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Dịch giùm mk bài này nha ! Ai đúng mk tick cho !

Smart children more likely to live longer and stay disease free, study suggests

School swots who faced a ribbing from their classmates for being too brainy will have the last laugh, according to a new study which found high IQ in childhood is linked to a longer life. Researchers at Edinburgh University, Oxford and University College London followed up more than 65,000 people who took part in The Scottish Mental Survey in 1947, aged 11 to find out if intelligence as a youngster had affected their life, and death. They discovered that by the age of 79, having a high IQ lowered the risk of dying from heart disease, stroke, cancer, and respiratory diseases.

"I'm being optimistic about these results,” said Professor Ian Deary, of the University of Edinburgh, who led the research. "I'm hoping it means that if we can find out what smart people do and copy them, then we have a chance of a slightly longer and healthier life. We don't fully know yet why intelligence from childhood and longevity are related, and we are keeping an open mind. Lifestyles (e.g. not smoking), education, health literacy, less deprivation, and genetics might all play a part. We and other research teams are testing these ideas."

The lower risk of death even remained when accounting for factors which could have influenced the results, such as age, sex, and socio-economic status. In fact deprivation, such as unemployment, overcrowding, and other adverse living conditions are thought to account for only about 30 per cent of the IQ-mortality correlation.

13 tháng 9 2017

Trẻ thông minh có nhiều khả năng sống lâu hơn và không bị bệnh, theo nghiên cứu cho thấy Theo một nghiên cứu mới cho thấy chỉ số IQ cao ở trẻ em, kết quả là cuộc sống của các em học sinh gặp phải rắc rối từ bạn học vì quá thông minh sẽ có tiếng cười cuối cùng. Các nhà nghiên cứu tại Đại học Edinburgh, Oxford và University College London đã theo dõi hơn 65.000 người tham gia cuộc khảo sát Khảo sát Tâm thần Scottish năm 1947, tuổi từ 11 tới để tìm hiểu xem thông minh khi còn nhỏ đã ảnh hưởng đến cuộc sống của họ và cái chết. Họ khám phá ra rằng vào tuổi 79, có IQ cao làm giảm nguy cơ tử vong vì bệnh tim, đột qu,, ung thư và các bệnh về đường hô hấp. "Tôi đang lạc quan về những kết quả này," giáo sư Ian Deary, thuộc Đại học Edinburgh, người dẫn đầu nghiên cứu cho biết, "Tôi hy vọng nó có nghĩa là nếu chúng ta có thể tìm hiểu những gì người thông minh làm và sao chép chúng, thì chúng tôi có cơ hội sống lâu hơn và khỏe mạnh hơn. Chúng ta vẫn chưa hiểu tại sao trí thông minh từ thời thơ ấu và tuổi thọ lại có liên quan, và chúng ta đang giữ một tâm trí cởi mở. Phong cách sống (ví dụ: không hút thuốc), giáo dục, đọc viết về sức khoẻ, ít bị tước đoạt và di truyền học có thể đóng một phần. Chúng tôi và các nhóm nghiên cứu khác đang thử nghiệm những ý tưởng này. " Nguy cơ tử vong thấp thậm chí còn tồn tại khi tính đến các yếu tố có thể ảnh hưởng đến kết quả, chẳng hạn như tuổi, giới tính và tình trạng kinh tế xã hội. Trong thực tế thiếu thốn, chẳng hạn như thất nghiệp, quá tải, và điều kiện sống bất lợi khác được cho là chỉ chiếm khoảng 30 phần trăm của mối tương quan giữa IQ-mortality.

Ai đó dịch cho tui nha! Mk sẽ tick nhiều! nếu thế thì tốt quá! Làm ơn đó! Nhớ đừng lên mạng tra nhé! Nội dung văn bản như sau: Tossing and turning at night could double the risk of a heart attack People who toss and turn in their sleep are twice as likely to suffer a heart attack, research suggests. Scientists said regular waking in the night should be seen as a warning of future ill-health.The study of nearly 13,000 people found that people who struggled to sleep...
Đọc tiếp

Ai đó dịch cho tui nha! Mk sẽ tick nhiều! nếu thế thì tốt quá! Làm ơn đó! Nhớ đừng lên mạng tra nhé!

