, and brown bottles
c. For recycling newspapers and magazines
d. no information
2________can be recycled
b. newspapers and magazines
c. cans made of aluminum
d. all are correct.
3. what dose the word ' rubbish' in line 5 mean ?
a. thing that you do not want any more.
b. something that you make by mixing different things together
c.things that is bad
d. things that is very old
4. what dose the word 'they' in line 8 refer to?
a. local councils
d. rubbish.
5. which of the following is not true ?
a. There are often containers outside supermarkets
b. Most people take their rubbish to car park.
c.'Recycling bins' are provided by some local councils
d.'Recycling bins' are provided for people to caollect paper in

1. The people living in Dumptown_______.
A. thought much about where the waste went
B. threw things that could be reused or recycled into the sea
C. didn’t believe that recycling could make a difference
D. wanted to recycle the trash
2. Which of the following could replace the word ‘trash’ in line 3?
A. garbage B. rubbish C. compost D. A & B
3. What were the Dumptown’s problems?
A. The garbage heap smelled. B. Sometimes the garbage heap caught fire.
C. It was hard for everyone to breathe. D. all are correct
4. What does the word ‘them’ in line 11 refer to? (theo bài đọc thì bạn in đậm sai chỗ)
A. the trash B. the garbage heap
C. Dumptowners D. empty jars’
5. What did they do to solve their problems?
A. They learnt to reduce, reuse and recycle B. They moved away.
C. They fixed it. D. All are correct

Tái chế.
Bạn đã bao giờ thử nghĩ rằng nhiều thứ mà bạn có được trong một ngày nào đó sẽ bị ném đổ hết ra ngoài ? Nghĩ về quần áo của bạn, cái tivi, và cái lò. Chúng sẽ bị xé ra hoặc bị phá vỡ. Hoặc bạn chỉ muốn những thứ mới, tốt hơn. Nhưng những thứ đó sẽ đi đâu về đâu khi mà bạn ném chúng đi ?
Tin xấu rằng đa số những thứ bị ném đi sẽ ở trong một bãi rác. Bãi rác là một hố chôn lớn giữa bề mặt đất.Và có thể ở trong đó sẽ có bê tông hoặc nhựa. Chính cái nhựa này sẽ giữ hóa chất thấm vào nguồn nước xung quanh bãi rác đó.Những chiếc xe rác lấp đầy cái hố bằng tất cả những gì con người thải ra ngoài. Chúng đổ những đồ vật đó vào những cái hố. Xe lu bao bọc mọi thứ lại bằng đất. Nhưng đang có một cách tốt hơn. Và kể từ khi chúng ta đang cạn kiệt dần những khoảng trống cho hố rác, nhiều người đang thực hiện cách này.
Cách tốt nhất ở đây là tái chế. Tái chế cho phép nhiều thứ bị vứt đi có thể sử dụng lại. Cho đi những chiếc TV cũ và chiếc lò cũ. Chúng có thể được sửa lại để mà những người khác cũng có thể sử dụng. Quần áo có thể gửi đến cho những người mà cần chúng. Đa số thủy tinh, ly chén, nhựa, kim loại thì có thể tái tạo lại.Khi mà mọi người tái chế những thứ này, chúng giúp cho môi trường sống. Chúng giúp tiết kiệm không gian cho những hố rác.
Một số người lại có thùng đựng rác. Họ để giấy, kim loại, ly, và nhựa ở trong đó. Một chiếc xe tải đặc biệt lấy những thứ đó vào một trung tâm chế biến. Nhiều người khác phải lái xe đến một trung tâm chế biến nào đó và đưa những thứ này đến đó.
Chuyện gì sẽ xảy ra ở trung tâm tái chế ? Giấy sẽ được xé nhỏ, sau đó trộn với nước và bột gỗ để làm ra giấy mới. Ly thủy tinh, kim loại và nhựa thì được nung nấu.Sau đó chúng được đổ ra khuôn mẫu để làm những thứ mới. Những chiếc bình thủy tinh được nung nấu và trở thành những bình thủy tinh mới.Tái chế cho phép những thứ cũ được sử dụng nhiều lần.
Đây nhé :)
Tái chế
Bạn đã bao giờ nghĩ về việc rằng những thứ mà bạn đang sở hữu sẽ bị vứt đi một ngày nào đó chưa? Hãy nghĩ về quần áo của bạn, cái ti vi, và cái bếp lò. Chúng sẽ bị xé rách đi hoặc là bị hư, hoặc là bạn có lẽ chỉ muốn có được những thứ mới và tốt hơn. Nhưng những đồ vật đó sẽ đi đâu nếu bạn vứt chúng đi?
Tin tệ là phần lớn chúng sẽ đưa đến hố chôn rác. Hố chôn rác là một cái hố lớn trên mặt đất, nó có thể có lớp lót bằng bê tông hoặc nhựa. Lớp lót này giữ các hoá chất không tràn vào nước ngầm ở quanh bãi rác. Xe chở rác sẽ lấp đầy tất cả những thứ mà người ta vứt xuống hố rác và đổ chất tải xuống cái hố. Những chiếc xe ủi sẽ che lấp tất cả với đất. Nhưng có một cách làm tốt hơn, và từ khi chúng ta đang hết không gian cho bãi rác, nhiều người đang thực hiện cách làm này.
Cách làm tốt hơn này là tái chế. Tái chế để cho nhiều thứ có thể được sử dụng lại lần nữa. Cho đi một cái ti vi cũ hoặc chiếc bếp lò, chúng có thể được sửa lại, nhờ thế ai đó khác có thể sử dụng chúng. Quần áo có thể được gửi đến những người cần chúng. Phần lớn thuỷ tinh, giấy. nhựa và kim loại thì có thể tái chế được. Khi người ta tái chế những thứ này sẽ giúp được cho môi trường, điều này sẽ tiết kiệm được không gian để làm bãi rác! ( Con người làm mất đi không gian để làm bãi rác nhiều hơn bất cứ thứ gì! )
Một số người có thùng rác. Họ vứt giấy, kim loại, thuỷ tinh và nhựa vào chiếc thùng. Một chiếc xe tải đặc biệt sẽ đưa nững thứ này đến một trung tâm xử lý. Những người khác sẽ lái xe đến một trung tâm tái chế và để rác ở đó.
Điều gì sẽ xảy ra tại một trung tâm tái chế? Giấy bị xé nhỏ ra rồi được pha trộn với nước và bột gỗ để làm giấy mới. Thuỷ tinh, kim loại và nhựa bị nấu chảy, sau đó chúng được đổ vào khuôn để hình thành một vật mới. Những chiếc lọ thuỷ tinh được nấu chảy và trở thành những chiếc lọ mới. Tái chế khiến các đồ vật được sử dụng hoài hoài.
Oke, tự dịch đó :v Có gì sai sót thông cảm nha :))

