
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

7 tháng 9 2023

1. school-leavers                    

2. higher education

3. apprenticeships   

4. institutions                     

5. graduation

Exercise 2: Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some extra words.(level-needs-cooperation-qualifications-degree-semester-institutions-benefit). The Vietnamese-German University (VGU) is a Vietnamese state university. Founded in 2008, VGU is based on a close (1)…… between Viet Nam and Germany.Being a joint effort of Vietnamese and German (2)…… the university follows the successful German model and standards.VGU's strategy is to import excellent German...
Đọc tiếp

Exercise 2: Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some extra words.(level-needs-cooperation-qualifications-degree-semester-institutions-benefit).
The Vietnamese-German University (VGU) is a Vietnamese state university. Founded in 2008, VGU is based on a close (1)…… between Viet Nam and Germany.Being a joint effort of Vietnamese and German (2)…… the university follows the successful German model and standards.VGU's strategy is to import excellent German study programmes, taken from the strongest engineering areas of Germany and customize them to the (3)…… of Vietnamese higher education. After a successful study, students receive a German university (4)…………… providing them with best opportunities on the job market.Studying at VGU is a gateway to Germany. VGU offers the opportunity to study at" German universities for one (5)……or to continute with postgraduate programmes.
Exercise 3: Complete the following sentences with the present perfect or present perfect continuous.
1. So far the college authorities (try)…..to make application process as simple and fast as possible for intemational students.
2. The university (establish)…..an international faculty that is responsible for the partnership with overseas institutions since 2005.
3. Since 2000, the Ministry of Education and Training (attempt)….to prevent classroom overerowding with a plan to establish a further number of over 40 universities in Viet Nam.
4. Scientists (put)…a lot of effort into the area of since the economic reform in 1985.
5. The international A-levels (be)…..considered by many experts in the field of education to be the "gold standard" of examinations for a very long time until now.

27 tháng 2 2020

Bài tập 2: Điền vào mỗi chỗ trống trong đoạn văn với từ đúng từ hộp. Có một số từ thêm. (Mức độ nhu cầu-hợp tác-trình độ-bằng cấp-học kỳ-tổ chức-lợi ích). Đại học Việt-Đức (VGU) là một trường đại học nhà nước Việt Nam. Được thành lập vào năm 2008, VGU dựa trên sự kết hợp (1) giữa Việt Nam và Đức. Nỗ lực chung của người Việt và người Đức (2), trường đại học theo mô hình và tiêu chuẩn thành công của Đức. Chiến lược là nhập khẩu xuất sắc Các chương trình học tiếng Đức, được lấy từ các lĩnh vực kỹ thuật mạnh nhất của Đức và tùy chỉnh chúng theo (3) giáo dục đại học Việt Nam. Sau khi học tập thành công, sinh viên nhận được một trường đại học Đức (4) Cung cấp cho họ những cơ hội tốt nhất trên thị trường việc làm. Hoạt động tại VGU là một cửa ngõ vào Đức. VGU mang đến cơ hội học tập tại "các trường đại học Đức cho một (5) người hoặc tiếp tục với các chương trình sau đại học. Bài tập 3: Hoàn thành các câu sau đây với hiện tại hoàn thành hoặc hiện tại hoàn thành liên tục. 1. Cho đến nay các cơ quan đại học (thử) 2. Làm cho quá trình nộp đơn trở nên đơn giản và nhanh nhất có thể đối với sinh viên quốc tế. 2. Trường đại học (thành lập), giảng viên quốc tế chịu trách nhiệm hợp tác với các tổ chức ở nước ngoài kể từ năm 2005. 3. Từ năm 2000, Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo (cố gắng). Để ngăn chặn lớp học tràn ngập với kế hoạch thành lập hơn 40 trường đại học ở Việt Nam. 4. Các nhà khoa học (đặt) Nhiều nỗ lực vào lĩnh vực kể từ cải cách kinh tế năm 1985. 5. Các cấp độ A (be) quốc tế .. được nhiều chuyên gia trong lĩnh vực giáo dục coi là "tiêu chuẩn vàng" của các kỳ thi trong một thời gian rất dài cho đến bây giờ.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.Let's see if you can correctly answer the following question: At what age are Latter-day Saint youth allowed to date? Of course, you probably immediately said, "16". OK, then, how about this one: At what age are you allowed to have a boyfriend or girlfriend? You may be thinking, “Um, 16. Didn't I just answer that?" Well, if that was your answer, then, even though you aced the...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Let's see if you can correctly answer the following question: At what age are Latter-day Saint youth allowed to date? Of course, you probably immediately said, "16". OK, then, how about this one: At what age are you allowed to have a boyfriend or girlfriend? You may be thinking, “Um, 16. Didn't I just answer that?" Well, if that was your answer, then, even though you aced the first question, you missed the second one. Just because you can date when you turn 16 doesn't mean you should immediately start looking for a steady boyfriend or girlfriend. [….]