Nội dung văn bản như sau:

Tossing and turning at night could double the risk of a heart attack People who toss and turn in their sleep are twice as likely to suffer a heart attack, research suggests. Scientists said regular waking in the night should be seen as a warning of future ill-health.The study of nearly 13,000 people found that people who struggled to sleep through the night were 99 per cent more likely to suffer from heart attacks or severe angina. Those who took more than half an hour to fall asleep or got less than six hours of sleep a night were also at increased risk. The Japanese research did not establish why there were such a strong association between sleep and heart health. But scientists said that the act of constant waking might cause “overactivity” in the nervous system, which could raise heart the heart rate and blood pressure, placing extra strain on the heart. Poor sleep could also be a symptom of poor health, meaning that those with heart problems were less likely to get a decent night’s sleep. The research found people who took more than half an hour to fall asleep had a 52 per cent increased heart attack risk and 48 per cent increased risk of a stroke. And those who got less than six hours of sleep a night were 24 per cent more likely to have a heart attack.

Ai dịch được tui công nhận người đó giỏi thiệt!

19 tháng 9 2017

Theo các nhà nghiên cứu, những người không muốn ngủ có nguy cơ mắc bệnh đau tim gấp đôi nguy cơ đau tim bình thường . Các nhà khoa học cho biết thức giấc thường xuyên vào ban đêm được xem như một lời cảnh báo về sức khoẻ không lành mạnh trong tương lai. Nghiên cứu gần đấy cho thấy rằng 13.000 người là những người phải vật lộn để ngủ vào ban đêm là 99% có nguy cơ bị đau tim hoặc đau thắt ngực nghiêm trọng. Những người mất hơn nửa giờ để ngủ hoặc ngủ ít hơn sáu giờ đồng hồ cũng có nguy cơ gia tăng bệnh . Nghiên cứu của Nhật Bản đã không xác định được lý do tại sao lại có một mối liên hệ mạnh mẽ giữa giấc ngủ và sức khoẻ của trái tim. Nhưng các nhà khoa học cho biết, hành động thức tỉnh liên tục có thể gây ra tình trạng "kích hoạt quá mức" trong hệ thần kinh, làm tăng nhịp tim và huyết áp, gây thêm căng thẳng lên tim. Ngủ kém cũng có thể là triệu chứng của tình trạng sức khoẻ kém, có nghĩa là những người có vấn đề về tim ít có khả năng ngủ ngon giấc. Cuộc nghiên cứu cho thấy những người phải mất hơn nửa giờ để ngủ có nguy cơ đau tim tăng 52% và 48% nguy cơ cơ thể bị đột quỵ tăng cao. Và những người có ít hơn sáu giờ để ngủ một đêm là 24 % nhiều khả năng bị đau tim.

I feel like I’ve got two identities: being deaf and being black. It’s a double struggle to fit in and I’ve had to work 10 times harder than my classmates. [A recent report from the National Deaf Children’s Society, which analysed government data, found deaf pupils in England are struggling “at every stage of their education”.] I was born hearing but became ill with meningitis when I was a baby. After that I became deaf. I grew up in Barking and Dagenham, in East London, with my mum, who works...
Đọc tiếp

I feel like I’ve got two identities: being deaf and being black. It’s a double struggle to fit in and I’ve had to work 10 times harder than my classmates. [A recent report from the National Deaf Children’s Society, which analysed government data, found deaf pupils in England are struggling “at every stage of their education”.]

I was born hearing but became ill with meningitis when I was a baby. After that I became deaf. I grew up in Barking and Dagenham, in East London, with my mum, who works as a caterer and a cleaner at two different colleges. I was bullied in primary school – people would say “ew, you’ve got hearing aids in” – and felt like I didn’t belong. By the time I got to secondary school I had accepted my identity, but that didn’t mean everyone accepted me. I communicate using sign language, so people would stare and I knew I stood out.

I worked hard in secondary school, but was still told I wouldn’t be able to go to college or university. I was told deaf people didn’t go on to higher education. “Which deaf people do you know who have gone to university?” someone asked. The truth was I didn’t know any, because I had no role models.

This made me frustrated, and my frustration came out as anger. The main way I dealt with my anger, though, was positive. I channelled it into a determination to show people I could achieve, despite my disability.

I got my GCSEs and applied to do BTec business level three at Barking and Dagenham College. I spent two years at the college and the vocational course was fantastic. I met so many different professional people, I had a mentor and people supported me. I’m now able to study a degree in politics and economics and have completed my first year at Lancaster University.