Long ago a lot of people thought the moon was a God . Other people thought it was just a light in the sky . And others thought it was a big ball of cheese .
Then telecopes were made .And men saw that the moon was really another world . They wondered what it was like . They dreamed of going there .
On July 20 , 1969 , that dream came true . Two American men landed on the moon . Their names were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin .
The first thing the men was that the moon is covered with dust . The dust is so thick that the men left footprints where they walked . Those were the first marks a living thing had ever made on the moon . And they could stay there for years and years . There is no wind or rain to wipe them off .
The two men walked on the moon for hours . They picked up rocks to bring back to us for study . They dug up dirt to bring back . They set up machines to find out things people wanted to know . Then they climbed back into their moon landing craft .
1. Did people think that the moon was god?
Yes , they did
2. When did two men walk on the moon?
On July 20 , 1969
3. How long did the two men walk on the moon?
They walked on the moon for hours .
4. why did they pick up rocks to bring back to earth?
They picked up rocks to bring back to us for study
1. Did people think that the moon was God ?
\(\Rightarrow\)Yes, they did.
2. When did the men walk on the moon ?
\(\Rightarrow\)They walked on the moon on July 20th , 1969.
3. How long did the men walk on the moon ?
\(\Rightarrow\)They walked on the moon for hours.
4. Why the men pick up rocks to bring back to the Earth?
\(\Rightarrow\)Because they want us to know more about the moon.
If it is true, please let me know ;)