To begin with, there are two different types of dating: casual dating and steady (or serious) dating. The distinction between the two has to do with exclusivity. With casual dating, there is no exclusivity. The two people aren't “a couple” or “an item”, and they don't refer to each other as a “boyfriend” or “girlfriend”. They don't pair off. People who are casually dating are simply friends. This is the kind of dating the Church encourages you to do after you turn 16. You should put aside a need to find a “one and only”. If you're dating casually, you don't expect a relationship to become a romance. You have fun; you do a variety of things with a variety of people. On the other hand, steady dating means the couple is exclusive with one another. They expect each other not to date anyone else or to be emotionally or physically close with other people. Couples who date seriously consider the future, because there is a real possibility they could stay together. This is the kind of dating the Church encourages young adults (generally, people in their 20s) to progress toward, because that's the age when they should be thinking of marrying. [….]

Question 1: It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ____.

A. dating doesn't mean having exclusive boyfriend or girlfriend

B. teenagers are supposed to have a steady boyfriend or girlfriend

C. teenagers date as many boyfriends or girlfriends as they can

D. young people shouldn't be allowed to date at 16

3 tháng 9 2017

Đáp án A

Đoạn 1 cho rằng hẹn hò không có nghĩa là có bạn trai hay bạn gái độc quyền

28 tháng 12 2020

Đáp án: A

At university, it is a big turning point in the lives of each human. Most parents in Vietnam today think that studying at university is the best future guarantee for their children. Therefore, many parents have put pressure on the grades and hierarchies in the classroom. To revoke that, they race each other for their children to study, learn the fool, causing you to have time to rest, to play healthy. We can't confirm whether parents think or think is wrong at all when good jobs require...
Đọc tiếp

At university, it is a big turning point in the lives of each human. Most parents in Vietnam today think that studying at university is the best future guarantee for their children. Therefore, many parents have put pressure on the grades and hierarchies in the classroom. To revoke that, they race each other for their children to study, learn the fool, causing you to have time to rest, to play healthy. We can't confirm whether parents think or think is wrong at all when good jobs require degrees. Studying at university is important by the way. Firstly, in a higher education environment, students will have access to selected knowledge as quickly as they can through books and practices. Its knowledge will help you to raise your expertise at work later on. Secondly, universities provide you with more opportunities for your careers. For example, companies tend to receive students who have good results or are proved to be excellent from universities instead of looking for candidates themselves.
But is university the only way to success? No is the answer. If you think about it, scientists, the richest people in the world don't everybody go to university but they still succeed. Let's take just one example. Bill Gates, a global owner of Microsoft at the age of 20, has dropped out of university to pursue his interests. And the people who invented the utility plow or the reapers were just farmers. We cannot deny the benefits of college, but why are there thousands of unemployed students every year? And very few students get out to school and do their training? Many students get a good degree, a good degree, but are difficult or unable to get a job. There are only two main reasons, which are that few practices lead to a lack of skills and a failure to implement the skills that they have learned. In short,the university is not the only path to success but it is the most secure and secure path. So when you slip through college, you don't have to go through sadness, and this door closes, another door opens, and importantly we have to have faith and determination, and one day we will achieve success.

