
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

17 tháng 8 2018

Điền từ còn thiếu vào chỗ trống

1. Her parents were very pleased when they read her school report ( 6 chữ)

2. Most of students have quite a good sense of their own ability ( 6 chữ)

3. Martin failed his maths exam and had to sit it again ( 2 chữ)

4. Charles has a good knowledge of English and Maths ( 8 chữ)

5. The fire man put his life at risk to recure the child ( 3 chữ)

6. When the volcano erupted, a party of tourists was in danger ( 5 chữ)

7. If you go on holiday anywhere in the UK in summer, you never know what kind of weather to expect ( 5 chữ)

16 tháng 8 2018

3. Sports

4. Favour

5. Decision

16 tháng 8 2018

Điền từ còn thiếu vào chỗ trống:

1. I injured my leg ten minutes before the end of the game, but I managed to keep playing ( cần điền thêm 6 chữ)

manage to do something : có thể xoay sở để làm được việc gì đó

2. While he's been in hospital, I've been looking after his dog ( cần điền thêm 4 chữ)

look after = take care of : chăm sóc, trông nom

3. I'm sorry, but you have to be a member of the golf club to play here ( cần điền thêm 6 chữ)

4. You became ill because the fish wasn't caught properly( cần điền thêm 5 chữ)

6. To deal with climate change we need to use sources of renewable energy ( cần điền thêm 8 chữ)

7. She's going to hand in her notice tomorrow because she's got a new job ( cần điền thêm 3 chữ)

to hand in one’s notice : nộp đơn xin việc/từ chức cho ai

8. His working style is similar to that of most other workers ( cần điền thêm 6 chữ)

15 tháng 8 2018

1. Managed

2. After

3. Master

5. Able

6. Renewable

7. Heed ( not sure )

Exercise 1. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with GET Get away from Get down Get on / along with Get off Get into Get away with Get down to Get over Get off with Get back Get on Get out of Get through 1.He promised to act as chairman, so I’m afraid he can’t get ____ it now. There’s no one else to do it. 2.She is a friendly girl who gets ________ everyone she meets. 3.It took her a long time to get ______ the death of her husband. 4.I tried to ring him...
Đọc tiếp
Exercise 1. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with GET Get away from Get down Get on / along with Get off Get into Get away with Get down to Get over Get off with Get back Get on Get out of Get through 1.He promised to act as chairman, so I’m afraid he can’t get ____ it now. There’s no one else to do it. 2.She is a friendly girl who gets ________ everyone she meets. 3.It took her a long time to get ______ the death of her husband. 4.I tried to ring him up but I couldn’t get _____ : I think some of the lines are down after last night’s storm. 5.She talks so much that it is difficult to get _______ from her. 6.Get ______ the bus at Victoria Station. 7.How are you getting _________ your work ? 8.I’m not getting _______ very fast because I can only type with two fingers. 9.We got ______ late because we missed the last train. 10.Don’t worry about my snake. He can’t get _______ his box. 11.This rainy weather is really getting me ________. 12.It’s time you got _______ some serious work. It’s very important to you. 13.Thieves raided the bank and got ________ a lot of money. 14.My boy is getting _________ bad habits, such as smokin, staying up late.... 15.We got _______ immediately after the breakfast. Exercise 2. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with GIVE Give away Give off Give over to Give up Give back Give out Give in Give oneself up 1.He won 100$ and gave it all ________. 2.Riding is getting too expensive: I’ll have to give it ________. 3.He gave _______all the books he had borrowed. 4.After 4 days of freedom, the escaped prisoner gave himself _______ to local police. 5.Your secret is safe with me. I won’t give it ________. 6.The diver’s supply of oxygen gave __ and he had to be brought to the surface as quickly as possible 7.After his fourth attemp he gave _______ trying to pass the driving test. 8.If you want to save money, give _______ eating in expensive restaurants. 9.There was a man giving _______ leaflets outside the church. 10.She gave ______ state secret to the enemy. 11.Could you give me _______ my pen when you’ve finished using it? 12.Please give your exam papers ______ to the teacher when you’ve finished! 13.The cooker is giving _______ a funny smell. 14.This big hall is given ________ meeting. 15.She’s a gusty player : she never gives __________ Exercise 3. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with GO Go away Go down with Go on Go out Go through with Go back on Go in for Go off Go round Go up Go down Go into Go over Go through Go with 1.The guard dog went ______ the intruder and knocked him down. 2.He had a sandwich and a cup of coffee, then went _______ working. 3.I went ______ the proposal very carefully with my lawyer and finally decided to to accept his offer. 4.She went ______ a beauty contest and got a prize. 5.The price of tomatoes usually goes ________ in summer in England. 