
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

21 tháng 9 2021

1. Mr. Tan may be elected the President of the company

They may elect Mr Tan President of the company

2. The streets are swept every day by these man

These man sweep the streets every day

3. The flights have been canceled because of the bad weather

They have canceled the flights because of the bad weather

4. The film Titanic has been shown on TV several times

They have shown the film Titanic on TV several times

5.The results of the final exam will be announced in two more weeks

They will announce the results of the final exam in two more weeks

6. Books of fiction are arranged on the shelf against the wall

They arrange books of fiction on the shelf against the wall

7. She might be required to take a short test

They might require her to take a short test

8. This good news should be announced widely

They should announce this good news widely

9. Candles were used for light some centries ago

People used candles for light some centries ago

10. Paper should be used economically to save money and labor

People should use paper economically to save money and labor

1. Mr.Tan may be elected the President of the company.

People may elect Mr.Tan the President of the company.

2. The streets are swept every dayby these men.

These men sweep the streets everyday.

3. The flight have been canceled because of the bad weather.

They have cancelled the flight because of the bad weather.

4. The film Titanic has been shown on TV several times.

They have shown the film Titanic on TV several times.

5. The results of the final exam will be announced in two more weeks.

They will announce the results of the final exam in two more weeks.

6. Books of fiction are arranged on the shelf against the wall.

They arrange books of fiction on the shelf against the wall.

7. She might be requicred to take a short test.

He may requicre her to take a short test.

8. This good news should be announced widely.

We should announce this good news widely.

9. Candles were used for light some centuries ago.

People used candles for light some centuries ago.

10. Paper should be used economically to save money and labor.

We should use paper ecônmically to save money and labor.

Dịch văn bản sau sang Tiếng Việt: We live in a dynamic world, and habitats are always undergoing changes at all sorts of levels. However, natural changes usually occur at a slow pace so that impacts on individual species tend to be slight - at least in the short term When the pace of change is greatly accelerated, there may be no time for individual species to react to new circumstances, and the effects can be disastrous. Briefly, this is the reason that rapid habitat loss is...
Đọc tiếp

Dịch văn bản sau sang Tiếng Việt:

We live in a dynamic world, and habitats are always undergoing changes at all sorts of levels. However, natural changes usually occur at a slow pace so that impacts on individual species tend to be slight - at least in the short term
When the pace of change is greatly accelerated, there may be no time for individual species to react to new circumstances, and the effects can be disastrous. Briefly, this is the reason that rapid habitat loss is regarded as the chief cause of species endangerment, and there is no force more powerful in this regard than human beings. To some extent, every part of the earth has been affected by human activities, especially during this past century. This applies on virtually every scale, from the loss of microbes in soils that once supported tropical forests, to the extinction of fish and other aquatic species in polluted freshwater habitats, to changes in global climate caused by the release of greenhouse gases. From the perspective of an individual human lifetime, such changes may be hard to detect and their effects on individual species may be hard to predict. But the lesson is clear enough. For example, although many countries have had plans to grow many tropical forests, they are highly susceptible to destruction because the soils in which they grow are poor in available nutrients. Centuries may be required to bring back a forest that was cut down or burnt out in the space of a few years. Many of the world's severely threatened animals and plants live in such forests, and it is certain that huge numbers of them will disappear if present rates of forest loss continue. Habitats in the world are unchangeable and fixedly exist.