Mọi người soát lỗi hộ mình với ạ! Thank you very much!


hay quá bạn :

Vào đại học, đó là một bước ngoặt lớn trong cuộc đời của mỗi con người. Hầu hết các bậc cha mẹ ở Việt Nam hiện nay đều cho rằng học đại học là sự đảm bảo tốt nhất cho tương lai của con cái họ. Vì vậy, nhiều phụ huynh đã tạo áp lực về điểm số và thứ bậc trong lớp học. Để thu hồi điều đó, họ đua nhau cho con học, học dốt, khiến các bạn không có thời gian nghỉ ngơi, vui chơi lành mạnh. Chúng tôi không thể khẳng định rằng phụ huynh nghĩ hay nghĩ sai chút nào khi công việc tốt đòi hỏi bằng cấp. Nhân tiện, việc học ở trường đại học là rất quan trọng. Thứ nhất, trong môi trường giáo dục đại học, sinh viên sẽ được tiếp cận với kiến ​​thức được chọn lọc nhanh nhất có thể thông qua sách vở và thực hành. Kiến thức của nó sẽ giúp bạn nâng cao chuyên môn của mình trong công việc sau này. Thứ hai, các trường đại học cung cấp cho bạn nhiều cơ hội hơn cho sự nghiệp của bạn. Ví dụ, các công ty có xu hướng nhận những sinh viên có kết quả tốt hoặc được chứng minh là xuất sắc từ các trường đại học thay vì tự tìm kiếm ứng viên. Không là câu trả lời. Nếu bạn nghĩ về nó, các nhà khoa học, những người giàu nhất trên thế giới không phải ai cũng học đại học nhưng họ vẫn thành công. Hãy lấy một ví dụ. Bill Gates, chủ sở hữu toàn cầu của Microsoft ở tuổi 20, đã bỏ học đại học để theo đuổi sở thích của mình. Và những người phát minh ra máy cày tiện ích hay máy gặt chỉ là nông dân. Chúng ta không thể phủ nhận lợi ích của việc học đại học, nhưng tại sao hàng năm vẫn có hàng nghìn sinh viên thất nghiệp? Và rất ít sinh viên ra trường và thực hiện các khóa đào tạo của họ? Nhiều sinh viên đạt được bằng khá, giỏi nhưng khó hoặc không xin được việc làm. Chỉ có hai lý do chính, đó là ít thực hành dẫn đến thiếu kỹ năng và không thực hiện được các kỹ năng đã học. Tóm lại, đại học không phải là con đường duy nhất dẫn đến thành công nhưng nó là con đường an toàn và chắc chắn nhất. Vì vậy, khi trượt đại học, bạn không cần phải trải qua nỗi buồn, cánh cửa này đóng lại thì cánh cửa khác sẽ mở ra, quan trọng là chúng ta phải có niềm tin và sự quyết tâm, rồi sẽ có ngày đạt được thành công.

27 tháng 9 2021

At university, it is a big turning point in the lives of each human. Most parents in Vietnam today think that studying at university is the best future guarantee for their children. Therefore, many parents have put pressure on the grades and hierarchies in the classroom. To revoke that, they race each other for their children to study, learn the fool, causing you to have time to rest, to play healthy. We can't confirm whether parents think or think is wrong at all when good jobs require degrees. Studying at university is important by the way. Firstly, in a higher education environment, students will have access to selected knowledge as quickly as they can through books and praces. Its knowledge will help you to raise your expertise at work later on. Secondly, universities provide you with more opportunities for your careers. For example, companies tend to receive students who have good results or are proved to be excellent from universities instead of looking for candidates themselves.But is university the only way to success? No is the answer. If you think about it, scientists, the richest people in the world don't everybody go to university but they still succeed. Let's take just one example. Bill Gates, a global owner of Microsoft at the age of 20, has dropped out of university to pursue his interests. And the people who invented the utility plow or the reapers were just farmers. We cannot deny the benefits of college, but why are there thousands of unemployed students every year? And very few students get out to school and do their training? Many students get a good degree, a good degree, but are difficult or unable to get a job. There are only two main reasons, which are that few praces lead to a lack of skills and a failure to implement the skills that they have learned. In short,the university is not the only path to success but it is the most secure and secure path. So when you slip through college, you don't have to go through sadness, and this door closes, another door opens, and importantly we have to have faith and determination, and one day we will achieve success.