However, the discrimination hasn’t gone away. The first person I met when I got to university immediately made a racist joke. He said: “I’ve got loads of black friends, don’t worry.”

I also get combined prejudice for being both black and deaf. I chose a white hearing aid because I like it and I’m proud of who I am, so I don’t mind if people notice it. But recently a deaf woman pointed at me and said: “Look at him, his hearing aid doesn’t match his skin colour!”

It’s difficult to keep calm all the time. I try to stay positive, but quite often I feel like I want to give up. When that happens, I tell myself I’ve got to look to what I can achieve next. That keeps me going.

I made a few friends at uni last year, but so far I feel I’ve missed out on the full university experience. Next year, I’m transferring to Leeds; it’s a bigger city and I think there will be more deaf students, so I’m hoping I’ll feel less isolated.

I want to talk about my experiences and show young deaf students that it’s possible to go to college or university and achieve things. I got a 2:1 at the end of my first year of university, which I’m proud of, and last year I was named Leidos Career Ready UK Student of the Year.

I want to tell other deaf black students to keep working hard. Have the right attitude and arrive on time, because you can achieve anything if you stay strong. To young people with disabilities, I say keep your identity and be proud of it. Society will always try and push you aside; show them you’re not going to disappear.

Tóm tắt bài luận trên

Giúp mik nha mik rất rất cần.

Điền từ : triggered emotions symptoms nervous witnessed unknown muscles divorce considered eventually For a long time we have known that sadness or a stressful event can cause heart (1) ... . to become weaker. This may cause shortness of breath, a pain in the chest and may (2).. . lead to a heart attack. Now, a study published by the European Heart Journal claims that happiness can also lead to the same (3).... . Swiss researchers at the University of Zurich looked at data coming from...
Đọc tiếp

Điền từ : triggered emotions symptoms nervous witnessed unknown muscles divorce considered eventually

For a long time we have known that sadness or a stressful event can cause heart (1) ... . to become weaker. This may cause shortness of breath, a pain in the chest and may (2).. . lead to a heart attack. Now, a study published by the European Heart Journal claims that happiness can also lead to the same (3).... . Swiss researchers at the University of Zurich looked at data coming from almost 500 patients in 9 countries who were likely to acquire such a broken heart disease. In most cases the death of a family member or close relative, an accident, (4).... or other relationship problems caused such a heart weakness. However, in 20 patients the same symptoms were (5)... . by happy and joyful events, such as birthday parties, weddings, the birth of a grandchild or after their favourite team had won a competition. Experts call this the happy heart syndrome. The researchers point out that doctors should be aware of both sides when treating patients. According to the study reasons for a broken heart syndrome may be more widespread than previously (6)... . The study has also found out that in over 90% of the cases older women over 60 were at risk. What exactly causes such a syndrome remains (7).. . The broken heart syndrome was first (8)... . in Japan in 1990. At the beginning it was connected to negative (9)... .that lead to an increase in hormones. Doctors believe that emotional reactions make the (10) system behave in a certain way.

ead the passage and choose the best option to complete each of the blanks PROBLEMS OF WATCHING TELEVISION IN BRITAIN British parents are always complaining that their children spend too much time gluing to the telly and not enough (37)____ other activities like sports and reading. A survey recently carried out on people's viewing habits (38)____ not disapprove it. It shows that young people in Britain spend on (39)___ twenty three hours a week in front of the television, (40)_______ works out...
Đọc tiếp

ead the passage and choose the best option to complete each of the blanks


British parents are always complaining that their children spend too much time gluing to the telly and not enough (37)____ other activities like sports and reading. A survey recently carried out on people's viewing habits (38)____ not disapprove it. It shows that young people in Britain spend on (39)___ twenty three hours a week in front of the television, (40)_______ works out at over three hours every day.

What is surprising, however, is the fact that the average adult watches even more: an incredible 28 hours a week. We seem to have become a nation of telly addicts. Just about (41)_______ household in the country has a television and over half have two or more.

According (42)___ the survey, people nowadays don't just watch television sitting in their living room, they watch it in the kitchen and in bed as well.

The Education Minister said a (43)___weeks ago that Britain's pupils should spend more time reading. Unfortunately, parents are not setting a good example: adults do (44)__ reading than young people. In fact, reading is (45)___ the bottom of their list of favorite pastimes. They would (46)____ listen to the radio, go to the cinema or hire a video to watch on their television at home.

