Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

1. I read books in my free time
2. I listen to music in my free time
3. I do homework in my free time
4. I play chess in my free time
5. I do housework in my free time
6. I clean my house in my free time
7. I plat volleyball in my free time
#Ye Chi-Lien

My house is located in a small quiet alley. That’s a pretty pink house which consists of 6 rooms in totally: a living room, a kitchen, a toilet, a bathroom and two bedrooms. There are a white leather sofa, a television and a sideboard in the living room. After dinner, my father will turn on the television, choose a great movie and we watch it happily. Next to the living room is the kitchen where is used for cooking and enjoying the meals. In the middle of the room is a dinner table which is made from wood. Three cookers, a refrigerator and all the neccesary stuff for cooking is arranged carefully in the right corner of the room. In the left of the kitchen is a clean toilet. Beside the toilet is the bathroom which is equipped a shower and a bathtub. There are only two rooms upstairs that is my parents’ room and my private room. I’ve decorated my bedroom with adorable wallpaper and many lovely stuffed animals. A single bed is placed next to the window so that I can stargaze before falling asleep. In the opposite of the bed are my desk and my bookshelf that contain many kinds of book. There are also an old television and a piano in my bedroom. I especially love the piano because that was the gift from dad in my birthday. In every Christmas or Tet holiday, all member of my family ornament the house together and then gather in the kitchen to cooking. Although my house is not too big but to me that is the most beautiful house in the world.

fence : hàng rào
plant : cây cối
garden : vuon
mình chỉ nghĩ duoc vậy thôi à ^_^
Sofa,Table,Chair,Computer,Bed,Wardrobe,Picture,Poster,Fan,Cupboard,Air Conditioner,Sink,Fridge,Television,Chest of Drawers,...

chép mạng đc 61 từ từ luôn :)
1. Cloudy / ˈklaʊdi /: nhiều mây
2. Windy / ˈwɪndi /: nhiều gió
3. Foggy / ˈfɔːɡi /: có sương mù
4. Stormy / ˈstɔːrmi /: có bão
5. sunny / ˈsʌni /-có nắng
6. frosty / ˈfrɔːsti /-giá rét
7. dry / draɪ /-khô
8. wet / wet / -ướt
9. hot / hɑːt /-nóng
10. cold / koʊld /-lạnh
11. chilly / ˈtʃɪli /-lạnh thấu xương
12. Wind Chill / wɪnd tʃɪl /: gió rét
13. Torrential rain / təˈrenʃl reɪn /: mưa lớn, nặng hạt
14. Flood / flʌd /: lũ, lụt, nạn lụt
15. the Flood; Noah's Flood / ˌnoʊəz flʌd / : nạn Hồng thuỷ
16. lightning / ˈlaɪtnɪŋ /: Chớp, tia chớp
17. Lightning arrester / ˈlaɪtnɪŋ əˈrestər /: Cột thu lôi
18. Thunder / ˈθʌndər /: Sấm, sét
19. Thunderbolt / ˈθʌndərboʊlt /: Tiếng sét, tia sét
20. Thunderstorm / ˈθʌndərstɔːrm /: Bão tố có sấm sét, cơn giông
21. rain / reɪn /-mưa
22. snow / snoʊ / -tuyết
23. fog / fɔːɡ /-sương mù
24. Ice / aɪs /-băng
25. Sun / sʌn /-mặt trời
26. sunshine / ˈsʌnʃaɪn /-ánh nắng
27. cloud / klaʊd / -mây
28. mist / mɪst /-sương muối
29. hail / heɪl /-mưa đá
30. wind / wɪnd /-gió
31. breeze / briːz / -gió nhẹ
32. gale / ɡeɪl /-gió giật
33. frost / frɔːst /-băng giá
34. rainbow / ˈreɪnboʊ /-cầu vồng
35. sleet / sliːt /-mưa tuyết
36. drizzle / ˈdrɪzl /-mưa phùn
37. icy / ˈaɪsi /-đóng băng
38. Dull / dʌl / -lụt
39. overcast / ˌoʊvərˈkæst /-u ám
40. raindrop / ˈreɪndrɑːp / -hạt mưa
41. snowflake / ˈsnoʊfleɪk / -bông tuyết
42. hailstone / ˈheɪlstoʊn /-cục mưa đá
43. weather forecast / ˈweðər ˈfɔːrkæst / dự báo thời tiết
44. rainfall / ˈreɪnfɔːl / lượng mưa
45. temperature / ˈtemprətʃər / nhiệt độ
46. thermometer / θərˈmɑːmɪtər / nhiệt kế
47. barometer / bəˈrɑːmɪtər / dụng cụ đo khí áp
48. degree / dɪˈɡriː / độ
49. Celsius / ˈselsiəs / độ C
50. Fahrenheit / ˈfærənhaɪt / độ F
51. Climate / ˈklaɪmət / khí hậu
52. climate change / ˈklaɪmət tʃeɪndʒ / biến đổi khí hậu
53. global warming / ˈɡloʊbl ˈwɔːrmɪŋ / hiện tượng ấm nóng toàn cầu
54. humid / ˈhjuːmɪd / ẩm
55. Shower / ˈʃaʊər /: mưa rào
56. Tornado / tɔːrˈneɪdoʊ /: lốc (noun) một cơn gió cực mạnh xoáy tròn trong một khu vực nhỏ; xoay tròn theo cột không khí
57. Rain-storm/rainstorm / ˈreɪnstɔːrm /: Mưa bão
58. Storm / stɔːrm /: Bão, giông tố (dông tố) - từ gọi chung cho các cơn bão
59. Typhoon / taɪˈfuːn /: Bão, siêu bão (dùng để gọi các cơn bão ở Tây Bắc Thái Bình Dương)
60. Hurricane / ˈhɜːrəkən /: Bão (dùng để gọi các cơn bão ở Đại Tây Dương / Bắc Thái Bình Dương)
61. Cyclone / ˈsaɪkloʊn / Bão (dùng để gọi các cơn bão ở Nam Bán Cầu)
breeze / briːz / -gió nhẹ
chilly / ˈtʃɪli /-lạnh thấu xương
cloud / klaʊd / -mây
Cloudy / ˈklaʊdi /: nhiều mây
cold / koʊld /-lạnh
cold: lạnh
drizzle / ˈdrɪzl /-mưa phùn
drought: hạn hán
dry / draɪ /-khô
dull: nhiều mây
fine: trời đẹp
Flood / flʌd /: lũ, lụt, nạn lụt
fog / fɔːɡ /-sương mù
Foggy / ˈfɔːɡi /: có sương mù
frost / frɔːst /-băng giá
frosty / ˈfrɔːsti /-giá rét
gale / ɡeɪl /-gió giật
hail / heɪl /-mưa đá
heat: wave đợt nóng
hot / hɑːt /-nóng
humid: ẩm
hurricane: cuồng phong
Ice / aɪs /-băng
icy / ˈaɪsi /-đóng băng
Lightning arrester / ˈlaɪtnɪŋ əˈrestər /: Cột thu lôi
lightning / ˈlaɪtnɪŋ /: Chớp, tia chớp
mist / mɪst /-sương muối
overcast: u ám
rain: mưa
rainbow / ˈreɪnboʊ /-cầu vồng
rainy: có mưa
shower: mưa rào nhẹ
sleet / sliːt /-mưa tuyết
snow / snoʊ / -tuyết
storm: bão
Stormy / ˈstɔːrmi /: có bão
strong winds: cơn gió mạnh
Sun / sʌn /-mặt trời
sunny / ˈsʌni /-có nắng
sunshine / ˈsʌnʃaɪn /-ánh nắng
the Flood; Noah's Flood / ˌnoʊəz flʌd / : nạn Hồng thuỷ
Thunder / ˈθʌndər /: Sấm, sét
Thunderbolt / ˈθʌndərboʊlt /: Tiếng sét, tia sét
Thunderstorm / ˈθʌndərstɔːrm /: Bão tố có sấm sét, cơn giông
tornado: lốc xoáy
Torrential rain / təˈrenʃl reɪn /: mưa lớn, nặng hạt
wet / wet / -ướt
wet: ướt
Wind Chill / wɪnd tʃɪl /: gió rét
wind / wɪnd /-gió
Windy / ˈwɪndi /: nhiều gió

