
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Hi u guys, have a nice day!

TOPIC: What should we do to protect the environment?

       This is an issue that has been talked about for many years now, but still not many of you have done it well, today, let's discuss this issue!

         The environment is the living space of people and living things. This is the place that provides natural resources such as forests, minerals, rare animals and plants, ... and man-made material factors that are closely related to each other, serving and affecting life and processes. existence and development of human life. But this is also the place where human-made waste is stored.

     The typical polluted environment is when nature, the climate is becoming more and more severe, hot sun, high temperature, rainstorms, flash floods appear erratically, forest resources decrease, and environmental pollution occurs on a large scale. , a series of animal species are extinct or on the verge of extinction, forest fires on a large scale... Those are the environmental problems that we have been facing.

       Humans have increasingly impacted the environment, exploiting to the point of exhausting resources, releasing many toxins, making the environment no longer able to regenerate itself. The most visible manifestations are consequences such as forest fires, climate change, greenhouse effect, melting ice, acid rain, etc.


     Firstly, we should limit the use of plastic bags
       The production process of plastic bags also requires a large amount of petroleum raw materials, dyes and chemicals, so it is very harmful to the environment. Therefore, students and students protecting the environment by limiting the use of plastic bags is a small but meaningful action. Children can use newspapers, natural materials such as banana leaves to wrap their belongings or biodegradable bags, reusable cloth bags are also great, or bring a food container. small and pretty every time I buy breakfast.

Secondly, we should save electricity and water in daily life
      Saving electricity and water in daily life is also a good suggestion for students who are wondering what they need to do to protect the environment. For examples :At school, turn off the electricity in the classroom during outdoor physical education classes. After school, all lights should be turned off before leaving. At home, only turn on the electricity in necessary areas, turn off the electricity in the bathroom and WC when finished using, turn off the TV and other devices connected to the mains when no longer in use.

Thirly, planting trees
      One more perfect suggestion for the question “As a student, what do you need to do to protect the environment?” Moreover, it is for young students, they can participate in planting trees right on the school premises and their own houses under the guidance of teachers and parents. Meanwhile, older students and students too, can participate in more community-based tree planting activities to limit and overcome environmental pollution in their locality. as well as nationwide.

And, do not do harmful to the environment

       The next suggestion to improve the environmental protection responsibility of citizens in general, the responsibility of students to protect the environment, in particular, is not to abet actions that damage the environment, for example such as: Tree removal, deforestation, littering in the surrounding environment, wildlife trade. Above are some ways to protect the environment for students. Have you done anything to protect the environment among the suggestions above? If not, do it today to enjoy the Green - Clean - Beautiful living space!

  These are the ways toprotect the environment and environmental protection measures to help people understand the harmful effects of the environment when it is polluted, let's all join hands to protect a cleaner environment.

P/S:Các bạn hãy thử xem mk đọc đc bao nhiêu nhé :))))

25 tháng 1 2022

Đây là kết quả em dịch dc ah:

Chào các bạn, chúc các bạn một ngày tốt lành!

CHỦ ĐỀ: Chúng ta phải làm gì để bảo vệ môi trường?

       Đây là vấn đề đã được nói đến nhiều năm nay nhưng vẫn chưa có nhiều bạn thực hiện tốt, hôm nay chúng ta cùng nhau thảo luận về vấn đề này nhé!

         Môi trường là không gian sống của con người và sinh vật. Đây là nơi cung cấp các nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên như rừng, khoáng sản, động thực vật quý hiếm, ... và các yếu tố vật chất nhân tạo có quan hệ mật thiết với nhau, phục vụ và tác động đến sự sống và các quá trình. sự tồn tại và phát triển của đời sống con người. Nhưng đây cũng là nơi chứa các chất thải do con người tạo ra.

