
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Read the passage and answer the questions. VIETNAMESE SNACKS Vietnamese peasants used to have a lot of free time after the busy crop time passed, and preparing some nosh to eat is a certain result of the circumstance. Sweet potato is a prime example of the case. It is considered the most popular nosh in the countryside. Ever experience Vietnam home-staying? You must realize boiled sweet potato, cassava and peanuts are the most typically Vietnamese snacks - of course without salt or sugar...
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Read the passage and answer the questions.


Vietnamese peasants used to have a lot of free time after the busy crop time passed, and preparing some nosh to eat is a certain result of the circumstance. Sweet potato is a prime example of the case. It is considered the most popular nosh in the countryside. Ever experience Vietnam home-staying? You must realize boiled sweet potato, cassava and peanuts are the most typically Vietnamese snacks - of course without salt or sugar added.

And if you dare venture beyond the standard ones, there are surely bizarre things to try. The best place to taste purely Vietnamese snacks is to have them right in a family or on the sidewalks along every street. Tasting a fertilized egg at 4 pm on a breezy afternoon may scare you, yet it is one of the most popular snacks out here and is considered extremely nutritious.

Besides varieties of wonderful noodle, made-of-rice cakes, bean sweet soups you may be too shy to eat a bowl of pig raw blood soups. Does it originate from Totem belief? Not many Vietnamese questions that when eating the dish. All they want to do is to choose the right restaurant and wait to be served the raw blood soups with Vietnamese spirit.

1. When do Vietnamese farmers used to have lots of free time?

2. What is considered the most popular nosh in the countryside?

3. What are the most typically Vietnamese snacks?

4. Are blood soups can be served in restaurants?

22 tháng 4 2021

1. When do Vietnamese farmers used to have lots of free time?

Vietnamese farmers used to have a lot of free time after the busy crop time passed

2. What is considered the most popular nosh in the countryside?

Sweet potato is considered the most popular nosh in the countryside.

3. What are the most typically Vietnamese snacks?

Boiled sweet potato, cassava and peanuts are the most typically Vietnamese snacks .

4. Are blood soups can be served in restaurants?

Yes, some restaurants can serve blood soups.

20 tháng 11 2021

1. Vietnamese peasants used to have a lot of free time after the busy crop time past, and preparing some nosh to eat is a certain result of the circumstance

2. Sweet potato

3. Sweet potato, cassava and peanuts

4. Yes, they can be served in restaurants

11 tháng 12 2021

is believed=>believed



Complete the text with a word or phrase from the box: antique furniture, cafe, guided tour, old books, sculptures, cloakroom paintings, fast- food kiosks, jewellery, funfair, rides, gift shop, pottery, exhibition, souvenirs Welling Hall offers you the chance to visit a beautiful huose and garden. In the 18th-century house, you can see the room filled with .............and a wonderful collection of................................on the walls. There are three gardens which contain some...
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Complete the text with a word or phrase from the box: antique furniture, cafe, guided tour, old books, sculptures, cloakroom paintings, fast- food kiosks, jewellery, funfair, rides, gift shop, pottery, exhibition, souvenirs
Welling Hall offers you the chance to visit a beautiful huose and garden. In the 18th-century house, you can see the room filled with .............and a wonderful collection of................................on the walls. There are three gardens which contain some interesting..........Youcan have lunch in the old kitchen which is now a................The old dining room is used as an art gallery, and there is a new...................there every month . If you want to know more about the history of the house, take a ................They leave every half an hour from the library. While you're there,have a look at the.......................-some of them have been there for several hundred years . A wide range of..................... can be bought in the ...............next to the main entrance

14 tháng 4 2018

(1) sculpture

(2) cloakroom

(3) funfair

(4) fast- food kiosks

(5)guided tour

(6) old books

(7) antique furniture


(9) gift shop

Dịch văn bản sau sang Tiếng Việt: We live in a dynamic world, and habitats are always undergoing changes at all sorts of levels. However, natural changes usually occur at a slow pace so that impacts on individual species tend to be slight - at least in the short term When the pace of change is greatly accelerated, there may be no time for individual species to react to new circumstances, and the effects can be disastrous. Briefly, this is the reason that rapid habitat loss is...
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Dịch văn bản sau sang Tiếng Việt:

We live in a dynamic world, and habitats are always undergoing changes at all sorts of levels. However, natural changes usually occur at a slow pace so that impacts on individual species tend to be slight - at least in the short term
When the pace of change is greatly accelerated, there may be no time for individual species to react to new circumstances, and the effects can be disastrous. Briefly, this is the reason that rapid habitat loss is regarded as the chief cause of species endangerment, and there is no force more powerful in this regard than human beings. To some extent, every part of the earth has been affected by human activities, especially during this past century. This applies on virtually every scale, from the loss of microbes in soils that once supported tropical forests, to the extinction of fish and other aquatic species in polluted freshwater habitats, to changes in global climate caused by the release of greenhouse gases. From the perspective of an individual human lifetime, such changes may be hard to detect and their effects on individual species may be hard to predict. But the lesson is clear enough. For example, although many countries have had plans to grow many tropical forests, they are highly susceptible to destruction because the soils in which they grow are poor in available nutrients. Centuries may be required to bring back a forest that was cut down or burnt out in the space of a few years. Many of the world's severely threatened animals and plants live in such forests, and it is certain that huge numbers of them will disappear if present rates of forest loss continue. Habitats in the world are unchangeable and fixedly exist.

7 tháng 10 2018

Chúng ta sống trong một thế giới năng động, và môi trường sống luôn luôn trải qua những thay đổi ở tất cả các cấp độ. Tuy nhiên, những thay đổi tự nhiên thường xảy ra ở tốc độ chậm để tác động đến từng loài có xu hướng nhỏ - ít nhất là trong ngắn hạn
Khi tốc độ thay đổi được tăng tốc đáng kể, có thể không có thời gian để các loài cá thể phản ứng với hoàn cảnh mới, và các hiệu ứng có thể là thảm họa. Tóm lại, đây là lý do khiến mất môi trường sống nhanh chóng được coi là nguyên nhân chính gây nguy hiểm cho loài, và không có lực lượng nào mạnh hơn trong vấn đề này so với con người. Ở một mức độ nào đó, mọi phần của trái đất đã bị ảnh hưởng bởi các hoạt động của con người, đặc biệt là trong thế kỷ qua. Điều này áp dụng trên hầu hết mọi quy mô, từ việc mất vi khuẩn trong đất đã từng hỗ trợ rừng nhiệt đới, đến sự tuyệt chủng của cá và các loài thủy sinh khác trong môi trường nước ngọt bị ô nhiễm, thay đổi khí hậu toàn cầu gây ra bởi việc thải khí nhà kính. Từ quan điểm của một đời người, những thay đổi như vậy có thể khó phát hiện và ảnh hưởng của chúng đối với từng loài có thể khó dự đoán. Nhưng bài học là đủ rõ ràng. Ví dụ, mặc dù nhiều quốc gia đã có kế hoạch trồng nhiều khu rừng nhiệt đới, chúng rất dễ bị phá hủy bởi vì các loại đất mà chúng phát triển rất nghèo trong các chất dinh dưỡng sẵn có. Nhiều thế kỷ có thể được yêu cầu mang lại một khu rừng bị cắt giảm hoặc bị đốt cháy trong không gian vài năm. Nhiều loài động vật và thực vật bị đe dọa nghiêm trọng trên thế giới sống trong các khu rừng như vậy, và chắc chắn rằng một số lượng lớn chúng sẽ biến mất nếu tỷ lệ mất rừng hiện tại tiếp tục. Môi trường sống trên thế giới là không thể thay đổi và tồn tại cố định.

P/S:ggdịch is freehiha~

7 tháng 10 2018

chụy Google dịch đọc méo hiểu gì nên mới lết xác lên đây đấy -.-

Part 4: For questionr 81-85, choose the most appropriate heading from the lisl (A- G) for each part of the paragraphs (81-85) of the article, There are two ertra headings which you do not need lo use. Write the correct letter (A-G) in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. Theftrst one (0) has been done as an example. LIST OF HEADINGS A. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES B. A CALMING INFLUENCE C. DIFFERENT FROM THE REST D. FIELPING THE SLOWER STUDENTS E. CREATING THE RIGHT ENVIRONMENT F. A...
Đọc tiếp