Think of all the things you throw away: juice bottles, soda cans, candy wrappers. It adds up. How much trash do you produce?
Americans throw away an average of 1 ton of trash per person every year. Most of this trash gets buried in big holes in the ground called landfills.
A lot of this garbage can be recycled, or turned back into something useful. Just about any material can be recycled. The main things we recycle today are made from metal, paper, glass, or plastic.
People recycle for many reasons. One of the main reasons is to conserve resources. Making new aluminum cans out of old ones means less aluminum is needed for new cans.
This leads to a second reason people recycle: It saves energy. Recycling old aluminum cans takes a lot less energy than making new aluminum. To make new aluminum, you need to mine metal ore from the ground, remove the impurities, and refine it into a finished metal.
Recycling also conserves valuable land. By recycling, we produce less garbage. That means fewer landfills are needed for dumping our trash.
Think of all the things you throw away: juice bottles, soda cans, candy wrappers. It adds up. (1)..How.. much trash do you produce?
Americans throw away an average of 1 ton of trash per person(2) ..every.. year. Most of this trash gets buried (3)..in.. big holes in the ground called landfills.
A lot of this garbage can be recycled, or turned back (4)..into.. something useful. Just about any material can be recycled. The main things we recycle today are (5)..made.. from metal, paper, glass, or plastic.
People recycle for many reasons. One of the (6)..main.. reasons is to conserve resources. Making new aluminum cans out of old ones means less aluminum is needed (7)..for.. new cans.
This leads to a second reason people recycle: It saves energy. Recycling old aluminum cans takes a lot (8)..of..energy than making new aluminum. To make new aluminum, you (9)..need.. to mine metal ore from the ground, remove the impurities, and refine it into a finished metal.
Recycling also conserves valuable land. (10)..By.. recycling, we produce less garbage. That means fewer landfills are needed for dumping our trash.

1. Pollution is caused from the following sources except .
A. water in rivers B. water from households
C.wastes D. house chemicals
2. Recycling can help us .
A. never cut down trees B. produce more paper products
C.place garbage bins easily D. use products again and again
3. In order to save water, we can do all of the following things except .
A. fully use the washing machine
B.repair leaky faucets
C. take short showers instead of baths
D.turn the faucet off while brushing your teeth
4. Recycling helps to reduce waste because .
A. plants need to develop
B.waste can be recycled and reused
C.a person can do it in his home
D.an average man produces compost for plants
5. The word “It” in paragraph 2 refers to .
A. cutting down B. the number
C. recycling D. effort

1. We should use cloth bags ________________ of plas bags.
A.instead B. besides C. apart D. without
2. In the world, millions of old paper ________________ away every day.
A. thrown B. are throwing C.are throw D. threw (is throw là sai)
3. She was very sad ________________ good marks in the final test.
A. not get B.not to get C. to not get D. not getting
4. The prefix “re-” in the word “reuse” means ________________
A. against B. for C. no D.again
5. Farmers collect household and garden waste to make ________________.
A.compost B. floor coverings C. glassware D. pipes
6. My house ________________ every year to welcome the Tet Holiday.
A. paints B. painted C. is painted D. painting
7. Students should be eager ________________ in social activities.
A. paripate B. to paripate C. to paripating D. paripated
8. Milk bottles can be ________________ after being cleaned.
A. recycled B. thrown away C. broken D. reused
9. This project ________________ out next month.
A. is carried B.will carry C. will be carried D. carries
10. It‟s dangerous ________________ in this river.
A. swim B. to swim C. swimming D. swam
11. We are looking forward ________________ you in June.
A. to seeing B. to see C. see D. seeing
12. Try to ________________ the amount of fat in your diet.
A. reuse B. refill C. reduce D. recycle
13. Glass is broken up, melted and made into ________________.
A. silverware B. hardware C. ironware D. glassware
14. This table is made ________________ wood.
A. in B. on C. of D.from
15. The champagne is made ________________ grapes.
A. in B. on C. of D.from
16. They grow food for their animals and use the ________ for fertilizing their fields.
A. trash B. dung C. fertilizer D.compost
17. The government ought to do something to prevent people _______ throwing trash into the river.
A. for B. in C. from D. at
18. They are certain ___________ they will pass the exam easily.
A. which B. what C. where D. that
19. Drink cans are brought back to the factory for ___________ .
A.recycle B. buying C. making D. eating
20. This beautiful box ___________ from recycled paper.
A. was made B. were made C. making D. to make
21. Books___________ by Daniel Steel are sold everywhere.
A. writing B. write C. written D. wrote
22. .......................................is the address of the City Museum
A. Where B. What C. Which D. whom
6. My house ________________ every year to welcome the Tet Holiday.
A. paints B. painted C. is painted D. painting
7. Students should be eager ________________ in social activities.
A. paripate B. to paripate C. to paripating D. paripated
17. The government ought to do something to prevent people _______ throwing trash into the river.
A. for B. in C. from D. at
18. They are certain ___________ they will pass the exam easily.
A. which B. what C. where D. that
21. Books___________ by Daniel Steel are sold everywhere.
A. writing B. write C. written D. wrote