     Môi trường bị ô nhiễm điển hình là khi thiên nhiên, khí hậu ngày càng khắc nghiệt, nắng nóng, nhiệt độ cao, mưa bão, lũ quét xuất hiện thất thường, tài nguyên rừng suy giảm, ô nhiễm môi trường diễn ra trên diện rộng. , hàng loạt loài động vật bị tuyệt chủng hoặc bên bờ vực tuyệt chủng, cháy rừng trên diện rộng… Đó là những vấn đề môi trường mà chúng ta đã và đang phải đối mặt.

       Con người ngày càng tác động sâu vào môi trường, khai thác đến mức cạn kiệt tài nguyên, thải ra nhiều chất độc khiến môi trường không còn khả năng tự tái tạo. Biểu hiện dễ thấy nhất là những hậu quả như cháy rừng, biến đổi khí hậu, hiệu ứng nhà kính, băng tan, mưa axit, v.v.


     Thứ nhất, chúng ta nên hạn chế sử dụng túi ni lông
       Quá trình sản xuất túi ni lông cũng cần một lượng lớn nguyên liệu xăng dầu, thuốc nhuộm và hóa chất nên rất nguy hại đến môi trường. Vì vậy, học sinh, sinh viên bảo vệ môi trường bằng cách hạn chế sử dụng túi ni lông là một hành động nhỏ nhưng đầy ý nghĩa. Các bé có thể dùng giấy báo, các vật liệu tự nhiên như lá chuối để bọc đồ đạc hoặc túi phân hủy sinh học, túi vải tái sử dụng cũng rất tuyệt, hoặc mang theo hộp đựng thức ăn. nhỏ và xinh mỗi khi mua đồ ăn sáng.

Thứ hai, chúng ta nên tiết kiệm điện, nước trong sinh hoạt
      Tiết kiệm điện, nước trong sinh hoạt cũng là một gợi ý hay cho các bạn học sinh đang băn khoăn không biết mình cần làm gì để bảo vệ môi trường. Ví dụ: Ở trường, tắt điện trong phòng học trong giờ học thể dục ngoài trời. Sau giờ học, tất cả các đèn nên được tắt trước khi ra về. Ở nhà, chỉ bật điện ở những khu vực cần thiết, tắt điện trong nhà tắm và WC khi sử dụng xong, tắt TV và các thiết bị kết nối với nguồn điện khi không sử dụng nữa.

Thứ ba, trồng cây
      Thêm một gợi ý hoàn hảo cho câu hỏi “Là học sinh, em cần làm gì để bảo vệ môi trường?” Hơn nữa, đối với các em học sinh nhỏ tuổi, các em được tham gia trồng cây ngay trong khuôn viên nhà trường và nhà riêng của mình dưới sự hướng dẫn của giáo viên và phụ huynh. Trong khi đó, học sinh, sinh viên lớn tuổi cũng có thể tham gia nhiều hoạt động trồng cây dựa vào cộng đồng hơn để hạn chế và khắc phục tình trạng ô nhiễm môi trường tại địa phương mình. cũng như trên toàn quốc.

Và, không gây hại cho môi trường

       Một gợi ý tiếp theo để nâng cao trách nhiệm bảo vệ môi trường của công dân nói chung, trách nhiệm bảo vệ môi trường nói riêng của học sinh là không tiếp tay cho những hành động gây tổn hại đến môi trường, ví dụ như: chặt cây, chặt phá rừng, xả rác bừa bãi. môi trường, buôn bán động vật hoang dã. Trên đây là một số cách bảo vệ môi trường cho học sinh. Bạn đã làm gì để bảo vệ môi trường trong số những gợi ý trên chưa? Nếu chưa, hãy thực hiện ngay hôm nay để tận hưởng không gian sống Xanh - Sạch - Đẹp!

  Trên đây là những cách bảo vệ môi trường và các biện pháp bảo vệ môi trường giúp mọi người hiểu được tác hại của môi trường khi bị ô nhiễm, tất cả chúng ta hãy chung tay bảo vệ môi trường trong sạch hơn.