Câu này thiếu chủ ngữ nha bạn

Choose the best anwers for the following questions.The generation gap, which refers to a broad difference between one generation and another, especially between young people and their parents, usually leads to numerous conflicts. Such family conflicts can seriously threaten the relationship between parents and children at times.It goes without saying that, however old their children are, parents still regard them as small kids and keep in mind that their offspring are too young to protect...
Đọc tiếp

Choose the best anwers for the following questions.

The generation gap, which refers to a broad difference between one generation and another, especially between young people and their parents, usually leads to numerous conflicts. Such family conflicts can seriously threaten the relationship between parents and children at times.

It goes without saying that, however old their children are, parents still regard them as small kids and keep in mind that their offspring are too young to protect themselves cautiously or have wise choices. Therefore, they tend to make a great attempt to help their children to discover the outside world. Nevertheless, they forget that as children grow up, they want to be more independent and develop their own identity by creating their own opinions, thoughts, styles and values about life.

One common issue that drives conflicts is the clothes of teenagers. While teens are keen on wearing fashionable clothes which try to catch up with the youth trends, parents who value traditional clothes believe that those kinds of attire violate the rules and the norms of the society. It becomes worse when the expensive brand name clothes teens choose seem to be beyond the financial capacity of parents.

Another reason contributing to conflicts is the interest in choosing a career path or education between parents and teenagers. Young people are told that they have the world at their feet and that dazzling future opportunities are just waiting for them to seize. However, their parents try to impose their choices of university or career on them regardless of their children's preference.

Indeed, conflicts between parents and children are the everlasting family phenomena. It seems that the best way to solve the matter is open communication to create mutual trust and understanding.

Question 3. What do parents usually do to help their children as they are young?

A. They prepare everything for their children.

B. They take care of their children carefully.

C. They encourage their children to explore the outside world.

5 tháng 1 2020

Đáp án C

Thông tin: Therefore, they tend to make a great attempt to help their children to discover the outside world.

Dịch: Do đó, họ có xu hướng thực hiện một nỗ lực lớn để giúp con cái họ khám phá thế giới bên ngoài.

Choose the best anwers for the following questions.The generation gap, which refers to a broad difference between one generation and another, especially between young people and their parents, usually leads to numerous conflicts. Such family conflicts can seriously threaten the relationship between parents and children at times.It goes without saying that, however old their children are, parents still regard them as small kids and keep in mind that their offspring are too young to protect...
Đọc tiếp

Choose the best anwers for the following questions.

The generation gap, which refers to a broad difference between one generation and another, especially between young people and their parents, usually leads to numerous conflicts. Such family conflicts can seriously threaten the relationship between parents and children at times.

It goes without saying that, however old their children are, parents still regard them as small kids and keep in mind that their offspring are too young to protect themselves cautiously or have wise choices. Therefore, they tend to make a great attempt to help their children to discover the outside world. Nevertheless, they forget that as children grow up, they want to be more independent and develop their own identity by creating their own opinions, thoughts, styles and values about life.

One common issue that drives conflicts is the clothes of teenagers. While teens are keen on wearing fashionable clothes which try to catch up with the youth trends, parents who value traditional clothes believe that those kinds of attire violate the rules and the norms of the society. It becomes worse when the expensive brand name clothes teens choose seem to be beyond the financial capacity of parents.

Another reason contributing to conflicts is the interest in choosing a career path or education between parents and teenagers. Young people are told that they have the world at their feet and that dazzling future opportunities are just waiting for them to seize. However, their parents try to impose their choices of university or career on them regardless of their children's preference.

Indeed, conflicts between parents and children are the everlasting family phenomena. It seems that the best way to solve the matter is open communication to create mutual trust and understanding.

Question 4. Which kinds of clothes do teenagers want to wear?