Read the passage carefully. Then decide whether each is True or False
- People pollute the environment by throwing litter or garbage all over the places every day. They also dump empty bottles or cans into the rivers, lakes and seas, making the water unclean. They also cut a lot of trees to get wood pulp for making paper. To protect the environment , everyone should classify and put the garbage in a certain bag for making compost and they should recycle waste paper to avoid cutting a lot of trees. We can protect our environment by doing like that. We also should plant more and more green trees because trees help to hold the soil, prevent us from floods and give us fresh air and shade in summer.
True or False ????
1. One of the factors leading to the water pollution is bottles and cans dumped into the rivers. T
2. We don't need to clarify garbage because It doesn't help protect the environment. F
3. In oder to prodect our environment, we have to plant more trees. T
4. Trees should not be cut down so as to prevent us from floods. T
Questions :
5. We should NOT......... so as to protect environment.
a. Classify and put the garbage in a bag for making compost.
b. Cut lots of trees to get wood pulp instead of recycling waste paper.
c. Plant more green trees.
d. All the correct.
6. What does the word " Classify " in the passage mean ?
a. Arrange things in groups according to their features.
b. Throw things in different directions.
c. Bring things together.
d. Reduce something
Just a few years ago, this place was called Dumptown. The people living here didn't think much about where waste went when they threw it out. Things that could be reused or recycled were thrown in the trash, because nobody believed recycling made a difference. And, eventually, that became a very big problem.The garbage heap grew and began to smell. Sometimes it caught fire, and making it hard for everyone to breathe. Dumptowners knew they had to fix it.They learned to reduce the amount of waste they threw away. For example, they learned to reuse things like washing out empty jars instead of throwing them away. And, they learned to recycle. They set up bins around town to collect glass, paper, and other things, then made into new products.
1. The people living in Dumptown_______.
a. didn't think much about where the waste went
b. threw things that could be reused or recycled into the trash
c. didn't believe that recycling could make a difference
d. all are correct
2. Which of the following could replace the word 'trash' in line 3?
a. garbage b. rubbish c. compost d. a & b
3. What does the word 'them' in the line 8 refer to?
a.empty jars b. the garbage heap c. the trash d. Dumptowners
4. What were the Dumptown's problems?
...................The people living here didn't think much about where waste went when they threw it out............................................................
5. Did they learn to reuse empty jars instead of throwing them away?
6. What did they do to solve their problems?
.................................They learned to reduce the amount of waste they threw away. For example, they learned to reuse things like washing out empty jars instead of throwing them away. And, they learned to recycle. They set up bins around town to collect glass, paper, and other things, then made into new products..................................................
Just a few years ago, this place was called Dumptown. The people living here didn't think much about where waste went when they threw it out. Things that could be reused or recycled were thrown in the trash, because nobody believed recycling made a difference. And, eventually, that became a very big problem.The garbage heap grew and began to smell. Sometimes it caught fire, and making it hard for everyone to breathe. Dumptowners knew they had to fix it.They learned to reduce the amount of waste they threw away. For example, they learned to reuse things like washing out empty jars instead of throwing them away. And, they learned to recycle. They set up bins around town to collect glass, paper, and other things, then made into new products.
1. The people living in Dumptown_______.
a. didn't think much about where the waste went
b. threw things that could be reused or recycled into the trash
c. didn't believe that recycling could make a difference
d. all are correct
2. Which of the following could replace the word 'trash' in line 3?
a. garbage b. rubbish c. compost d. a & b
3. What does the word 'them' in the line 8 refer to?
a.empty jars b. the garbage heap c. the trash d. Dumptowners
4. What were the Dumptown's problems?
The people living here didn't think much about where waste went when they threw it out. Things that could be reused or recycled were thrown in the trash, because nobody believed recycling made a difference. And, eventually, that became a very big problem.The garbage heap grew and began to smell. Sometimes it caught fire, and making it hard for everyone to breathe.
5. Did they learn to reuse empty jars instead of throwing them away?
Yes, they did.
6. What did they do to solve their problems?
They learned to reduce the amount of waste they threw away. For example, they learned to reuse things like washing out empty jars instead of throwing them away. And, they learned to recycle. They set up bins around town to collect glass, paper, and other things, then made into new products.