25 tháng 1 2022

gì vậy ah?

em ko hiểu

A forest is a special place. In the forest, surrounded by tall trees, you are cut off from the would around you, and filled with the sights and sounds of nature. Many fairy tales and legends are set in forests, which have been thought to hold magic and mystery. Today we know that these are only stories, but the forest is still a place that holds many of the world's most valuable resources. Forest has always been important to people. In the past, many people got food by hunting forest animals...
Đọc tiếp

A forest is a special place. In the forest, surrounded by tall trees, you are cut off from the would around you, and filled with the sights and sounds of nature. Many fairy tales and legends are set in forests, which have been thought to hold magic and mystery. Today we know that these are only stories, but the forest is still a place that holds many of the world's most valuable resources.
Forest has always been important to people. In the past, many people got food by hunting forest animals and gathering wild plants. With the advance of civilization, fewer people now live in forests, but forest are more valuable than ever. Forests have an important economic value because they provide us with resources such as timber. Forests are vital to the environment because they clean the air we breathe. Forests are also treasured for their beauty


1. Forest |a. Precious

2. Tales |b. The activity of looking for and killing animals

3. Valuable|c. Important

4. Hunt |d. Large area of land covered by trees

5. Vital |e. Stories about imaginary events or people

True or false

1. When you are in the forest you are away from the natural

2. The forest is a place that holds many of the world's most valuable resources

3. Forest are always important to people

4. Many people now live in forest

5. Forest are not only treasured for their beauty but also for their economic value

5 tháng 6 2021


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.Earth is richly supplied with different types of living organisms which co-exist in their environments, forming complex, interrelated communities. Living organisms depend on one another for nutrients, shelter, and other benefits. The extinction of one species can set off a chain reaction that affects many other species, particularly if the loss occurs near...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Earth is richly supplied with different types of living organisms which co-exist in their environments, forming complex, interrelated communities. Living organisms depend on one another for nutrients, shelter, and other benefits. The extinction of one species can set off a chain reaction that affects many other species, particularly if the loss occurs near the bottom of the food chain. For example, the extinction of a particular insect or plant might seem inconsequential. However, there may be fish or small animals that depend on that resource for foodstuffs. The loss can threaten the survival of these creatures and larger predators that prey upon them. Extinction can have a ripple effect that spreads throughout nature.

In addition to its biological consequences, extinction poses a moral dilemma for humans, the only species capable of saving the others. The presence of humans on the planet has affected all other life forms, particularly plants and animals. Human lifestyles have proven to be incompatible with the survival of some other species. Purposeful efforts have been made to eliminate animals that prey on people, livestock, crops, or pose any threat to human livelihoods. Some wild animals have been decimated by human desire for meat, hides, fur, or other body parts with commercial value. Likewise, demand for land, water, and other natural resources has left many wild plants and animals with little to no suitable habitat. Humans have also affected nature by introducing non-native species to local areas and producing pollutants having a negative impact on the environment. The combination of these human-related effects and natural obstacles such as disease or low birthrates has proven to be too much for some species to overcome. They have no chance of survival without human help.

As a result, societies have difficult choices to make about the amount of effort and money they are willing to spend to save imperiled species. Will people accept limits on their property rights, recreational activities, and means of livelihood to save a plant or an animal? Should saving such popular species as whales and dolphins take priority over saving obscure, annoying, or fearful species? Is it the responsibility of humans to save every kind of life form from disappearing, or is extinction an inevitable part of nature, in which the strong survive and the weak perish? These are some difficult questions that people face as they ponder the fate of other species living on this planet.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. Humans and endangered species

B. The importance of living organisms

C. Measures to protect endangered species

D. Causes of animal extinction

1 tháng 10 2018

Đáp án: A

Giải thích: Bài đọc nói về con người và những loài động vật đang bị nguy hiểm.