Part 4: For questionr 81-85, choose the most appropriate heading
the lisl (A- G)
each part of the paragraphs (81-85) of the article, There are two ertra headings which
you do not need lo use. Write the correct letter (A-G) in the corresponding numbered
boxes provided. Theftrst one (0) has been done as an example.
From the outside the Maharishi School in Lancashire looks extremely normal. Walk inside
and you find rows of desks and children in uniform,
just as you would do in many other
schools. After a short while, however, you become aware of the wonderfully calm
atmosphere and the extraordinary lack of noise in the building. Talk to the teachers and you
learn that the school has no major discipline problems, there is no bullying and children are
rarely absent. So what is the secret?
Transcendental meditation and breathing exercises are an important part of the timetable at
the Matrarishi School. Pupils are taught how to relax mentally by closing their eyes and
silently repeating over and over again a'mantra', or Word of Wisdom, at certain times of the
day. Meditation is seen by some as an effective way of relieving stress, which teenagers
experience in the form of exam nerves, bullying and family break-ups. Its supporters also
say that it helps to overcome hyperactivity, anxiety and aggression.
Your answerc:
71. 72. 73. 74. 75.
76. 77. 78. 79. 80.
Page 7 of 10
The school was started in 1986 by a group of parents who were dissatisfied with the state
education system. The number of pupils at the school has increased since then from 14 to
100, with ages ranging from four to 16. Academic achievements are impressive and for the
past five years pupils at the school have obtained the highest average GCSE exam marks for
the whole of Lancashire. It's not surprising then, that more and more parents are sending
their children to be taught there.
Many people in the local community, however, are sti[[ unaware of the school's existence.
Others view the school with suspicion and associate it with mystic cults or the hrppy
movement of the sixties. 'Local
people don't really understand what goes on here,' explains
one teacher. 'They
see us as a little strange and prefer to keep their distance.'
If there is a child who is creating a problem, the school has a very thorough method of
dealing with it. A four-page form has to be filled out by the teacher, but the first three pages
of the form contain nothing but the child's good points. In this way the problem does not
become the main focus of attention; parents and teachers are encouraged to consider the
child's successes and achievements before they look at the last page.
But what do the children who study there think of the school's approach?'Meditation really
helps me with my work, says 15-year-old Ruth. 'It makes me relared and I don't get nervous
during exams. It's a shame it's such a small school, though. I can't sfudy music because there
aren't enough pupils, and when we read plays by Shakespeare we all have to read three or
four parts each. But I love it here, and I know I'll miss the peace and quiet when I have to

Choose the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.Question 23: The participants said that they have to separate the rice from the husk and then cook the rice.A. participants B. cook C. have to D. fromQuestion 24: Jane looked sadly and worried this morning. I wonder what happened to her.2A. happened B. worried C. what D. sadlyQuestion 25: Sleeping well is as important to good health as to eat well.A. well B. to eat C. to D. healthChoose the word(s) which is...
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Choose the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
Question 23: The participants said that they have to separate the rice from the husk and then cook the rice.
A. participants B. cook C. have to D. from
Question 24: Jane looked sadly and worried this morning. I wonder what happened to her.
A. happened B. worried C. what D. sadly
Question 25: Sleeping well is as important to good health as to eat well.
A. well B. to eat C. to D. health
Choose the word(s) which is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in the following sentences.
Question 26: I am disappointed that people have destroyed this land.
A. dissatisfied B. happy C. pleased D. interested
Question 27: Tet is a festival which occurs in late January or early February.
A. causes B. begins C. happens D. carries
Choose the word(s) which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in the following sentence.
Question 28: If you want to save money, you should cut down the amount of water your family use.
A. increase B. reduce C. decrease D. repair
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each
of the following exchanges.
Question 29: Susan and Denis are talking about their favourite sports.
Susan: “Do you like playing soccer, Denise?”
Denise: “ ”
A. That’s right. B. What for?
C. You like it. D. Yes, but I prefer playing tennis.
Question 30: Hana: “I think we should take a shower instead of a bath to save water.”
Jenifer: “ ”
A. How do we save energy? B. That’s a good idea.
C. Let’s take a shower. D. What do you save?