7 tháng 10 2018

Chúng ta sống trong một thế giới năng động, và môi trường sống luôn luôn trải qua những thay đổi ở tất cả các cấp độ. Tuy nhiên, những thay đổi tự nhiên thường xảy ra ở tốc độ chậm để tác động đến từng loài có xu hướng nhỏ - ít nhất là trong ngắn hạn
Khi tốc độ thay đổi được tăng tốc đáng kể, có thể không có thời gian để các loài cá thể phản ứng với hoàn cảnh mới, và các hiệu ứng có thể là thảm họa. Tóm lại, đây là lý do khiến mất môi trường sống nhanh chóng được coi là nguyên nhân chính gây nguy hiểm cho loài, và không có lực lượng nào mạnh hơn trong vấn đề này so với con người. Ở một mức độ nào đó, mọi phần của trái đất đã bị ảnh hưởng bởi các hoạt động của con người, đặc biệt là trong thế kỷ qua. Điều này áp dụng trên hầu hết mọi quy mô, từ việc mất vi khuẩn trong đất đã từng hỗ trợ rừng nhiệt đới, đến sự tuyệt chủng của cá và các loài thủy sinh khác trong môi trường nước ngọt bị ô nhiễm, thay đổi khí hậu toàn cầu gây ra bởi việc thải khí nhà kính. Từ quan điểm của một đời người, những thay đổi như vậy có thể khó phát hiện và ảnh hưởng của chúng đối với từng loài có thể khó dự đoán. Nhưng bài học là đủ rõ ràng. Ví dụ, mặc dù nhiều quốc gia đã có kế hoạch trồng nhiều khu rừng nhiệt đới, chúng rất dễ bị phá hủy bởi vì các loại đất mà chúng phát triển rất nghèo trong các chất dinh dưỡng sẵn có. Nhiều thế kỷ có thể được yêu cầu mang lại một khu rừng bị cắt giảm hoặc bị đốt cháy trong không gian vài năm. Nhiều loài động vật và thực vật bị đe dọa nghiêm trọng trên thế giới sống trong các khu rừng như vậy, và chắc chắn rằng một số lượng lớn chúng sẽ biến mất nếu tỷ lệ mất rừng hiện tại tiếp tục. Môi trường sống trên thế giới là không thể thay đổi và tồn tại cố định.

P/S:ggdịch is freehiha~

7 tháng 10 2018

chụy Google dịch đọc méo hiểu gì nên mới lết xác lên đây đấy -.-

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.Earth is richly supplied with different types of living organisms which co-exist in their environments, forming complex, interrelated communities. Living organisms depend on one another for nutrients, shelter, and other benefits. The extinction of one species can set off a chain reaction that affects many other species, particularly if the loss occurs near...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Earth is richly supplied with different types of living organisms which co-exist in their environments, forming complex, interrelated communities. Living organisms depend on one another for nutrients, shelter, and other benefits. The extinction of one species can set off a chain reaction that affects many other species, particularly if the loss occurs near the bottom of the food chain. For example, the extinction of a particular insect or plant might seem inconsequential. However, there may be fish or small animals that depend on that resource for foodstuffs. The loss can threaten the survival of these creatures and larger predators that prey upon them. Extinction can have a ripple effect that spreads throughout nature.

In addition to its biological consequences, extinction poses a moral dilemma for humans, the only species capable of saving the others. The presence of humans on the planet has affected all other life forms, particularly plants and animals. Human lifestyles have proven to be incompatible with the survival of some other species. Purposeful efforts have been made to eliminate animals that prey on people, livestock, crops, or pose any threat to human livelihoods. Some wild animals have been decimated by human desire for meat, hides, fur, or other body parts with commercial value. Likewise, demand for land, water, and other natural resources has left many wild plants and animals with little to no suitable habitat. Humans have also affected nature by introducing non-native species to local areas and producing pollutants having a negative impact on the environment. The combination of these human-related effects and natural obstacles such as disease or low birthrates has proven to be too much for some species to overcome. They have no chance of survival without human help.

As a result, societies have difficult choices to make about the amount of effort and money they are willing to spend to save imperiled species. Will people accept limits on their property rights, recreational activities, and means of livelihood to save a plant or an animal? Should saving such popular species as whales and dolphins take priority over saving obscure, annoying, or fearful species? Is it the responsibility of humans to save every kind of life form from disappearing, or is extinction an inevitable part of nature, in which the strong survive and the weak perish? These are some difficult questions that people face as they ponder the fate of other species living on this planet.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. Humans and endangered species

B. The importance of living organisms

C. Measures to protect endangered species

D. Causes of animal extinction

1 tháng 10 2018

Đáp án: A

Giải thích: Bài đọc nói về con người và những loài động vật đang bị nguy hiểm.