6.If there isn’t enough soup to go ________, just put some hot water in it. 7.You can’t go _______ your promise now: we are depending on you. 8.They have gone _______ all the calculations again but they still can’t find the mistake. 9.The gun went ______ by accident and wounded him in the leg. 10.Mary went ______ in such a hurry that she left her passport behind. 11.Why don’t you go _______ stamp collecting if you want a quiet hobby ? 12.Her weight went ______ to 70 kilos when she stopped playing tennis. 13.When did Britain go ________ EEC ? 14.Our youngest boy has gone __________ mumps! 15.Her blouse doesn’t go _______ her skirt. 16.Finally, I’ve gone ________ all my exams! 17.Which events is he going __________ at the Olympics? 18.The first episode of the film goes ________ next Friday evening at 8 o’clock. 19.There must be a party going _______ next door. They’re making so much noise! 20.The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went __________. Exercise 4. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with HAND, GROW, HANG, JUMP Grow on Grow up Hand down Hang about Hang on to Jump at Grow out of Hand over Hand out Hang back Jump on 1.Most of my clothes were handed _____ to me by my older brother. 2.President Bush should hand ______ power to Iraqui elected government. 3.Relief workers were handing _______ emergency rations to the survivors. 4.My daughter is growing _______ very fast. She has grown _______ all her clothes. 5.This book is very interesting. I’m sure it will grow ________ you. 6.You should keep an eye on this stranger. He has been hanging _____ our neighbourhood for hours. 7.At first, he volunteered to help me, but on second thought he was afraid and hung ______. 8.I should hang ______ those oldphotographs–they may be valuable. 9.My maths teacher really used to jump _____ us when we got our answer wrong. 10.If they offered me a job in the USA, I’d jump _______ the chance. Exercise 5. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with HOLD, KEEP Hold on Hold out Hold up Keep down Keep away Keep off Hold off Hold back Hold with Keep up with Keep back Keep up 1.“ What a terrible news!”, she just managed to hold _________ her anger. 2.I don’t hold _______ his view on education. 3.After the hold–_______, the gang made their getaway in a stolen car. 4.The survivors of the plane crash managed to hold _______ till help came. 5.Her illness is getting worse. Doctors hold ______ little hope of her recovery. 6.Could you hold ______ making decision until next week. I’m trying to find out the best solution. 7.She kept ______ working although she was very tired. 8.They lit a fire to keep wild animals __________. 9.The people in this country have been kept _______ for years by a brutal regime. 10.Keep your voices ________ : your mother is trying to get some sleep. 11.You’re all doing a spendid job. Keep _______ the good work. 12.Police warned by–standers to keep ________ from the blazing building. 13.I can’t keep ________ all the changes in computer technology. 14.She is a good secretary, but she is kept _______ by her ignorance of languages. 15.The country was in a state of rebellion and was only kept _______ by repressive measures. Exercise 6. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with LAY, LEAVE, LET, LIVE Lay down Lay up Leave out Let off (with) Live on Lay out Leave off Let down Let out Live up to 1.There is a lot of beautiful jewellery laid _______ in the shop window. 2.You should lay _______ some money in the rainy days. 3.You didn’t have any right to lay _______ such hard rules. 4.My name has been misspelt–you’ve left _______ a letter. 5.I wish you’d leave ________ complaining about my cooking. 6.The boy’s getting so fat that his trousers have to be let _____ round the waist. 7.She was let _______ with a fine instead of being sent to prison. 8.He felt he really let the team ________ when he missed the penalty. 9.Don’t let these criminals ________ lightly. 10.As he’s retired, he now lives mainly _________ his pension. 11.My exam results didn’t live _________ my expectations, 12.You can’t live ________ 22 calories a day. Exercise 7. Put the correct prepositions in the blanks for combination with LOOK 1.We are looking ____ you for your help. 2. We must look __ a bit before deciding where to buy a house 3. Police will be looking _ trouble–makers at today’s match. 4. Please look __ on me when you have free time 5.His disappearance is being looked _________ by the police. 6. Do look me __ the next time you’re in London. 6. Children always look _____ their parents. 8. She is looked __ as the leading authority on this subject 9.Who will look ______ the children while their mother is in hospital ? 10.We are so much looking __________ seeing you next week. 11.Look _______ the time of the next trainin the timetable. 12.He was looked _________ because of his humble background. 13.She looked _______ when she heard the noise behind her. 14.Tenants must look __________ the house before they decided to rent it. GIẢI NHANH MÌNH TICK CHO NHA
5 tháng 8 2019