11 tháng 4 2023


Dịch văn bản sau sang Tiếng Việt: We live in a dynamic world, and habitats are always undergoing changes at all sorts of levels. However, natural changes usually occur at a slow pace so that impacts on individual species tend to be slight - at least in the short term When the pace of change is greatly accelerated, there may be no time for individual species to react to new circumstances, and the effects can be disastrous. Briefly, this is the reason that rapid habitat loss is...
Đọc tiếp

Dịch văn bản sau sang Tiếng Việt:

We live in a dynamic world, and habitats are always undergoing changes at all sorts of levels. However, natural changes usually occur at a slow pace so that impacts on individual species tend to be slight - at least in the short term
When the pace of change is greatly accelerated, there may be no time for individual species to react to new circumstances, and the effects can be disastrous. Briefly, this is the reason that rapid habitat loss is regarded as the chief cause of species endangerment, and there is no force more powerful in this regard than human beings. To some extent, every part of the earth has been affected by human activities, especially during this past century. This applies on virtually every scale, from the loss of microbes in soils that once supported tropical forests, to the extinction of fish and other aquatic species in polluted freshwater habitats, to changes in global climate caused by the release of greenhouse gases. From the perspective of an individual human lifetime, such changes may be hard to detect and their effects on individual species may be hard to predict. But the lesson is clear enough. For example, although many countries have had plans to grow many tropical forests, they are highly susceptible to destruction because the soils in which they grow are poor in available nutrients. Centuries may be required to bring back a forest that was cut down or burnt out in the space of a few years. Many of the world's severely threatened animals and plants live in such forests, and it is certain that huge numbers of them will disappear if present rates of forest loss continue. Habitats in the world are unchangeable and fixedly exist.

7 tháng 10 2018

Chúng ta sống trong một thế giới năng động, và môi trường sống luôn luôn trải qua những thay đổi ở tất cả các cấp độ. Tuy nhiên, những thay đổi tự nhiên thường xảy ra ở tốc độ chậm để tác động đến từng loài có xu hướng nhỏ - ít nhất là trong ngắn hạn
Khi tốc độ thay đổi được tăng tốc đáng kể, có thể không có thời gian để các loài cá thể phản ứng với hoàn cảnh mới, và các hiệu ứng có thể là thảm họa. Tóm lại, đây là lý do khiến mất môi trường sống nhanh chóng được coi là nguyên nhân chính gây nguy hiểm cho loài, và không có lực lượng nào mạnh hơn trong vấn đề này so với con người. Ở một mức độ nào đó, mọi phần của trái đất đã bị ảnh hưởng bởi các hoạt động của con người, đặc biệt là trong thế kỷ qua. Điều này áp dụng trên hầu hết mọi quy mô, từ việc mất vi khuẩn trong đất đã từng hỗ trợ rừng nhiệt đới, đến sự tuyệt chủng của cá và các loài thủy sinh khác trong môi trường nước ngọt bị ô nhiễm, thay đổi khí hậu toàn cầu gây ra bởi việc thải khí nhà kính. Từ quan điểm của một đời người, những thay đổi như vậy có thể khó phát hiện và ảnh hưởng của chúng đối với từng loài có thể khó dự đoán. Nhưng bài học là đủ rõ ràng. Ví dụ, mặc dù nhiều quốc gia đã có kế hoạch trồng nhiều khu rừng nhiệt đới, chúng rất dễ bị phá hủy bởi vì các loại đất mà chúng phát triển rất nghèo trong các chất dinh dưỡng sẵn có. Nhiều thế kỷ có thể được yêu cầu mang lại một khu rừng bị cắt giảm hoặc bị đốt cháy trong không gian vài năm. Nhiều loài động vật và thực vật bị đe dọa nghiêm trọng trên thế giới sống trong các khu rừng như vậy, và chắc chắn rằng một số lượng lớn chúng sẽ biến mất nếu tỷ lệ mất rừng hiện tại tiếp tục. Môi trường sống trên thế giới là không thể thay đổi và tồn tại cố định.