1 tháng 11 2021

Question 23: The participants said that they have to separate the rice from the husk and then cook the rice.
A. participants B. cook C. have to D. from
Question 24: Jane looked sadly and worried this morning. I wonder what happened to her.
A. happened B. worried C. what D. sadly
Question 25: Sleeping well is as important to good health as to eat well.
A. well B. to eat C. to D. health
Choose the word(s) which is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in the following sentences.
Question 26: I am disappointed that people have destroyed this land.
A. dissatisfied B. happy C. pleased D. interested
Question 27: Tet is a festival which occurs in late January or early February.
A. causes B. begins C. happens D. carries
Choose the word(s) which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in the following sentence.
Question 28: If you want to save money, you should cut down the amount of water your family use.
A. increase B. reduce C. decrease D. repair
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each
of the following exchanges.
Question 29: Susan and Denis are talking about their favourite sports.
Susan: “Do you like playing soccer, Denise?”
Denise: “ ”
A. That’s right. B. What for?
C. You like it. D. Yes, but I prefer playing tennis.
Question 30: Hana: “I think we should take a shower instead of a bath to save water.”
Jenifer: “ ”
A. How do we save energy? B. That’s a good idea.
C. Let’s take a shower. D. What do you save?

Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following passage The (1.discover)........ that a member of your family is sleepwalking may be (2.alarm)....... but it is not an uncommon phenomenon. Both adults and children sleepwalk, however it is more common among children. Sleepwalking is not a psychological (3.order)........, as some may think. Nor is there any (4.connect)........ between dreams and sleepwalking. The explanation which experts give for sleepwalking is that it is...
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Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following passage

The (1.discover)........ that a member of your family is sleepwalking may be (2.alarm)....... but it is not an uncommon phenomenon. Both adults and children sleepwalk, however it is more common among children. Sleepwalking is not a psychological (3.order)........, as some may think. Nor is there any (4.connect)........ between dreams and sleepwalking. The explanation which experts give for sleepwalking is that it is mainly due to being (5.tire)...... and under a lot of stress. (6.anxious)......., (7.press)...... at work or at school or even a loss of a favorite (8.possess)....... could trigger it off. Slerpwalkers move easily around the house despite the (9.dark)......, sometimes opening drawers as if searching for something. It is difficult to wake up a sleepwalker and it is comsidered (10.wise)....... because it can cause great distress. The following morning he doesn't usually remember anything. There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence

28 tháng 5 2019

1. discoverer

2. alarmed

3. order

4. connection

5. tired

6. anxiety

7. pressure

8. possession

9. darkness

10. wisely

What is good writing for children? The children’s publishers will tell you they look for ‘good writing’. What exactly do they mean? Before you send a story you have written to any publisher at all, your severest critic ought to be you vourself. To have a chance of succeeding in the competitive market of children’s fiction, you should constantly be aware, every single time you sit down at your word-processor, of the need to produce ‘good, original writing’. A difficult task,...
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What is good writing for children?
The children’s publishers will tell you they look for ‘good writing’. What exactly do they mean?

Before you send a story you have written to any publisher at all, your severest critic ought to be you vourself. To have a chance of succeeding in the competitive market of children’s fiction, you should constantly be aware, every single time you sit down at your word-processor, of the need to produce ‘good, original writing’. A difficult task, maybe, but one which hopefully we will help you to achieve.

To begin with, let us try to pin down exactly what publishers mean when they talk about ‘good writing’ for children. A useful starting point would be to take a look at some of the children’s books which won literary prizes last year. Reading these books is one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways of: (a) finding out what individual publishers are publishing at the moment, and (b) learning a few tricks of the trade from well-established professionals. It goes without saying, of course, that slavishly copying the style and subject matter of a successful author is usually a recipe for disaster. Nor should you become downhearted after reading a particularly brilliant piece of work, and miserably think you will never be able to match up to those standards. Remember, overnight success is rare - most successful children’s authors will have struggled long and hard to learn their trade. Read these books as a critic; note down the things you enjoyed or admired, as well as areas where you feel there was possibly room for improvement. After all, nobody is perfect, not even a successful, prize-winning author.