A. latest fashionable clothes

B. casual clothes

C. shiny trousers and tight tops

7 tháng 5 2019

Đáp án A

Thông tin: While teens are keen on wearing fashionable clothes which try to catch up with the youth trends …..

Dịch: Trong khi thanh thiếu niên thích mặc quần áo thời trang, cố gắng bắt kịp xu hướng của giới trẻ ……

Choose the best anwers for the following questions.The generation gap, which refers to a broad difference between one generation and another, especially between young people and their parents, usually leads to numerous conflicts. Such family conflicts can seriously threaten the relationship between parents and children at times.It goes without saying that, however old their children are, parents still regard them as small kids and keep in mind that their offspring are too young to protect...
Đọc tiếp

Choose the best anwers for the following questions.

The generation gap, which refers to a broad difference between one generation and another, especially between young people and their parents, usually leads to numerous conflicts. Such family conflicts can seriously threaten the relationship between parents and children at times.

It goes without saying that, however old their children are, parents still regard them as small kids and keep in mind that their offspring are too young to protect themselves cautiously or have wise choices. Therefore, they tend to make a great attempt to help their children to discover the outside world. Nevertheless, they forget that as children grow up, they want to be more independent and develop their own identity by creating their own opinions, thoughts, styles and values about life.

One common issue that drives conflicts is the clothes of teenagers. While teens are keen on wearing fashionable clothes which try to catch up with the youth trends, parents who value traditional clothes believe that those kinds of attire violate the rules and the norms of the society. It becomes worse when the expensive brand name clothes teens choose seem to be beyond the financial capacity of parents.

Another reason contributing to conflicts is the interest in choosing a career path or education between parents and teenagers. Young people are told that they have the world at their feet and that dazzling future opportunities are just waiting for them to seize. However, their parents try to impose their choices of university or career on them regardless of their children's preference.

Indeed, conflicts between parents and children are the everlasting family phenomena. It seems that the best way to solve the matter is open communication to create mutual trust and understanding.

Question 6. Why do teenagers want to choose their university or career?

A. They want to explore the world on their own.

B. They want to decide their future by themselves.

C. Both A and B are correct.

13 tháng 8 2017

Đáp án C

Thông tin nằm ở đoạn 2.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.Let's see if you can correctly answer the following question: At what age are Latter-day Saint youth allowed to date? Of course, you probably immediately said, "16". OK, then, how about this one: At what age are you allowed to have a boyfriend or girlfriend? You may be thinking, “Um, 16. Didn't I just answer that?" Well, if that was your answer, then, even though you aced the...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Let's see if you can correctly answer the following question: At what age are Latter-day Saint youth allowed to date? Of course, you probably immediately said, "16". OK, then, how about this one: At what age are you allowed to have a boyfriend or girlfriend? You may be thinking, “Um, 16. Didn't I just answer that?" Well, if that was your answer, then, even though you aced the first question, you missed the second one. Just because you can date when you turn 16 doesn't mean you should immediately start looking for a steady boyfriend or girlfriend. [….]

To begin with, there are two different types of dating: casual dating and steady (or serious) dating. The distinction between the two has to do with exclusivity. With casual dating, there is no exclusivity. The two people aren't “a couple” or “an item”, and they don't refer to each other as a “boyfriend” or “girlfriend”. They don't pair off. People who are casually dating are simply friends. This is the kind of dating the Church encourages you to do after you turn 16. You should put aside a need to find a “one and only”. If you're dating casually, you don't expect a relationship to become a romance. You have fun; you do a variety of things with a variety of people. On the other hand, steady dating means the couple is exclusive with one another. They expect each other not to date anyone else or to be emotionally or physically close with other people. Couples who date seriously consider the future, because there is a real possibility they could stay together. This is the kind of dating the Church encourages young adults (generally, people in their 20s) to progress toward, because that's the age when they should be thinking of marrying. [….]

Question 2: The word “aced” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ____.