In my free time, I love to relax myself by listening to music and watching my favorite films. I study all day, so after 7PM is the only time that I can use for myself. I have a smart phone, so I can download a lot of songs from the Internet for free, and I usually hear them with my headphone. Sometimes when my parents are not at home, I turn on the loudspeakers to have the best experience with music, but most of the time I just listen in silence. Besides music, movies are my biggest love. When I am not listening to the songs, I turn on my computer and watch some of the lasted movies on the websites. Since most of the best films are from Europe and America, this is also a way for me to improve my English skills. I usually do not use the subtitle, and I try to hear directly what the actors and actresses are saying. My parents want me to read books to even learn in my free time, but I think I should do what I actually love to make myself comfortable
mình có 1 số bài cho bn tham khảo nè:
Bài 1:
In free time, I usually go out with friends. Cafe gathered together to go to talk to share the fun. It makes us feel real comfortable and more pleasure from work stress.
Bài 2:
I taking photographs of flowers, especially in spring. Sometimes, after work, I relax in a bar near my office with friends. My friend, Shigeru, s singing pop songs in the bar. This has a special name, Karaoke. I don’t sing. I’m too shy! I just watch him
Bài 3:
There are a lot of activities that you can do in your leisure time. Some people are so tired of work that they prefer to use their free time just for resting and sleeping. Others spend their free time on their favourite activities.
For example, they listen to music, play their favourite musical instrument, go on a picnic, take a trip, go to the nature and enjoy the fresh air, hang out with their friends, go partying, go shopping, visit their relatives, spend some time with their kids and play games with them, read and write, watch TV, watch movies or cartoons, go to the theatre, surf the net, cook, do some gardening, etc. Some people me choose sports to enjoy their free time. Among different kinds of sports, I prefer basketball.
Bài 4:
Watching TV is what I mostly do whenever I have free time. My main purpose when watching TV is to relax, so I often watch funny cartoons, movies or films, and music channels. It is an effective way to help me relax after a stressful day of work. It also helps me to know more things about life.
Bài 5:
I am a kind of busy person, who is always surrounded by lots of things. Therefore, I seem to treasure my free time and take advantage of it for my favorite hobbies. I am a bookworm and often spend my spare time reading my favorite books. I prefer reading to watching movies because whenever drowning in a book, a whole new world opens to me. Another activity I to do when I am not busy is hanging out with my close friends. Sometimes, when I feel stuck in something about work, family, relationships… I will text a friend of mine and ask them out for chat in some cafe. Last but not least, I am also quite addicted to games on both mobile and computer. If you see my phone, you will get what I have just said. There is a wide range of games on my phone, which I can play anytime when I am free.
k cho mình nhé! cảm ơn bạn nhiều!

In your free time I watch cartoons on tv. I usually watch cartoons on tv, I .I watch cartoons on tv every day.Father,In his free time he goes fishing.He goes fishing.he goes fishing once a week.mother,In her free time she goes shopping.She goes shopping once a week.And sister, she goes camping in her free time.She .
second, hour, minute, day, week, year, month, Dawn, Sunrise, Monday,
second, hour, minute, day, week, year, month, Dawn, Sunrise, Monday,a moment