P/S:ggdịch is freehiha~

7 tháng 10 2018

chụy Google dịch đọc méo hiểu gì nên mới lết xác lên đây đấy -.-

Every day on radio, on TV, and in the newspapers, we hear, see, or read about many problems in the world, for example, pollution problems. Air pollution is the first kind. It mostly comes from fumes released from motorbikes, cars, airplanes, trains, and poisonous gases emitted from factories. Also, waste is dumped anywhere, even in the city where many people are living. The second pollution problem is sea pollution. Many people earn their living from fishing in the sea, and the fish they catch...
Đọc tiếp
Every day on radio, on TV, and in the newspapers, we hear, see, or read about many problems in the world, for example, pollution problems. Air pollution is the first kind. It mostly comes from fumes released from motorbikes, cars, airplanes, trains, and poisonous gases emitted from factories. Also, waste is dumped anywhere, even in the city where many people are living. The second pollution problem is sea pollution. Many people earn their living from fishing in the sea, and the fish they catch feed many people. But the sea has become so polluted from oil spills and factory wastes that the fish are dying. This pollution is not only killing the fish, but also affecting those people who eat fish. Seldom do you find a place nowadays that is not polluted. This problem is growing more difficult every day. We must find a good solution that makes the world a better place to live. T or F 1. pollution is becoming a serious problem nowadays. 2. vehicles and industries are among the causes of air pollution. 3. sea pollution does not affect us at all. 4. only major cities are affected by pollution
10 tháng 1 2018

Every day on radio, on TV, and in the newspapers, we hear, see, or read about many problems in the world, for example, pollution problems. Air pollution is the first kind. It mostly comes from fumes released from motorbikes, cars, airplanes, trains, and poisonous gases emitted from factories. Also, waste is dumped anywhere, even in the city where many people are living. The second pollution problem is sea pollution. Many people earn their living from fishing in the sea, and the fish they catch feed many people. But the sea has become so polluted from oil spills and factory wastes that the fish are dying. This pollution is not only killing the fish, but also affecting those people who eat fish. Seldom do you find a place nowadays that is not polluted. This problem is growing more difficult every day. We must find a good solution that makes the world a better place to live.

T or F

1. pollution is becoming a serious problem nowadays. T

2. vehicles and industries are among the causes of air pollution. T

3. sea pollution does not affect us at all. F

4. only major cities are affected by pollution F

10 tháng 1 2018

1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F

II/ Read the passage and answer the question : Air pollution is a serious problem in many cities. Motor vehicles, factories and other source create so much air pollution that it may hang in the air like dirty fog. Air pollution threatens the health of the people who live in cities. City wastes cause water pollution when they are poured into the waterways. These wastes kill fish and make some areas unfit for swimming. In addition, many large cities have difficulties in disposing their garbage....
Đọc tiếp

II/ Read the passage and answer the question :
Air pollution is a serious problem in many cities. Motor vehicles, factories and other source create so
much air pollution that it may hang in the air like dirty fog. Air pollution threatens the health of the
people who live in cities. City wastes cause water pollution when they are poured into the waterways.
These wastes kill fish and make some areas unfit for swimming. In addition, many large cities have
difficulties in disposing their garbage. The amount of garbage grows each year, but places to put it are
quickly filling up Citizens, governments, industries, scientists and business people must work
together in different ways to gradually reduce pollution.
True ( T ) or False ( F ) in the space provided
1/ Air pollution is a serious (dangerous) problem in many cities . __________
2/ Air pollution doesn't cause danger to people's health in some cities
3/ Motor vehicles and factories are some of sources of air pollution . ____________
4/ Only factories are the main source of air pollution ._________
5/ Air pollution is the only problem of the environment in this passage .
6/ Some areas are unfit for swimming because of the city wastes .____________
7/ The amount of the garbage in large cities reduces each year ._________
8/ Everyone must cooperate to reduce pollution . ______________