chịu khó đăng lại bài xong tách ra đi dài quá

14 tháng 1 2021

Dài v

Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi 1.If I met the author one day, I'd ask him to sign my copy of this book. Were I .................................................................................................. 2.He always has his nose in a book and never pays attention to what I say. If he didn't.............................................................................................. 3.Alice and Charles did not decide to move to a bigger house until after the birth of...
Đọc tiếp

Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi

1.If I met the author one day, I'd ask him to sign my copy of this book. Were I .................................................................................................. 2.He always has his nose in a book and never pays attention to what I say. If he didn't.............................................................................................. 3.Alice and Charles did not decide to move to a bigger house until after the birth of their second child. Only when................................................................................................................. 4.You are under no obligation to accept their offer. You can please....................................................... 5.Martin may not be very well but he still manages to enjoy life. Martin's poor............................................................................... 6.The Pacific Ocean is on average deeper than the Atlantic. The average.......................................................................... 7.I don't really like her, even though I admire her achievements. Much........................................................................................... 8.There were not nearly as many people there as I had expected. Here were far.................................................................................... 9.There was no need for you to have gone to all that trouble. You......................................................................................... 10. This is the best essay I have ever written. Never..............................................................

23 tháng 6 2017

Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi

1.If I met the author one day, I'd ask him to sign my copy of this book. Were I to meet the author one day, I'd ask him to sign my copy of this book.

2.He always has his nose in a book and never pays attention to what I say.

If he didn't have his nose in a book, he would pay attention to what I say.

3.Alice and Charles did not decide to move to a bigger house until after the birth of their second child.

Only when their second child was born did Alice and Charles decide to move to a bigger house

4.You are under no obligation to accept their offer.

You can please yourself about whether you accept their offer or not.

5.Martin may not be very well but he still manages to enjoy life. Martin's poor health can't prevent him from enjoying life.

6.The Pacific Ocean is on average deeper than the Atlantic.

The average depth of the Pacific Ocean is greater than that of the Atlantic.

7.I don't really like her, even though I admire her achievements. Much as I admire her achievements, I don't really like her

8.There were not nearly as many people there as I had expected.

There were far fewer people than I had expected

9.There was no need for you to have gone to all that trouble.

You needn't have gone to all that trouble.