A. gave up

B. misled

C. succeeded in

D. understood

4 tháng 2 2018

Đáp án C

Aced = succeeded in (thành công trong lĩnh vực gì)

28 tháng 12 2020

Đáp án: C

Dịch: Những người tình cờ hẹn hò chỉ đơn giản là bạn bè. Đây là kiểu hẹn hò mà Giáo hội khuyến khích bạn làm sau khi bạn đủ 16 tuổi. Bạn nên bỏ qua một nhu cầu tìm kiếm một người khác và chỉ có một.

Thông tin: People who are casually dating are simply friends. This is the kind of dating the Church encourages you to do after you turn 16. You should put aside a need to find a “one and only”.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.Let's see if you can correctly answer the following question: At what age are Latter-day Saint youth allowed to date? Of course, you probably immediately said, "16". OK, then, how about this one: At what age are you allowed to have a boyfriend or girlfriend? You may be thinking, “Um, 16. Didn't I just answer that?" Well, if that was your answer, then, even though you aced the...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Let's see if you can correctly answer the following question: At what age are Latter-day Saint youth allowed to date? Of course, you probably immediately said, "16". OK, then, how about this one: At what age are you allowed to have a boyfriend or girlfriend? You may be thinking, “Um, 16. Didn't I just answer that?" Well, if that was your answer, then, even though you aced the first question, you missed the second one. Just because you can date when you turn 16 doesn't mean you should immediately start looking for a steady boyfriend or girlfriend. [….]

To begin with, there are two different types of dating: casual dating and steady (or serious) dating. The distinction between the two has to do with exclusivity. With casual dating, there is no exclusivity. The two people aren't “a couple” or “an item”, and they don't refer to each other as a “boyfriend” or “girlfriend”. They don't pair off. People who are casually dating are simply friends. This is the kind of dating the Church encourages you to do after you turn 16. You should put aside a need to find a “one and only”. If you're dating casually, you don't expect a relationship to become a romance. You have fun; you do a variety of things with a variety of people. On the other hand, steady dating means the couple is exclusive with one another. They expect each other not to date anyone else or to be emotionally or physically close with other people. Couples who date seriously consider the future, because there is a real possibility they could stay together. This is the kind of dating the Church encourages young adults (generally, people in their 20s) to progress toward, because that's the age when they should be thinking of marrying. [….]

Question 3: According to the passage, what is NOT true about casual dating?

A. You can be friend with each other.

B. You don't pair off exclusively.

C. You find your "one and only”.

D. You meet different kinds of people.

19 tháng 1 2019

Đáp án C

Thông tin: People who are casually dating are simply friends. This is the kind of dating the Church encourages you to do after you turn 16. You should put aside a need to find a “one and only”

Dịch: Những người tình cờ hẹn hò chỉ đơn giản là bạn bè. Đây là kiểu hẹn hò mà Giáo hội khuyến khích bạn làm sau khi bạn 16 tuổi. Bạn nên bỏ qua một nhu cầu tìm kiếm một người khác và chỉ có một.

28 tháng 12 2020

Đáp án: C

Dịch: Những người tình cờ hẹn hò chỉ đơn giản là bạn bè. Đây là kiểu hẹn hò mà Giáo hội khuyến khích bạn làm sau khi bạn đủ 16 tuổi. Bạn nên bỏ qua một nhu cầu tìm kiếm một người khác và chỉ có một.

Thông tin: People who are casually dating are simply friends. This is the kind of dating the Church encourages you to do after you turn 16. You should put aside a need to find a “one and only”.

The generation gap , which refers to a broad difference between one generation and anther , espesially between young people and their partens , usully leads to numerous conflicts . Such family conflicts can seiously threaten the relationship between parents and children at times It gose without saying that , however old their childen are , perents still regard them as small kids and keep in in mind that their offspring are too young to protect themselves cautiously or have wise choices ....
Đọc tiếp

The generation gap , which refers to a broad difference between one generation and anther , espesially between young people and their partens , usully leads to numerous conflicts . Such family conflicts can seiously threaten the relationship between parents and children at times