Read the passage and mark the letter A , B , C or D to answer the questions from 1 - 7 PANDEMIC DISEASES Diseases are a natural part of life on earth . If there were no diseases , the population would grow too quickly , and there would not be enough food or other resources , so in a way , diseases are natural ways of keeping the Earth in balance . But sometimes they spread very quickly and kill large numbers of people . For example , in 1918 , an outbreak of the flu spread across the world...
Đọc tiếp

Read the passage and mark the letter A , B , C or D to answer the questions from 1 - 7


Diseases are a natural part of life on earth . If there were no diseases , the population would grow too quickly , and there would not be enough food or other resources , so in a way , diseases are natural ways of keeping the Earth in balance . But sometimes they spread very quickly and kill large numbers of people . For example , in 1918 , an outbreak of the flu spread across the world , killing over 25 million people in only six months . Such terrible outbreaks of a diseases are called pandemics

Pandemics happen when a disease changes in a way that our bodies are not prepared to fight . In 1918 , a new type of flu virus appeared . Our bodies had no way to fight this new flu virus , and so it spread very quickly and killed large numbers of people . While there have been many different pandemic diseases throughout history , all of them have a new thing in common . First , all pandemic diseases spread from one person to another very easily .

Second , while they may kill many people , they generally do not kill people very quickly . A good example of this would be the Marburg virus . The Marburg virus is an extremely infectious disease . In addition , it is deadly . About 70 - 80 % of all people who get the Marburg virus died from the disease . However , the Marburg virus has not become a pandemic because most people die within three days of getting the disease . This means that the virus does not have enough time to spread a large number of people . The flu virus of 1918 , on the other hand , generally took about a week to ten days to kill its victims , so it had more time to spread .

While we may never be able to completely stop pandemics , we can make them less common . Doctors carefully monitor new diseases that they fear could become pandemics . For example , in 2002 , and 2003 , doctors carefully watched SARS . Their health warnings may have prevented SARS from becoming a pandemic .

Question 1 : According to paragraph 1 , how are diseases a natural part of life on Earth ?

A. They prevent pandemics B. They help control the population

C. They led the world grow quickly D. They kill too many people

Question 2 : Based on the information in the passage the term " pandemics " can be explained as .............................................

A. diseases with no cure

B. a deadly kind of flu

C. diseases that spread quickly and kill large numbers of people

D. new disease like SARS or the Marburg virus

Question 3 : According to the passage , all of the following are true of the 1918 flu pandemic EXCEPT that ...............................................

A. it involved a new kind of flu virus B. it killed over 25 million people

C. it was the last pandemic in history D. it took a little over a week to kill ít victims

Question 4 : The word " it " in the passage refers to .......................

A. disease B. flu virus C. pandemics D. bodies

Question 5 : Which of the following is mentioned as a common feature of all pandemic diseases ?

A. They spread from people to people very quickly

B. It kill many people very quickly

C. They do not kill people very quickly

D. They kill all the victims

Question 6 : The word " monitor " in the passage is closest is meaning to ........................

A. fight B. prevent C. watch D. avoid

Question 7 : The author mentions SARS in order to .............................

A. give an example of a highly dangerous disease

B. suggest that SARS will never become a pandemic

C. give an example of the successful prevention of a pandemic

D. suggest that there may be a new pandemic soon .

giúp mk nhanh ạ\ ien Son High School – English Group New teaching and testing projects UNIT 1 Friendship I. Choose the word that has the underlined (letters) pronounced differently from the others. 1. a. machine b. change c. teacher d. choose 2. a. condition b. option c. suggestion d. relation 3. a. believe b. readily c. friend d. pleasure 4. a. good b. gossip c. game d. geometry 5. a. trust b. mutual c. number d. uncertain II. Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best...
Đọc tiếp

giúp mk nhanh ạ\

ien Son High School – English Group New teaching and testing projects
UNIT 1 Friendship
I. Choose the word that has the underlined (letters) pronounced differently from the others.
1. a. machine b. change c. teacher d. choose
2. a. condition b. option c. suggestion d. relation
3. a. believe b. readily c. friend d. pleasure
4. a. good b. gossip c. game d. geometry
5. a. trust b. mutual c. number d. uncertain
II. Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentences or
substitutes for the underlined word or phrase.
6. It was so relaxing to be ________ old friends.
a. in b. between c. among d. around
7. She's made friends ________ a little girl who lives next door.
a. to b. of c. by d. with
8. The children seem to be totally capable ________ working by themselves.
a. on b. of c. in d. for
9. Your friendship should be based on ________ trust.
a. basic b. fragile c. mutual d. blind
10. The company expects ________ from its employees.
a. constancy b. quality c. interest d. loyalty
11. I've got lots of _______, but only a few are really good friends