11 tháng 4 2023


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.Most languages have several levels of vocabulary that may be used by the same speakers. In English, at least three have been identified and described.Standard usage includes those words and expressions understood, used, and accepted by a majority of the speakers of a language in any situation regardless of the levels of formality. As such, these words and...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Most languages have several levels of vocabulary that may be used by the same speakers. In English, at least three have been identified and described.

Standard usage includes those words and expressions understood, used, and accepted by a majority of the speakers of a language in any situation regardless of the levels of formality. As such, these words and expressions are well defined and listed in standard dictionaries. Colloquialisms, on the other hand, are familiar words and idioms that are understood by almost all speakers of a language and used in informal speech or writing, but not considered acceptable for more formal situations. Almost all idiomatic expressions are colloquial language. Slang, however, refers to words and expressions understood by a large number of speakers but not accepted as appropriate formal usage by the majority. Colloquial expressions and even slang may be found in standard dictionaries but will be so identified. Both Colloquial usage and slang are more common in speech than in writing. Colloquial speech often passes into standard speech. Some slang also passes into standard speech, but other slang expressions enjoy momentary popularity followed by obscurity. In some cases, the majority never accepts certain slang phrases but nevertheless retains them in their collective memories. Every generation seems to require its own set of words to describe familiar objects and events.

It has been pointed out by a number of linguists that three cultural conditions are necessary for the creation of a large body of slang expressions. First, the introduction and acceptance of new objects and situations in the society; second, a diverse population with a large number of subgroups; third, association among the subgroups and the majority population.

Finally, it is worth noting that the terms "standard", "colloquial" and "slang" exist only as abstract labels for scholars who study language. Only a tiny number of the speakers of any language will be aware that they are using colloquial or slang expressions. Most speakers of English will, during appropriate situations, select and use all three types of expressions.

Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?

A. Standard speech

B. Idiomatic phrases

C. Dictionary usage

D. Different types of vocabulary

17 tháng 8 2019

Đáp án: A

Giải thích: Dựa vào đoạn trích có thể thấy nội dung chính của đoạn trích là về lời nói/giao tiếp thường ngày.

In this section you will find after the passage a number of questions about the passage. You must choose the one which you think fits best . Write your answers in the spaces below (1.0pt) Paper is named for papyrus, a reed like plant used by ancient Egyptians as writing material more than 5000 years ago. The Chinese invented the paper that we use 2000 years ago. A piece of paper is really made up of tiny fibers, unlike a piece of material. The fibers used in paper, however, are plant...
Đọc tiếp

In this section you will find after the passage a number of questions about the passage. You must choose the one which you think fits best . Write your answers in the spaces below (1.0pt)

Paper is named for papyrus, a reed like plant used by ancient Egyptians as writing material more than 5000 years ago. The Chinese invented the paper that we use 2000 years ago.

A piece of paper is really made up of tiny fibers, unlike a piece of material. The fibers used in paper, however, are plant fibers, and there are millions of them in one sheet. In addition to the plant fiber, dyes and additives such as resin may be used. Dyes can make the paper different colors; resin may add weight and texture.

Where do these fibers come from ? The majority of paper is made from the plant fiber that comes from trees. Millions are cut down, but new trees are planted in their place. Paper may be also made from things like old rags or pieces of cloth. Wastepaper, paper that has been made and used, can be turned into recycled paper. This recycling process saves forest, energy and reduces air and water pollution.

1. According to the passage, the paper that we use was first invented by

A. the Chinese B. the Egyptians C. ancient cultures D. foresters

2. What is the main ingredient in most paper ?

A. resin B. cardboard C. plant fiber D. papyrus

3. According to the passage, the primary source of the plant fiber used in paper is

A. rags B. trees C. fabric D. wastepaper

4. According to the passage, recycling paper is

A. bad for the environment C. good for the environment

B. wasteful D. economical

5. According to the passage, recycling paper does all of the following EXCEPT

A. reduce the need for ink C. save energy

B. save forests D. reduce air pollution

29 tháng 3 2018

In this section you will find after the passage a number of questions about the passage. You must choose the one which you think fits best . Write your answers in the spaces below (1.0pt)

Paper is named for papyrus, a reed like plant used by ancient Egyptians as writing material more than 5000 years ago. The Chinese invented the paper that we use 2000 years ago.