It gose without saying that , however old their childen are , perents still regard them as small kids and keep in in mind that their offspring are too young to protect themselves cautiously or have wise choices . Therefore , they tend to make a great attempt to help thier children to discover the outside word . Nevertheless , they forget that as chiidren grow up , they want to be more independent and develop their own identity by creating their own opinions , thought , styles and values about life . One common issue that drives conflicts is the clothes of teenagers . While teens are keen on wearing fashionable clothes which try to catch up with the youth trends , parents who valie traditional clothes believe that those kinds of attire violate the rules and the norms of the society . It becomes worse when the expensive brand name clothes teens choose seem to be beyond the financial capacity of parents

Another reason contributing to conflicts is the interest in choosing a career path or education between parent and teenagers . Young people are told that they have word at their feetand that dazzing futur opportunities are just waiting for them to sexie . However , their parents try to impose their choices of unversity or career on the regardless of thier children's preference

Indeed , conflicts between parents and children are the everlasting family phenomena . It seems that best way to solve the matter is open communication to create mutual trust and understanding.

Task 1 : True / Faise / not given

1. Teenagers try to please their parents by wearing traditional clothes

2. Parents want children to follow their withes in deciding the education and future jobs

3. Some parents indulge their children with expensive brand name clothes

4. In order to bridge the gap between the old generation ang the younger one , open communication to promote mutural undertanding is the vital key

11 tháng 10 2017

The generation gap , which refers to a broad difference between one generation and anther , espesially between young people and their partens , usully leads to numerous conflicts . Such family conflicts can seiously threaten the relationship between parents and children at times

It gose without saying that , however old their childen are , perents still regard them as small kids and keep in in mind that their offspring are too young to protect themselves cautiously or have wise choices . Therefore , they tend to make a great attempt to help thier children to discover the outside word . Nevertheless , they forget that as chiidren grow up , they want to be more independent and develop their own identity by creating their own opinions , thought , styles and values about life . One common issue that drives conflicts is the clothes of teenagers . While teens are keen on wearing fashionable clothes which try to catch up with the youth trends , parents who valie traditional clothes believe that those kinds of attire violate the rules and the norms of the society . It becomes worse when the expensive brand name clothes teens choose seem to be beyond the financial capacity of parents

Another reason contributing to conflicts is the interest in choosing a career path or education between parent and teenagers . Young people are told that they have word at their feetand that dazzing futur opportunities are just waiting for them to sexie . However , their parents try to impose their choices of unversity or career on the regardless of thier children's preference

Indeed , conflicts between parents and children are the everlasting family phenomena . It seems that best way to solve the matter is open communication to create mutual trust and understanding.

Task 1 : True / Faise / not given

1. Teenagers try to please their parents by wearing traditional clothes ( Not given )

=> Bài đọc không đề cập tới việc những thanh thiếu niên cố gắng mặc những bộ quần áo truyền thống để làm hài lòng cha mẹ họ nên đáp án cho câu này là Not Given.

2. Parents want children to follow their withes in deciding the education and future jobs ( True )

=> Trong bài có thông tin "However, their parents try to impose their choices of university or career on them regardless of their children's preference." nên đáp án cho câu này là True bởi vì “want somebody to” = “impose somebody on” đều mang nghĩa là muốn ai đó làm theo ý mình.

3. Some parents indulge their children with expensive brand name clothes ( Not given )

=> Trong bài đọc có thông tin về "expensive brand name clothes" - "It becomes worse when the expensive brand name clothes teens choose seem to be beyond the financial capacity of parents."nhưng không đề cập đến việc bố mẹ nuông chiều con cái bằng việc mua quần áo hàng hiệu đắt tiền nên đáp án cho câu này là Not Given.

4. In order to bridge the gap between the old generation ang the younger one , open communication to promote mutural undertanding is the vital key ( True )

=> Câu này trùng với câu "It seems that the best way to solve the matter is open communication to create mutual trust and understanding.” trong đoạn văn cuối. Cả hai đều mang nghĩa là để hàn gắn khoảng cách giữa các thế hệ thì cha mẹ và con cái cần có những cuộc nói chuyện cởi mở giúp tăng cường sự tin tưởng và hiểu biết lẫn nhau, vì vậy True là đáp án đúng.