a. close friends b. acquaintances c. neighbors d. partners
12. Friendship is a two-sided ________, it lives by give-and-take.
a. affair b. event c. aspect d. feature
13. Unselfishness is the very essence of friendship.
a. romantic part b. important part c. difficult part d. interesting part
14. They ________ a close friendship at university.
a. created b. became c. promoted d. formed
15. We stayed friends even after we ________ and left home.
a. brought up b. turned up c. grew up d. took up
III. Choose the word or phrase -a, b, c, or d -that best completes the sentence.
16. He finds it ________ lasting friendships.
a. difficult to make b. difficulty in making c. is difficult to make d. difficult making
17. You ________ any friends if you ________ talking like that.
a. will win/ carryon b. won't win/ carryon
c. wouldn't win/ carried on d. would have won/ had carried on
18. The aim of the culture festival is ________ friendship between the two countries
a. promote b. promoting c. to promote d. being promoted
19. People he ________ turned out to be only fair-weather friends.
a. trusted b. has trusted c. was trusting d. had trusted
20. How can you let such a silly incident ________ your friendship?
a. wreck b. to wreck c. wrecking d. that wrecks
21. It has become necessary ________ water in the metropolitan area because of the severe drought.
a. rationing b. ration c. to ration d. to have rationed
22. All the passengers were made ________ their seat belts during the turbulence.
a. buckle b. to buckle c. buckling d. for buckling.
23. ________ good ice cream, you need to use a lot of cream.
a. Make b. Making c. To make d. For make
24. I got my friend ________ her car for the weekend.
a. to let me to borrow b. to let me borrow c. let me borrow d. let me to borrow
25. They _______ good friends, but they've fallen out recently.
a. used to be b. would be c. were d. are
IV. Identify the one underlined word or phase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the
sentence to be correct.
26. Whatever happened, I didn't want to lose friendship of Vera.
Reference Material For 11
- grade students All Rights reserved
Lien Son High School – English Group New teaching and testing projects

27. The basic aims of science and magic are very similar - to understand and to control nature
28. It was a period of her life when she made some lifelong friendship.
29. Simon finds it hard for making friends with other children.
30. Not longer are contributions to the advancement of industry made primarily by individuals
V. Fill in each blank with one appropriate word from the box.
terms words came pieces touch change last experience talk accent get make
Meeting old school friends again can be a strange (31) ________ Some have changed so much
that you can hardly recognize them: they speak with a different (32) ________, are interested in different
things and all you can do is make small (33) ________ and hope they'll go soon. Others, though you
might have been out of (34) ________ with them for years, are just the same as they always were - it's as
if you (35) ________ saw them yesterday.
Before you know it, you're exchanging (36) ________ about your families and friends, and setting
out the (37) ________ for another game of chess. A few change for the better. There's one person that I
(38) ________ on with very well now, though we weren't on speaking (39) ________ for our last two
years at school. One day, we met at a party and made it up and (40) ________ engaged the same evening.
VI. Read the passage carefully, then decide whether the following statement are true (T) or false (F)
The proverb 'A friend in need is a friend indeed.' means that we shall know who our real friends
are when we are in need. Those who desert us when we are in difficulty are just unfaithful friends.
A true friend would remain with us whether we are rich or poor. Some people be friend the rich,
simply for the sake of getting benefits from them.
It is useless to have insincere friends because these friends remain with us as long as we are rich
or powerful. It is better to have one or two good friends rather than having hundreds of insincere ones.
A true friend will stand by us in our trials and tribulations. He will be a great source of consolation
and comfort in our troubles. So we must be careful in choosing our friends. It is difficult to choose a
sincere friend overnight; it takes years for us to find a sincere friend.
41. Real friends share everything we need.
42. Unfaithful friends stop being our friends when we are in trouble.
43. A rich friend is always a true friend.
44. A true friend is always loyal to us and support us through our difficulties.
45. It's not worth having a lot of friends.
46. It may take a lot of time to find a real friend.
VII. Choose the answer -a, b, c, or d- that is meaningful to the sentence printed before.
47. ________ the promotion of health and to helping people avoid injury and disease.
a. To commit the Red Cross b. The Red Cross to commit
c. Committed to the Red Cross is d. The Red Cross is committed to
48. It is possible ________ may assist some tree in saving water in the winter.
a. the leaves are lost b. when leaves have lost c. that the loss of leaves d. to lose leaves
49. It can sometimes ________ a home.
a. to take months to sell b. take several months to sell
c. selling takes several months d. to sell taking several months
50. Pioneer men and women endured terrible hardships, and ________
a. so do their children b. neither did the children c. also the children d. so did their children
  