A piece of paper is really made up of tiny fibers, unlike a piece of material. The fibers used in paper, however, are plant fibers, and there are millions of them in one sheet. In addition to the plant fiber, dyes and additives such as resin may be used. Dyes can make the paper different colors; resin may add weight and texture.

Where do these fibers come from ? The majority of paper is made from the plant fiber that comes from trees. Millions are cut down, but new trees are planted in their place. Paper may be also made from things like old rags or pieces of cloth. Wastepaper, paper that has been made and used, can be turned into recycled paper. This recycling process saves forest, energy and reduces air and water pollution.

1. According to the passage, the paper that we use was first invented by

A. the Chinese B. the Egyptians C. ancient cultures D. foresters

2. What is the main ingredient in most paper ?

A. resin B. cardboard C. plant fiber D. papyrus

3. According to the passage, the primary source of the plant fiber used in paper is

A. rags B. trees C. fabric D. wastepaper

4. According to the passage, recycling paper is

A. bad for the environment C. good for the environment

B. wasteful D. economical

5. According to the passage, recycling paper does all of the following EXCEPT

A. reduce the need for ink C. save energy

B. save forests D. reduce air pollution

Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1, the number of letters each of us (receives / receive ) ........... (is/are)............increasing. 2. The number of days in a week (be) .............. seven. 3, Each of these boys (has/have) ............. a try 4. Either you or he (have) ...............to do the task . 5. None of the the pupils in my class (has/have) ..........failed the test. 6. One-third of these books (belongs/belong) .............. to you. 7. There (has/have)...
Đọc tiếp

Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1, the number of letters each of us (receives / receive ) ........... (is/are)............increasing.

2. The number of days in a week (be) .............. seven.

3, Each of these boys (has/have) ............. a try

4. Either you or he (have) ...............to do the task .

5. None of the the pupils in my class (has/have) ..........failed the test.

6. One-third of these books (belongs/belong) .............. to you.

7. There (has/have) ............... been a lot of changes in our country since the liberation.

8. George , together with some of his friends, (have/has) ............. just bought a race-horse.

9. The black and white hat (look/looks) .......... good on you.

10. Either my sister or the neighbours (is/are) .......... looking after the dog.

11. Most of the beer (are/is) ........ spoilt.

12. Both you and the boy overthere (is/are) ............... good at English.

13. Neither of John's parents (be) .............. English

14. Every girl and boy (be) ........... required to have certain immunizations before enrolling in public school.

15. Two years without a job (be) ........ too long to be.

14 tháng 10 2017

Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1, the number of letters each of us (receives / receive ) .....receives...... (is/are)......is......increasing.

2. The number of days in a week (be) .......is....... seven.

3, Each of these boys (has/have) ......has....... a try

4. Either you or he (have) .......has........to do the task .

5. None of the the pupils in my class (has/have) .....has.....failed the test.

6. One-third of these books (belongs/belong) .......belongs....... to you.

7. There (has/have) .......have........ been a lot of changes in our country since the liberation.

8. George , together with some of his friends, (have/has) ......has....... just bought a race-horse.

9. The black and white hat (look/looks) .....look..... good on you.

10. Either my sister or the neighbours (is/are) .....is..... looking after the dog.

11. Most of the beer (are/is) ........ spoilt.

12. Both you and the boy overthere (is/are) .......are........ good at English.

13. Neither of John's parents (be) .......is....... English

14. Every girl and boy (be) ......is..... required to have certain immunizations before enrolling in public school.

15. Two years without a job (be) ....is.... too long to be.

has been ..................... invited to that important meeting. (office) 23. In the ........................., he explained why he wrote the book. (introduce) 24. I feel .......................... I think I ought to go to bed early. (wear out) 25. Most ........................ are written in English. (instruct) 26. He was really guided by ...................... ....................... (religion / believe) 27. Many ........................ have mentioned the ao dai in their poems. (poem) 28....
Đọc tiếp

has been ..................... invited to that important meeting. (office)
23. In the ........................., he explained why he wrote the book. (introduce)
24. I feel .......................... I think I ought to go to bed early. (wear out)
25. Most ........................ are written in English. (instruct)
26. He was really guided by ...................... ....................... (religion / believe)
27. Many ........................ have mentioned the ao dai in their poems. (poem)
28. I dislike travelling by airplane because of the ..................... and the ..................... of the
carriages.(comfortable / dirty)
29. One of the boys was not pleased with the .................... of their father’s money. (divide)
30. Dove ......................... for peace. (symbol)