III/ Read the passage and answer the question :
Everyone wants to reduce pollution, but the pollution problem is as complicated as it is serious.
It is complicated because much pollution is caused by things that benefit people. For example,
exhaust from motorbikes causes large percentage of air pollution. But the automobile provides
transportation to millions of people. Factories discharge much of the material that pollutes air
and water, but factories give employment to a large number of people.
Thus, to end or reduce pollution immediately, people would have to stop using many things that
benefit them . Most people do not want to do that, of course. But pollution can be gradually
reduced in many ways. Scientists and engineers can work to find ways to lessen the amount of
pollution that such things as automobiles and factories cause. Governments can pass and enforce
laws that require businesses and individuals to stop or to cut down on certain polluting activities.
True ( T ) or False ( F ) :
1. All people want to reduce pollution_____
2. Pollution problem is neither complicated nor serious_____
3. Pollution is brought about by things that benefit people_____

4. People have to sacrifice what they have to stop or reduce pollution_____
5. The government can't do anything to stop or reduce pollution.______

IV/ Read the passage and answer the questions:
Every day on radio, on TV and in the newspapers, we hear , see, read about many problems in
the world , for example , pollution problems.
Air pollution is the first kind. It mostly comes from fumes released from motorbikes, cars,
airplanes, trains and poisonous gases emitted from factories. Also, waste is dumped anywhere even
in the city where many people are living. The second pollution is sea pollution. Many people earn
their living from fishing the sea, and the fish they catch feed many people. But the sea has become so
polluted from oil spills and factory wastes that the fish are dying. This pollution is not only killing the
fish, but also affecting those people who eat fish.
Seldom do you find a place nowadays that is not polluted. This problem is growing more
difficult every day. We must find a good solution that makes the world a better place to live.
True — False — Not given?
1. Pollution is one of the city's problems_____
2. Exhaust fume comes from vehicles , airplane and factories_____
3. People pollute seas from dynamite fishing____
4. You can find easily a place nowadays that is not polluted_____

5 tháng 1 2019

Mỗi ngày trên đài phát thanh, trên TV và trên các tờ báo, chúng ta nghe, nhìn hoặc đọc về nhiều vấn đề trên thế giới, ví dụ, các vấn đề ô nhiễm. Ô nhiễm không khí là loại đầu tiên. Nó chủ yếu đến từ khói thải ra từ xe máy, ô tô, máy bay, tàu hỏa và khí độc phát ra từ các nhà máy. Ngoài ra, chất thải được đổ ở bất cứ đâu, ngay cả trong thành phố nơi có nhiều người sinh sống. Vấn đề ô nhiễm thứ hai là ô nhiễm biển. Nhiều người kiếm sống bằng nghề đánh bắt cá trên biển và con cá họ bắt được cho nhiều người ăn. Nhưng biển đã trở nên ô nhiễm từ sự cố tràn dầu và chất thải nhà máy đến nỗi cá đang chết dần. Ô nhiễm này không chỉ giết chết cá mà còn ảnh hưởng đến những người ăn cá. Ít khi bạn tìm thấy một nơi không bị ô nhiễm. Vấn đề này đang trở nên khó khăn hơn mỗi ngày. Chúng ta phải tìm một giải pháp tốt làm cho thế giới trở thành một nơi tốt hơn để sống