17 tháng 9 2017

@Đức Minh @linh nguyễn

@Linh Diệu @Tử Đằng

4 tháng 2 2018

UNIT 1 Friendship
I. Choose the word that has the underlined (letters) pronounced differently from the others.
1. a. machine b. change c. teacher d. choose
2. a. condition b. option c. suggestion d. relation
3. a. believe b. readily c. friend d. pleasure
4. a. good b. gossip c. game d. geometry
5. a. trust b. mutual c. number d. uncertain
II. Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentences or
substitutes for the underlined word or phrase.
6. It was so relaxing to be ________ old friends.
a. in b. between c. among d. around
7. She's made friends ________ a little girl who lives next door.
a. to b. of c. by d. with
8. The children seem to be totally capable ________ working by themselves.
a. on b. of c. in d. for
9. Your friendship should be based on ________ trust.
a. basic b. fragile c. mutual d. blind
10. The company expects ________ from its employees.
a. constancy b. quality c. interest d. loyalty
11. I've got lots of _______, but only a few are really good friends

a. close friends b. acquaintances c. neighbors d. partners
12. Friendship is a two-sided ________, it lives by give-and-take.
a. affair b. event c. aspect d. feature
13. Unselfishness is the very essence of friendship.
a. romantic part b. important part c. difficult part d. interesting part
14. They ________ a close friendship at university.
a. created b. became c. promoted d. formed
15. We stayed friends even after we ________ and left home.
a. brought up b. turned up c. grew up d. took up
III. Choose the word or phrase -a, b, c, or d -that best completes the sentence.
16. He finds it ________ lasting friendships.
a. difficult to make b. difficulty in making c. is difficult to make d. difficult making
17. You ________ any friends if you ________ talking like that.
a. will win/ carryon b. won't win/ carryon
c. wouldn't win/ carried on d. would have won/ had carried on
18. The aim of the culture festival is ________ friendship between the two countries
a. promote b. promoting c. to promote d. being promoted
19. People he ________ turned out to be only fair-weather friends.
a. trusted b. has trusted c. was trusting d. had trusted
20. How can you let such a silly incident ________ your friendship?
a. wreck b.to wreck c. wrecking d. that wrecks

21. It has become necessary ________ water in the metropolitan area because of the severe drought.
a. rationing b. ration c. to ration d. to have rationed
22. All the passengers were made ________ their seat belts during the turbulence.
a. buckle b. to buckle c. buckling d. for buckling.
23. ________ good ice cream, you need to use a lot of cream.
a. Make b. Making c. To make d. For make
24. I got my friend ________ her car for the weekend.
a. to let me to borrow b. to let me borrow c. let me borrow d. let me to borrow
25. They _______ good friends, but they've fallen out recently.
a. used to be b. would be c. were d. are
IV. Identify the one underlined word or phase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the
sentence to be correct.
26. Whatever happened, I didn't want to lose friendship of Vera.
Reference Material For 11
- grade students All Rights reserved
Lien Son High School – English Group New teaching and testing projects

27. The basic aims of science and magic are very similar - to understand and to control nature
28. It was a period of her life when she made some lifelong friendship.
29. Simon finds it hard for making friends with other children.
30. Not longer are contributions to the advancement of industry made primarily by individuals

John Fisher, a builder, and his wife Elizabeth wanted more living space, so they left small flat for an old 40-metre high castle tower. They have spent five years turning it into a beautiful home with six floors, winning three architectural prizes. 'I love the space, and being private,'Elizabeth says. 'You feel separated from the world. If I'm in the kitchen, which is 25 metres above the groud floor, and the doorbell rings, I don't have to answer it because visitor can't see I'm in!'. Lê...
Đọc tiếp

John Fisher, a builder, and his wife Elizabeth wanted more living space, so they left small flat for an old 40-metre high castle tower. They have spent five years turning it into a beautiful home with six floors, winning three architectural prizes.