31. Those men are not really .................. dressed for a wedding party. (suit)
32. Finding the film ........................, they turned off the TV set. (interest)
33. That school has excellent ........................ (repute)
34. Nha Trang always attracts more and more ........................... (sightseeing)
35. I can complete a .................. Vietnamese test if ................... (speak / necessity)
36. They are planning to go ........................ at the riverbank. (picnic)
37. These two ...................... are very strict to candidates. (exam)
38. There are two ...................... to his house. (enter)
39. They ................... me to join their trip to the village last year. (invitation)
40. We often take part in many different ..................... activities. (culture)
41. This accident happens because of driving ...................... (care)
42. The guides are ........................... to lead our group to the top of the mountain. (quality)
43. Mr. Cao Xuan Hao is one of the brilliant Vietnamese ..................... (language)
44. The booklet gave a brief ........................ about each place. (describe)
45. She wants to go .............................. monthly. (picnic)
46. Do you have any rooms ........................... this weekend ? (avail)
47. Our school has a lot of ............................. teachers. (quality)
48. His poor .......................... achievements prevented him from the university. (academy)
49. This shirt costs .............................. 100 dollars. (approximate)
50. You can receive a lot of ........................ by using Google. (inform)
51. He gets angry if you .......................... with his idea. (agreement)
52. Mr. Obama has to make a .................. at White House today. (speak)
53. The children were taken to the ...................... garden yesterday. (botany)
54. Banyan trees ......................... the Vietnamese country. (symbol)
55. Goods are ............................ as long as they are returned in good conditions. (exchange)
56. Japan is said to be a ........................ country. (mountain)
57. What do you think of her ........................... of rock ? (collect)
58. I have great .............................. for her as a writer. (admire)
59. The room has been full of laugher since her ........................ (arrive)
60. There are a lot of ........................... at tourist attractions in HCM City. (sightsee)
61. In the summer, millions of people want to go to the ........................ (country)
62. Our performance was very ............................ We should make more efforts. (appoint)
63. Reading novels is his ............................ (relax)
64. Some ................... want to go .................... on this river. (visit / boat)
65. I felt ......................... in climbing up the mountain. (interest)
66. The ...................... of trees occurs very slowly. (grow)
67. She had a ..................... action to save her family. (hero)
68. The factory is located in the ...................... of Vietnam. (south)
69. Acting has brought me some enormous ....................... (enjoy)
70. He has had treatment for 2 months now without any ........................... (improve)
71. You can ask that plumber for ..................on how to repair the racks in water pipes. (advise)
72. Rather ..................... researchers forecast that oil might run out in 30 years. (pessimism)
73. A complaint letter should be ended ........................ (impolite)
74. The drivers have left lots of garbage on the ground after their ..................... (refresh)
75. I think careless drivers should be fined ........................ (heavy)
76. Travelling to the countryside is becoming .......................... popular nowadays. (increase)
77. ........................ are looking for an effective way to reduce energy consumption. (science)
78. What we must do is to keep the earth ........................... (pollute)
79. We must use electricity ........................... (economy)
80. ................ energy is the best alternative source of energy. (sun)
81. Some volunteer ........................ are cleaning up the beach. (conserve)