Nguồn: google dịch
5 tháng 1 2019

Mỗi ngày trên đài phát thanh, trên TV và trên các tờ báo, chúng ta nghe, nhìn hoặc đọc về nhiều vấn đề trên thế giới, ví dụ, các vấn đề ô nhiễm. Ô nhiễm không khí là loại đầu tiên. Nó chủ yếu đến từ khói thải ra từ xe máy, ô tô, máy bay, tàu hỏa và khí độc phát ra từ các nhà máy. Ngoài ra, chất thải được đổ ở bất cứ đâu, ngay cả trong thành phố nơi có nhiều người sinh sống. Vấn đề ô nhiễm thứ hai là ô nhiễm biển. Nhiều người kiếm sống bằng nghề đánh bắt cá trên biển và con cá họ bắt được cho nhiều người ăn. Nhưng biển đã trở nên ô nhiễm từ sự cố tràn dầu và chất thải nhà máy đến nỗi cá đang chết dần. Ô nhiễm này không chỉ giết chết cá mà còn ảnh hưởng đến những người ăn cá. Ít khi bạn tìm thấy một nơi không bị ô nhiễm. Vấn đề này đang trở nên khó khăn hơn mỗi ngày. Chúng ta phải tìm một giải pháp tốt làm cho thế giới trở thành một nơi tốt hơn để sống.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in (1)________. Many species of animals are threatened, and could easily become (2)________ if we do not make an effort to protect them. In some cases, animals are hunted for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies. Some birds, such as parrots, are caught...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in (1)________. Many species of animals are threatened, and could easily become (2)________ if we do not make an effort to protect them. In some cases, animals are hunted for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies. Some birds, such as parrots, are caught (3)________and sold as pets. For many animals and birds the problem is that their habitat - the place where they live - is disappearing. More land is used for farms, for houses or industry, and there are fewer open spaces than there once were. Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them to grow better crops, but these chemicals pollute the environment and (4)________ wildlife. The most successful animals on earth - human beings - will soon be the only ones (5)________, unless we can solve this problem.

Question 1


A. threat

B. problem

C. danger

D. vanishing

28 tháng 12 2018

Đáp án: C

Giải thích: ta có cụm “be in danger” (a) gặp nguy hiểm

11 tháng 4 2023


B. Read the text carefully, then choose the correct answers. More than two hundred years ago, the term 'environmental pollution was quite strange to people. They lived healthily, drank pure water, and breathed fresh air. Nowadays, the situation is quite different. People all over the world are worried about things that are happening to the envi Actually it is man that is destroying the surroundings with many kinds of wastes. Everybody knows that motorbikes and cars emit dangerous gases that...
Đọc tiếp
B. Read the text carefully, then choose the correct answers. More than two hundred years ago, the term 'environmental pollution was quite strange to people. They lived healthily, drank pure water, and breathed fresh air. Nowadays, the situation is quite different. People all over the world are worried about things that are happening to the envi Actually it is man that is destroying the surroundings with many kinds of wastes. Everybody knows that motorbikes and cars emit dangerous gases that cause poisonous air and cancer, but no one wants to travel on foot or by bicycle. Manufactures know that wastes from factories make water and soil polluted, but they do not want to spend a lot of their money on treating the wastes safely. Scattering garbage is bad for our health, but no one wants to spend time burying it. Is it worth talking a lot about pollution? 1. More than two hundred years ago a. the environment was polluted as much as it is today b. people knew nothing about environmental pollution c. air was polluted badly d. people were faced with pollution d. people were faced with pollution 2. Nowadays, many people are concerned about the b. the polluted water a.the poisonous air c. the wastes from the factories d. the environmental pollution 3. According to the passage, people know that mortorbikes and cars emit dangerous gases a. so they do not travel by motorbikes and cars b. so they prefer traveling by bicycles c. but they still prefer traveling by mbtorbikes. and cars d. and they enjoy traveling on foot 4. Factory owners a. know nothing about pollution b. pollute water and soil c spend a lot of money on treating wastes d. don't treat industrial waste safely 5. Which of the followings is not true? a. in former days, people led a healthy life. b. People have no awareness of the dangerous of pollution c. Water is now heavily contaminated by industrial waste d. It's harmful for our health if rubbish is spreaded over our areas
29 tháng 9 2018

B. Read the text carefully, then choose the correct answers.

More than two hundred years ago, the term 'environmental pollution was quite strange to people. They lived healthily, drank pure water, and breathed fresh air. Nowadays, the situation is quite different. People all over the world are worried about things that are happening to the envi Actually it is man that is destroying the surroundings with many kinds of wastes. Everybody knows that motorbikes and cars emit dangerous gases that cause poisonous air and cancer, but no one wants to travel on foot or by bicycle. Manufactures know that wastes from factories make water and soil polluted, but they do not want to spend a lot of their money on treating the wastes safely. Scattering garbage is bad for our health, but no one wants to spend time burying it. Is it worth talking a lot about pollution?