'I love the space, and being private,'Elizabeth says. 'You feel separated from the world. If I'm in the kitchen, which is 25 metres above the groud floor, and the doorbell rings, I don't have to answer it because visitor can't see I'm in!'.

Lê Huỳnh Phan

There are 142 steps to the top, so i go up and down five or six times a day, it's very good exercise! But having to carry heavy things to the top is terrible, so i never buy two bags of shopping from the supermarket at a time. Apart from that, it's a brilliant place to live.'

'When we first saw the place, I asked my father's advice about buying it, because we couldn't decide. After paying for it, we were a bit worried because it looked awful. But we really loved it, and knew how we wamted it to look'

'Living here can be difficult - yesterday I climbed a four-metre ladder to clean the windows. But when you stand on the roof you can see all the way out to sea on a lear day, and that's a wonderful experience. I'm really glad we moved.'

1/ What is the writer trying to do in the test?

a/ Describe how to turn an old tower into a house

b/ Recommend a particular builder

c/ Describe what it is like to live in a tower

d/ Explain how to win prizes for building work

2/ From this text, a reader can find out

a/ Why visitors are not welcome at John and Elizabeth's house

b/ Why Elizabeth exercises everyday

c/ Why Elizabeth asked her father to buy the tower

d/ Why John and Elizabeth left the flat

3/ Which of the following best describes Elizabeth's feeling about the tower?

a/ She wanted it as soon as she saw it

b/ She likes most things about it

c/ She has been worried since they paid for it

d/ She finds it unsuitable to live in

4/ What problem does Elizabeth have with living in such a tall building

a/ Her visitor find it difficult to see if she is at home

b/ She feels separated from other people

c/ She cannot bring home lots of shopping at once.

d/ It is impossible to clean any of the window

5/ They were rather worried after paying for the castle because

a/ They really couldn't afford it

b/ It was about to collapse

c/ It looked terrible at first

d/ They were unable to take care of such a large house

@Dương Yến Tử; @Linh Diệu

14 tháng 9 2017

John Fisher, a builder, and his wife Elizabeth wanted more living space, so they left small flat for an old 40-metre high castle tower. They have spent five years turning it into a beautiful home with six floors, winning three architectural prizes.

'I love the space, and being private,'Elizabeth says. 'You feel separated from the world. If I'm in the kitchen, which is 25 metres above the groud floor, and the doorbell rings, I don't have to answer it because visitor can't see I'm in!'.

There are 142 steps to the top, so i go up and down five or six times a day, it's very good exercise! But having to carry heavy things to the top is terrible, so i never buy two bags of shopping from the supermarket at a time. Apart from that, it's a brilliant place to live.'

'When we first saw the place, I asked my father's advice about buying it, because we couldn't decide. After paying for it, we were a bit worried because it looked awful. But we really loved it, and knew how we wamted it to look'

'Living here can be difficult - yesterday I climbed a four-metre ladder to clean the windows. But when you stand on the roof you can see all the way out to sea on a lear day, and that's a wonderful experience. I'm really glad we moved.'

1/ What is the writer trying to do in the test?

a/ Describe how to turn an old tower into a house

b/ Recommend a particular builder

c/ Describe what it is like to live in a tower

d/ Explain how to win prizes for building work

2/ From this text, a reader can find out

a/ Why visitors are not welcome at John and Elizabeth's house

b/ Why Elizabeth exercises everyday

c/ Why Elizabeth asked her father to buy the tower

d/ Why John and Elizabeth left the flat

3/ Which of the following best describes Elizabeth's feeling about the tower?

a/ She wanted it as soon as she saw it

b/ She likes most things about it

c/ She has been worried since they paid for it

d/ She finds it unsuitable to live in

4/ What problem does Elizabeth have with living in such a tall building

a/ Her visitor find it difficult to see if she is at home

b/ She feels separated from other people

c/ She cannot bring home lots of shopping at once.

d/ It is impossible to clean any of the window

5/ They were rather worried after paying for the castle because

a/ They really couldn't afford it

b/ It was about to collapse

c/ It looked terrible at first

d/ They were unable to take care of such a large house

14 tháng 9 2017

John Fisher, a builder, and his wife Elizabeth wanted more living space, so they left small flat for an old 40-metre high castle tower. They have spent five years turning it into a beautiful home with six floors, winning three architectural prizes.