82. ................... is better than cure. (prevent)
83. A good body and love from our parents are the most ..................... thing I have. (price)
84. The teacher stressed the need for regular ........................ (attend)
85. Until her illness she was the main ..................... in the family. (provide)
86. These toys made in the USA is ....................... to children. (harm)
87. Food is a ........................... of our life. (need)
88. No doubt there will be a great ...................... of food for the world’s population. (short)
89. Our performance was very ..................... We should make more efforts. (appoint)
90. I am ............... disappointed to know my children have not cleaned up all the trash. (extreme) 91. Neighbors .................. to the police about the noise from that house last night. (complaint) 92. He is one of the most famous ......................... all over the world. (environment)
93. White ao dai symbolizes the ..................... of the girl students. (pure)
94. Smoking does harm .............................. to people’s health. (repair)
95. Speaking in public seems to come quite ................... to her. (nature)
96. We are looking forward to the latest ..................... in computer technology. (innovate)
97. ........................, you will have to make the decision yourself. (ultimate)
98. The lava in that volcano ......................... as it cools. (solid)
99. Paper and most plastics are ..................... materials. (recycle)
100. What should you do at school to ..................... pollution ? (minimum)
101. Fuel ........................ can be cut down by having fewer cars on the roads. (consume)
102. Governments encourage people to use the products which are ........................... friendly
103. Water is going on the floor because of the ..................... faucet (drip)
104. Smoking can cause ........................ diseases. (respire)
105. A ..................... is a person who installs and repairs things such as water pipes, toilets,...
106. Let’s have an ........................ mend the iron. (electric)
107. In Sweden, most houses will be ........................ by the sun soon. (hot)
108. Water is ........................ as it passes through the rocks. (pure)
109. Like beverage cans and bottle, this ......................... can be recycled. (produce)
110. She is said to be ................... She’s not relied on to do her job properly. (efficiently)
111. The sky is clear – it’s ......................... (cloud)
112. Lunar New Year is ..................... celebrated in many areas of Asia. (joy)
113. My father is loved because we are always his ....................... (prior)
114. I don’t want to think of that ....................... accident. (destroy)
115. There were two ........................... yesterday : Boxing and Swimming. (compete)
116. Let me ....................... you on your ........................... (congratulation / nominate)
117. His ........................ ......................... him from others. (generous / distinction)
118. Snow in the April in this area is a rare ....................... (occur)
119. It was one of the most ........................ earthquakes in Japan. (dangerous)
120. Areas around HCM City can expect ..................... during the day. (cloudy)
121. We have to ...................... all new words in the notebook. (memory)
122. ........ waves are one of the great forces of nature. They are very dangerous for people. (tide)
123. Tsunamis, earthquakes and typhoons are ................... disasters. (nature)
124. A typhoon is going to hit our area. What sorts of ................... shall we make ? (prepare)
125. ................. food are very convenient for campers. (can)
126. Today ............. can .................. when the earthquake will occur. (science / prediction)
127. The mountain was full of .................. rock and ash when the ..................... was over.
(volcano / erupt)
128. Thousands of people have been made ..................... by flooding. (home)

Mọi người giúp em với ak em đang cần gấp . Em cảm ơn

9 tháng 6 2019

has been officially invited to that important meeting. (office)
23. In the introduction, he explained why he wrote the book. (introduce)
24. I feel worn out I think I ought to go to bed early. (wear out)
25. Most instructions are written in English. (instruct)
26. He was really guided by religious belief (religion / believe)
27. Many poets have mentioned the ao dai in their poems. (poem)
28. I dislike travelling by airplane because of the comfortability and the dirtiness of the carriages.(comfortable / dirty)
29. One of the boys was not pleased with the division of their father’s money. (divide)
30. Dove symbolizes for peace. (symbol)

Đăng 1 lần ít thôi em ạ, nhiều thế sao làm nổi

8 tháng 6 2019

Mỗi lần đăng ít ít thôiii. Làm nhiều vầy dễ nản lắm =((

Word forms 1. She was........ that I did badly in the exam. (disappoint) 2. ......... air is one of the many problems we have to solve. (pollute) 3. .........., the mummy got up and smiled at the viewers (sudden) 4. Some......... groups have declared a boycott of tourism on the island (environment) 5. We' re very.......... about our holiday (excite) 6. Jackson canceled the concert, to the great........of his fans (disappoint) 7. Customers made a formal........ about the way they were...
Đọc tiếp

Word forms

1. She was........ that I did badly in the exam. (disappoint)

2. ......... air is one of the many problems we have to solve. (pollute)