Possibly the toughest challenge is right at the youngest end of the age range - the picture book. The would-be author/ illustrator is attempting to create an exciting story out of the narrow, limited, everyday world of a young child’s experience - not easy at all. The whole storyline has to be strong enough to keep the reader turning the pages, yet simple enough to fit into a few pages. Another problem for the new picture-book author is that it can seem that every subject and every approach has been done to death, with nothing new left to say. Add to this the fact that printing costs are high because of full colour illustrations, which means that the publisher will probably want a text that suits the international market to increase sales, and a novel for ten-year olds, with hardly any pictures at all, starts to look much more inviting.

You would be forgiven for wondering if there are any truly original plots left to impress publishers with. But remember that, in many ways, it is the writer’s own personal style, and intelligent handling of a subject that can change a familiar, overworked plot into something original and fresh. To illustrate this, read The Enchanted Horse by Magdalen Nabb. A young girl called Irina finds an old wooden horse in a junk shop, takes it home and treats it as if it was real. Soon it magically starts to come to life ... Sounds familiar? The magic object that comes alive is a storyline that has been used in hundreds of other children’s stories. So why does it succeed here? The answer is that Magdalen Nabb has created a strong, believable character in the lonely, unhappy heroine Irina, and the descriptions of her relationship with the wooden horse are poetic and touching.

So, to return to the question asked at the beginning: What exactly is ‘good writing’ for children? The answer is that it is writing which is fresh, exciting and unpredictable, and which gives a new and original angle on what might be a well- worn subject. But do not be put off if you feel that you simply cannot match up to all these requirements. While there is obviously no substitute for talent, and the ability to come up with suitable ideas, many of the techniques for improving and polishing your manuscript can be learned.

8. Why does the article advise people to look at prize-winning books?

A. to copy the author’s style

B. to realise what a high standard needs to be reached

C. to get an idea of what might be successful

D. to find out how to trick publishers

9. What do most successful children’s authors have in common?

A. They did not get depressed by early failures.

B. They have learned how to be critical of other authors’ work.

C. They find it easy to think of storylines that will sell.

D. They have worked hard to become well-known.

10. Why is the picture book the most difficult to write?

A. There is a limited range of subjects available.

B. Young children cannot follow storylines easily.

C. The pictures need to be exciting.

D. Children want to be able to read it quickly.

11.What looks ‘more inviting’ in line 54?

A.the international market

B. the increased sales

C. the novel for ten-year-olds

D. the type of pictures

12. The book about Irina is successful

A. because of the unusual way magic is used.

B. because of the way the character is described.

C. because the story has not been told before.

D. because the pictures bring the story to life.

13. What does ‘it’ refer to in line 68?

A. the storyline

B. the magic object

C. the horse

D. the children’s story

14. What conclusion does the writer of the text come to?

A. Anyone can learn to write a good story.

B. The subject matter is the most important consideration.

C. If you have natural ability, you can learn the rest.

D. Some published fiction is badly written.

15. Why was this text written?

A. to explain what kind of books children like to read

B. to give advice to people who want to write children’s fiction

C. to discourage new authors from being too optimistic

D. to persuade new authors to get away from old ideas

Giúp mình nha! Living in the country is something that people from the city often dream about. However, in reality, it has both its advantages and disadvantages. There are certainly many advantages to living in the country. First of all, you can enjoy peace and quiet. Moreover, people tend to be friendlier and more open. A further advantage is that there is less traffic, so it is safer for young children. However, there are certain drawbacks to life outside the city. Firstly , because there...
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Giúp mình nha!

Living in the country is something that people from the city often dream about. However, in reality, it has both its advantages and disadvantages.
There are certainly many advantages to living in the country. First of all, you can enjoy peace and quiet. Moreover, people tend to be friendlier and more open. A further advantage is that there is less traffic, so it is safer for young children.
However, there are certain drawbacks to life outside the city. Firstly , because there are fewer people, you are likely to have fewer friends. In addition, entertainment is difficult to find, particularly in the evening. Furthermore, the fact that there are fewer shops and services means that it is harder to find work. As a result , you may have to travel a long way to work, which can be extremely expensive.
In conclusion, it can be seen that the country is more suitable for some people than others.On the whole , it is often the best place for those who are retired or who have young children. In contrast , young, single people who have a career are better provided for in the city.

Yêu cầu đề: Make a list of all the advantages and disadvantages of trlevision, are mixed up. Put the notes into two lists.