'I love the space, and being private,'Elizabeth says. 'You feel separated from the world. If I'm in the kitchen, which is 25 metres above the groud floor, and the doorbell rings, I don't have to answer it because visitor can't see I'm in!'.

There are 142 steps to the top, so i go up and down five or six times a day, it's very good exercise! But having to carry heavy things to the top is terrible, so i never buy two bags of shopping from the supermarket at a time. Apart from that, it's a brilliant place to live.'

'When we first saw the place, I asked my father's advice about buying it, because we couldn't decide. After paying for it, we were a bit worried because it looked awful. But we really loved it, and knew how we wamted it to look'

'Living here can be difficult - yesterday I climbed a four-metre ladder to clean the windows. But when you stand on the roof you can see all the way out to sea on a lear day, and that's a wonderful experience. I'm really glad we moved.'

1/ What is the writer trying to do in the test?

a/ Describe how to turn an old tower into a house

b/ Recommend a particular builder

c/ Describe what it is like to live in a tower

d/ Explain how to win prizes for building work

2/ From this text, a reader can find out

a/ Why visitors are not welcome at John and Elizabeth's house

b/ Why Elizabeth exercises everyday

c/ Why Elizabeth asked her father to buy the tower

d/ Why John and Elizabeth left the flat

3/ Which of the following best describes Elizabeth's feeling about the tower?

a/ She wanted it as soon as she saw it

b/ She likes most things about it

c/ She has been worried since they paid for it

d/ She finds it unsuitable to live in

4/ What problem does Elizabeth have with living in such a tall building

a/ Her visitor find it difficult to see if she is at home

b/ She feels separated from other people

c/ She cannot bring home lots of shopping at once.

d/ It is impossible to clean any of the window

5/ They were rather worried after paying for the castle because

a/ They really couldn't afford it

b/ It was about to collapse

c/ It looked terrible at first

d/ They were unable to take care of such a large house

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.   Music therapy is using music to help people with a variety of problems. For example, it can help people with communication and speech problems speak better. It can help people with memory problems remember things from their past. Music therapy can also help people manage stress and be more relaxed. It can even make people with bad pain feel better.   In...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   Music therapy is using music to help people with a variety of problems. For example, it can help people with communication and speech problems speak better. It can help people with memory problems remember things from their past. Music therapy can also help people manage stress and be more relaxed. It can even make people with bad pain feel better.

   In music therapy, a music therapist works with one person alone or with small groups. The therapist meets with the person and does tests to find out what the problem is and what the person can do with music. Then the therapist decides what kind of music therapy to use. Some people sing, and others might compose music, but a person doesn't need to know about music to be helped by music therapy. There are options such as listening to music and dancing to music. Research shows that these activities are good for the body and for the mind.

   Homes that take care of elderly people often have music therapy programs. The programs help the elderly be more energetic and also help with memory problems. Some hospitals have music therapy for patients who are in a lot of pain. Music can affect a part of the brain that reduces pain.

   Trevor Gibbons is one example of a person who was helped by music therapy. In 2000, he was putting in windows on the fourth floor of a building when he fell. He was in the hospital for over a year. He was in a lot of pain, and he couldn’t talk. He went from the hospital to a rehabilitation center that has a music therapy program, and a music therapist worked with him for several years. He could sing more easily than he could talk. Trevor says that music also helped him manage loneliness, sadness, and pain after he was hurt. Music and the music therapist inspired him, and he has written and sung many songs. He has even recorded CDs and performed at Lincoln Center in New York.

Question 9: It is stated in the passage that _______.

A. homes for the aged don’t have music therapy programs

B. in music therapy some people sing or even compose music

C. Trevor Gibbons hurt himself when he fell off the fifth floor

D. listening and dancing to music are not included in music therapy

30 tháng 5 2019

Đáp án B.

8 tháng 4 2017

Read the following passage, and then tick the correct answers : T or F.

Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actually, the world's energy resources are limited. Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left. However, we also should use them economically and try to find out alternative sources of power. According to Professor Marvin Burnham of the New England Institute of Technology, we have to start saving coal, oil and gas before it is too late; and solar power is the only alternative.

1. Natural resources will never run out. F

2. We don't know exactly how much fuel is left. T

3. We shouldn't waste natural resources. T

4. We should find out other types of energy besides fossil fuels. T

5. According to Professor Marvin Burnham, solar energy will be used as a form of alternative energy. F