3. .........., the mummy got up and smiled at the viewers (sudden)

4. Some......... groups have declared a boycott of tourism on the island (environment)

5. We' re very.......... about our holiday (excite)

6. Jackson canceled the concert, to the great........of his fans (disappoint)

7. Customers made a formal........ about the way they were treated (complain)

8. She.........declined his invitation (polite)

9. The law is no longer........ ( effect)

10. His work seemed to lack........... ( energize)

11. I think the careless drivers should be fined....... ( heavy)

12. ........... is better than cure ( prevent)

13. He lives........... because he is very successful ( happy)

14. This kind of........ will make your field more productive ( fertile)

15. We should do something to keep the environment........... ( pollute)

16. Nam' English is excellent. He speak English.......... ( perfect)

17. Energy-saving bulbs should be used to save.......... ( electric)

18. People must be.......... in catching fish to avoid killing small fish ( care)

19. To keep the air unpolluted, people ought to use......... energy to create electricity (sun)

20. Here is the weather forecast for tomorrow. Hanoi will be clear and....... ( cloud)

21. We must learn to save....... resources of life will be very bad for our children ( nature)

22. Since the world's energy resources are limited, we must........ them ( conservation)

23. Water is going all over the floor because of the........ faucet ( drip)

24. If there is something wrong with the lights, ask an........ to look at it ( electric)

25. I'm very........ because they use electricity to catch fish ( worry)

26. I want to see the........ of environment from the local authority ( protect)

27. Scientists are looking for an........... way to reduce energy consumption ( effect)

28. Fuel.......... can be cut down by having fewer cars on the roads ( consume)

29. The next stage in the......... of television is interactive TV ( develop)

30. .......... are very demanding. They want products that are both cheap and good quality ( consume)

11 tháng 2 2019

Word forms

1. She was...disappointed..... that I did badly in the exam. (disappoint)

2. .Polluted........ air is one of the many problems we have to solve. (pollute)

3. .Suddenly........., the mummy got up and smiled at the viewers (sudden)

4. Some..environmental....... groups have declared a boycott of tourism on the island (environment)

5. We' re very..excited........ about our holiday (excite)

6. Jackson canceled the concert, to the great..disappointment......of his fans (disappoint)

7. Customers made a formal...complaint..... about the way they were treated (complain)

8. She....politely.....declined his invitation (polite)

9. The law is no longer...effective..... ( effect)

10. His work seemed to lack....energy....... ( energize)

11. I think the careless drivers should be fined...heavily.... ( heavy)

12. ..Prevention......... is better than cure ( prevent)

13. He lives...happily........ because he is very successful ( happy)

14. This kind of...fertility..... will make your field more productive ( fertile)

15. We should do something to keep the environment...unpolluted........ ( pollute)

16. Nam' English is excellent. He speak English....perfectly...... ( perfect)

17. Energy-saving bulbs should be used to save...electricity....... ( electric)

18. People must be....careful...... in catching fish to avoid killing small fish ( care)

19. To keep the air unpolluted, people ought to use..sunny....... energy to create electricity (sun)

20. Here is the weather forecast for tomorrow. Hanoi will be clear and...cloudy.... ( cloud)

21. We must learn to save..natural..... resources of life will be very bad for our children ( nature)

22. Since the world's energy resources are limited, we must...conserve..... them ( conservation)

23. Water is going all over the floor because of the...dripping..... faucet ( drip)

24. If there is something wrong with the lights, ask an..electrician...... to look at it ( electric)

25. I'm very...worried..... because they use electricity to catch fish ( worry)

26. I want to see the..protection...... of environment from the local authority ( protect)

27. Scientists are looking for an....effective....... way to reduce energy consumption ( effect)

28. Fuel....comsumption...... can be cut down by having fewer cars on the roads ( consume)

29. The next stage in the...development...... of television is interactive TV ( develop)

30. ..Consumer........ are very demanding. They want products that are both cheap and good quality ( consume)

30 tháng 6 2023

10 I think they should use a sharp plough share to do that work.

11 The nice-form pupils are making some chairs and tables in the workshop.

12  She bought a large quantity of  vegetables for dinner.