1. More than two hundred years ago

a. the environment was polluted as much as it is today

b. people knew nothing about environmental pollution

c. air was polluted badly

d. people were faced with pollution

2. Nowadays, many people are concerned about the

b. the polluted water

a.the poisonous air

c. the wastes from the factories

d. the environmental pollution

3. According to the passage, people know that mortorbikes and cars emit dangerous gases

a. so they do not travel by motorbikes and cars

b. so they prefer traveling by bicycles

c. but they still prefer traveling by mbtorbikes. and cars

d. and they enjoy traveling on foot

4. Factory owners

a. know nothing about pollution

b. pollute water and soil

c spend a lot of money on treating wastes

d. don't treat industrial waste safely

5. Which of the followings is not true?

a. in former days, people led a healthy life.

b. People have no awareness of the dangerous of pollution

c. Water is now heavily contaminated by industrial waste

d. It's harmful for our health if rubbish is spreaded over our areas

1 tháng 3 2023






Điền từ còn thiếu: Nowasday, more and more people are changing the way they use their televisons.Some years ago, we............. to turn on TV and watch whatever there was. But now we choose the programs we watch............... more carefully because we have many................ intersteing things to do. One result of this change is that we are also becoming .............. careful about the actual television set itself. As we watch fewer programs, we want to be sure that we will be...
Đọc tiếp

Điền từ còn thiếu:

Nowasday, more and more people are changing the way they use their televisons.Some years ago, we............. to turn on TV and watch whatever there was. But now we choose the programs we watch............... more carefully because we have many................ intersteing things to do. One result of this change is that we are also becoming .............. careful about the actual television set itself. As we watch fewer programs, we want to be sure that we will be switched off........... of the time, we also ưant TV to look good when we are not watching it. So when we.............. or rent we look at the outside to make sure it is attractive and will look right................. other furniture. Of course, we have to pay more............. high quality. However, it seems that the number of people.............. are content to to so is increasing, and this should have a good result, because in the end all television will have better quality.

28 tháng 9 2018

Điền từ còn thiếu:

Nowadays more and more people are changing the way they use their televisions..Some years ago we used to turn on Tv and watch whatever there was.But now we choose the programs we watch much more carefully because we have many other interesting things to do.One result of this change is that we are also becoming more careful about the actual television set itself. As we watch fewer programs, we want to be sure that we will have a really good picture, with bright color and clear sound. Because it will be switched off most of the time, we also want the television to look good when we are not watching it. So when we buy or rent we look at the outside to make sure it is attractive and will look right with other furniture.Of course we have to pay more for high quality.However it seems that the number of people who are content to do is increasing and this should have a good result because in the end all television will have better quality

28 tháng 9 2018

Nowasday, more and more people are changing the way they use their televisons.Some years ago, we.....used ........ to turn on TV and watch whatever there was. But now we choose the programs we watch........whatever....... more carefully because we have many.......other......... intersteing things to do. One result of this change is that we are also becoming ....more.......... careful about the actual television set itself. As we watch fewer programs, we want to be sure that we will be switched off....most....... of the time, we also ưant TV to look good when we are not watching it. So when we.....buy......... or rent we look at the outside to make sure it is attractive and will look right.......with.......... other furniture. Of course, we have to pay more..........for... high quality. However, it seems that the number of people.......who....... are content to to so is increasing, and this should have a good result, because in the end all television will have better quality.