10. This is the best essay I have ever written. Never have i written a better essay than this

29 tháng 9 2018

II. Complete these sentences with the adjective or adverb form of the word in box. careful(ly) thoughtful(ly) hard(ly) sad(ly) happy/ happily beautiful(ly) good/ well awful(ly) fluent(ly) direct(ly)

1. Most of the students did well on their tests. Their test results were good

2. An is a careful student. He always checks his work carefully

3. Jane looked at her book thoughtfully before she answered the teacher's question.

4. Jame looked very sad because he failed in his final exam

5. The children seemed happy. They were playing happily in the park

6. Her mother was a very beautiful woman and she was always so beautifully dressed.

7. You don't think you've been working too hard? You hardly have any free time for your family now.

8. Monica's English is very fluent although she makes quite a lot of mistakes

9. They pump raw sewage directly into the sea.

10. She said had a sore throat and was feeling awfully

29 tháng 9 2018

II. Complete these sentences with the adjective or adverb form of the word in box. eareful(ly) thoughful(ly) hard(ly) sad(ly) happy/ happily beautiful(ly) good/ well awful(ly) fluent(ly) direct(ly)

1. Most of the students did___careful________ on their tests. Their test results were_good_____ 2. An is a ___best______ student. He always check his work________ 3. Jane looked at her book___carefully_______before she answered the teacher's question. 4. Jame looked very ____sad_____because he failed in his final exam 5. The children seemed __________. They was playing _happy_____in the park 6. Her mother was a very __beautiful_______woman and she was always so__careful_______ dressed. 7. You don't think you've been working too__hard_________? You___not______ have any free time for your family now. 8. Monica's English is very___fluently______ although she makes quite a lot of mistakes 9. They pump raw sewage______________into the sea. 10. She said had a sore throat and was feeling

Điền từ còn thiếu. (Chữ cái đầu đã cho trước) 1. Although the weather is not so good, the match will go a______. 2. Even if you are rich, you should save some money for a r______ day. 3. We're in good time; there's no n__________ to hurry 4. True gender e____________can be achieved when both men and women reach a balance between work and family 5. If they are not careful with their accounts, their business will go b_______. 6.It is t____believed that you are healthy when...
Đọc tiếp

Điền từ còn thiếu. (Chữ cái đầu đã cho trước)

1. Although the weather is not so good, the match will go a______.

2. Even if you are rich, you should save some money for a r______ day.

3. We're in good time; there's no n__________ to hurry

4. True gender e____________can be achieved when both men and women reach a balance between work and family

5. If they are not careful with their accounts, their business will go b_______.

6.It is t____believed that you are healthy when there is a balance between yin and yang

7. The first episode of the film is going to be a___ next Sunday

8. There are important things to do to develop a country. Most people agree that the first p___________is revolutionizing education

9. After taking part in public activities in their community, they realized that they had been ignorant or n____________before

10. This kind of car is very e_______, so we do not have to spend too much money on buying petrol or diesel

I. Find the mistake: 1. If you study hard you would be a good doctor 2. That man drives carefully so he has got an accident 3. If you come to school late, you won't finish your test 4. We suggest that garbage should put on the garbage bins 5. Peter was tired and sleepy last night. Therefore, he tried to finish his week 6. My aunt has begun taught English for twenty years II: Join the pairs of sentences together. Use a connector: 1. Solar panels are placed on the roof of the house. 2....
Đọc tiếp

I. Find the mistake:

1. If you study hard you would be a good doctor

2. That man drives carefully so he has got an accident

3. If you come to school late, you won't finish your test

4. We suggest that garbage should put on the garbage bins

5. Peter was tired and sleepy last night. Therefore, he tried to finish his week

6. My aunt has begun taught English for twenty years

II: Join the pairs of sentences together. Use a connector:

1. Solar panels are placed on the roof of the house.

2. He is tired. He has to finish his homework

3. The weather is bad. They went for a walk

4. He forgot his umbrella. He got wet

5. You can't leave here. You don't give me the answer

6. Would ou like to eat noodles, soup______ just a drink?

7. She went to the market for long. She bought nothing

III: Make a suggestion for the following cases:

1. People throw plastic bags everywhere

2. She always turns on the lights when going to bed

3. There are many cracks in your pipe

4. They use many ordinary 100 watt light bulb

5. Tim has a bad toothache

6. People waste losts of gas and oil on cooking

7. She failed her final exam

8. The area around the beach is full of trash

9. people use their own cars to go to work and make the traffic heavier

10. Today, more people catch fish by using dynamite

11. The students in this school throw plastic bags everywhere in the yard

12. The goverment hasn't done anything to the pollution here

12 tháng 2 2018

I. Find the mistake:

1. If you study hard you would => will be a good doctor

2. That man drives carefully => carelessly so he has got an accident

3. If you come => go to school late, you won't finish your test ( hình như câu này không sai. )

4. We suggest that garbage should => should be put on the garbage bins

5. Peter was tired and sleepy last night. Therefore => However, he tried to finish his week

6. My aunt has begun taught => teaching English for twenty years

II: Join the pairs of sentences together. Use a connector:

1. Solar panels are placed on the roof of the house. ( Câu kia đâu? )

2. He is tired. He has to finish his homework

=> He is tired but he has to finsh his homework.

3. The weather is bad. They went for a walk

=> The weather is bad, however, the went for a walk.

4. He forgot his umbrella. He got wet

=> He forgot his umbrella so he got wet.

5. You can't leave here. You don't give me the answer

=> You can't leave here if you don't give me the answer.

6. Would ou like to eat noodles, soup___or___ just a drink?

7. She went to the market for long. She bought nothing

=> She went to the market for long but she bought nothing.

III: Make a suggestion for the following cases:

1. People throw plastic bags everywhere

=> They should put plastic bags in trash can for recycling.

2. She always turns on the lights when going to bed

=> She should turn off the light when going to bed to save electricity.

3. There are many cracks in your pipe

=> You should call for a plumber in order to repair it.

4. They use many ordinary 100 watt light bulb

=> They should use energy-saving bulb so as to save electricity.

5. Tim has a bad toothache

=> He should go to the dentist.

6. People waste losts of gas and oil on cooking

=> They should reduce the amount of gas and oil on cooking.

7. She failed her final exam

=> She should study harder.

8. The area around the beach is full of trash

=> They shouldn't throw trash to the area around the beach.

9. people use their own cars to go to work and make the traffic heavier

=> They should use public transport instead.

10. Today, more people catch fish by using dynamite

=> They should use fishing rod instead.

11. The students in this school throw plastic bags everywhere in the yard

=> They should collect plastic bags for recycling.

12. The goverment hasn't done anything to the pollution here

=> They should have suitable policies to reduce to pollution here.

10 tháng 4 2018

Error marked A, B, C or D.

1. I suggested that you taking=>take his advice to treat your cough.
2. The pollution of the sea can be the result of careless or dumping=>dump of waste.
3. The bridge was hitting=>hit by a large ship during a sudden storm last week.
4. If you took more exercise, you might feel healthily=>healthy.
5. A daily newspaper was published in Germany in 1650, didn’t=>wasn't it?
6. I think it is necessary to=>for students to wear uniforms when they are at school.
7. Though=>Despite being ill, Mr. Ba went to the meeting last Monday.
8. There was never any secret among=>between my sister and me when we were growing up.
9. It was very nice of you inviting=>to invite me to your party.
10. I looked all over the house for her, but I couldn’t=>can't find her nowhere.

10 tháng 4 2018

đề là tìm và sửa lỗi sai nha

giúp mk vớikhocroi

28 tháng 4 2017

1 we had a picnic on the river ..................... before going home late in the evening

a side b bank c part d place

2 she cried with ................ when she heard the news . it was her ............ time

a joy/ joyful b joyful/joy c joyfully / joy d jow / joyfully

3 there used to be a military ................. in red square on 1 st may

a parade b festival c party d paradise

4 what activities do you want to ...................... in that school and at the club ?

a talking part in b taken part in c take part d took part in

5 the ................... lady gave her new friend a huge before they said goodbye

a gentleness b gently c gentle d kind

6 he is generous man . he is .................. known for his generosity

a well b good c better d best

7 it is very nice .................... you to say to

a in b on c of d to